CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1643 HONORING MIKE CHESNICK options for my constituents and as such has I am honored to be asked to participate in been an asset to Northeast Indiana. Between this program. Supreme President Kove has HON. SCOTT McINNIS 1985 and 1995, the number of branches in- worked hard all her life for the benefit of oth- OF COLORADO creased from one to eight with the umber of ers. As a small business owner, volunteer at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES membership soared from 15,000 to 65,000 the John Dingel VA Medical Center in Detroit plus. and nursing home visitor, she has always Monday, October 2, 2000 Along the way, Mr. Mills worked to promote been there to service the needs of others. Her Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with im- the growth of the community as well as the rise through the ranks of both the Ladies Aux- mense sadness that I take this moment to Credit Union. In 1995, Three Rivers FCU was iliary of the VFW and the MOCA shows her honor the remarkable life of Mike Chesnick. able to secure Indiana's first Community De- remarkable sense of dedication and the great For two decades, Mike served the community velopment Credit Union Expansion Charter to amount of respect others have for her. of Grand Junction, Colorado with valor and open the filed of membership and provide fi- Please join me in congratulating Colette distinction, retiring as Chief of Police in 1974. nancial services to less served parts of the Kove on her election as Supreme President of He was a role model for his community and community. This innovation was the result of the Women's Auxiliary to the Military Order of an example of what a police officer can and his near two-years of work with local city offi- the Cootie. should strive to be. As family, friends, and fel- cials, the economic development offices of f low officers remember this great American, I Fort Wayne, and the National Credit Union Administration. Most recently, Mr. Mills facili- THOMASENA AND EUGENE would like to take this time to honor this truly GRIGSBY ART GALLERY remarkable human being. tate an initiative in the areas of inner city fi- Chief Chesnick began his distinguished ca- nancial literacy training for an under-served reer of service to America when he joined the group that also happens to be a new part of HON. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY 10th Mountain Division in 1946, where he the FCU's field of membership. I strongly com- OF MISSOURI served in Italy and Austria during WWII. After mend him for his efforts to empower those IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES returning a proud veteran and serving his who are less economically advantaged Monday, October 2, 2000 county well, he began his illustrious career in through knowledge and the hroadening of fi- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I wish to take this law enforcement. In 1954 he joined the Grand nancial services. opportunity to express my sincerest congratu- Junction Police Department as a patrolman. In the role of Chairman of NAFCU, Mr. Mills lations to Dr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Grigsby on His remarkable intellect and outstanding lead- will be lending the trade association that rep- the occasion of the dedication of the ership abilities rapidly shot him up the ranks of resent federal credit unions. I look forward to Thomasena and Eugene Grigsby Art Gallery the department. In 1961, he was promoted to working with him and America's credit unions in Phoenix, Arizona. Sergeant and in 1966 he began his role as as we work to benefit families and commu- This is an honor which Thomasena and Eu- Chief. nities, and congratulate him on this national gene richly deserve for they have been life- Chief Chesnick's leadership was well re- recognition. long supporters and contributors to the field of spected and inspired other officers under his f art. Together they have made innumerable leadership to serve with dedication, dignity IN HONOR OF COLETTE KOVE contributions to the arts community. I am and integrity. Beyond his widely regarded ef- NEWLY ELECTED SUPREME pleased that under the sponsorship of the forts as a police officer, Mike also worked with PRESIDENT OF THE WOMEN'S George Washington Carver Museum Dr. a number of other community based organiza- AUXILIARY TO THE MILITARY Grigsby's first art studio in Phoenix, Arizona tions, including the local Elk's Lodge where he ORDER OF THE COOTIE has been dedicated in their honor. The was a lifetime member. Grigsby Art Gallery will serve as a permanent Chief Chesnick served his community, HON. DAVID E. BONIOR facility for the exhibit of creative works, by State, and Nation admirably and he his serv- present and future artists. OF MICHIGAN Among