Frankfurt children's books rights list 2019 MIDDLE GRADE / YOUNG ADULT 25 Letizia Iannaccone - Ste Tirasso DRAGON SOUP 25 Silvia Sommariva BUT, WHERE DID GRANDPA GO? 2 Giovanni De Feo THE ROOM WITHOUT END 26 Roberto Piumini FAIRY TALES FOR BREAK TIME 3 Fabio Genovesi ROLANDO FROM THE GRAVEYARD 27 Silvia Serreli MY FEELINGS 4 Viviana Mazza GRETA 28 Dino Ticli A GIFT FROM THE NEANDERTHALS 5 Beatrice Masini STORY OF MAY, LITTLE WOMAN 28 Simona Bonariva A WHOLE DIFFERENT MUSIC 6 Davide Morosinotto THE LOST FLOWER OF THE SHAMAN OF K 29 Annamaria Piccione STAR MYTHOLOGY 7 Sara Allegrini THE NET 29 Isabella Paglia THE PHARAOH GIRL 8 Marco Magnone MY INDIGO SUMMER 9 Valeria Ancione I WANTED TO BE MARADONA NON FICTION 10 Laura Andreozzi THE SECRET CITY 32 AA.VV. OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE SKY 11 Elena Russo Arman LEONARDO – WHAT A GENIUS! 33 Federico Taddia, Telmo Pievani LAND AHOY! 12 Francesco Niccolini THE WOLF AND THE BUTTERFLY 34 Caroline Pellissier, Virginie Aladjidi MY FIRST WORDS 13 Bianca Pitzorno 36 Clemi tedeschi A LITTLE YOGA HANDBOOK FOR CHILDREN SERIES 16 Vanna Vinci JURASSIC GIRL 17 Licia Troisi THE IMPOSSIBLE CASES OF ZOE & LU 18 Claire Martini PRIMA BALLERINAS 3 19 Barbara Cantini A FREAKISHLY FUN EVENING 20 Barbara Cantini MORTINA 4 21 Manlio Castagna PETRADEMONE 3 22 John H. Watson ELEMENTARY WATSON! EARLY READERS 24 Silvia Serreli WHAT ARE BIG BROTHERS FOR 24 Miriam Dubini THE NAPPY THIEF occhiello middle grader / YA MIDDLE GRADE / YOUNG ADULT Giovanni De Feo DIR. EDITORIALE ART DIRECTOR EDITOR GRAFICO REDAZIONE UFF. TECNICO 4 MM DIthe ABBONDANZA PER LA PIEGA room without end 4 MM DI ABBONDANZA PER LA PIEGA NEW He won’t leave, this is his own adventure È arrivato il giorno della partenza. Nicodemo,and undici he anni, doesn’t saluta la ca- want to miss it. Romanziere, storytellerA e sceneg misterious- adventure set sa di una vita, l’amato quartiere e giatore, è stato per quindici anni gli amici di sempre. Non appena la insegnante di Letteratura in scuo- The day of the move finally arrives. Nico demus, short macchina si mette in moto, ecco che le International Baccalaureat, tra però intravede oltre il cancello qual- Amsterdam, Londra ine Genova. a I fantastic world where oblivion hair and milk jug ears, has to say goodbye to the cuno che stringe tra le mani il faz- suoi racconti fantastici sono apprez- zoletto bianco da cui non si separa zati in Italia e negli Stati Uniti, do- mai,home Flagello. Svelto, of Nicoa lifetime si lancia and to his old friends, in short he ve sono stati antologizzati. Il suo alla rincorsa di quella figura così Mangianomi è consideratoand il primo eternity face each other stranamentefeels simile like a lui, he’s avvolta dying in inside. Everything is settled and romanzo fantasy di ambientazio- una nuvola di insetti dalle ali iride- ne italiana. scenti.the Dopo family pochi, palpitanti ready istan- to leave, but Nico catches a sight of in a timeless struggle. ti, si ritrova in una stanzetta murata dietrosomeone a una parete della beyond sua casa di his house’s gate holding his precious cui non conosceva l’esistenza. È una camerawhite oscura, edbattle è ricoperta inhandkerchief; ogni he’s wrapped in a cloud of suo centimetro da fotografie. Al cen- tro,insects una cornice con withuna voragine iridescent al wings and has familiar short GIOVANNI DE FEO posto dello specchio, da cui si alza C’era una piegatura nello spazio, come una fessura. unhair suono come and di uno milk schiocco; unjug ears. All of a sudden Nico realizes invito. Nico si slancia all’interno di novelist, storyteller andPian pianoscreenwriter, Nico ci infilò dentro has i polpastrelli. been Literature quelthat cunicolo what buio. is looking at is himself but from the back! La sentiva. Era fredda, elettrica, pizzicava. Il mondo in cui approderà sarà un teacher in International Baccalaureate schools in mondoIn adi fotografieheartbeat governate da Nico rushes to chase him and finds Amsterdam, LondonE andse fletteva Genoa un po’ le dita, for forse fifteen poteva... years. He’s regole sottili, dove oblio ed eterni- La cantina tremò tutta e Nico spaginò. tà himselfsi affrontano in unain lottaa dark senza room, bricked up behind his father’s considered one of the masters of the Italian fantasy tempo e dove solo lui può ristabi- WWW.RAGAZZIMONDADORI.IT lirecloset la pace. for shirts. What is a dark room doing hidden MONDADORI-LIBRI PER RAGAZZI genre and his stories are appreciated in Italy and in the ART DIRECTOR: FERNANDO AMBROSI in his house? Is it even possible that no one know GRAPHIC DESIGNER: STEFANO MORO United States. about it? Head spinning, eyes wide, he looks at the In sovraccoperta: j XX,XX illustrazionewalls