Rockland Gazette The I arrest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday August 24 1897 Vi'l. 52. No. 57 INTERVIEWS WITH THE GREAT. ihe palace for that purpose. W hile I am THOMASTON. SEPT- SIXTH ON GROWING SWEET PEAS blossoms being cut therefrom with no appar­ IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY I eating I think up the kind of clothes that I ent dim inution of beauty. M r. Spear ob­ will wear for the day, and have my private tained the seed of Emerson, Rnatnn, and pro­ Place nnd Pntc of Annnnl Reunion of the The Courler-Onaette’a Offer Awaken* Un­ It may be o f inlcre t to the reading publ- Our Own Correspondent Paya » Visit To secretary cable the same to the New York poses next season to double the variety and K n o x Jt Lincoln Veteran Ansoclatlon. expected and Whlenpread Interest. lie to know that the order* for H all tke Prince of Wales. society papers. I then take a brisk walk up surely if success follows hi* efforts a* it hna Caine’s “ The From the New York World. Piccadilly, closely followed by my valet, lead­ The Knox and Lincoln Veteran Association The sweet pea ia a marvelously beautiful this year it w ill be a sight worth going a long C h r i s t i a n ” The festivities of Marlborough House were ing a buff colored pug dog, a present from wil hold its annual reunion on the sixth day flower. way to see. preceding ac­ at their height. N o expense had been spared the Shah of P< ussia. Now and then I nod of September, 1897, at Thomaston. The Courier Gazette is proud to have had Mrs. Irving Sleeper, Broadway, has an tual publica­ by the Prince o f Wales in catering to p e en­ to people and occasionally utter a bon mot The beautiful grove of Comrade E. C. An­ its name linked with such a flower in a “con­ exceedingly handsome growth. The tion made it joyment of his gu sts. Interrupting the flow that appears in the Court Gazette on the fol­ drews, lying on the West bank of the Georges test” that has aroused widespread interest. extent measures only 13 feet, hut the necessary to of merriment for a brief season, your corres­ lowing morning. Arriving at the palace, my river and hut a short distance from the depo», Though had we known what trouble we were vines have run up to a height of 7J feet on order a third pondent sent in his card by a flunky who has secretary goes over the correspondence and has been generously offered for the occasion. thrusting our heads into when, in the Spring, an average, in double rows, with extra thrifty Hinting He­ flunked at Marlborough House since a mere incidentally calls my attention to a number One fare for round trip on the railroad we offered a prize of a year’s subscription of looking foliage, and a profusion of beautiful ine the book boy, employed in doing so a pair of the most of bills that have accumulated during my Trains will arrive at Thomaston at 10 30 a. m. our paper to the lady “ who make* the finest blossom* having fine long stems. The blend­ was actually absence. Referring these to Parliament, I and 5 p. m. Leave Thomaston at 1.45 and showing of growing sweet peas,” we question ing of the colors ts delightful and the variety extensive legs in Great Britain. published and The Prince of Wales came forward and put on another suit of tailor made clothing, and 9. 25 p. m. if the offer would have been made. include! a rare quality of the new best white distributed. It also a necktie that I have thought up during P. Henry Tillson post of Thomaston w ill W e came to this conclusion upon noting Blanche Burpee, besides Countess of Radnor, pressed me cordially by the hand. is unneces­ “ So glad, you know,” he murmured, mo­ the night, and hastily bidding adieu to my furnish coffee and hardbread to all veteran* the ' ifliculties likely to be encountered in ar­ Blanche Ferry, Cardinal, Primrose, Lottie sary to say, in tioning your correspondent to a large, hand- wife an 1 family 1 vault into an elevated dog­ in attendance, and will care for thoae assem­ riving at a decision as to tbe winner. So Eckford, Captain of the Blues, Butterfly and view of the stuffed fauteuil; “ nothing affords me greater cart and drive through the park. This done bled in the best manner possible, so all may many and so varied exhibitions of growing others. Mrs. Sleeper has taken a great deal well known