NOTES 1. "Dalaca" species of authors that are not placed un­ ies have been examined by the author for assign­ der Dalaca Walker, 1856, belong to other genera ment to subfamily. [po 271 presently undefined, or the species need further 17. Exaeretia Stainton, 1849, is considered by the au­ study. [po 17] thor to be the senior synonym of Depressariodes 2. This is the first time Palaeosetidae have been re­ Turati, 1924, and Martyrhilda Clarke, 1941, but presented in the Neotropical fauna (Nielsen and some authors restrict Exaeretia to a few Palearc­ Robinson, 1983). [po 17] tic species only. [po 27] 3. Nepticulinae is used in place of Stigmellinae, as 18. Oecophoridae genera described by Clarke (1978) proposed by ScobIe (1983), due to the need for nom­ were not assigned to subfamilies by Clarke. They inate subordinate taxa (ICZN Art. 37). [po 17] are placed in the checklist according to their appa­ 4. Nepticulini is used, as in footnote 3, in place of rently valid subfamily and tribal assignments but in Stigmellini, as proposed by ScobIe (1983) (ICZN Art. alphabetical order under each higher category. [po 37). [po 17] 271 5. Prodoxoides is included, although described in 1984, 19. Eumimographe Dognin, 1905, is considered a sepa­ due to the significance of including the first dis­ rate genus by some researchers. [po 281 covery of Prodoxidae from temperate South Ameri­ 20. Atterialydia Druce was transferred from Tortrici­ ca. [po 18] dae to Oecophoridae by Obraztsov (1966. Proc. US 6. Tineidae genera are listed alphabetically pending a NM., 118:620). The species is herein assigned to the generic revision, since the author considers the pre­ Eumimographe group of species,now in Hypercallia. sent subfamily limits too uncertain and ill defined. [po 28] [po 19] 21. Erysiptila Meyrick was not included in the New 7. The named subspecies of Acrolophus macrogaster World monograph of Ethmiidae (Powell, 1973) but is (Walsingham) are listed as synonyms since they are closely related to Ethmia (teste V. O. Becker). [po not geographically isolated populations but appa­ 291 rently only forms of the same species. [po 19] 22. Macrocirca Meyrick is another genus not treated by 8. Choropleca terpsichorella (Busck) was described Powell (1973), but apparently is closely related to from Hawaii from specimens introduced from Cen­ Ethmia; this genus may even be a synonym of Eth­ tral America. [po 21] mia (teste V. O. Becker). [po 30] 9. Many species remaining in Tinea Linnaeus may be 23. The new name, Rectiostoma Becker (1982. J. N. Y. found to belong to other genera following further Ent. Soc., 89:270), was named to replace the preoc­ study. [po 23] cupied Setiostoma Zeller, 1875. The Zeller des­ 10. Tinea galeatella Mabille, 1888, has been listed as a cription inadvertently appeared after the publica­ synonym of Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758) but tion of Felder and Rogenhofer (1875. "Reise Nova­ has been found to be a synonym of Tinea pallescen­ ra ... ") wherein the name "Setiostoma" was used for tella Stainton, 1851 (teste E. S. Nielsen). [po 23] species now assigned to Glyphipterigidae. [po 351 11. Harmaclona is retained in Arrhenophanidae pending 24. Numerous species of Stenoma will in the future be further study to determine its possible placement in assigned to new genera but are retained in Stenoma Tineidae. [po 25] pending further study. [po 35] 12. Dasycarea is considered a valid representative of 25. The generic assignment of Dasycera auricollis Wal­ the Old World family Amphitheridae, the only known singham is uncertain and is based on Walsingham's representative of this family in the New World. [po congeneric inclusion of the species with "Dasycera" 25] newmanella Clemens, now assigned to Mathildana. 13. The Madinier name, "noctuella," was originally used [po 40] in the sense of "a small moth," and not as a binomial 26. Eupolella Fletcher appears to be related to Glyphi­ name, as subsequently cited. Article 11 (ICZN) in­ docera and is, thus, transferred to Symmocinae dicates that the name is unavailable and, in not be­ (Blastobasidae) (teste V. O. Becker). [po 41] ing binomial or scientific, a vernacular name. [po 25] 27. Syntypes of Coleophora picticomis Walsingham are 14. Cremastobombycialantanella Busck was described from Haiti, St. Thomas, and Grenada. [po 421 from Hawaii from specimens introduced from Mex­ 28. The Neotropicalgenera of Gelechiidae are arranged ico. [po 26] by subfamily except for a large group of genera too 15. The placement of "Elachista" rubella Blanchard is little known to make any reasonable assessment of still uncertain. It was thought to belong to Phylloc­ their subfamily position; these latter genera are nistis but now appears best placed in Heliodinidae, arranged alphabetically as unplaced genera. [po 441 tentatively in