180 ELSHAM. LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY'S piscina and a brass to the Thompson and Corbett soil, marl. The chief crops are wheat, turnipll, barley families, 1702-I868 : in I Bg6 a clock and inscribed brass and oats. The area is 4,154 acres; rateable value. were erected in memory of the late Sir John Dugdale £5,238; population in rgor, 434· .A.8tley bart. M.P. of El sham Hall, d. r8g4, and a Parish Clerk, George Elsom. memorial window has been placed to the late John and Post Office. Jabez Reed, sub-postmaster. Letter& Sarah Dunn, and Muriel Elsden: the church was re- through Grimsby arrive at _ a.m. & _ p.m.; 7 10 2 30 stored in 1873-4, at a cos~ of £2,419,th by the trustees. d'1spatcherl at 9.40 a.m. & s.so p.rn. week d ays on1 y. of the late J · G · COl' b ett esq. : ere are 21 9 sittmgs. Worlaby is the nearest money order office; the tele- The register dates from the year 1566· The living is graph office is at the railway statn. •& is closed on sun~ a vicarage, net yearly value £97• including 3 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir. F. E. G. Astley- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1872 & e!)., Corbett hart. and held since 1%Jg by the Rev. George larged in r8g5, for rBo children; average attendance, LPwthwaite B.A. of Keble College, Oxford. Here is a 72; William Edwin Beeston, master; Miss S. Beeston, small Wesleyan chapel, seating about roo persons. The infants' mistress charities amount to £6 yearly. Elsham Hall, a modern Railway Station. Henry James Shrimpton, station master mansion of brick, standing in a park of 150 acres, is the · Carriers:- property and residence of Sir Francis Edmund George Charles Stainton, to Hull, fri. ; to Brigg, mon. thurs. Astley-Corbett hart. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and & sat sole landowner. The soil is limestone and sand; sub- Adam Scott, to Brigg, thurs. & sat Astley-Corbctt Sir Francis Edmund Fidell James, letter carrier Leedham Christophcr, cowkeeper- George hart. D.L., J.P. Elsbam hall Gardener John, head gardener at Leeson George, farmer, The Moors Lewthwaite Rev. Geo. B . .A.. Vicarage Elsham hall McGregor James, woodman Gilliat John, farmer Reed Jabez, shopkeeper, Post office COMMERCIAL. • Golf Club (Rev. G. Lewthwaite, hon. Scott .A.dam, carrier Baldwin .Tohn, shoe ma. & shopkeeper sec) . Tomlinson Aaron, pig dealer Campbell Archibald, steward to Sir F. Harrington William, head keeper to Waddingham Wm.Kitching C.C. frmr E. G. Astley-Corbett bart. D.L.,J .P Sir F. E. G . .A.stley-Corbett bart Whitehead David, carpenter, joiner, Crowston John, farmer Hindley George, farmer undertaker, wheelwright & general Dodds Duncan J. farmer Isaac Herbert J()hn, agricultural jobbing work Dunn Ernest Grainger, farmer machine owner & farmer Wilkinson John, blacksmith Elsom GeJ. carpenter & vohedwright Johnson John Edward, farmer ENDERBY, see Bag Enderby, Mavis Enderby and Wood Enderby. EPWORTH is a parish and small market town, in bhe j here (now disused) is an edifice of red brick and wa~ centre of the Isle of Axholme, of which it is the capital, ' erected in 182r. In r 88g a new chapel was erected with a ~ith a ~tation on the Axholm~ J•oint ~ail way; the town j school and minister's and chape} keeper's houses, at a cost Hl 3~ miles wes•t from the navigable r1ver Trent, 5 north · of about £6,700, as a memonal. to the Re-vs. John and from Haxey station on the Spalding and Doncaster ex- 1 Charles Wesler, who were both born here: the chapel is a tension of the Great NorVhern and Great Eastern joint 1 fine structure of Shipley and Ancaster stone, in the Early railway, 5 sou:bh from Crowle st•ation on the South Y·Cirk- I English style, consisting of nave, aisles and transepts, shire branch of the Great Central railway, I3 north- [ with a small gallery over the entrance, and has sittings east from Bawtry, rz north-west from Gainsborough, j for about 500 persons. The Primitive Methodist chapel, r6 east from ·Doncaster, 30 north-north-west from also erected in r82r, is now used as a Sunday school, a Lincoln and 165 from London; it is in the West Lindsey new chapel having been built of brick in r883 at a cost of division of the county, parts of Lindsey, west division £984: the Baptist chapel, al~o of red and white brick, was of the wapentake of .Manley, Epworth petty sessional erected in 1857· A Cemetery of 3 acres was formed in rlivision, Thorne union and county court district, rural I r88r, art a cost of £r,ooo, and is under the control of the deanery of Axholme, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese Parish Council of 15 members. There is also a church of Lincoln. The Hull and Gainsborough steam packets burial uround of half an acre, formed in r88r at a cost of run on the Trent. The town is paved and lighted with about '£3oo, and under the management of trnS"tees. ga11, from works in Tottermire lane, the property of Epwvrth has a market place, the market day being the Epworth Gas Co. Limited. The church of St. 