CITIZENS FOR CHANGE OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 // CIVICAMOBILITAS.MK NEWSLETTER NR.3 COOPERATION AS A KEY TO BETTER RESULTS Working together to achieve results or helping each other But why is cooperation important? It is the basis of the to achieve a common goal - these are some of the answers functioning of the CSOs; actually, in order to establish a to the question „what is cooperation?“. But, more import- CSO at least five citizens should join. Their joining, this ant that this are the questions: if and why we cooperate? initial cooperation has happened because they have rec- ognized its power. As the individuals, as social beings are The Macedonian civil society is abundant with coopera- constantly referred to each other, the organizations are tion examples. Joint initiatives, joint protests, joint proj- constantly referred to other organizations, institutions, ects and even joint offices of the organizations. The civil citizens, as they exist and work. society organizations more than anywhere recognize the power of cooperation, the power of joining and together- Civica Mobilitas pays a lot of attention to cooperation. ness. We are convinced that by cooperation, the results of all organizations will be even bigger. We are aware that in The national campaign „Macedonia without Waste“, im- the time of low general trust in the society it is not easy plemented by Ajde Makedonija (Come On Macedonia) at all to cooperate, but the people in the civil sector have four years ago would not have had the same effect unless always set the example to the others. it relied on the cooperation of as many as 70 CSOs and more than 100 schools. It enables activities at 156 places In the end, we are familiar with the old African saying: „If in 53 municipalities with the participation of 16,000 citi- you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to go far, zens. travel in company!“. The social changes towards which we strive are our long paths, and they can be overcome only The cooperation sometimes happens at individual, per- if we all cooperate. sonal level. Such an example was the one of the teachers Tanja and Sonja who called their project idea „Against Vi- Welcome to the new issue of Citizens for Change, whose olence under the Same Sky“. They started a cooperation main theme is cooperation. to help decrease the intolerance between the multiethnic communities around their schools „Lazo Trpovski“ in the Gonce Jakovlevska municipality of Karposh and „Liria“ in the municipality of Civica Mobilitas National Chair. Coordinator for ICO On the pages of this issue you will see numerous initia- tives that are based on cooperation. Such is the protest of ten CSO networks which together unite around 100 CSOs and initiatives. They asked the parliament for ur- gent election and appointment of people in a number of institutions and bodies by the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, and they also sent written requests to all MPs in the Parliament of RNM. THEME COOPERATION 2 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE „Zelena Lupa“ Bring the Probation Law to Life in Strumica The files of the first 10 convicted prisoners persons that Borche Cvetkov, the prison director, supports this initiative, have completed their training for the production of pave- but according to the current legal framework, he has no ment curbs will soon be reviewed by Strumica’ Basic Court competencies regarding the probation legislation itself. „I to decide which prisoner will be eligible for probation re- know which of the people incarcerated in Strumica’s prison lease. The association „Zelena Lupa“ and Strumica Wom- deserve to go home, because I and the prison’s correction- en‘s Organization, that together implement the project al counsellor know them the best. In reality, the judge and „Bringing the Probation Law to Life at Local Level via Effi- the police see them only once or twice. We have a some- cient Partnerships in the Municipality of Strumica“ funded how different treatment for them“, he stressed. by Civica Mobilitas, can claim credit for the improved in- ter-institutional cooperation between the probation ser- The Basic Court in Strumica is in charge of reviewing and vice, the court, the public prosecutor, the Ministry of Inte- deciding on the proposals of the prison director when it rior, the Centre for Social Affairs, the Employment Agency comes to conditional release. According to the court, in and Strumica’s prison. They all have their representatives practice, the number of probation proposals accepted by in the local coordination body for the implementation of courts in North Macedonia is low. Therefore, they say that the Probation Law that is established and supported by it is necessary to change North Macedonia’s rather punitive these two civil society organizations. policies and move towards conditional punishment and other alternative corrective measures, such as community „Zelena Lupa“ says that the process goes according to the service, instead of only conditional punishment, for the law plan. First, they interviewed the convicted prisoners in to come to life. order to assess how much