PRESS EMBARGO : 8.00am (7.00am GMT), 16 February 2006 16th February 2006 New Passenger Car Registrations European Union + EFTA Countries New PC Registrations January to January Registrations per month in thousand units 1.500 Total Europe (EU + EFTA) (compared to previous year)* 1.228 1.259 1.250 1.500 1.000 1.259 1.250 1.203 1.169 1.228 1.114 1.071 % 750 +2.6 1.000 750 - % 500 -2 3.9% +2.6 Units (000's) Units .8% 500 250 250 0 0 Jan-Jan Jan-Jan Nov 04 -- Nov 05 Dec 04 -- Dec 05 Jan 05 -- Jan 06 2005 2006 *Not adjusted for working days Total new passenger cars registrations in Europe (EU-23 + EFTA) in January 2006 amounted to 1,259,267 units, which represent an increase of +2.6% (and +3.0% in the EU-15) with respect to January 2005. The figure, although influenced by one extra working day across the entire region, is an encouraging start of the year for the sector. The increase is mainly due to the EU-15 countries (+3.0%) while new EU Member States (-4.9%) and EFTA countries (-0.5%) still report a loss for January 2006, but of minor entity with respect to previous months. With respect to national situations, three out of the five main markets reported growth: Germany (+10.8%), Italy (+10.7%) and France (+2.8%). Spain (-0.3%) and the U.K. (-13.3%) ended the month with a loss. Among the other EU-15 countries, only three reported decreases, while the seven others posted positive results, with Belgium (+14.1%) leading the pack thanks to the positive effects of the Brussels Motor Show. The EFTA loss was driven by Switzerland (-1.8%), while among new EU Member States, Latvia (+58.5%), Lithuania (+55.2%), Estonia (+22.1%) and Hungary (+12.1%) reported growth, with Poland (-16.5%) still leading the list of countries which posted losses. Page 1 of 4 P r e s s R e l e a s e PRESS EMBARGO FOR ALL DATA : 8.00 A.M.(7.00 A.M GMT), 16 February 2006 PROVISIONAL NEW PASSENGER CAR REGISTRATIONS BY MARKET EUROPE (EU* + EFTA) 16/02/06 January January % Chg Jan-Jan Jan-Jan % Chg '06 '05 06/05 '06 '05 06/05 AUSTRIA 23.448 23.424 +0,1 23.448 23.424 +0,1 BELGIUM 58.128 50.958 +14,1 58.128 50.958 +14,1 DENMARK(**) 11.063 10.029 +10,3 11.063 10.029 +10,3 FINLAND 18.446 18.162 +1,6 18.446 18.162 +1,6 FRANCE 168.668 164.116 +2,8 168.668 164.116 +2,8 GERMANY(**) 223.108 201.349 +10,8 223.108 201.349 +10,8 GREECE 29.792 31.742 -6,1 29.792 31.742 -6,1 IRELAND 43.106 38.329 +12,5 43.106 38.329 +12,5 ITALY 237.409 214.439 +10,7 237.409 214.439 +10,7 LUXEMBOURG 4.167 3.793 +9,9 4.167 3.793 +9,9 NETHERLANDS 69.241 70.943 -2,4 69.241 70.943 -2,4 PORTUGAL(**) 15.635 16.524 -5,4 15.635 16.524 -5,4 SPAIN 104.441 104.793 -0,3 104.441 104.793 -0,3 SWEDEN 17.128 16.547 +3,5 17.128 16.547 +3,5 UNITED KINGDOM 157.363 181.474 -13,3 157.363 181.474 -13,3 EUROPEAN UNION (EU15) 1.181.143 1.146.622 +3,0 1.181.143 1.146.622 +3,0 ICELAND 1.419 1.314 +8,0 1.419 1.314 +8,0 NORWAY 7.458 7.375 +1,1 7.458 7.375 +1,1 SWITZERLAND 17.689 18.008 -1,8 17.689 18.008 -1,8 EFTA 26.566 26.697 -0,5 26.566 26.697 -0,5 EU15+EFTA 1.207.709 1.173.319 +2,9 1.207.709 1.173.319 +2,9 CZECH REPUBLIC 7.821 8.942 -12,5 7.821 8.942 -12,5 ESTONIA 1.791 1.467 +22,1 1.791 1.467 +22,1 HUNGARY 11.956 10.664 +12,1 11.956 10.664 +12,1 LATVIA 1.363 860 +58,5 1.363 860 +58,5 LITHUANIA 1.217 784 +55,2 1.217 784 +55,2 POLAND 18.555 22.226 -16,5 18.555 22.226 -16,5 SLOVAKIA 3.737 3.752 -0,4 3.737 