THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH BUSINESS FOR MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY COURT to be held in the Raeburn Room, Old College on Monday, 9 December 2013 at 2.00 p.m. A buffet lunch will be available at 1.00 p.m. in the Lord Provost Elder Room, Old College This meeting of Court will be preceded by a presentation on the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) delivered by Mrs Tracey Slaven, Deputy Secretary, Strategic Planning. A FORMAL BUSINESS 1. Minute of the meeting held on 4 November 2013 A1 2. Senate Assessor A2 B PRINCIPAL'S BUSINESS 1. Principal’s Communications B1 2. Vice-Principal update B2 C SUBSTANTIVE ITEMS 1. Report of the Finance and General Purposes Committee .1 Comments on the Report of the Central Management Group C1.1 .2 Report on Other Items C1.2 2. EUSA President’s Report C2 3. Risk Management Committee year end report C3 4. Risk Management – post year end Assurance Statement C4 5. Audit Committee Annual Report C5 6. Reports and Financial Statements .1 Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 July 2013 C6.1 .2 Letter of Representation C6.2 .3 Review of 2012/2013 Outturn versus Forecast C6.3 7. 2014-2017 Draft Outcome Agreement C7 8. Strategic Plan: Targets and KPIs Progress Report C8 9. Annual Review 2012-2013 C9 10. Report from Remuneration Committee C10 11. Report from Knowledge Strategy Committee C11 D ITEMS FOR FORMAL APPROVAL OR NOTE 1. Draft Resolutions D1 2. Risk Management Committee – Terms of Reference D2 3. Donations and Legacies D3 4. School of Informatics D4 5. School of Clinical Sciences D5 6. School of Physics and Astronomy D6 7. Use of the Seal Papers will be uploaded in due course. If you require this agenda or any of the papers in an alternative format e.g. large print please contact Dr Katherine Novosel on 0131 650 9143 or email [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH A1 MINUTE OF A MEETING of the University Court of the University of Edinburgh held in the Conference Room, School of Chemistry on Monday 4 November 2013. Present: Rector (in chair) The Principal Ms D Davidson Mr A Johnston Professor A M Smyth Dr M Aliotta Professor J Ansell Professor D Finnegan Professor S Monro, Vice-Convener Mr D Bentley Dr R Black Mr L Matheson Dr C Masters Mrs E Noad Ms A Richards Ms A Lamb Ms K Haigh, Vice-President Students' Representative Council In attendance: Senior Vice-Principal Professor M Bownes Vice-Principal Professor J Haywood Vice-Principal Professor D Miell Vice-Principal Professor J Seckl Vice-Principal Professor L Yellowlees University Secretary, Ms S Smith Vice-Principal Mr N Paul, Director of Corporate Services Dr I Conn, Director Communications and Marketing Mr A Currie, Director of Estates and Buildings Mr P McNaull, Director of Finance Mrs T Slaven, Deputy Secretary Strategic Planning Ms E Fraser, Deputy Director of HR Ms F Boyd, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Senior Executive Officer Dr D Cook, Senior Strategic Planner Dr K J Novosel, Head of Court Services Apologies: The Rt Hon D Wilson, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh Sheriff Principal E Bowen Mr P Budd Mr H Murdoch, President Students’ Representative Council Ms S Beattie-Smith, Rector’s Assessor Court received a presentation on the Edinburgh Global Plus delivered by Vice-Principal Professor Steve Hillier. A FORMAL BUSINESS 1 MINUTE OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 Paper A1 The minute of the meeting held on 16 September 2013 was approved as a correct record. 1 2 NOTE OF SEMINAR HELD ON 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 Paper A2 The note of the Seminar held on 16 September 2013 was approved as a correct record. 3 SENATE ASSESSORS Paper A3 Court welcomed the election of Professor Sarah Cooper and Dr Claire Phillips as Court Senate Assessors both with effect from 1 August 2014 until 31 July 2018. Court further noted that an election was being held from 12 November to 14 November 2013 to elect the short term vacancy for a Senate Assessor to be appointed with immediate effect until 31 July 2014 and that Court would be notified at its next meeting on the outcome of this election. B PRINCIPAL'S BUSINESS 1 PRINCIPAL’S COMMUNICATIONS Paper B1 Court noted the items within the Principal’s report and the additional information on: funding to support the development of the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics; the encouraging negotiations around the bids for ARCHER; the number of Schools now in receipt of an Athena Swan Award including the gold award for the School of Chemistry; the various successful events attended by the Chancellor over three days at the beginning of October; the hosting of the prestigious inaugural meeting of the Global Citizenship Commission during which Malala Yousafzai received an honorary Master of Arts degree from the University; various visits and meetings with international leaders including the President of Turkey and the USA ambassador and confirmation of agreement by the Russian Ambassador to be the visiting Montague Burton Professor; the encouraging position of current applications for the 2014/2015 academic year; the submission of the REF return on 22 November 2013; and the impact of the industrial action on 31 October 2013. Court further noted that Vice- Principal Mr Nigel Paul, Director of Corporate Services had intimated his intention to retire in the summer 2014. 