pleasure than to meet a keen, bright, unob­ I go and lay the corner-stone ol a hospital enjoy the day. vines and flowers were brought to notice that o f interest in her plants and carefully tended s u c c e s s of trusive newspaper m in from the United that otherwise would probably not get laid, Everybody interested in the boys of 1861 the arrival at a system of just discrimination them and surely must feel well repaid for her H a m . Ca in k , “ The M anx- and then rush away to dine at the Mansion are invited, but they must remember, as it is in determining which was best became a del­ labor* by the handsome results obtained. The States.” , man,” that each printing order waa House with a number of Foreign Ministers, to be a picnic affair, to tiring their dinner* icate and difficult matter. However, tbe seeds used were of home cultivation and were Here H is Royal Highness paused to ar­ A popular demand to whom I make a neat little speech, com­ with them. matter has been disposed of in an eminent planted about the first of May, no dressing range the locks that nestle about the edges which necessitates three such editions before in your watch war­ Comrades S. H . Allen, of Thomaston, S spirit of fairness, and we trust that all the being used underneath, a little being sprinkled of his head, for he had ju4t come from a posed by myself. publication is so unusual in the experience of “ I then spring into a hanson and am L. Miller of Waldoboro, II. E. Webster of “ participants,” appreciating the perplexities on top after coming up. game ol puss in the corner with the merry publiabers that the fact Is likely to prove of ranted for two years driven to Lady Guinness’s, where I meet a Damariscotta, J. P. Cilley of Rockland, J. J. that surrounded the committee, will give us A t Mrs. J. G. Simonton’s, Amsbury street, ladies and gentlemen assembled at his home. general interest. I). Appleton & Co. are collection of society leaders from the United Hoff *ci o f N orth Waldoboro, T . S. Bowden of credit for doing our best to be “just.” the committee founu another handsome dis­ “The United States,” continued His High­ publishers of this latest work of this famous for States, to whom I give written permission to Washington and G. II . M. Barrett of Rock­ It was decided to examine the exhibits up­ play, with less variety of colors, but the 12 ness. “ has ever afforded me a great degree of author. H all Caine, the son of Manx and inspect the royal kitchen. If there is a port are appointed committee on Resolutions. on a system of percentages aa follows: feet of trellis well covered with very fine satisfaction, don’t you know. Turn, where Cambrian parents, has a charming home in beautiful heiress among the number I chuck Boats will be in attendance to take parties 26 point* for extent of vine*. vines, 7 ft. 2 in. high, with luxuriant bloom, we will,” he added, with enthusiasm, “and the Isle of Man, where he leads a simple, re­ to row or sail upon the river. 25 “ •' height of vines. some of which were remarkable for their lice nowhere do we find such gentle and receptive her playfully under the chin, and her accept­ 26 “ •• luxurlatiee of vine* tired life, esnerging from his rural solitude oc­ ance by London society is at once assured. Camp fire following election of officers. One distinguishing feature of this growth is young men as N ew Y ork daily presents to 26 “ “ luxurlaaee of bloanome. casionally to visit L ondon, where be ia al­ Leaving Lady Guinness’s I enter my box at Address o f welcome by Comrade Hewett, that they were among the very first to bloom view, imitating my trousers almost before I The committee consisted of Mrs. A. C. ways welcomed and lionized. H e waa intro the theatre, and, being recognized, the audi­ of Thomaston. Among the many speakers thia season and have kept on ever since, and get them ou myself, and letting their heads Mather, of the Mather greeneries, and Miss duced to American reader* by “ The Deema­ will be found Past Department Commanders go bald, with a devotion that I do not find ence honors me b , singing ‘God Save the Helen York and Miss Lizzie Morey, of The are now juat as full of blossoms and as hand­ Miller of Waldoboro, Williams and Carver of ter,” also published by the Appleton*.
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