2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 HISTORICAL AWARENESS THROUGH THE MATERIAL ACCULTURATION IN THE TEXTBOOK INDONESIAN HISTORY Yanyan Suryana, Leli Yulifar, Helius Syamsuddin Historical Education Department, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract This study used a qualitative approach with an inquiry naturalistic method towards a document (textbook of History). The instrument was the researcher as a human instrument, and the data were collected through observation on the textbook (document) using Van Diijk’s discourse analysis approach model. The data were analyzed using data reduction, data display, and data verification towards text discourses in the textbook of Indonesian History Class X published by Ministry of Education and Culture 2016 revised edition. The formulation of the problem in this study was, “What materials of acculturation contained the understanding of historical awareness in the textbook of History Class X 2016 revised edition?” The research result showed that the textbook of History Class X 2016 revised edition presented the materials of acculturation that contained historical awareness shown by the relation between acculturation and historical events. Keywords: Historical Awareness, Textbook, Acculturation Introduction to raise historical awareness which One of the factors that influence the corresponds to Abdullah’s statement, “Sejarah development of historical education in tak hanya pengetahuan, tetapi menyangkut Indonesia in the 21st century is the role of the kesadaran sejarah sebagai aktualisasi dari textbook of History as the learning resource. pemahaman dan pemaknaan peristiwa There is a relation between the material of sejarah” (Abdullah, 1986, p. ix). An ideal acculturation in the textbook of History and the condition in the use of textbook through the demand of the 2013 curriculum in the 2016 material of acculturation digs analyzes and revised syllabus by the Ministry of Education finds the relationship between historical events and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This and socio-cultural aspects which clearly has a relation appears in Core Competency 3 position and contributes to the historical (knowledge) including thinking critically, education in Indonesia. identifying, analyzing and Core Competency 4 The continuity of historical facts and (skills) including communicating the socio-culture is by Cassirer (1987, p. 272) who understanding of historical awareness related stated that historical awareness and to the socio-cultural values and elements, one consciousness emerges from thinking and of which is in the material of acculturation in attitude on the past events as knowledge and it the textbook of History. is sustainable in the present. Its linkage with Critical thinking skill can be applied in history learning depends on learners’ historical the use of textbook of History to understand memory as stated by Rusen (in Ahonen, 2005, historical awareness because textbook p. 698-700) that historical awareness is human functions to dig the cognitive competency, the ability to understand the relation of past events effective competency (appreciation, values) of with the values of human life in the present and learners in all educational levels (Sjamsuddin, historical memory. The indicators of historical- 2012, p. 103). The textbook of History shows awareness related to socio-culture are: the existence of learners’ demand to focus not 1. Appreciating and interpreting the nature of only on memorization and reasoning as parts of history for the present and future; knowledge but also on understanding in order 2. Knowing himself and his nation; 237 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 3. Cultivating the history of national culture information, meaning that the content of text- development; and book had to be diverse; it is not dominated by 4. Maintaining the nation’s historical heritage. a specific history, but it should cover regions, ethnicities, cultures, races, and religions. The The material of acculturation is a past study of cultural diversity and the textbook and present socio-cultural life, so it needs a makes the textbook of History has a character. structural approach to encourage historical According to Mulyana (2009, p. 6), there are awareness shown by the historical interest in two main things to consider in the textbook, socio-cultural elements such as acculturation, which are different from the other books, law, language, belief system, and public social namely, content referring to scientific disci- organization. The relation between history and plines and learning goal. Besides, some charac- socio-culture is shown by the products of his- teristics of the textbook include: 1) having a tory, such as Indonesia territory, national coun- clear and up-to-date scientific foundation, 2) try and national culture as the national history having the material narratives which are ade- that functions to prevent determinism, to ex- quate, varied, easy to read and suitable with pand the intellectual horizon, to prevent syn- learners’ need, 3) being presented in a system- chronism that ignores determinism atic, logical and orderly manner, 4) increasing (Kartodirdjo, 1993, p. 51). As a history learn- learners’ interest in learning, and 5) containing ing material, acculturation as the result of con- the materials that help learners solve their daily tact and mixture of cultural elements forms a problems. new culture as confirmed by Kodiran (1998, p. Based on the study above, the indicators 87) who stated that acculturation was the mix- of acculturation material in the textbook in- ture of some cultures into a new culture without clude: 1) textbook of History provides histori- eliminating its originality. cal, scientific studies and other disciplines. It Based on the literary review of accul- encourages students to identify and analyze the turation, the indicators of acculturation in the materials as learning resources. It facilitates textbook of History are as follows: 1) accul- students in describing the learning result as an turation is characterized by the cultural contact embodiment of the competency of attitude, and social interaction with the diversity of local knowledge, and skills; 2) textbook of History and foreign cultures, 2) acculturation is charac- contains the materials that are appropriate to terized by the emergence of a new culture as students’ developmental ability level and meets the result of mixing cultures without eliminat- the competency of knowledge and skills; 3) ing its originality elements or local culture, 3) textbook of History presents the materials acculturation is a part of the cultural learning chronologically and periodically so that process (enculturation) and socialization, 4) ac- knowledge and skills are gradual in accordance culturation is the realization of the study of his- with the curriculum of history education at torical events to foster and understand histori- each level of education; 4) The content of His- cal awareness in the present in its environment, tory textbook that builds discourses in the texts and 5) acculturation fosters religious and social provides inspiration and imagination for stu- attitude that promotes the formation of Indone- dents so that they have learning interest and his- sian national identity. torical awareness; 5) textbook of History pro- The position of acculturation material in vides the past materials to be understood and the textbook of History shows a cultural diver- interpreted as problem-solving for the present sity as stated by Hasan (2012, p. 104), and future challenges and obstacles in the local “Pendidikan sejarah haruslah mampu and global scope; and 6) textbook of History membangun penghargaan terhadap perbe- provides learning evaluations in the form of daan-perbedaan yang ada pada keragaman facts, concepts, causality, and influence. It en- budaya serta memperkuat persamaan diantara courages the competence to communicate the keragaman budaya tersebut.” In detail, a cul- results of evaluation by identifying, analyzing, tural diversity in the textbook of History is and describing history in the present. stated by Saripudin (2016, p. 828) that textbook The position of acculturation material in had to reflect the diversity of Indonesian cul- the textbook of History is not separated from tures in the collectivity of Indonesian historical the textbook quality, so “Dalam wilayah pen- didikan, sejarah harus menjadi sesuatu yang- 238 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 memberikan pelajaran bagi kehidupan manu- acculturation materials contain the understand- sia” (Mulyana in Hasan, 2012, p. iv). It is clear ing of historical awareness in the textbook of that the textbook and the acculturation material History Class X 2016 revised edition?” is interrelated in understanding historical awareness as stated by (Sjamsuddin in Mul- Methodology yana, 2007, p.195) that textbook is the main re- This study was conducted using a qual- source in the process of learning and teaching itative approach with a naturalistic inquiry de- used by students. Historical awareness in rela- sign. According to Creswell (2013, p. 4), qual- tion to the acculturation material in the itative research is a method to explore and un- textbooks of senior high school certainly has derstand several individuals or a group of specific goals, as stated by Kochhar (2008, pp. people that come from social or humanitarian 50-51) that the goals of history
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