21,075 JhuUpendeut Daily <"> -*yii Dial SH I-0010 VOl, 85, NO. 124 RED BANK, N. X, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17^1952 IUUH on« 7c P£R COPY PAGE ONE Restrict Deed At East Point Macmillan Off UNION BEACH - One more Mayor William F*'Rodgert _.,_ step toward the J10 to $13 mil- yesterday he-sifll Is encouraged lion Conasconk But Point sports- at thepwiibllity that the center recrestion center proposed by a will become a reality. Pjertb Ambdy business syndicate The syndicate has offered wu taken Saturday as -Ms-yor 110,000 for the lM-acre borough- and Council met jn- conference owned section of the Point. For JFK Talks with Dr. Benjamin' V. Cannata, head o( the syndicate. / FID Land First LONDON (AP) — Prime rown on the development of na- scrap the air-launched missile be- It was revealed that at the con- tional nuclear deterrents. The business group balked at Minister Macmillan left to- cause of a string of test failures ference council insisted that, ben While Britain and France have and the cost, although Britain has some of the counter proposals cause' of the. low dollar amount of day for talks in the Ba- pressed forward with their nuclear made by the governing body, but been counting on it to insure Its the offer, the syndicate would hamas with President Ken- programs, the United States has national deterrent role. , have to fill the land before nedy, expressing confidence urged a multi-national type force President Kennedy has de- deed la transferred-or offer under the North Atlantic Treaty scribed the Skybolt, which-is fired Fr. Burck much larger amount for the land. that "we will find a way Organization and a buildup In thefrom a plane-at targets 1,000 Dr. Cannata has said that the through our difficulties' non-nuclear side of the European miles away, as a very sophisti- bayfront strip would have to be over the Skybolt missile. military forces. ,-.. .. • cated missile whose development Dies at 81 filled 10 feet in height and the The controversy over the U.S.- "At this moment after Cuba,' may require $2.5 billion in addi- SHREWSBURY - Rev. CarroB Inland portion six feet. developed Skybolt missile, which tion, to the half billion already Mithews Burck, 81, rector emerit- Macmillan told newsmen, "we He did not give the borough have to try to make a reassess- looms as the major subject of the spent by this country. us of Christ Episcopal Church, an answer Saturday as to wheth- Bahamas talks, may bring this Without the Skybolt or a sub- Shrewsbury, and St. John's Chap- ment of the position between East er the syndicate will be willing and West. Can the position be debate to a peak. stitute, Britain would have no to do this before the deed is turned' to our advantageMs there The United States says it may (See MACMILLAN, Page 2) transferred.. a chance of getting ahead with Dr. Cannata said he w)ll have some of these questions—nuclear to confer with the syndicate's at- tests, disarmament and other torney, Joseph OeSaboto, Har- matters?" Plane Down, But rison, before any; further steps can. be taken. "As for Skybolt," his prepared statement said. "I have no doubt Sewer Plant we shall find a way through ou The group has offered to pro difficulties." All Hands Safe vide a sewer plant for the cen- Fresh from a Paris conference NEPTUNE - A Middletown said. "Out of 900 possibilities,— ter and to bulk! the access roads with French President Charles and provide other utilities. Township physician who flies air- this was the only good way out. de Gaulle at which "close agree- planes and does amateur theater No one was hurt and there was If the project goes through, it ment" on defense views was an- wUl include a three-quarter-mile as hobbies played the principal no damage." nounced, Macmillan is to meel rote in an aviation drama here Dr. Grabelle got the rented paved raceway, a stadium with with U.S. officials who plainly Saturday. ' ' (See DEED, Page 2) single engine-two-seater off the Dr. Barry N. Grabelle, 15 West highway and back to the Asbury Wilson Cir., Middletown, his pas-Park Ali- Terminal, Rt 66, by senger, J. William Smith, of 19 pushing it, in time to make his Review Ward Ave., Rumson, and several night time "Salesman" perform- Another motorists on Rt. 66 escaped in- nee. ' rury as the doctor made an emer- WINTERS COMPENSATIONS--Among the results of last week's prolonged cold The unexpected landing was gency landing on the highway. the second of the afternoon for Rev. CarroB M. Buck spell wis the sudden blossoming lait woakend of skaters on ponds throughout tht Tonight The pilot had a philosophical Dr. Grabelle and Mr. Smith. Satellite