Campus Center "Ars Antiqua' Chess & Cribbage Tonight Tournaments See Page 2 Alumni Hall FIAT LUX Phone 587-5402 Vol. 50, No. 16 ALFRED, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1963 Dr Wm h Dr. LeMon's Folk Opera To- Speak :ttnThurs. Alfred Leaves NSA Dr. WilliamD. iLotspiech, chair- man of the department of physi- Premieres Here March 21 ologoy at the Rochester School of After Senate Vote "Down, Down, Down," an American folk opera, will pre- Medicine ¡and Dentistry, will speak Student Senate voted last Tues- verstein at the two previous Sen- miere Thursday evening, March 21, in Alumni Hall. The opera aft Thursday's assembly. The topic day to withdraw from the Nation- ate meetings. of Dr. Lotspeich's speech will be was composed by Dr. Melvin Le Mon, chairman of the music The primary objection to NSA "The Place of ¡Form in the Study al Student Association. was that as a small school, Alfred department. The performance will be repeated the following of Life." The motion offered by Mike Stevens called for an amendment . cannot really gain from NSA. Peo- two nights. Dr. Lotspeich is .the third speak- to the constitution which would ple who were opposed to our con- The opera depicts the life of a er to come to Alfred University abolish the position of NSA coor- tinued membership maintained small mining patch in the vicin- in accordance with the "Religion dinator and create in its stead a NSA was directed to the larger ity of Wdlkes-Barre, Pa., about in Life" series. In the course of national-international affairs com- universities. Another objection to the year 1890. Based on the folk his career, Dr. Lotspeich has mittee. The motion was passed continued membership in NSA songs which developed in the an- taught at both Cornell University by more than the two-thirds nec- was that it is "morally" incorrect thracite coal mining area from Medical College and the Syracuse essary to amend the constitution. 1820 to the turn of the century, University College of Medicine. to associate the conservatives on the opéra integrates many of He is a member of the Society of The vote followed ia debate that campus with t^e liberal position these folk themes, which were Friends. •ranged over the entire prolem of of NSA. Rhoda Prager summed up originated and shaped by the There will be ian open discussio providing adequtate campus pro- the oposition to NSlA with the Welsh, English, and Jrish coal and coffee hour in the university grams in the realm of current remark that "NSA is taking more miners. Dr. Le Mon collected and from 2:39-3:30 p.m., at which affairs. Those people favoring the from Alfred than it is giving." recorded the folk songs (luring dining room of the Campus Center resignation repeated the objec- Robert Dingman countered this his research in the area between time Dr. Lotspeich will answer tions to NSA raised toy Stevens argument by .attacking the inef- 19®5 and 1940. questions. and Senate President .Fred 611- ficiency of the NiSA coordinators. Unlike the usual contemporary His feeling was that "We have opera "work-shop production," failed NSA—and they not us." "Down, Down, 'Down" is a full Disciplinary Problem Still Present; Other reasons for staying in NSA length, three-act opera composed were that Alfred is in danger ot with the intention of utilizing the comoundimg its remoteness if 1t choral and instrumental resourc- Lounge Defaced, Machines Broken separates from this national or- es of the typical American univer- incident resulted in the most re- Melvin Le 'Despite continued disciplinary granization (the only one of it« sity music department. action by Paul F. Powers, dean of cent suspension. Besides being kind) and that NSA provides ex- The 100-voice Alfred University of folk music and has arranged men, the disciplinary problem im suspended, the student who turn- cellent materials for the discuss- •miany for solo singers of the con- Chorus and the University Cham- the men's dormitories has not im- ed on a fire extinguisher in the ion of current events on the ber Orchestra of 35 .pieces will cert stage and for large choral proved in the past month. dorm will have to make restitu- oampus and that we will not be provide the choral settings, danc- groups. able to match this service with Six suspensions for disciplinary tion .to the university for all dam- ers, orchestral accompaniment, reasons since the beginning of less than the NSA. ages. and some of the 12 major roles. Academic Health the school year have not prevent- Silverstein said that the exec- Music staff memlbers and giuest The freshman class will sporv. ed repeated maliciousness, accord- Dean Powers also noted that utive council will draw a program soloists will perform the leading sor a panel discussion on "The ing to Dean Power. 