Appendix A Basic Motions of Pattern Formation (Source: Gell 1998: 78 Fig. 6.4/I.) 1. REFLECTION 2. TRANSLATION 3. ROTATION 4. GLIDE REFLECTION 271 Appendix B Naqshbandi Silsilah: The Golden Chain (1) Sayyidina Muhammad, salla-lahu’alayhi wa salam (2) Abu Bakr Siddiqi Khalifat-Rasuli-lah (3) Salman al Farsi (4) Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr as Siddiq (5) Imam Abu Muhammad Ja’far as Sadiq (6) Sultan-ul ‘Arifin Abu Yazid Al Bistami (7) Abu-1 Hassan al Kharaqani (8) Abu ‘Ali Ahmad Bin Muhammad al Farmadi ar Rudhabari (9) Khwaja Abu Yaqoub Yusuf al Hamadani (10) Abu-1 ‘Abbas, Sayyidina Khidr ‘Alayhi-salam (11) Khwaja ‘Ala’u-d Dawlah ‘Abdu-1 Khaliq al Ghujdawani (12) Khwaja ‘Arif ar Riwgarawi (13) Khwaja Mahmoud al Faghnawi (14) Khwaja ‘Azizan ‘Ali ar Rarnitani (15) Khwaja Muhammad Baba as Sammasi (16) Khwaja Sayyid Amir al Kulali (17) Imamu-Tariqati Baha’d Din an Naqshbandi (18) Khwaja ‘Ala’u-Din Attar al Bukhari (19) Khwaja Ya’qoub al Charkhi (20) Hadrat Ishan Khwaja-i Ahrar ‘Baydu-llah (21) Muhammad az Zahid al Bukhari (22) Darvish Muhammad (23) Maulana Alanad Kil Amkanaki as Samarkandi (24) Muhammad al Baqil’i-lah Berang as Simaqi (25) Ahmad al Farouqi Sirhindi Mujaddidu-l Alfi Thani (26) Muhammad Ma’soum Bin Ahmad al Farouqi Sirhindi (27) Sayfu-d Din’ Arif (28) Sayyid Nour Muhammad al Bada’uru (29) Shamsu-d Din Habibu-lah Jan-i Janan (30) Abdu-lah ad Dihlawi (31) Shaykh Khalid Diya’u-Din al Baghdadi (32) Shaykh Isma’il (33) Khas Muhammad 273 274 Appendix B (34) Shaykh Muhammad Effendi Yaraqhi (35) Sayyid Jamalu-din al Ghumuqi al Husayi (36) Abu Ahmad as Sughuri (37) Abu Ahmad al Madani (38) Sayyid Sharafu-din Daghistani (39) Sultanu-1 Auliya Abdu-lah al Fa’izi ad Daghistani (40) Shaykh Muhammad Nazim adil al Haqqani an Naqshbandia Glossary* Adat: Custom, manner, tradition, habitual practice Adab: Haqqani term for adat Adat pengantin: Rules for etiquette at weddings Adik: Younger sibling Akad nikah: Ismamic exchange of marriage vows Akal: Reason; the higher, angelic side of the self Alam ghaib: The unseen realm Allah hu akbar: God is great Allhamdulillah: Praise be to God Amalan: Good deeds and embodied practises Amanah: Gift; special, secret or reserved entrustment Angkat: Adoption into the family Amok: Fanatical force; to run berserk Anak gendang: Small drum Anfus: Souls Arwah: Spirits of the deceased Ayat: A set of words making up a complete sentence of the Holy Quran Baca: To read (words from the Holy Quran) Badik: Bugis dagger Baguazhang: Eight trigrams; a style of Chinese kung fu Bahasa Melayu: The Malay language Baju: Malay shirt; scabbard for a keris Baju kurong: Malay woman’s dress Bangsawan: Aristocrats Batin: Inner essence; spiritual, esoteric dimension Baris gede: Balinese dance *Bahasa Melayu is an Austronesian language that contains many loan words derived from Arabic, Chinese, Indian and other languages. This glossary is oriented towards silat and mysticism and does not provide a comprehensive lexicon. 