reaction, noting that he was due county and of Iceboats on the Nevasink. Top scene above is of the Navesink off A few minutes earlier the plane «J, Little Silver, died this morn- Marine Park at Red Bank, with one of the early birds among the iceboats being pre- to take part Saturday night in came down on the field. A mech- ing in Shrewsbury Manor Nurs- the closing show of "Death of a anic said the carburetor de-icer ing Home, 531 Shrewsbury Ave. pared for action. In bottom photo, skaters find Sehwenlcer Pond at Fair Haven lo By JFK Salesman" at the Wagon Wheel needed special handling and cau- \Father Burck retired from ac- In Orbit Theater, Rt. 35, Middletown.; their liking. tioned the pilot about it On the tive church work in 1942, because WASHINGTON. (AP)i-A new By LARRY OSIUS "Must have been something of second.try, the craft got over of ill health, after 20 years In the "Show Must Go On Bit,*" he U.S. satellite whirls in orbit a few WASHINGTON (AP)-President the highway but started down charge of the twin parishes. hundred miles above the earth to- quickly in the face of oncoming His health subsequently im- Kennedy reviews his first two day while Mariner 2-«tBl flashing years in the White House tonight auto traffic in the eastbound lane.' proved and be remained a famil- signals—speeds millions of miles Two "I gave the de-icer an extra iar figure In the .Red .Bank area. To Name Freeholder in an unusual hour-long television Homes from earth toward eternal orbit interview. twist and we got over to the His home was at 108 Pinckney around the sun. other lane. Fortunately the road Rd., Red Bank. The program, called "After Two But a third Damaged was divided there-near Routs la recent yean, Father Burck Years-A, Conversation with the 33 and the Garden State Park- Was cared for' From 'North of River' President," WO1 be capjedbyJ*e way-and except for one car FREEHOLD-A vacancy soon After 10 yean' service, Mr. placement will br announced then Columbia Broadcasting\ System By Fires pwparl*. and American Broadcasting Co. there was no traffic. ted to the bursrag lone a to be created on the Monmouth Woolley, owner of WooUey'i or soon after. " ., MIDDLETOWN - Volunteer "The one car ducked around ago after his health had failed. The new satellite, dubbed Ex- County Board of Freeholders will Dairy in Neptune and other bus- Also at the organization meet- television networks at 6:30 p.m. firemen here were callid twice He is survived by a daughter, plorer XVI, sped aloft yesterday EST and the National, Broadcast- me and, except lot clipping a be filled by a Republican from iness interests, has submitted ing, he said, the board will ac- over the weekend to battle blazes road sign, nothing happened to Mrs. Frances Smith of Little Sil- from the Wallops Island, Va., test his resignation because of ill cept the resignation of Irving S. ing Co. television network at in private homes. station of the Nftfcmal Aeronautics Middletown Township or some 8:30 p.m. us. Out of 900 possibilities of ver, and • grandson, William other community mirth of the health. Mr. Woolley has been ab- (Buff)' Bennett as clerk of me Fire caused an estimated $2,600 Smith of Fair Haven. ' and Spaca Administration. Space what might have occurred, 899 Na*e»lnk River. | sent from board meetings since Board of Freeholders. Kennedy returned to the White In damage to the home of Ray- would have' be,en worse. That was Before coming to Shrewsbury agency officials said it readied June. Post to Ullrich House.Saturjday from an overnight mond Kelly, 477 Main St, Bel- and Little Sliver, Father: Burck an orbit varying from 466 to 78 Freeholder Director,Joseph C. the only good way out." Irwin said the board his general- Mr. Irwin said the Woolley res- Deputy County Clerk William stay in New Yprk.'After attending ford, Saturday afternoon. wis In - missionary service in miles above earth and its "telem ly agreed on this point in weigh- ignation will be accepted at the L. • Ullrich, of Ocean Township, church SWJday morning, he sat John Dashkavich,, second as- Kansas '*nd. Colorado. He was etry and experiments appear to ing a successor for',-Freeholder b o a r d's annual organization will be appointed to the $10,000 down, with, television newsmen sistant chief, said that the fire Hit With Bottle, rector at St. Peter's Church, Den-be operating satisfactorily." Earl X. Woolley. meeting Jan. 2, and that a re- a year post as freeholder clerk. Sander Vanocur of NBC, William resulted when a member of, the ver, for several years, and at the Main .mission of Explorer XVI Mr.
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