'l'hursd-av; but the markets, having declined for many And~e~, situated on an eminenc~, is a building of stone, years, ar-e now almos·t extinct. The privilege of holding cons1stmg of chancel, clerestor1ed nave of three bays, a market and two annual fairs was procured for this aisle8, north and south porches, and a fine embattled place by Thomas de .Mowbrav · the fairs are held on western tower with pinnacles, containing ~ clock and Thursday after Miay rst and on, Thursday after Septem- 6_ bells: the entrance to the r~od loft rel?ams and por- ber 2gth. The Court house, re-erected in r8o6, is in t.wn_s of the scre~n may be seen m the _readmg-desk; some the Markert place : the manor oourts -are held here once aJ?-Cient stones m the north porch d1splay the badge of a year. Here is a Volunteer Fire Brigade of r2 men, Richard II. and the arms of Mowbray, Dukes of Norfolk, with Alfred Snowden as captain· the fire enooine is kept :• Gules, a lion rampant, arg. : :• the approach to th~ church in Chapel street. 'l'he Police Station, with residence IS by a broad fl.agge~ causeway,. flanked o~ each s1~e by a for a superintendent, was erectf'd in r 848. The Epwortlr row of trees.= the stamed east wmdow w~s mserted m r878 Agricultural and Horticultural Society holds a show as a rnemonal of the 35th year of the Incumbency of the . here annuallv. The charities in the bands of the over­ H?n. and ~ev. Charles Du~das M . .A.. rector 1843-83; other ; seers of the poor, amounting to about £54• are annually wmdows m the chancel, a1sles and the west end are also 1 di!.'trihuted chieflv in clothing-. The Rev. John Weslev stained: in r887-8 the aisles were new roofed, the fittings! 1\LA_ fello~ of J,i~coln College, Oxford, and founder ~f renewed and the interior re-seated, and the west gallery re-I the 'Veslevan Methodist Connexion, was born here, 17 moved; the restoration was effected at a cost of £7oo,under June, r7o~, being the. second son of the Rev. Samuel the direction of the late Mr. James Fowler, architect, of Wesley, then rector of Epworth; his younger brother, Louth; a new organ and oak choir stalls were placed in the Charles Wesley, was born hererB Dec. r7oB. The Rev. chancel in 1890: the church plate includes a mazer-bowl, Alexander Kilham, founder of the Methodist New Con­ of late 15th century work: there are 353 sittings. The nexion, was also born here ro July, 1762. The manor registers of the parish were burnt, with the rectory-house, of .Epworth comprises the parishes of Epworth, Haxey, in the year 1709, with the exception of one book dating from Owst.on and Beloon; the manorial rights belong to the December 1539 to August r6or, discovered a few years trustees of Alfred Parkin esq. The principal landownerS since in an old chest in the church, and part of a burial are the trustees of the late Thomas Wilkinson esq. of register, from 1538 to 1593, found some years ago in thE' ~~rdslev House. Barnsley, Yorks, the trustees of the house of a parishioner and a further portion of a register Rev. Charles .Mottram, and Arthur Maw esq. of Man­ of marriages from 1564 to 1592: the registers from 1710 are cbPst,er. The soil is loarnv, stiff clay and sandy; sub­ perfect. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £4oo, soil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes, including 44 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift oats, barley and celery. The area is 6,n3 acres of land of the Crown, and held since 1899 by the Rev. James and 38 of water; rateable value, £8,484; population irr Greaves B.A. of London University, and .A.ssoc.K.C.L. A rgor was 1,856 civil and r,84o ecclesiastical. Church of England mission church was erected in r887, at a cost of nearly £4oo, on a site given by Alfred Parkin esq. THE ISLE OF AXHOLME contains the parishes of and has sittings for roo persons. The United Metho­ Epworth, Haxey, Belton, Owston, West Butterwick, Al· dist chapel, erected in r86o.
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