275 276 Glossary Bay’ah: An oath of allegiance to a Sufi shaykh Bayang: Shadow, reflection; shadow or reflection soul Beladiri: Self-defence Belebat: The four corners set of Seni Silat Haqq Melayu Bendahara: Chief Minister in the Sultanate of Melaka (1402–1511) Berlian: Diamond; codename for silat harimau Bersanding: Wedding ceremonies of pre-Islamic origin Bersilat: Verb, to play silat; abbr. of bermain silat, to play silat Bertapa: Period of seclusion and meditation; ritual ascetic retreat Bertinju: Challenge matches Bidan: Birth-attendant/midwife Bomoh: Malay shaman or magician; traditional healer, faith healer Bomoh akar-kayu: Herbalist Bomoh jampi: Herbalist and medical specialist Bomoh patah: Bone setter Bomoh silat: Guru silat or war magician Buah: Fruit; testicles; combat strategies Buah pisau: Knife fighting Buaya: Crocodile Bunga: Flower; a type of silat practice Capal: Sandals worn by men Cekak Serantau: Pa’ Hosni’s version of silat cekak Celak: Black eyeliner Cheongsam: Chinese woman’s dress Chow Gar: Chows Family Praying Mantis Kung Fu Chou kou: Running dog; traitor Cikgu: Teacher Cindai: Silat weapon made from a tightly rolled sarong Dabus: Ceremonial self-piercing with a keris Daeng: Ruler or sultan; elder brother Dajal: The Antichrist Dakwah: The call to the Islam; Islamic fundamentalism Dalang: Puppeteer, master of wayang kulit; master of a kuda kepang troupe Dampingan: Linking, merging with a spiritual being; keeping a familiar; black magic Datin: Dame or Madam Datuk: Sir; Dato’ is the old spelling; commonly abbr. to Tok, spiritual grandfather Glossary 277 Dhikr: Sufi chanting in remembrance of the Prophet Mohammad Diri: Self Doa: Prayer; the repetition of words from the Holy Quran Duduk laksamana: Archer or bow stance Elak: Turn and step; dodge Fanah: Oneness of Allah Fardhu Jumaat: Compulsory Friday prayers Gamelan: Heavy brass gongs Garuda: Mythical Javanese bird; Hindu god. See Raja wali Gayong: Bucket; orig. Sumatran term for silat; to dip into the well of the unseen Gelanggang: Silat training ground Geliga embun: Rare stone of petrified dew Gerak: Spontaneous bodily movement in Malay silat; see menurun Ghaib: Vanish, disappear; invisible, unseen Golok: Long heavy knife with a pointed blade Guru-bomoh: Former term for guru silat Guru silat: Silat master Hadith: Oral traditions of the words and deeds of the Prophet Mohammad collected after his death Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca Hakikat: The plane of truth; third stage on the Sufi mystical path Halal: Food or produce prepared according to Islamic proscriptions Hantu: Ghosts Hapkido: Korean martial art Haqq: Truth; one of the 99 Names of Allah Haram: Taboo; forbidden, illicit Harimau: Tiger Helang berlegar: Circling eagle stance Hijab: Islamic veil Hormat: Salute with the palms pressed together; obeisance, respect, honour Hulubalang: Bodyguard to a prince or sultan; commander; a person who leads an army. Orig. Sultanate of Melaka (1402–1511) Hwarangdo: Korean martial art 278 Glossary Ibu gayong: The “mother” or root of silat gayong Ibu gendang: Large drums Ijazah: Permission Ilmu: Knowledge; skills Ilmu batin: Occultism; study involving supernatural or magical powers; mysticism; belief that knowledge of God may be attained through contemplation and prayer Ilmu hitam: Black magic Ilmu kebatinan: Spiritual knowledge Ilmu putih: White magic Ilmu sihir: Black magic Ilmu silat: Silat knowledge, magic, skill Isa: Jesus Istana: Royal palace Insya-Allah: God willing Jampi: Magic spell; incantation Jawa asli: Abbr. silat Jawa asli Jembia: Arab dagger Jihad: The greater jihad is quashing the ego; the lesser jihad is Holy war Jinn: Spirits made from fire Jinn Islam: Good Muslim spirits Jinn Jembalang Bumi: The shadow of