their many projects, the Grigsbys ice at home and abroad was an inspiration to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES us all. Mr. Speaker, as a former police officer, helped to establish the Hewitt collection of Af- Monday, October 2, 2000 I ask that we take this time to honor an indi- rican American art. I recently had the oppor- vidual that has set the standard for excellence Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to tunity to view this collection on exhibit in St. as a member of the law enforcement commu- recognize the accomplishments of one of my Louis. It is a marvelous collection which I high- nity. On behalf of the State of Colorado and district's favorite daughters. Colette Kove is a ly recommend and which I was happy to find the US Congress, I would like to thank Chief graduate of Utica High School, wife of William includes some of Gene Grigsby's own works Chesnick for his immeasurable service to his Kove, mother of five, grandmother of thirteen, of art. community. His leadership and compassion and great-grandmother of six. On Saturday, I commend Dr. and Mrs. Grigsby for their went far beyond the line of duty and his mem- September 30th, her friends and family gath- many years of devotion to artistic endeavors. ory will long live in the hearts of all that knew ered to honor her dedication to our veteransÐ Their contributions will benefit and inspire fu- him. especially her leadership in the Women's Aux- ture generations of artists. My heartfelt best Mike Chesnick will be greatly missed. iliary of the VFW and the Military Order of the wishes to Gene and Tommy on this momen- tous occasion. f Cootie (MOCA). Colette first joined the Ladies Auxiliary of f RECOGNITION OF JAMES G. MILLS, the VFW in 1960, but left to spend the next 18 HONORING CONGRESSMAN MIKE NEWLY ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF years traveling with her children in the Drum McKEVITT THE BOARD FOR THE NATIONAL and Bugle Corps. She returned in 1980 to the ASSOCIATION OF FEDERAL Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post #1146 in St. Clair CREDIT UNIONS Shores. She took the group by storm serving HON. SCOTT McINNIS as Auxiliary President, County Council Presi- OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MARK E. SOUDER dent, 5th District President, and has served as Monday, October 2, 2000 OF INDIANA Secretary of the Auxiliary for the past 18 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great In 1981, she joined the Womens' Auxiliary sadness that I rise to honor the life of the Monday, October 2, 2000 to the Military Order of the Cootie #35. Since Honorable James D. ``Mike'' McKevitt. Con- Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, today I would then, she has held the position of President gressman McKevitt recently passed away after like to reorganize James G. Mills of Fort ten times and has served in all offices in the a sudden heart attack at the age of 71. His Wayne, Indiana in my district for his recent Grand of Michigan (state) MOCA. In 1995, at devotion to helping others was remarkable election as chairman of the board for the Na- the MCOA National Convention in Arizona, and he will be greatly missed. As family, tional Association of Federal Credit Unions. Colette was elected Supreme Guard, and has friends, and colleagues mourn the loss of this Mr. Mills was elected on June 17, 2000 and served all offices leading to President. Just remarkable statesman, I would like to pay officially took over in late July. this past August, she was elected to that high- honor to his service to this great nation. In 1985, Mr. Mills joined Three Rivers Fed- est position and today serves as the Supreme Congressman McKevitt spent his youth in eral Credit Union as president and chief exec- President of the MOCA for the entire United Spokane, Washington, before deciding to at- utive officer. Three Rivers provides important States. tend the University of Idaho. When it came E1644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 2, 2000 time for young Americans to serve their nation travel, lower fares, and better service. But to compete for business and tourism over- in battle, Congressman McKevitt did just that, these changes won't come overnight. The seas. These communities will benefit from the serving admirably and with distinction in the problem caused by underinvestment have new passenger demand that will be stimulated Korean War with the United States Air Force. been festering for decades and will take years by the combined network. For example, United After graduating from the University of Denver to fix. In fact, air service may get worse before has projected that demand for service to Pitts- with a Law Degree, Congressman McKevitt it gets better.
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