'the candy machines in Barresi for the newly formed national-in- roles. Academic Health of Alfred Uni- Hall were broken into twice with- The most recent incident re- ternational committee and that An unusual feature will be thé versity" this Saturday at 2:30 in a week of the end of the se- ferred to by Dean Powers, was the Senate can vote on this at the use of choral groups placed in p.m., in the Campus Center mester. the -smashing of an orange against next meeting. the orchestra to augment and sup- Lounge. Faculty and administra- the wall in the lounge of the new port the singers on the stage. The tion members participating will dining ball. He repeated that his Alfred University drama depart- be Dr. William O'Connor, Dr. statement to men dormitory resi- Correction New Sex Lecture ment and the Footlight Club will David Leach, and Dr. David dents last semester still -was in The dates for Moving-Up Day Dr. William Stebbln, director produce the mnisical drama, with Ohara. Dennis Hall, Jackie Lu- effect and that he would meet any and Parents Weekend have of health and physical education students handling the production defl, and Sue Masters will rep- further difficulties with "im- been changed from those an- at Brockport State Teachers Col- assignments. Five professional resent the freshman class. mediate and harsh action." nounced in the Alfred Universi- lege, Will address Interested men musicians will assist the orches- ty Chronicle fro 1962-63. The In addition to the orange inci- on the subject of "Sex as Person- tra for the three performances. Peace Corps corrections are: dent there has been repeated tam- al and Social Ad justment." Thurs- Dr. Le Mon's interest in fqlk An examination for the Peace pering with the fire extinguishers Moving-Up Day—May 9 day, Feb. 28, In Alumn: Hall at music has led to Varied collec- Corps will be given Saturday ia the dormitories and one flinch Parents Weekend—May 10-12 7 p.m. tions in addition to that of the at 8 a.m., in room 2, Green Hall. anthracite region, including mu- Application blanks and further sic of the river raftsmen, Amish, information may be obtained at and English Christmas carols. He Dean Powers' office until Fri- Lecture on Russian, European Drama has published several collections day. Delivered by Phoenix Theatre Director St. Pat's Festival Features European and Russian theater fessor Houghton said it is very was the lecture topic of Prof. Nor- exciting, characterized by rich ms Houghton, founder of the repertoires containing many con- Cayuga Waiters, Journeymen temporary .plays. In fact, the thea- Three big name acts will be ed at last year's St Pat's week- Phoenix Theater, last Thursday ter'of Warsaw and Crakow is in featured at this year's St. Pat's end, have been hailed as a group at the Campus Center. Professor Houghton is chair- the forefront of the theater world, festival, which will begin Friday which is making a "significant man of the department of drama although acting is not on a par afternoon, March 16. contribution to the college con- at Vassar College, and presently with that in Russia. The Cayuga Waiters will sing cert and night dub circuits." co-managing director of the Phoe- Friday afternoon following the Their program will Include folk Further . intensive comments nix Theater. Material tor the lec- parade; Saturday afternoon the songs, "blues, pop ballads, .and mo- were eliminated because of time. ture was gathered while ¡Profes- Journeymen will perform in the dern jazz. Brief statements about the two sor Houghton traveled aibroad in Men's Gym; and 'Saturday night From Buffalo, Art Dedricjk excellent theaters in East Berlin 19.60-61 under a Guggenheim Fel- Art Dedrick and his orchestra brings a 12 man orchestra fea- and the exciting theater of Israel lowship. /Will play at the St. Pat's Ball. turing Miss Barbara Brooks as were made, however. Formed in 1947 at Cornell Uni- soloist. As he is the author of two Professor Houghton concluded versity, the Cayuga Waiters rap- books about Russian theater, that theater people the world ov- "Moscow Rehearsals" and "Re- idly became a tradition on the er seem to he of a common mind Pres. Drake On turn Engagement," the audience Cornell campus. One of the tore- about their art. Today, he said, received an extensive .picture of most collegiate singing grolups in no one country has enough con- Trustee Council that field. Until the mid 1930's, the East, the Waiters have ap- temporary dramatists to satisfy Russian theater was the best in peared on radio and television President M. Ellis Dnake was the playgoing .puiblic.
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