Jinn Tanah Jinn Kafir: Evil non-Muslim spirits Jinn Tanah: The jinn of the ground Juros: Sets of silat movements Kakak: Elder sister Kalarippayattu: Indian martial art Kampung: Village Kapak kecil: A small throwing axe from Kelantan Kebatinan: Folk-religious practices; pre-Islamic “animist” Malay mysticism Kemenyan: Benzoic stone Kenduri: Ritual feast Keramat: Grave; a sacred site Keramat hidup: A living saint Kerambit: A small curved blade shaped like a tiger’s claw. See lawi ayam Keris: Malay dagger Keris pekaka: Keris with a long handle shaped like a bird’s beak Glossary 279 Keris sepuke pekaka: Keris pekaka with a straight blade Khalil: The other soul, the shadow soul Khalwa: A solitary Sufi retreat Khatam: Silat gayong grading; test upon completing a study of the Holy Quran Khatam lembing: Spear test of silat gayong Khidr: The wandering Green Man; St. George Kompang: Flat skinned drums Korban: Sacrifice Krabbi krabong: Thai martial art Kuali: Cauldron Kuda: Horse Kuda duduk lipat: Cross-legged seated stance Kuda kepang: Javanese hobby horse dance Kuda kuda: Silat stances Kuda segi: Slightly twisted horse stance Kufristan: Land of the infidels Kunci: Key; lock; to lock an opponent in a hold Kunci mati: Death hold; lethal lock Kuning: Yellow; abbr. silat kuning Kuntao: Silat combined with kung fu; black magic Laksamana: Title for Lord Admiral in the Sultanate of Melaka (1402–1511) Langkah: Steps; footwork Latah: Malay hyperstartle pattern; cultural syndrome Layi ayam: Hooked blade with a finger hole grip. See kerambit Layu: Listlessness Lelembut: Malay birth demon Lembing: Spear Lok 9: Malay silat style specializing in keris Main puteri: Healing séance Majun: A herbal medicine Mak: Abbr. mak cik, aunt; honorific prefix for a female guru silat Makam: Mausoleum; tomb; sepulchre Mak yong: Malay theatre genre Malaikat: The Angels of Death Mandi bunga: Ritual flower bath of silat gayong Mandi kebal: Invulnerability ritual of silat gayong Mandi limau: Ritual lime bath of silat gayong Mandi mayat: Washing a corpse prior to burial 280 Glossary Mandi minyak: Ritual oil bath of silat gayong Mandi seni: Combined mandi limau and mandi bunga ritual Mandi tapak: Ritual steps along the path of silat gayong Marifat: The plane of perfect gnosis; fourth and final stage on the Sufi mystical path Masuk Melayu: To become Malay Mat salleh: Caucasians; lit. mad sailors Mati jihad: To die in battle for your country, cause or belief Menurun: Trance; animal spirit possession; the transmission of spirits Meor: Descendant of the Prophet Mohammed from the female line Merantau: Travel in search of mystical power; see rantau Mimpi-mimpi: Dreams Minyak: Oil MPAJA: Malaysian People’s Anti-Japanese Army Murid: Disciple; student Murtad: Become apostate; to desert Islam Mystik: Malay mystic; mysticism Nadi: Vital points Nafas batin: Spiritual breath; internal power; see tenaga dalam; prana Nafs: Ego; the essence that binds the soul to the body Naga: Serpent; dragon Naga berlaboh: Docking dragon stance; low crossed legs stance Nasi: Cooked rice Nasrul haq: A banned style of silat Nenek kabayan: Witch Neraka: Hell Niat: Intention Nikah: See Akad nikah Nyâwa: The part of the soul that goes to heaven or hell Olahbatin: Spiritual exercise Olahraga: Sport silat Pa’: See Pak Padi: Rice in the field Pak: Abbr.
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