Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Sun Style Taijiquan Standard International Competition 73 Movements Form Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S. Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Red Bluff, California, 2008 List of Movements Sun T’ai Chi Ch’uan Competition 73 Movements Form (1991) Section 1, Movements 1-10 Section 2, Movements 11-20 Section 3, Movements 21-30 Section 4, Movements 31-40 Section 5, Movements 41-50 Section 6, Movements 51-60 Section 7, Movements 61-73 List of Movements: 1-73 One name, in English, for each of the numbered 73 movements is provided. (PDF, 17 Kb, 1 Page, 2003) List of Movements: 1-38 One name, in English, for each of the numbered movements 1- 38 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003) List of Movements: 39-73 One name, in English, for each of the numbered movements 39-73 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003) List of Movements: 1-73 One name, in English, for each of the 73 numbered movements is provided. Resource links are included. (PDF, 26 Kb, 3 Pages, 2008) List of Movements: 1-73 The number and name for each of the 73 movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, and Chinese characters. Resource links are included. (PDF, 133 Kb, 4 Pages, 2008) List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited. Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. (PDF, 295Kb, 32 Pages, 2008) 2 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 List of Movements, Sun Lu Tang's Original Long Hand Form, 98 Movements, 1921 (PDF, 55Kb, 1 page, 2003) Section 1, Movements 1-10 1. Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji (Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji) 无极变太极 Commencing Form (Qi Shi : 起势) [Zhong 2003] Commencement Form [Lam 2000] A Study of Wu Ji [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #1] A Study of Tai Chi [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #2] Commencing Posture [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #1] Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji [Garofalo 2008] Wu Ji Devient Tai Ji (French) Wu Ji Wird Tai Ji (German) Wu Ji Se Convierte Tai Ji (Spanish) 无极变太极 : Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji : Wu Ji Becomes Tai Chi Beginning Posture Maintien Commençant Anfangenlage Postura Que Comienza 起式 : Qi Shi : Beginning Posture 无极 : Wu Ji : Everlasting, unbounded, not limited, not finalized, not fixed, indescribable. 变 : Bian : Change, transform, alter, become. 太极 : Tai Ji : Absolute or extreme ultimate, the source of all things. Note: Translation resources used. 2. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi) 懶扎衣 Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi: 掖扎衣) [Zhong 2003] Leisurely Tying Coat [Lam 2000] Lazily Tying Back the Clothes [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #3] Too Lazy to Tie Coat [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #2] Lazily Tying Clothers [Garofalo 2008] Attacher Paresseux Des Vêtements 3 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Kleidung Faul Binden Perezoso Atar Las Ropas 懶扎衣 : Lan Zha Yi : Lazily Tying Back the Clothes 懒惰栓衣裳 : Lazily Tying Clothes 3. Opening Hands (Kai Shou) 开手 Open Hands [Zhong 2003] Opening Hands [Lam 2000] Opening Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #4] Open Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #3] Opening Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains D'Ouverture Öffnung Hände Manos de la Abertura 开手 : Kai Shou 4. Closing Hands (He Shou) 合手 Close Hands [Zhong 2003] Closing Hands [Lam 2000] Closing Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #5] Close Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #4] Closing Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains de Fermeture Schließende Hände Manos De Cierre 合手 : He Shou : Closing Hands 5. Single Whip Left (Dan Bian Zou) 单鞭左 Left Single Whip [Zhong 2003] Single Whip [Lam 2000] Single Whip [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #6] Single Whip [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #5] Single Whip Left [Garofalo 2008] Single Whip Choisissez Le Fouet Single Peitsche 4 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Escoja El Azote 单鞭 : Dan Bian 6. Lifting Hands (Ti Shou) 提手 Lift Hands and Step Up [Zhong 2003] Lifting Hands [Lam 2000] Lift Hands and Step Up [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #7] Raise Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #6] Lifting Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains De Levage Anhebende Hände Manos De Elevación 提手 : Ti Shou : Lifting Hands 提手上势 : Ti Shou Shang Shi : Lift Hands and Step Up, Raise Hands and Step Forward 7. White Swan Cools Its Wings (Bai He Liang Chi) 白鹤凉翅 White Crane Spreads Wings [Zhong 2003] White Crane Flashing Wings [Lam 2000] White Swan Cools Its Wings [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #8] White Crane Spreads Wings [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #7] White Swan Cools Its Wings [Garofalo 2008] White Crane Spreads Its Wings La Grue Blanche Répand Ses Ailes Weißer Kran Verbreitet Seine Flügel La Grúa Blanca Separa Sus Alas 白鵝亮翅 : Bai E Liang Chi 8. Opening Hands (Kai Shou) 开手 Open Hands [Zhong 2003] Opening Hands [Lam 2000] Opening Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #9] Open Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #8] Opening Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains D'Ouverture Öffnung Hände 5 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Manos de la Abertura 开手 : Kai Shou 9. Closing Hands (He Shou) 合手 Close Hands [Zhong 2003] Closing Hands [Lam 2000] Closing Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #10] Close Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #9] Closing Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains de Fermeture Schließende Hände Manos De Cierre 合手 : He Shou : Closing Hands 10. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step (Zuo Lou Xi Ao Bu ) 左搂膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Twist Steps on Both Sides [Zhong 2003] Brush Knee and Twist Step Left [Lam 2000] Brush Knee Twist Step [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #11] Brush Knee, Left Turn Step [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #10] Brush Left Knee and Twist Step [Garofalo 2008] Étape de Genou Laissée par Brosse et de Torsion Bürste Gelassener Knie, und Torsion-Schritt Paso Dejado Cepillo de la Rodilla y de la Torcedura 左搂膝拗步 : Lou Xi Ao Bu : Brush Left Knee and Twist Step Section 1, Movements 1 - 10 Number, name, descriptions, comments, comparisons, quotations, and illustrations are provided for each movement from 1-10. (HTML) Section 1, Movements 1 - 10 Each movement is numbered, named, briefly described, directional information given, and a chart with illustrations for each ending movement is provided. (PDF, 150KB+, 2008) Return to the Top of this Document 6 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Section 2, Movements 11-20 11. Hand Strums the Lute (Shou Hui Pi Pa) 手挥琵琶 Hand Strums the Lute [Zhong 2003] Playing the Lute [Lam 2000] Hand Strums the Lute [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #12] Strum the Lute, Left Posture [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #11] Hand Strums the Lute [Garofalo 2008] Playing the Lute (Pipa) Jeu du Luth Spielen des Dichtungskitts Tocar el Laúd 手挥琵琶 : Shou Hui Pi Pa : Hand Strums the Lute 12. Advance, Deflect, Parry, and Punch (Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui) 进步搬拦捶 Advance, Parry and Punch [Zhong 2003] Step Forward to Deflect Downwards, Parry and Punch [Lam 2000] Advance Step, Deflect, Parry and Punch [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #13] Forward Steps, Parry and Punch [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #12] Advance, Parry and Punch [Garofalo 2008] Deflect, Parry and Punch Guidez, Parez et Poinçonnez Lenken Sie ab, Whren Sie ab und Lochen Sie Desvíe, Parry y Perfore 进步搬拦捶 : Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui : Step Forward, Parry Block and Punch 13. Apparent Close Up (Ru Feng Si Bi) 如封似闭 Apparent Close Up [Zhong 2003] Apparent Closing Up [Lam 2000] Appearing to Seal and Close [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #14] Step Back and Block [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #13] Apparent Close Up [Garofalo 2008] Apparent Close and Push Étroit Apparent et Poussée Offensichtliches Nahes und Stoß 7 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Cercano Evidente y Empuje 如封似闭 : Ru Feng Si Bi : Apparent Close Up Appearing to Seal and Close Sembler Sceller et Se Ferment Das Scheinen zu Versiegeln und Schließen El Aparecer Sellar y Se Cierra 看上去密封和关闭 : Appearing to Seal and Close 14. Carry Tiger and Push Mountain (Bao Hu Tui Shan) 抱虎归山 Carry Tiger and Push Mountain [Zhong 2003] Carrying the Tiger and Pushing the Mountain [Lam 2000] Embrace the Tiger and Push the Mountain [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #15] Step Forward and Push [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #14] Carry Tiger and Push Mountain [Garofalo 2008] Portez le Tigre et Poussez la Montagne Tragen Sie Tiger und drücken Sie Berg Lleve el Tigre y Empuje la Montaña 抱虎归山 : Bao Hu Tui Shan : Carry Tiger, Push Mountain 15. Opening Hands (Kai Shou) 开手 Open Hands [Zhong 2003] Opening Hands [Lam 2000] Opening Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #16] Open Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #15] Opening Hands [Garofalo 2008] Mains D'Ouverture Öffnung Hände Manos de la Abertura 开手 : Kai Shou 16. Closing Hands (He Shou) 合手 Close Hands [Zhong 2003] Closing Hands [Lam 2000] Closing Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #17] Close Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #16] Closing Hands [Garofalo 2008] 8 Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form, Research by Mike Garofalo, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, 2008 Mains de Fermeture Schließende Hände Manos De Cierre 合手 : He Shou : Closing Hands 17. Brush Right Knee and Twist Step (You Lou Xi Ao Bu) 右搂膝拗步 Right Brush Knee and Twist Steps [Zhong 2003] Brush Knee and Twist Step [Lam 2000] Brush Knee and Twist Step Right [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #18] Brush Knee, Right Turn Step [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #17] Brush Right Knee and Twist Step [Garofalo 2008] Brush Right Knee Genou Droit De Brosse Bürste Rechtes Knie Rodilla Derecha Del Cepillo 左搂膝拗步 : Lou Xi Ao Bu : Brush Left Knee and Twist Step 18.
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