Academic Winners Contest Place Std Last Std First School Score

Academic Winners Contest Place Std Last Std First School Score

Academic Winners Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score GRAMMAR I LEVEL 1/2A 1stHORVATH KELII Hill Country Christian School of Au 31.2 2ndTSAI ANIKA St. John's Middle School 30.3 3rdMCDANIEL TANNER Ascension Academy Middle School 24.2 4thGUAJARDO LUKE BASIS San Antonio North Central 23.2 5thDEAN JOSS Murchison Middle School 23.0 6thTHIEBERG LILLY Greenhill School Middle School 21.2 7thMARTIN AVERY Grace Academy Middle School 20.1 8thSCHULEMAN ALEXANDER St. Mary's Hall Middle School 19.2 LEVEL 1/2B 1stCARR NOAH St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 50.2 1stKOLLMEIER SAM Fort Worth Country Day MS 50.2 2ndGREINER GARRETT St. Luke's Episcopal School 48.1 3rdZAKIYAN NICOLE Hill Country Middle School 45.2 4thCOTTRELL CHARLI Hill Country Christian School of Au 43.2 5thSNIDER WILL St. Andrew's Episcopal MS 42.1 6thDAVIS ANNA Grace Academy Middle School 40.1 7thBAI LEANNA St. Thomas Episcopal MS 38.1 8thKIRMA LUCAS Texas Military Institute Middle Sch 34.2 9thGULDE ALEX Ascension Academy Middle School 30.3 10thHENDERSON JOLIE Coram Deo Academy 30.1 388019 29.1 17001428.2 262023 25.3 LEVEL I 1stFERRERIS DOMENIC Tom C. Clark High School 63.4 2ndLUU AUSTIN J. Frank Dobie High School 42.3 3rdSENO TYRELLE Northside Health Careers HS 41.1 4thPETERS CARSON Covenant School of Dallas 39.3 5thANDRADE ADRIANA Antonian High School 38.4 6thCHARTIER JULIETTE John Paul II High School 32.2 6thQUIST CARL Jesuit College Preparatory 32.2 7thJONAS MYLES St. Mary's Hall High School 31.2 8thMEYER ALEX Paragon Prep 30.2 9thTRAN VIVIAN Westwood High School 28.3 10thKILLEEN EMMA Ronald Reagan High School 28.2 179033 27.1 10601127.1 164019 25.1 105009 24.1 313002 23.0 41600521.2 174026 20.1 265005 19.1 409001 16.1 Saturday, April 23, 2016 Page 1 of 52 Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score GRAMMAR ADVANCED LEVEL II 1stBATEMAN DAVID Ascension Academy High School 52.5 2ndSEO DAVID St. John's Upper School 50.2 3rdBEECHER STEPHEN Ronald Reagan High School 48.1 4thFRIEDBERG JOHN Tom C. Clark High School 44.5 5thDINTZNER ETHAN Westlake High School 44.3 6thMOESNER JACOB Antonian High School 43.2 7thPRUSS CLARE Live Oak Classical School 43.1 8thHILL NOAH Northeast Christian Academy 39.2 9thWAY JACOB Baylor College of Medicine Acade 38.1 10thLIM BRENDAN L.B.J. High School (LASA) 37.3 384001 37.1 17400035.3 263006 35.0 224017 35.0 179006 34.1 14600833.0 548003 32.2 567008 31.1 214038 31.1 40100730.4 213014 30.1 556001 29.0 313009 28.2 38802927.2 367037 27.1 106019 26.1 366001 26.1 41600625.1 243011 22.3 322021 21.0 426015 15.0 LEVEL III 1stKNISLEY DANIEL Antonian High School 63.4 2ndRAN KATHLEEN Northside Health Careers HS 62.5 3rdZHANG OLIVIA St. John's Upper School 59.3 4thPALACIOS DAVID Hill Country Christian School of Au 58.3 5thLI CONRAD St. Thomas Episcopal High School 58.1 6thZOU ISABELLA Westlake High School 55.5 7thMALEY ANTHONY Tom C. Clark High School 49.3 8thFERGUSON