di Kalina coveredMuhova in every inch by hundred of photos. COP_De_Feo_Stanza_senza_fine.indd 1 OROPRESS ORO 562C03 They aren’t tacked02/09/19 15:20 up at random. Each wall was CARTA: Patinata Lucida 130 gr - PROFILO DI STAMPA: Coated FOGRA39.icc - DIMENSIONE: 145x223 mm - RIFILATO: 140x215 mm CARTONATO organized by subject, forming a kind of photographic «There was, this time vertically, an ice-sharp fold in space, like a geography. In the middle there is a frame with a crack. Little by little, Nico pushed his fingertips into it. It was cold, sinkhole instead of the mirror, from which a sound rises like a snap as a sort of invitation. Nico rushes electric, tingly. And if he flexed his fingers a bit, maybe he could… into that dark tunnel and into the greatest adventure The storage room shook and Nico dispaged. of his life. He won’t leave, this is his own adventure Where-how-when?» and he doesn’t want to miss it. «Two mayflies twirled in the boy’s hair, but he didn’t move to swat them ENG SAMPLE AVAILABLE away. He was as still as a statue. Was he even breathing? Nico walked toward 14 x 21,5 cm | 384 pages 12+ hardcover w/jacket him, almost without realizing it. He felt sure that if the boy turned his head October 2019 something terrible would happen. And yet, he wanted him to turn.» 2 MIDDLE GRADE / YOUNG ADULT Fabio Genovesi Rolando from the Graveyard A modern fairytale told in a fresh and NEW irreverent writing style. A modern fairytale told in a fresh Rolando lives in the cemetery, together with his uncle, who is its guardian. Rolando leaves the house only and irreverent writing style. to go to school where the other kids avoid him as an odd type. So Rolando has no friends except for the blackbird Cip. One day the Gini cousins, Marisa FABIO GENOVESI and Mirko, appear among the tombstones, so finally (born in Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, 1974) is an author much Rolando finds two friends of his age! But the Gini loved by the public and critics. Mondadori published the cousins are ghosts and they will soon disappear in novels Esche vive, Versilia Rock City, Chi manda le onde the Great Hole forever. To rescue them Rolando has (Award Strega Giovani 2015) and Il mare dove non si to venture on Monte Pupazzo, up to Dark Blackness, tocca. He writes for the “Corriere della Sera”, “La Lettura” to find the Red Thing by midnight the next day, and “Io Donna”. Rolando from the Graveyard is his first which is Rolando’s birthday exactly. Rolando starts novel for children. His books have been sold so far to a journey with Cip through uncontaminated nature Germany (Bastei Luebbe, Anton Kippenberg, Random that turns into a sensational enterprise in company House), France (Lib. Artheme Fayard, J. C. Lattès), Brazil of unforgettable characters: a careless junkyard, a (Bertrand, Valentina) US (Other Press, E7O), Israel (Keter cross-eyed hunter, an elegant and refined female Books, Miskal Publisher), The Netherlands (Uitgevereij A.W. Bruna), Spain (Espasa Libros), Bulgaria, Denmark boar, and a wild girl who lives in the woods, that (Forlaget Palomar), Albania (Dudaj), Korea (Hyundae goes by Tiger. Munhak), Greece (Patakis). A universal story about the power of friendship, the importance of face our fears and enjoying to be the way we are. 16 x 21 cm | 232 pages hardcover w/jacket ill. Gianluca Maruotti 9+ September 2019 MIDDLE GRADE / YOUNG ADULT 3 Viviana Mazza greta. THE GIRLS WHO'S CHANGING THE WORLD NEW How Greta from invisible and silent teen- ager, too small to do the difference, has be- Grown ups desperately need come the leader of a worldwide movement. good examples. She doesn’t know what she will be when she grows up, but one thing is certain: she will With an continue to fight to have a future. accurate dossier VIVIANA MAZZA on the climate Greta Thunberg is Swedish, she loves dogs and horses. crisis by the She likes school but on Friday, every Friday, she skips is born in Catania in 1978. A journalist scientist for the newspaper Corriere della Sera, Elena Gatti. lessons to go on strike against the climate change. she writes for the foreign news desk about She sits in front of the Swedish Parliament with a the stories of men and women from Alaska sign and protest. She knows that the environmental to Pakistan. She’s been one of the first reporters telling situation of our planet is on the brink of the abyss and the story of Malala, more than 90.000 copies in Italy that if we don’t immediately begin doing something and rights sold to Brazil > Ediouro Publicaçoes; France concrete, in just a few years the problem will reach > Gallimard; Germany > Dtv; Japan > Kin-No-Hoshi.
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