Sarah Plant —Assistant Team Manager Localities 1 - 3: Planning Committee 19/12/2017 17/00505/OUT Gladman Developments ACTON TRUSSELL, BEDNALL & TEDDESLEY HAY Cllr L Bates & Cllr I Ford Land West Of Cannock Road And South Of Hazelstrine Lane Stafford Staffordshire Outline planning application for the erection of up to 155 dwellings (C3 use) and 55 apartments with care (C2 use) with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Cannock Road, ST17 4SH. All matters reserved except for means of access. 1. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING HISTORY The application site is a hexagonal shaped field that sits at the southern settlement edge of Weeping Cross, Stafford, located within South Staffordshire District of Acton Trussell and Bednall parish. The site is positioned on the north facing slope of Acton Hill and is bound along the east with Acton Hill and Cannock Road. Along the north is a public access path, and to the south west a combination of woodland and open countryside (which is used for a mixture of arable and pasture farming). Along the east the site is bound with hedgerow and tree planting and along the southern western and northern boundaries is a mixture of wire and post fencing together with shrub/small tree planting. The site differs in level with a declining slope of around 20m from the north west corner to the south west corner; measuring around 115m OAD to 94.55m OAD. The landscape that surrounds the site is rolling and undulating. 1.1 No Planning History 1.2 No Pre-application discussions have been had 2. APPLICATION DETAILS Outline planning permission is sought for the development of an open countryside site for residential development for up to 210 units, with the means of access included, but with all other matters reserved for future detailed applications. Permission is not sought for matters of appearance, landscaping, layout or scale as part of this application. An indicative masterplan (7640 – L – 02 REV I) has been submitted which shows there will be up to 155 dwellings and up to 55 apartments with Care (C2). The indicative masterplan includes landscaping, a sustainable draining system and vehicle access off Cannock Road/A34. The masterplan shows the attenuation pond to the north west, a play area (0.04ha) to the north and apartments to the north east as well as 1.51ha of public open space. It also shows several footpath links in and around the site and a development set back along the southern boundary. Sarah Plant —Assistant Team Manager Localities 1 - 3: Planning Committee 19/12/2017 AGENTS SUBMISSION Affordable Housing Statement Air Quality Screening Report Arboricultural Survey Archaeological Appraisal Bat Survey Report Design and Access Statement Ecological Appraisal Revised Ecology Report Flood Risk Assessment Foul Drainage Analysis and supplementary report Framework Travel Plan Geo-environmental Assessment Habitats Regulations Assessment Landscape and Visual Assessments part 1 and 2 Mineral Resource Assessment Noise Screening Report Planning Statement Renewable Energy Statement Socio – economic sustainable statement Statement of Community Involvement Transport Assessment Transport Technical Note Utilities Statement 3. POLICY CONTEXT 3.1 The application site is within the Open Countryside and outside of Acton Trussell Development Boundary. The site however does adjoin the settlement edge of Stafford. The local and national planning policies relevant to the determination of this application area as follows: Core Strategy Development Plan Document, December 2012: National Policy 1 - The Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Core Policy 1 - The Spatial Strategy for South Staffordshire Core Policy 6 - Housing Delivery OC1 - Development in the Open Countryside Beyond the West Midlands Green Belt EQ1 - Protecting, Enhancing and Expanding Natural Assets EQ4 - Protecting and Enhancing the Character and Appearance of the Landscape EQ5 - Sustainable Resources and Energy Efficiency EQ7 - Water Quality EQ8 - Waste EQ9 - Protecting Residential Amenity EQ11 - Wider Design Considerations EQ12 - Landscaping EQ13 - Development Contributions H1 - Achieving a Balanced Housing Market H2 - Provision of Affordable Housing Sarah Plant —Assistant Team Manager Localities 1 - 3: Planning Committee 19/12/2017 H4 - Delivering Affordable Housing EV11 - Sustainable Travel EV12 - Parking Provision Housing Market Assessment (2017) Longer Term Balancing Market Housing Report National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), March 2012 Planning law requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This document sets out the national overarching aims for planning with a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Development that is sustainable should be favoured, without delay, and should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking. Para 6-10: Achieving Sustainable Development Para 11-16: The Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Para 17: Core planning principles Para 47-55: Delivering a Wide Choice of High Quality Homes Para 79-92: Protecting Green Belt Land Para 109-125: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment Para 126 - 128 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Para 186-187: Decision-taking National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), 2013 4. CONSULTATION RESPONSES Councillor Bates: called in the application 07/06/2017 – contrary to development plan. Parish Council: comments received 01/07/2017 The Parish Council has considered this outline application for development and objects strongly. We have received representations against the development from local residents and borough and district councillors. The land in question is agricultural and forms a valuable wild life corridor running down from the upland areas for Cannock Chase to the low level river areas around Hazelstrine. Housing development will reduce the environmental amenities and affect the existing wildlife. It is not an improvement as suggested. The site approaches close to the AONB and affects its surroundings The site is within Acton Trussell ward but totally unconnected to the centre of the parish. It was not included in South Staffordshire strategic plans and South Staffordshire have objected strongly when Stafford Borough have attempted to include it in their planning in 1996. The Parish Council is extremely concerned about the probable increase in traffic along Acton Hill Road and Mill Lane Acton Trussell as residents Sarah Plant —Assistant Team Manager Localities 1 - 3: Planning Committee 19/12/2017 commute onto the M^ junction 13. This is already a rat-run although a narrow twisting lane and it is unsuitable for any more traffic. The propose further development at the old Police Headquarters site at Baswich will only increase the traffic. Traffic flowing towards Stafford is already excessive with a major bottleneck at the mini -islands at Weeping Cross due to the large volumes of traffic from developments down Baswich Lane, Baswich and Wildwood. It is noted that the turn into Acton Hill Road from Cannock road is already considered dangerous and this will have traffic turning across the flow from Cannock to enter the lane. The entrance to the estate is to a single loop road and with 220 house, thre will be serious delays for traffic entering and leaving due to the steady stream of traffic flowing along the A34 at most times. This is already a serious risk problem at the Brocton Crossroads junction and at the Wildwood entrances. The number of house will require additional school and health provisions but the primary school at Bednall is already full and having to use additional mobiles to accommodate the present demands. There is very limited capacity for additional patients at doctors surgeries in this part of South Staffordshire. Acton Trussell was not identified for development in the District Council plans and we beleive that the housing needs of Stafford Borough Council can be met on sites within its own boundaries. I therefore submit the objections of Acton Trussell Bednall with Teddesley Hay Parish Council. Jeremy Lefroy MP for Stafford Constituency: comments received 04/12/2017. I wish to register, on behalf of constituents in both South Staffordshire District and Stafford Borough, my objection to the application submitted for the construction of houses on Cannock Road. My reasons are as follows: 1) Local plans This development is not in the Local Plan of South Staffordshire Council nor of Stafford Borough Council, on which it has a very significant impact. 2) Impact on the town of Stafford This development proposes effectively to increase the size of the town of Stafford, which has already produced a careful local plan fulfilling the Government's objectives for house building. Indeed, Stafford Borough has in the past year completed new homes at more than twice the national rate. This development should therefore be considered for all practical purposes in the context of the Stafford Borough plan since it is Stafford Borough within which almost all of the services on which residents of the development would rely. Sarah Plant —Assistant Team Manager Localities 1 - 3: Planning Committee 19/12/2017 3) Impact on local schools The development will put even greater pressure on already stretched local schools and school places in the South of Stafford. The development does not include any additional school provision.
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