Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Marys Holy Cross Church, Emmett St. Stanislaus Parish, Delia/Rossville/Silver Lake The Pharisees approached Jesus and asked, “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?” They were testing him. He said to them in reply, “What did Moses command you?” They replied, “Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.” But Jesus told them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. But from the be- ginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall be- come one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” In the house the disci- ples again questioned Jesus about this. He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorc- es her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them. Mark 10: 2-16 or 10: 2-12 The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 7, 2018 208 W. Bertrand Father Raymond May, Jr. e-mail: [email protected] St. Marys, Kansas 66536 Phone: 785-437-2408 Fax: 785-437-2938 E-mail: [email protected] Weekend Mass Schedule Daily Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00pm – Immaculate Conception Monday 8:00am Immaculate Conception 7:00pm—St. Stanislaus Tuesday 12:10pm Sunday 8:00am—St. Stanislaus Wednesday-Friday 8:00am 11:00am—Immaculate Conception First Saturday -only 8:00am Alternate Wednesdays 10:30am—Rossville Valley Manor Alternate Fridays 9:30am—St. Marys Manor Web Sites: Immaculate Conception: http://www.immaculateconceptionstmarys.com St. Stanislaus: www.stansrossville.org SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:15pm—Immaculate Conception Sundays 7:30am—St. Stanislaus BAPTISMS You must be registered in one of the above parishes or have the permission of the pastor where you live. Required preparation classes are held monthly for both parents and godparents. They are encouraged to attend prior to the birth of the child. Please contact Fr. Ray at the office, 437-2408, for further information. MARRIAGE Please call: Father May for an appointment to go over the marriage policy (437-2408) Copyright © 2009 Immaculate Conception Church, St. Marys Page 2 Parish Bulletin (www.immaculateconceptionstmarys.com) Minister List for I.C. Weekly Mass Schedule (Sept. 30 to Oct. 7) Saturday, Oct. 13, 5pm Sat. 10/06 8:00am IC Bill Rafferty (+) Lector: Mike Smith Ex. Ord. Mins.: Mike & Sherry Smith, Peggy 5:00pm IC James & Teresa Zima (++) Smith 7:00pm SS Robert & Jo Copeland (++) Servers: Alex Smith, Vivian Martin, Sun. 10/07 8:00am SS Angie DeDonder Richardson (+) Atticus Martin Gifts: Mike Smith Family 11:00am IC IC & SS Parishioners Ushers: Volunteers Mon. 10/08 8:00am IC Fr. Ray’s Int. Musicians: No Music Tues. 10/09 12:10pm IC Lawrence & Mary Mees (++) After Mass Volunteer: Becky DeDonder Wed. 10/10 8:00pm IC Lorain & Edie Sack (++) Sunday, Oct. 14, 11:00am 10:30am RVM For the Manor Residents Lector: Bryan Mehl Thurs. 10/11 8:00am IC Lawrence & Mary Mees (++) Ex. Ord. Mins.: John Simecka, Kristi & Bryan Fri. 10/12 8:00am IC Dr. Eugene McKenzie (+) Mehl, (Marsha DeDonder) Servers: John Paul & Ethan Downey, Jacob Fox Sat. 10/13 5:00pm IC Lee & Pat Dohrman (++) Gifts: Kevin Fox Family 7:00pm SS Deceased Mems. of the John & Ushers: Jerry Fox, Dwight Bordelon Catherine Jacobson Family Musicians: Rick & Diane Budden Sun. 10/14 8:00am SS SS & IC Parishioners After Mass Volunteers: Chad Bordelon 11:00am IC Marikay Fox (+) **************************************** Minister List for St. Stanislaus Up-Coming Events Saturday, Oct. 13, 7pm Lector: Alexis Ebert Sun. 10/07 The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex. Ord. Mins.: Colette Peel, Marvin Burgett 9:10am SS Rel. Ed. Servers: O’Neill, O’Neill Ushers: Bill Ebert, Volunteer 12:15pm IC K of C Fellowship Sunday Music: Kaylee, June Mon. 10/8 7:00pm SS Integrity Restored Sacristan: Alexis Ebert Wed. 10/10 6:00pm IC Youth Group Mtg. Sunday, Oct. 14, 8am 6:15pm IC Rel. Ed. Class Lector: Alan Streit 7:00pm SS Jr. High Rel. Ed. Ex. Ord.: Shannon Brokaw 7:00pm SS Youth Group Mtg. Servers: McGrath, McGrath, Braden Strausbaugh Ushers: Jeff McGrath, Kevin Brokaw Thurs. 10/11 6:30pm SS K of C Activity Night Gifts: Buhler Family Sat. 10/13 8:30am IC Garage Sale Music: Luke 10:00am IC Pro-Life Rosary Sacristan: Shelly Buhler **************************************** Sun. 10/14 The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time NEW WEBSITE FOR ST. STANISLAUS 9:10am SS Rel. Ed. 9:15am SS Virtus Training STSTANSROSSVILLE.ORG 1:00pm SS Parish Work Day Please have bulletin items in by noon on Wednesdays. Thank You. Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00am to Noon and 1:00 -3:00pm Friday 9:30am to 11:30am and12:30pm– 2:30 pm Religious Ed. Office: Monday thru Thursday 9:00am to Noon and 1:00-3:00pm Main Office Phone Number: 785-437-2408 Extension Father Ray May-Cell-620-803-2395 Pastor: Father Raymond May [email protected]; 3 Office Staff: Secretary Mary Alice Hutley (IC) [email protected] 1 Bookkeeper Carol Michaelis [email protected] IC Religious Ed.-Youth Ministry-Alice Bordelon [email protected] 2 SS Religious Ed. Connie Fischer [email protected] 785-584-6262 Office Asst. Betty Aubert [email protected] 2 SS Youth Coordinator Angie Bittner [email protected] 785-221-2644 SS Parish Coordinator Kathi Rewerts [email protected] 785-584-6612 Kathi’s Office Hours-Mon. and Fri.-8am-2pm\Tues.-Thurs.-9:30am to 3:30pm October 7, 2018 Page 3 Immaculate Conception St. Stanislaus [email protected] [email protected] All Parishes Sept. 30, 2018 Contributions GRIEF SHARE CONTINUES: Sundays 2-4pm Sept. 30, 2018 Contributions through Dec. 9th in Room 3 of the I.C. School Build- Plate-$96.25. General-$1,030. Env.-$1,990. Plate-$162. ing. Start anytime, come and go as your schedule per- Needy-$120. Bldg. Fund-$182.. mits. Leaven-$188. Special Envs-$. Contacts are: Donna DeDonder, 913-548-1169 or Cemetery Fund-$50. Leaven-$67. Total-$2,444.25. Total-Weekend.-$1,441. Peggy Smith, 785-437-6164. Come and bring a friend!! *********************************************** *********************************** Total due from St. Stanislaus’s to support CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ***PLEDGES the Archdiocese for the fiscal year ending Daughters of Isabella, Little Flower Circle #503 ~ 6-30-2019: $15,086.13 Last week’s total $ 1,426,500.00 On October 28th at Christ The King Parish, Yadrich Hall,Topeka, Ks. at 1:00pm Business Meeting Pledges this week $ 30,000.00 NewBuilding Loan Balance Due: New pledge total $ 1,456,500.00 followed by Social. If anyone knows of a member or $98,689.02 their family member in distress, sick or in need of Cir- ****************************** cle’s prayers, please contact Theresa Smith-Lawton at Our GOAL is: $ 2,588,823.00 The Ministry Drive Continues. Please 640-1403. If you are interested in or would like more ******************************* pick up a form from the table in the nar- information about the Daughters of Isabella, please thex and prayerfully consider where you Parish Picnic Discussion and TY contact Cindy Keen at 228-9863. and your family might like to get in- ******************************************** Party ~ volved in parish life. Completed forms On Oct. 20th, 2018 at 7pm in the may be left in the collection basket or (IC Info) K of C Hi Way Clean-up ~ Tues., Oct. 2nd. Centennial Building. This is to discuss sent to the office. Meet at Bank of the Flint Hills at 6pm. Many hands the future of the Parish Picnic with a ********************************* make the labor light!!! “Thank You” party to follow. There If You Feed Them They Will Come! ~ ********************************************( will be adult beverages and pot luck Did you know each week Youth Nights IC) Tootsie Roll Drive will be October 12-14~ This finger foods available. Please come to for grades 7-12 are held in Dekat hall to supports those with intellectual disabilities. Be as gen- help us improve the Picnic for the feed their Soul & Body? We count on the erous as you can-80% of the funds are returned to the future. For more info contact Jason generosity of parishioners to make the local council and 20% help support the Kansas Special meal for this possible. Please contact Henderson (969-7002) Thank You. Olympics. Connie if you can help with making a ******************************* meal or providing ingredients. ******************************************** [email protected] or 785-565-2379. Mass of Innocents ~ Sunday, Oct. 28th, 12:30pm, Jerry Pearl Benefit ~ There is a Jerry ********************************* Holy Spirit Parish, Overland Park, KS. Archbishop Pearl Benefit Account set up at the Mark Your Calendar ~ Please come to Joseph F. Naumann will celebrate a commemorative Bank of the Flint Hills for those of you the parish work day on October 14th at Mass for all children lost during pregnancy or in early who wish to donate to help alleviate 1pm. Bring work gloves, scoop shovels, infancy. This Mass gives parents, grandparents, sib- the out-of-pocket costs for the family’s metal rakes, and a strong back.
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