they were aware of the Law on Probation and if they were interested in participating in a The Swiss Ambassador H.E. Sybille Suter Tejada was given training programme teaching them new crafts and skills. a special award at the session of the Strumica Municipal Then, the probation officer and the National Employment Council because of the support to the project for probation Agency introduced them to the follow-up of the probation law implementation. „I would like to mention the signifi- plan and the benefits the State offers regarding the em- cant work done by ‚Zelena Lupa‘, which helps in the rein- ployment of people released from jail. Eventually Zelena tegration and re-socialization of former convicts, which is Lupa selected ten prisoners based on criteria such as good one of the most important measures for social and societal conduct, working habits, their wish to obtain knowledge inclusion“, said the Ambassador. and skills, and their age. The selected prisoners took part in The Strumica prison is a semi-open one. It has people con- a three-month training programme on preparing concrete victed up to three years imprisonment as well as returnees elements (tiles, pavement curbs, etc.), that was conducted sentenced up to one year. At the moment, there are 90 by the company KIM that also provided the materials and prisoners, most of them convicted for traffic accidents, vio- equipment. lence, fraud, grand thefts, not paying alimony, etc. CITIZENS FOR CHANGE 3 Resistance to Corruption Grows, Pessimism as Well „We need a systemic approach to corruption and establish- 29.4% of the citizens were subject to corruptive pressure. ment of a new value system which is preconditioned by the Projected to the entire population this amounts to no less clearly expressed will of relevant political stakeholders in than 490,038 citizens. At the same time, corruption has the country“, said President Pendarovski at the regional fo- remained unsanctioned as in 2018 only 29 people were rum for combating corruption organised by the Southeast convicted for abuse of official duty or bribe, which sets the European Leadership for Development and Integrity efficiency of the institutions to 0.02% of the cases being (SELDI) and the Platform of Civic Organizations for Fight revealed and convicted. Another grim statistic shows that against Corruption that took place on 13 December 2019 four out of five citizens (84%) expect an increase of corrup- in Skopje. He stressed that the necessary reforms in the tion pressure in the future. area of the rule of law and legal state should not be made The discussion on the reforms in the judiciary has con- to meet the EU membership criteria but to regain the con- firmed that the changes in this area happen dynamically in fidence of the citizens in the institutions and their own all countries in the Balkans, and the most important here is country. the adoption of a new Law on Public Prosecution which is More than 100 representatives of CSOs and state insti- prolonged due to political reasons. tutions from North Macedonia and the countries of the The representatives of the anticorruption bodies from the region participated in the event. The Minister of Defence region shared their experience so far and presented future Radmila Shekerinska also expressed her support to the civ- challenges. Common to all of them is the need to build il sector in the fight against corruption. their capacities, the lack of cooperation with the institu- SELDI experts presented their Corruption Assessment Re- tions in charge, lack of independence, as well as the fact port analysing the data of the survey conducted in North that the conflict of interest with high level corruption is not Macedonia in February 2019. According to the report, prevented. 4 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE Immediate Introduction of the Draft Model for Rehabilitation of Women Victims of Domestic Violence „Draft model for rehabilitation of the victims of domestic The panel also included address from MPs from SDSM, violence has been introduced as a separate article in the VMRO-DPMNE, LDP and DOM. These panellists contrib- new Law for Prevention of and Protection from Violence uted to reviewing and discussing the legal possibilities for against Women and Domestic Violence, which will now the adoption of a model for reintegration and rehabilita- enter the adoption procedure“, stressed Elena Dimushevs- tion of female victims of domestic violence who decided to ka, the Executive Director of the National Network com- leave their violent environment. bating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence at the panel discussion on this draft model. The event took Taking into consideration the different economic circum- place on 25 November which marked both the Internation- stances in North Macedonia, it is necessary to prepare pol- al Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and icies and measures to help women who have experienced the beginning of the global campaign „16 Days of Activism violence and are economically dependent on the perpetra- against Gender-Based Violence“.
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