ERIC Clear Falls High School 46.1 9thBROOKS CRESTON St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 45.3 9thSHANMUGASUNDARARAJ KHAVVIA McKinney Boyd High School 45.3 10thMOOREHEAD MADELYN J. J. Pearce High School 45.1 561003 41.0 40101039.2 505023 39.1 113023 39.1 243001 38.2 39700734.0 431030 32.4 416004 30.1 201008 30.0 35200727.1 384008 23.0 164016 22.3 535020 22.2 322024 21.0 LEVEL IV 1stDAVIDSON JACK Tom C. Clark High School 68.3 2ndTAO ANDREW W. P. Clements High School 67.5 3rdPOWELL SEAN Clear Falls High School 66.2 4thWANG MICHAEL St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 62.3 5thHANNA MADDI Antonian High School 61.4 6thSENIOR CHRISTIAN Hill Country Christian School of Au 57.5 7thDICKER RUBEN Northside Health Careers HS 56.1 8thCOREA JOSE Westlake High School 54.2 Saturday, April 23, 2016 Page 2 of 52 Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score 9thAMER AREEBA Greenhill School 51.1 10thSAUNDERS MADDIE Marcus High School 50.2 116002 49.5 20102747.2 113002 47.1 310006 44.2 384020 44.1 20400542.2 535016 39.1 313012 34.1 164009 33.1 39700432.0 235040 31.1 401036 24.1 366005 24.1 42601223.0 409020 18.2 LEVEL V 1stMAURSTAD AIDAN St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 56.4 2ndBRINKERLY JEREMIAH L.B.J. High School (LASA) 41.0 3rdTRAN BRANDON Hebron High School 23.2 LEVEL VET 1stLANDRY RAJ Marcus High School 68.3 2ndCLARK KATHRYN St. Anthony Catholic High School 34.3 3rdPI NOAH The Colony High School 23.1 4thDORTON SUSANNAH Coronado High School 17.0 5thNGUYEN ROSE Palo Duro High School 16.1 Saturday, April 23, 2016 Page 3 of 52 Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score VOCABULARY LEVEL 1/2A 1stGONZALEZ SOFIA St. Andrew's Episcopal MS 26.0 2ndMONTEIRO AMANDA Hill Country Christian School of Au 25.0 2ndCASTILLO EMILIANO Hill Country Middle School 25.0 3rdAUSTIN ADELYNN Ascension Academy Middle School 23.1 4thMALICK AFRAAZ St. John's Middle School 22.2 5thKYLE RYAN Texas Military Institute Middle Sch 21.1 6thBURSTALL SUMMER Murchison Middle School 19.1 7thSEELIGSON JOHN St. Mary's Hall Middle School 19.0 8thSTRINGFELLOW BENJAMIN Grace Academy Middle School 18.2 9thLEE KARA St. Luke's Episcopal School 17.1 10thYU JUSTIN Greenhill School Middle School 17.0 262014 15.2 LEVEL 1/2B 1stZAKIYAN NICOLE Hill Country Middle School 31.1 2ndPOUNDS AUTUMN Ascension Academy Middle School 30.2 3rdCHAWLA ROHEN St. John's Middle School 29.2 4thADAMS ELIZABETH St. Mary's Hall Middle School 27.3 5thJEFFREY BENJAMIN Murchison Middle School 24.1 6thHENDERSON JOLIE Coram Deo Academy 24.0 6thBAI LEANNA St. Thomas Episcopal MS 24.0 7thLANG MILO St. Luke's Episcopal School 23.1 8thEARL ASHLEY Grace Academy Middle School 20.0 9thPOSHTKOOHI NICKAN Northeast Christian Academy 19.2 10thHOARE JAMES Greenhill School Middle School 19.0 515005 17.2 55700816.1 248002 16.1 262021 15.1 257002 14.1 LEVEL I 1stNGUYEN DALILA J. Frank Dobie High School 40.2 2ndTHRASH MICHAEL Northside Health Careers HS 38.2 3rdSCRIBNER AMBER Tom C. Clark High School 37.3 4thSMITH KENDALL Klein Collins