Heliodines (teste D. R. Davis). [po 27] 29. Crambodoxa Meyrick may belong to Oecophoridae 16. Most Neotropical Oecophoridae generic type spec- (teste V. O. Becker). [po 521 59 60 NOTES 30. Iphimachaera Meyrick may be related to Tinaeger­ idae to Yponomeutidae following examination of ia in Oecophoridae (teste V. O. Becker). [po 52] the type-species (teste D. R. Davis). [po 56] 31. Leistogenes Meyrick, 1927, may be a junior syn­ 38. The subfamily assignment of Urodus requires fur­ onym of Logisis Walsingham, 1909 (teste V. O. ther study. [po 56] Becker). [po 52] 39. Pexicnemidia Moschler, 1890, is transferred from 32. Ptilostonychia Walsingham may be related to Gly­ Tineidae to synonymy of Urodus Herrich-Schiiffer, phidocera,in which case it would belong in Symmo­ 1854, following examination of the type-species cinae (Blastobasidae) (teste V. O. Becker). [po 53] (teste D. R. Davis). [po 56] 33. "Gaea" 1illoi Kohler is transferred from Sesiidae to 40. There are undoubtedly a number of Nearctic spec­ Gelechiidae (teste T. D. Eichlin) but is as yet un­ ies of Argyrestbia that also occur in the oak zone assigned to a gelechiid genus. [po 53] of northern Mexico. [po 56] 34. The superfamily name Copromorphoidea is used, 41. Adela selectella Walker was transferred from Ade­ since higher category names need not be based on lidae to Acrolepiidae as a species of Antispastis by priority of authorship. Thus, Carposinoidea, Aluci­ Davis (1980. J. Lepid. Soc., 32:187). [po 57] toidea and Glyphipterygoidea are not used. [po 53] 42. Schreckensteiniinae is retained as a subfamily of 35. Sericostola Meyrick is here transferred from Ypon­ Heliodinidae. Having spines on the hind tibiae does omeutidae to Glyphipterigidae following examina­ not in itself signify a separate family of Lepidop­ tion of the type-species (teste J. B. Heppner). [po tera, especially while other characters show rela­ 54] tionships to other Heliodinidae. The apparent simi­ 36. Attevinae, new status, is here assigned as a new larities to Epermeniidae are unconfirmed. [po 57] subfamily of Yponomeutidae for Atteva, Ladora, 43. New World Heliodines require study to determine Pygmocrates, and the Old World Anticrates. These if they are actually congeneric with the European genera all differ from other yponomeutids in pos­ type-species of the genus. [po 57] sessing chaetosemata on the head vertex. [po 55] 44. "Elachista" rubella Blanchard, as noted in note 15, 37. Syncerastis Meyrick is here transferred from Tine- is only tentatively assigned to Heliodines (teste D. R. Davis). [po 57] 45. Mnesichara Walsingham, 1912, is now thought to be a distinct genus in Oecophorinae,including the spe­ cies M. dyctiota Walsingham, 1912, and M.ithymeta (Meyrick, 1926). [po 28] INDEX TO SPECIES 62 SPECIES INDEX Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera abatiae E. M. Hering, Phyllocnistis, 20-137 additella (Walker), Antaeotricha, 21-450 abboti Holland, Oiketicus, 16-56 addon (Busck), Antaeotricha, 21-448 abbotii Grote, Oiketicus, 16-56 adductella (Walker), Antaeotricha, 21-449 abdita Walsingham, Acrolophus, 15-1 adequata Clarke, Onebala, 29-619 abdominella Busck, Ethmia, 21-329 adjunctella (Walker), Antaeotricha, 21-450 abiasta Meyrick, Glyphidocera, 23-2 adjutrix Meyrick, Holcocera, 23-82 abligatella (Walker), Niditinea, 15-306 adminiculata Meyrick, Stenoma, 21-1117 abnormalis Walsingham, Cosmopterix, 27-6 administra Meyrick, Auximobasis, 23-44 abolitella (Walker), Compsolechia, 29-365 admixta (Walsingham), Antaeotricha, 21-451 abortiva (Walsingharn), Cymotricha, 29-528 adoratrix Meyrick, Stenoma, 21-1118 abraxasella (Walker), Ethmia, 21-309 adomata (Meyrick), Antaeotricha, 21-452 abraxasella (Walker), Ethmia, 21-309a adulans Meyrick, Stenoma, 21-1119 abraxella Meyrick, Ethmia, 21-309 adusta Walsingham, Opostega, 8-4 abroniaeella Chambers, Lithariapteryx, 40-32 adustella (Walker), Stenoma, 21-1120 abroniella Meyrick, Lithariapteryx, 40-32 adustella (Zeller), Ethmia, 21-369 abrupta Walsingham, Opostega, 8-1 adustipennis (Walsingham), Brachyacma, 29-524 abruptella (Walker), Compsolechia, 29-366 advocata (Meyrick), Gonioterma, 21-1001 abscensella (Walker), Amydria, 15-201 adytodes Meyrick, Stenoma, 21-1121 abscessella (Walker), Vazugada, 29-680 aedificata Meyrick, Anacampsis, 29-306 absconditella (Walker), Antaeotricha, 21-450 aedilis Meyrick, Prochola, 26-18 absconditella (Walker), Monochroa, 29-3 aenconivella (Walker), Tiquadra, 15-420 absoluta (Meyrick), Scrobipalpula, 29-231 aeneiceps (R. Felder & Rogenhofer), Tinaegeria, 21- absolutrix Meyrick, Tinea, 15-368 1730 absyrtus Schaus, Phassus, 5-52 aeneoalbida (Walsingham), Pompostolella, 15-339 acaciella (Busck), Friseria, 29-105 aeneocapitella (Walsingham), Caloptilia, 20-1 acajuti Becker, Cerconota, 21-842 aeneonivella
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