PROSPECTUS 2020-21 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 Headteacher’s welcome Welcome to our prospectus and thank you for your interest in Bilton school. One aspect of our vision We will always strive for our students to make is that we are keen to work excellent progress, however, we are also mindful closely with parents in order to that to be a successful 21st century citizen and secure a relevant and rounded for our young people to flourish they need to education for all students. have the correct character and a broad skillset. As such we want to create a culture which will I am passionate about ensuring enable them to be tolerant and resilient individuals that our young people are who grasp opportunities, experience new challenges the best that they can be in all that they attempt and whose achievements we can celebrate. and am a great believer in working as a team with school, parents and students to drive standards, Bilton School is a learning community which is outcomes and a positive culture forward. This will focussed on the success and happiness of each happen throughout the school community; within the individual student and we are committed to working classroom through our consistency to secure quality in partnership with parents in order to achieve this. first teaching as well as between lessons where we Tim Chambers, Headteacher expect high standards from everyone, whether that be through behaviour, appearance, demeanour or cultivating positive attitudes and relationships. The Trust and Bilton School have a commitment to three strategic aims: CEO’s welcome Thank you for taking the time to read through • Achievement our prospectus. I hope it gives you a flavour of this Why are we fantastic school and our determination to ensure that every child who comes to Bilton School fulfils their proud of our school? • Learning and Teaching potential. Potential that exists within every student. • Memorable experiences Bilton School is a very positive school. Staff, students • Our caring and supportive ethos. and parents have worked together to create a unique • Our dedicated staff who really will go the extra mile place of learning where every student is valued for to ensure that every child has every opportunity to their talents and encouraged to live the school motto, be successful. ‘be the best you can be’. • Our wonderful facilities which include a sports hall, Bilton School is part of the Stowe Valley Multi dance studio and fitness suite. Academy Trust. In addition to Bilton School the trust includes Southam College, Kineton High School, • A vast range of memorable experiences. These include Southam Primary, Stockton Primary, Byfield Primary, visits to France, America and many parts of the UK as Bishops Itchington Primary, Rokeby Primary well as a range of weekly extra curricular activities. and Temple Herdwyke Primary. • A large well stocked library area which is a hive of The aim of our trust is to work collaboratively and activity in social times. develop best practice which is shared across all of • A modern cafeteria serving a range of meals. our schools. We want to support each school to have • We are an open and friendly school which has a its own identity and provide an education which dedicated parental liaison officer who is always gives students great results and wonderful learning available to provide school tours at any time during experiences. Working with parents and staff our aim the school day. Her contact details are: is to develop all our students into caring, happy and [email protected]. skilled citizens who can achieve absolutely anything! Ranjit Samra, Executive Headteacher 02 03 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 In April 2017, Bilton School joined the Stowe Valley Trust led by the outstanding Southam College. Ranjit Samra was the Headteacher of Southam for 10 years and is now the CEO of the Trust is a National Leader of Education. He is responsible for standards across the Trust and has been aligning leadership, pastoral and curricular systems across Trust schools since April 2017. Kineton High School, Byfield Primary School, Southam Primary School, Stockton Primary School, Bishops Itchington Primary School, Rokeby Primary School and Temple Herdewyke Primary School are also part of the Stowe Valley Trust. Bilton School part of the Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust How do we care for students? Upon admission in Year 7, students are placed in house based, mixed ability tutor groups overseen by a Pastoral Leader and Assistant Head Teacher supporting the academic and personal development of every student. Tutors will see their tutor group every morning and are a daily point of contact to reward achievement and alleviate any concerns students may have. Pastoral Leaders will enhance the work of tutors and support Parents will also have a picture of students’ students throughout the school day. Pastoral Leaders achievement and attitude to learning in termly and Assistant Headteachers will monitor academic progress reports and our staff welcome parental progress and facilitate appropriate interventions so that contact at any point throughout the year. There is also no student falls behind. a parents’ evening for every year group which provides parents with an opportunity to meet all of their child’s We value close links with our parents and carers and teachers. Year 7 students have an additional settling in we keep them fully informed about each student’s evening soon after they start at Bilton School to ensure progress in every lesson. This is done through our that there has been a smooth transition from primary I love attending Bilton School. The support Class Charts system which lets students, parents to secondary school. I have from teachers is brilliant; they understand and staff know how well students have done in every lesson. Class Charts is an online system which Finally all staff, this includes office staff, support my learning and help me in every aspect of my teachers at Bilton School use to track achievement staff and teachers, will aim to get to know students education. I have represented the school in and behaviour throughout the school day. We believe during their time at Bilton School. All of us will model in working closely with parents/ carers and one of appropriate behaviours of courtesy and respect so that 4 different sports this year and I cannot the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are students see us as role models who are firm, friendly wait to attend the rewards trip. able to securely share your child’s achievement and and caring. We will work together to provide every behaviour report with you and so keep you up to date student with the very best education possible and in real-time. encourage them to be the best they can be at all times. Class Charts is used to share information with parents/ carers about: Achievement Points, Behaviour Points, Attendance and Homework. 04 05 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 BILTON SCHOOL | PROSPECTUS 2020-21 What do students study? At Bilton School we provide an exciting and academically challenging curriculum with a focus on strong teaching and learning. The curriculum is broad and balanced, catering for the needs and abilities of all of our learners. Our whole curriculum from years 7 to 13 is In Year 7 and 8 we have a broad and balanced Year underpinned by our Character and Culture curriculum which provides both the rigour and programme designed to prepare our students to be experiences of a wide variety of subject types. tolerant and resilient 21st century citizens. It equips As well as Maths and English students are exposed 7 & 8 them for Life in Modern Britain and is the thread to the sciences, modern languages, the humanities, running through the culture at Bilton school. technology, including computing, the arts and PE. In Year 9 we expand our students’ subject experiences Moving into Year 10 and 11 our curriculum is Year by introducing subjects such as Business and appropriate and challenging. It aims to meet the needs Photography, as well as the theory elements of PE. Year and learning styles of our students and ensures that 9 allows us to create an upwardly spiralling curriculum, they leave Bilton with a set of results which will allow 9, 10 enabling students to explore the ore and wonder within them to progress to their next stage of their learning. their subjects in order to inspire and enthuse. Students continue to have lessons of English, Science and Mathematics and core PE each week. As well as & 11 At the end of year 9, students are able to make this, students have the opportunity to study a range some decisions as to the subjects that they wish to of other subjects including History, Geography, study in Years 10 and 11. This is an important point in Languages and Computer Science. Beyond this they their education and students receive guidance and can also opt for subjects within Technology, the Arts information regarding the right choices for them to and Sport. Our curriculum offer is designed with the realise their personal ambitions. This process also students in mind. It is created to provide them with includes guidance for parents and carers and several a range of opportunities whether they be 6th Form, events are organised to support parents and students College or Apprenticeships. in making these choices. Students in the Sixth Form are able to choose With over 15 different courses available many 6th from a variety of academic or vocational courses students are choosing to combine these two to make up their Post 16 curriculum package.
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