Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference ID 773 Rogelio Caballero, Juan Carlos D’Olivo, Gustavo Medina-Tanco, Lukas Nellen, Federico A. Sánchez, José F. Valdés-Galicia (eds.) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008 Vol. 2 (OG part 1), pages 51–54 30TH INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE Large Scale Observation Program of Ultra Heavy Nuclei in Galactic Cosmic Rays 1 1 1 1 1 1 N. HASEBE , T. DOKE , M. HAREYAMA , S. KODAIRA , T. MIYACHI , M. MIYAJIMA , O. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OKUDAIRA , K. SAKURAI , S. OTA , M. SATO , Y. SHIMIZU , M. TAKANO , S. TORII , N. 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 YAMASHITA , N. YASUDA , S.NAKAMURA , T. KAMEI , H.TAWARA , K. OGURA , S. MIKADO , 6 7 8 H. SHIBUYA ,K.NAKAZAWA , AND A.J. WESTPHAL 1Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan 2Fundamental Technology Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba 263-8555, Japan 3Department of Physics, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan 4Radiation Science Center, High Energy Accelerator Organization, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan 5College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, Chiba 275-8576, Japan 6Department of Physics, Toho University, Chiba 274-8501, Japan 7Department of Physics, Gifu University, Gifu 501-1193, Japan 8Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720, USA [email protected] Abstract: Our galaxy is filled with relativistic nuclei and electrons, being called galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). The origin of GCRs nuclei is still unknown. The precise observation of ultra heavy (UH) GCRs (Z ≥ 30) is important to resolve the remaining problems in cosmic ray astrophysics. Observation program of UH nuclei in GCRs is proposed with the use of high performance solid-state track detec- tor (SSTD) on board long-duration balloon. The program focuses to measure the isotopic abundance above iron-peak elements and the composition of the rare ultra heavy nuclei up to actinide elements with relativistic energy. The observation of nuclear composition covers a wide range of scientific themes in- cluding studies of nucleosynthesis of cosmic ray sources, chemical evolution of galactic material, the characteristic time of cosmic rays, heating and acceleration mechanism of cosmic ray particles. In order to achieve the objectives, the super-ressure balloon capable of carrying very large scientific payloads for long extended period is best suited. The possible approach based on a large telescope array consisting of modularized SSTD stacks is described. Introduction Fe-Co-Ni isotopes by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) tells us that the average time de- Our galaxy is filled with various relativistic nuclei lay between nucleosynthesis and acceleration is 5 and electrons, being called galactic cosmic rays greater than about 10 years [3]. (GCRs). The source of GCR nuclei is still un- Elemental abundance in GCRs above Z ≥ 30 has known. However, GCRs are thought to be accel- been measured by experiments of ARIEL-6 [4], erated by supernova (SN) shocks in the interstellar HEAO-3 [5], and recent experiments of TREK [6] medium (ISM). The location of SNs are not dis- and TIGER [7]. Even with these observations, the tributed randomly in the Galaxy, but explode pref- chemical separation of even-Z and its neighboring erentially in OB-associations which have been the odd-Z nuclei in the range of Z = 30 to 60 has site of massive star formation and in which hot and not been individually resolved. For Z > 60, since young stars are abundant [1, 2]. An SN explosion the statistics are very low and the charge resolu- in an OB association forms a shock into a local tion is broadened in the Ariel-6 [4] and HEAO-3 ISM which is enriched in freshly synthesized ma- [5] data, the grouping of charges is necessary for terial from previous SNe. Recently, the Cosmic meaningful abundance measurements. Those re- Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) measurement of sults for Z > 60 are likely enhanced in r-process 51 OBSERVATION PROGRAM OF ULTRA HEAVY COSMIC RAYS elements at the source. However, such an en- Origin of GCRs hancement among elements with Z > 60 is com- 22 plicated by elemental fractionation process. The The element Ne in the GCR source (GCRS) isotopic measurement provides a distinct advan- abundance is enhanced relatively as compared with tage in determining the mixing ratios of the s- to the solar system (SS) abundance from the previous r-process products, because those ratios are im- observations of isotopic compositions for Z < 30 mune to elemental fractionation processes. And based on most recent experiment ACE/CRIS [9]. we still lack definitive data for elements Z > 30 This is thought as due to the contribution from that could provide further understanding of the ori- Wolf-Rayet stars which usually exist in superbub- gin and history of galacticmatter. The precise mea- ble (SB) [9, 10]. The measurement of the abun- 59 59 surements of GCR composition beyond the iron dances of Ni and Co gives the average delay 5 peak are of special interest because of their infor- time greater than about 10 yr between nucleosyn- mation about neutron-capture nucleosynthesis pro- thesis and acceleration, and suggests that the SN cesses and because of a number of stable and ra- does not instantly accelerate their own ejecta [3]. dioactive species contained in them. The next step 10 beyond ACE/CRIS [8] is to measure individual iso- refractory semi refractory topes with an excellent mass resolution and a high semi volatile statistics for elements with 30 ≤ Z ≤ 58, and to volatile measure Pt-Pb group nuclides and actinides with an excellent charge resolution and a high statis- 1 tics by the use of particle spectrometers with at Gd Lu least two orders of magnitude increase in collect- Eu Dy U Sm Er Yb Pt Nb Hf ing power. Rh Pr Sn Ni Nd Ir Te Pd Ce Ru Re GCR sourceGCR (Si / Solar = 1) Abundance 0.1 In this paper, we focus the observation program of Se Ag Au Mg La Os Zn Rb Si Y Sb K P Fe Ta W isotopic and elemental compositions of ultra heavy CNOSBr Ge Na As Co Ca MoAl Zr 0 500 1000 1500 2000 galactic cosmic rays (UH-GCRs) for Z ≥ 30 Condensation Temperature: Tc [K] with the energy above several 100 MeV/nucleonby means of an extremely large exposure array made Figure 1: The source composition of GCRs relative of solid-state track detectors (SSTD) onboard long to the SS abundance for their condensation temper- duration super-pressure balloon over Antarctica or atures [11]. Southern hemisphere. Comparison of GCRS abundance with SS abun- dance indicates that ultra heavy composition in Scientific objectives and goal GCRs with high condensation temperature is rel- atively enhanced to the SS abundance, as shown Observation of elemental and isotopic com- in Fig. 1 [12, 11]. This tendency is explained by positions of UH-GCRs assuming that the multiple supernova (SN) shocks in OB-association can accelerate the GCRs from Our observation program is designed to resolve seed nuclei originated from dust-grains drifting in the individual elemental and isotopic composi- interstellar medium which condensed rapidly af- tions in UH-GCRs using high performance solid- ter an SN explosion [11, 13]. Since a typical SN state track detector with extremely large collect- explode within several ten Myr in SB, the inter- ing power. The precise measurements of chemi- stellar, circumstellar gases or dust-grains in SB cal compositions in UH-GCRs will provide us rich are thought of relatively oberabundant with fresh information for understanding the origin, the stel- materials as compared with normal old interstel- lar nucleosynthesis, the chemical evolution of the lar material. Therefore, a part of these fresh ma- galaxy and the history of an interstellar material, terials should be accelerated as cosmic rays by SN and offer new possibilities for the study of the cos- shocks in SB. A signature of GCR origin in SB mic ray acceleration and propagation mechanisms is an enhancement in r-process material of UH- in interstellar space. 52 30TH INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE GCRs. Our cosmic ray detector telescope will de- nuclei must be in gas phase. While, Sakurai [12] tect the actinide elements (Th, U, Pu, Cm) and the suggested that the seed nuclei such as refractory el- isotopes mainly synthesized r-process (e.g. 82Se, ements are relatively enhanced in GCRs (see Fig. 100Mo, 129I). There is a distinct advantage to de- 1) should be condensed in dust-grains. The tem- termining the s-process to r-process mixture by perature at injection site should be at 1000 K or measuring isotopic ratios, since these ratios are im- less. mune to elemental fractionation effects. It is very difficult to distinguish injection mecha- Furthermore, the precise measurements of unstable nism because of good correlation between FIP and isotopes, 93Zr (1.53 Myr),129I (15.7 Myr), 135Cs Volatility, as shown in Fig. 2 [14]. Meyer et al. (2.3 Myr) with β decay mode, 247Cm (15.6 Myr) [14] pointed out, however, that there are some el- with α decay mode, and short life time elements ements (Ge, Rb, Sn, Cs, Pb, Bi) without the cor- with electron capture decay mode, 81Kr (0.229 relation between FIP and Volatility. Comparing Myr), will tell us the nearby source and life-time their GCRS abundances with SS abundances in the (confiment time, delay time between nucleosyn- broad range of chemical elements will resolve the thesis and acceleration) of GCRs. injection mechanism. 2000 Sc Re Os Chemical evolution of galactic material Tb Dy Al Ho Th Er Gd Tm Sc Zr W Lu Hf Nd Mo Ir atm) [K] UTi Ta 4 Pr Sm − La Ca Recently, universality of elemental abundance of 1500 Ba Yb Nb Ru Be Ce Sr Rh Pt r , 10 Y -process nuclei has been indicated from the com- Ni Co % Cr Mg Pd Eu Fe Mn Si P parison of abundances between proto metal-poor (50 Li c Au As stars and the solar system [17].
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