High School 27.1 5thDEWEY ERIN Antonian High School 26.2 6thTRAN VIVIAN Westwood High School 26.1 7thPETERS CARSON Covenant School of Dallas 25.2 7thOSTMO ABIGAIL Marshall High School 25.2 8thFRUITWALA SHRIYA Clear Lake High School 24.2 9thBAYLISS EMILY Frenship High School 23.1 10thKINCANNON LILY St. Andrew's Episcopal High Schoo 23.0 Saturday, April 23, 2016 Page 4 of 52 Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score 367009 22.2 40103121.0 427013 20.1 409019 19.2 238004 19.0 54802218.1 235025 17.1 540002 17.0 396009 17.0 50102116.1 179020 16.1 105009 14.1 431017 14.0 LEVEL II 1stPHAN UYEN J. Frank Dobie High School 54.4 2ndSHAH AYUSH Hebron High School 37.3 3rdBOWYER CHRISTINE Baylor College of Medicine Acade 37.2 4thSHIVER TORI Northside Health Careers HS 34.1 5thUPDIKE BENJAMIN Marshall High School 33.1 6thBENTLEY BAREK Amarillo High School 33.0 7thDAMOMMIO CHLOE Anderson High School 31.2 8thMARSHALL SAREENA St. John's Upper School 31.1 8thANDRADE RUBEN Antonian High School 31.1 8thGUESS HENRY Tom C. Clark High School 31.1 8thALAMELA VIKRAM Westlake High School 31.1 9thEGENES PETER Highland Park High School 30.3 10thSENIOR JACOB Hill Country Christian School of Au 30.0 164020 28.2 43102327.1 548002 27.0 179005 27.0 243010 25.2 53502525.1 235029 24.2 146008 24.1 201019 23.2 56700823.0 367012 22.2 106015 22.1 251008 22.1 32202121.0 321005 21.0 310005 20.1 426005 20.0 31400620.0 416029 19.2 263002 18.2 224001 18.2 409033 14.2 LEVEL III 1stLIU YANG Northside Health Careers HS 56.2 1stGARNER CHRISTINE L.B.J. High School (LASA) 56.2 2ndPHAN KEVIN J. Frank Dobie High School 49.4 3rdRINGWOOD ANNA Westlake High School 44.3 4thFERRETTI MIA Antonian High School 43.2 5thOKOLO CHUKWUDERA Tom C. Clark High School 40.0 6thCARSTENS PHOEBE Brandeis High School 36.1 7thPAULINO ALICIA Ronald Reagan High School 35.2 7thWEYLAND ANDREAS Anderson High School 35.2 8thBROOKS CRESTON St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 32.2 8thCONNOLLY ANNA J. J. Pearce High School 32.2 9thPIZ GEORGIANNE Klein Collins High School 31.2 10thATTRI MARISA Hebron High School 31.1 179034 29.2 32100429.1 431027 29.1 375002 25.2 407002 24.3 20102224.1 243004 24.0 567001 21.2 535006 21.0 52001321.0 310001 20.2 401009 20.1 LEVEL IV 1stSOTO ALEX Tom C. Clark High School 58.4 Saturday, April 23, 2016 Page 5 of 52 Contest Place Std_Last Std_First School Score 2ndPARMAR SHAILEN St. Mark's School of Texas Sr. Hig 45.2 3rdOSOULI ROYYA Texas Military Institute Upper Scho 42.2 4thHOANG MICHELLE J. Frank Dobie High School 41.3 5thMCINTYRE AUSTIN Marcus High School 40.3 6thCURRENS NICOLE Anderson High School 38.3 7thMANAVI NICHOLAS L.B.J. High School (LASA) 37.2 8thRAO NIKHIL Greenhill School 36.2 9thMOHAMMADI POUYA St. Andrew's Episcopal High Schoo 35.1 10thCRAFT MORGAN Hebron High School 34.3 313010 32.2 10602730.1 519001 29.3 107003 29.0 235004 27.0 20100325.3 401043 24.2 376041 23.2 321006 16.2 LEVEL V 1stKACZMAREK ALLISON Ascension Academy High School 44.3 2ndMOON CAELYNN L.B.J.

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