THETHIRD MEETING OF NEPAL.INDIA JOINT COMMITTEE ON TNUNDATTONAND FLOOD MANAGEMENT [JCtFM] (14t*- 19rHMay,201o) The third meetingof Nepal-lndiaJoint Committeeon Inundationand Floocl Management(JCIFM) was heldfrom 14thto 19thMay, 2010. The Indiandelegation was led by Mr. M. U. Ghani,Member, Ganga Flood Control Commission (GFCCi. Governmentof Indiaand the Nepalesedelegation was led by Mr. K. R. Dahai Director General of the Departmentof Water lnduced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP),Government of Nepal.The Nepalesedelegation welcomed the Indian delegationat Inanrua,Dhanusha just across the Nepal-lndiaborder on 14thof May 2010. The meetingof the Joint Committeewas precededby a joint field visit to the completed,ongoing and proposedembankments and floodprotection works alonq the Kamala,Bagmati and Lalbakeyarivers. The listof participantsof the meetrrre is at Annex-|. EXTENSIONOF EMBANKMENTS A) F|ELDVrSrT OF ON GOINGWORKS A-l Kamala River The committeecarried out the fieldvisit of the Kamalariver on '14thand 1: May,2010. On the firstday, the committeevisited the rightbank of ther Kamalariver from Ch. 0.00 km to Ch. 19.95km at Inerura.Sakhuwa Maran Hathmundaand Harnee. It was observedthat the embankmentwork alongthe rightbank from Ch 2.10 km to Ch.5.50 km has beencompleted, but some sectionsrn the reach that were incompleterequire to be completedat the earliest.The work from Ch 0.00to 2.10km is goingon. Mostof the earthworkpart of tire embankmentfromCh. 5.50to 19.95km, with a few gaps in between,has been completedwhereas the compaction,dressing and grass sod turfinrr are yet to be completedThe anti erosionworks such as revetmentand constructionof studs is continuing.As suggestedin the last meetino,antr floodsluice of humepipe with flap valveis yet to be constructedat Ch 5 [rB km. kAw P"1 ThecommitteeinspectedtheendpointoftheembankmentattheNepal- that the constructionof embankment lndia border.The committeedecided shou|dbetakenuponthelndiansidetoc|osethegapa|ongbothbanks India' appropriatelyby Governmentof Atsomelocations,thetopwidthofembankmentwasfoundnotasper designwidththerefore,thecommitteedirectedthatitshouldbebroughtto thedesignwidth.Furthermore,onestudatHathmundaatCh.l5'51km wasfoundtobeplacedatincorrect|ocation'Thecommitteedirectedthatit Nepaleseside informedthat revetment be shiftedfurther upstream. The andstudworkonthealreadyconstructedembankmentatHathmundahad beenomittedfromtheestimateapprovedpreviouslyandduetothe proximityoftheriverchannel,itisrequiredtobeconstructedbeforethe monsoonof2010.ltalsorequestedthattheembankmentatHarineneeded probableoutflanking of the embankment to be extendedfurther to avoid Thecommitteedecidedthatrevetmentandstudmaybeprovidedfora distanceofl50matCh.l2.Sskmandtheembankmentmaybeextended furtherby500matHarneebeforetheonsetofmonsoonf|oods. onMayls,2ol0fieldvisitwastakenupalongtheleftbankatChatrrand fromCh.5.05kmtotheNepal-lndiaborder.Theembankmentandre|ated worksatChatrihadbeencompleted.Thestudswereproper|ytaggedtothe by the committee' Most of the embankmentas instructedpreviously embankmentearthworkwasseentobecomp|eted.FromCh.5.05kmto Ch.0.50kmatSomeplaces,thedressingandgrasssodturfingwasyetto be takenuP. pits for the earthwere too closeto the The committeenoted that the borrow toeoftheembankmentontheriversideandincontinuationThe pits shouldbe at least 100 m away committeeinstructed that the borrow fromthetoeoftheembankmentSoaStoavoidpara||elflow'Theearth not be in continuationThese technrcal cuttingfrom the borrowpit should to. The overallprogress of works requirementsshould be stricilyadhered instructedthat the differentwork was noted to be good and the committee per schedule' packagescontracted out be completqdas A-ll Bagmati River on 16thMay,2010' During the secono The fietdvisitto Bagmatitook place for RBM work on the top of of JCIFM,ti..," had approved meeting "orrnittee embankmentforalengthof30,48kmonbothbankswhichwasfoundtobe goingon.Thecommitteedirectedthatthegrave|worksshou|dbe time. lorpt"t"O inthe schedule K,.,ft"fu\ A-lll LalbakeyaRiver The field visit to Lalbakeyaembankment works took place on '161hMay 2010.During the secondmeeting of JCIFM,the committeehad approved the constructionof embankmentand related protectionworks on both banksfrom ch.5.40 km to ch. 11.50km (6.10km on each bank)as measuredfrom NepalEastern Canal. The committeeobserved the ongorncl workson the leftbank from Ch. 5.40km to Ch. 11.5km. The earthworkpart from Ch. 5.40 km to Ch. 7.40 km was foundto be completewhereas the studs were under construction.The earthwork for embankmentwas ongoingfrom Ch. 7.40km to Ch. 11.50km. The followingdirections werc givenby the committee: ,' i) The alignmentof studs being constructedwas not proper. Such studsshould be alignedat rightangle to the flow of the river,as such it shouldbe