2 VICE-PRINCIPALS UPDATE Paper B2 Court approved the revised remit of Vice-Principal Kenway’s portfolio and the amendment of his designation to Vice-Principal High Performance Computing and Big Data with immediate effect. Court further approved the job description for the Vice- Principal Equality and Diversity which is for a 0.4 FTE position and has been advertised internally. C SUBSTANTIVE ITEMS 1 REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Comments on the Report of the Central Management Group meeting of 9 October Paper C1.1 2013 The revised IP Policy was approved noting the reference to the arrangements to handle IP created by students which was similar to that in the previous policy. Court further noted and welcomed the proposals to take forward the required tasks in respect of the UNPRI and that this would be led by the recently appointed Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability. 2 Report on Other Items Paper C1.2 Court noted the report and in particular the opportunity which had arisen in respect of the National Physical Laboratory. It was confirmed that a detailed due diligence exercise would be undertaken should the phase 1 bid be positively received. 2 EUSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT Paper C2 Court noted the items within the EUSA President’s Report and the additional information delivered by the EUSA Vice-President Services on: the income received from the three venues involved in the Edinburgh Festivals; the campaigns to ensure that students were aware of their rights in respect of fees charged by letting agencies and private landlords; the success of the School Councils project; and the impact of the proposed Lobbying Bill. EUSA was commended for the events held around the Black History Month and congratulated on the successful appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer. 3 2012-13 OUTCOME AGREEMENT SELF EVALUATION Paper C3 The self-evaluation Report was welcomed and approved by Court and it was noted that the document would be submitted to the Scottish Funding Council to enable the SFC to assess the University’s progress against the 2012/2013 Outcome Agreement. In particular Court commended the case studies and it was noted that there were no areas of underachievement. 4 2014-17 DRAFT OUTCOME AGREEMENT Paper C4 Court noted that a three year approach to preparing Outcome Agreements for the SFC had now been agreed and this draft was presented for initial comment prior to a finalised document being available at the next meeting of Court. Court approved the format and content of the document noting the emphasis on the first of the three years. 5 ECA POST MERGER SELF EVALUATION Paper C5 Court approved the Self-Evaluation Report on the progress achieved two years after the merger with ECA which had been prepared at the request of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and would be followed up by a visit by the SFC on 23 January 2014: the detailed arrangements for the visit were still to be finalised. Court welcomed the confirmation of the success of the merger for both students and staff and noted that there were areas of on-going work particularly in respect of the estate. 6 DRAFT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT Paper C6 The draft Corporate Governance Statement was endorsed by the Court subject to the addition of information on the recent joint meeting between the Audit and the Risk Management Committees. 7 REPORT FROM ESTATES COMMITTEE Paper C7 Court noted the report and endorsed the various recommendations as set out in the paper. The additional information provided on the increased costs of the new Nursery; the position with SCRM 2; the George Square redevelopment and the public realm master plan for the central area; the current proposals for the School of GeoSciences; progress on taking forward the 2025 estates study; and ECA and work around Potterrow. There was also discussion on the need to be prepared to take forward opportunities as these arose and to have so called ‘shovel ready’ projects available while taking cognisance of the need for caution on the resources allocated to such 3 projects. It was also confirmed that in relation to the GeoSciences proposal the demolition only applied to the Annex of Crew Building.
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