rectifiedat the locationswhere necessary. ii) The placementof launchingaprons was found quite above the lowestwater level (LWL) at some places.The bottom level of the launchingapron should be at LWL of the river The commrttec. directedto rectifyaccordingly. iii) The levelof the inletstructure at Ch. 7.35 km was not found as per approveddesign. lt was found about 2-3 feet below ground lev'el The inlet and outlet levelsof the structureshould match with the existingground levels. lt shouldbe rectifiedaccordingly. iv) Three studs at locationP13 shouldbe replacedby revetmentand launchingapron as the riveris flowingclose to the embankment v) lt was observed that the borrow pits were adjacent to the embankmentand continuouswithout any breaks.The instructron givenfor Kamalariver may be followedhere as well. The committeevisited the embankmentwork on the right bank from Ch 11.50km to 8.70km. Mostof the earthworkof the embankmentwas seen to be completewhereas the dressingand grasssod turfingwere yet to be initiated.The constructionof studs and revetmenthas'been started The committeeinstructed that the ongoingworks for Lalbakeyabe completecr as perschedule. l<1,^fui Decisions of the Joint Committee on inundation & Flood management (JCIFM) B) PROPOSEDWORKS AND RELEASEOF FUNDS B-l For Bagmati river The committee directed the concerned field officers to carry out the necessaryfield investigationincluding inundation area and to collect informationof damagesto see the necessityof proposedembankment on the left bank from Ch 31.80 km to Ch. 42.80 km Duringthe second meetingof JCIFM,GON had tenderedRBM work for ninework packages out of whichthe Committeeapproved five work packagestotaling 30.48 km and work is presentlyin progress.The Committeedecided to approvethe remainingfour work packageson the rightbank totaling 20.32 km of which GOI contributionis NRs 4.52 crores, excludingVAT and including contingencies.These work packagesmay be initiatedon completionof the ongoingRBM work of 30.48km approvedpreviously. The committeenoted that during the 12thmeeting of SCEC and also endorsedin the first and secondmeetings of JCIFM,9 work packages alreadyevaluated, 2 work packagesin the processof evaluationand 4 work packagesto be done by usergroups totaling GOI contributionof NRs 16.327crore was approved.Accordingly, the initial50% of fund i.e NRs 8.163 core was recommendedfor releaseand has been releasedby GOI and the balancewas to be releasedafter receipt of utilizationcefiificates of 75% of GOI aid. Sincethe utilizationcertificates for the abovehave already been submitted,the balance50% i.e. NRs.8.163 is recommendedfor release. For the remaining two works for release of balance 50% amountingto NRs.2.43 croreand 50% for RBM works amountingto NRs 4.45 crore.the utilizationcertificate is stillawaited from GON. B-ll Work along the Lalbakeyariver The committeedecided that the processfor extensionof the Lalbakeya embankmentfor a furtherlength of 10.50km on each bankwith RBM of 3 5 m widthand 15 cm thicknessfor a lengthof 6.40km alsoon eachbank be initiated.The GON may submitthe estimateof above proposedworks to GFCC for technicalappraisal. Thereafter, tenders may be floatedby the competentauthority of Governmentof Nepalas per FinancialRegulations of Governmentof Nepaland the tendersshall be consideredfor approvalrn the nextmeeting of JCIFM. I r n)_.u-u1 \ (hsm \u*'Y ^..' As decidedin the secondmeeting of JCIFM,for the works of 12.2km along bothbanks and Anti FloodSluice (AFS) along the rightbank of Lalbakeya near Nepal-lndiaborder, totaling GOI contributionof NRs. 19.23crore oirl of which50% of this amounti.e. NRs.9.615 crore has been releasedon 2513110to GON. For the releaseof balancepayment, utilization cedificate has not beensubmitted by GON as yet. GOI has also released50% of balanceamount (entire amount for 5 4 km on both banksupstream of NE Canaland also for the 6 studs)i.e. NRs 10.73crore and also NRs. 0.245 crore for emergentwork of Lalbakeya riverdone during flood of 2009. The tenderfor the constructionof embankmentfor a lengthof 2.8 km along the rightbank of Bhakuwariver (Jaan river in India)at the tenderedamount of NRs. 1,41,47,703.00excluding VAT as vettedby the competentauthority of GON was approvedby the committee.The GOI contributionof tender It amountand contingenciesis NRs.1.486 crore. Out of whichthe initial50% i.e. NRs. 0.743 crore is recommendedfor release.The balancewill be releasedafter receiptof utilizationcertificates of expenditureof 75% of GOI aid and monitoringof the sameby JCIFM. B-lll Works to be carried out in Kamala river embankment The committeedecided to extendthe embankmentworks in Kamala as prioritizedbelow: i) Ch. 10.55km to Ch. 14.50km (3.95km) on the leftbank ii) Ch. 15.10km to Ch. 18.80km (3
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