3.752 -0,4 SLOVENIA 5.118 5.501 -7,0 5.118 5.501 -7,0 EU (New Members) 51.558 54.196 -4,9 51.558 54.196 -4,9 EUROPEAN UNION* 1.232.701 1.200.818 +2,7 1.232.701 1.200.818 2,7 TOTAL EUROPE (EU+EFTA)*** 1.259.267 1.227.515 +2,6 1.259.267 1.227.515 2,6 (*) EU 23 - Data for Malta and Cyprus are currently not available. (**) New classification (for 2006 and 2005): Denmark: data includes motor caravans Germany: data includes motor caravans, ambulances and others Portugal: data includes MPVs with more than 2.3 tons of G.W. (***) ACEA estimates For further information, please call: Mr. Alfredo Filippone - Director of Communications - Tel. (322) 738.73.45 Mrs. Anne Pouchous - Director Statistics & Economics - Tel. (322) 738.73.55 A C E A Association des This information is available on ACEA's website: Constructeurs http://www.acea.be Européens d'Automobiles Next Press Release: Thursday, 16 March 2006 Rue du Noyer 211 B-1000 Bruxelles Tel (32 2) 732 55 50 Fax (32 2) 738 73 10 Page 2 of 4 (32 2) 738 73 11 P r e s s R e l e a s e PROVISIONAL NEW PASSENGER CAR REGISTRATIONS BY MANUFACTURER EUROPEAN UNION (EU15) + EFTA Countries 16/02/06 January January to January %Share Units Units % Chg %Share Units Units % Chg '06 '05 '06 '05 06/05 '06 '05 '06 '05 06/05 ALL BRANDS* 1.207.709 1.173.319 +2,9 1.207.709 1.173.319 +2,9 VW Group 19,3 16,4 233.272 192.537 +21,2 19,3 16,4 233.272 192.537 +21,2 VOLKSWAGEN 10,6 8,7 128.397 102.249 +25,6 10,6 8,7 128.397 102.249 +25,6 AUDI 4,1 3,8 49.938 45.040 +10,9 4,1 3,8 49.938 45.040 +10,9 SEAT 2,6 2,2 31.914 25.883 +23,3 2,6 2,2 31.914 25.883 +23,3 SKODA 1,9 1,6 22.636 18.962 +19,4 1,9 1,6 22.636 18.962 +19,4 Others 0,0 0,0 387 403 -4,0 0,0 0,0 387 403 -4,0 PSA Group 13,9 14,7 168.168 171.926 -2,2 13,9 14,7 168.168 171.926 -2,2 PEUGEOT 7,4 7,8 89.040 91.422 -2,6 7,4 7,8 89.040 91.422 -2,6 CITROEN 6,6 6,9 79.128 80.504 -1,7 6,6 6,9 79.128 80.504 -1,7 FORD Group 11,1 11,6 134.008 135.817 -1,3 11,1 11,6 134.008 135.817 -1,3 FORD 8,7 8,8 104.688 103.419 +1,2 8,7 8,8 104.688 103.419 +1,2 VOLVO 1,6 1,9 19.072 22.085 -13,6 1,6 1,9 19.072 22.085 -13,6 LAND ROVER 0,6 0,6 7.131 6.641 +7,4 0,6 0,6 7.131 6.641 +7,4 JAGUAR 0,3 0,3 3.117 3.672 -15,1 0,3 0,3 3.117 3.672 -15,1 GM Group 9,7 10,2 117.196 119.769 -2,1 9,7 10,2 117.196 119.769 -2,1 OPEL/VAUXHALL 8,2 8,7 98.592 102.610 -3,9 8,2 8,7 98.592 102.610 -3,9 CHEVROLET 1,0 1,0 11.811 11.267 +4,8 1,0 1,0 11.811 11.267 +4,8 SAAB 0,5 0,5 6.452 5.441 +18,6 0,5 0,5 6.452 5.441 +18,6 GM (US) 0,0 0,0 341 451 -24,4 0,0 0,0 341 451 -24,4 RENAULT Group 8,8 10,8 106.049 126.457 -16,1 8,8 10,8 106.049 126.457 -16,1 RENAULT 8,5 10,8 102.519 126.440 -18,9 8,5 10,8 102.519 126.440 -18,9 DACIA 0,3 0,0 3.530 17 ++ 0,3 0,0 3.530 17 ++ FIAT Group 8,5 7,3 102.771 85.789 +19,8 8,5 7,3 102.771 85.789 +19,8 FIAT 6,5 5,3 78.080 61.892 +26,2 6,5 5,3 78.080 61.892 +26,2 LANCIA 1,0 1,0 11.833 11.619 +1,8 1,0 1,0 11.833 11.619 +1,8 ALFA ROMEO 1,0 1,0 12.430 11.700 +6,2 1,0 1,0 12.430 11.700 +6,2 OTHERS 0,0 0,0 428 578 -26,0 0,0 0,0 428 578 -26,0 DaimlerChrysler 5,5 6,2 66.100 72.398 -8,7 5,5 6,2 66.100 72.398 -8,7 MERCEDES 4,1 4,7 49.700 54.833 -9,4 4,1 4,7 49.700 54.833 -9,4 SMART 0,7 0,9 8.660 10.817 -19,9 0,7 0,9 8.660 10.817 -19,9 CHRYSLER 0,6 0,6 7.740 6.748 +14,7 0,6 0,6 7.740 6.748 +14,7 TOYOTA Group 5,2 5,9 63.224 69.083 -8,5 5,2 5,9 63.224 69.083 -8,5 TOYOTA 5,0 5,8 60.246 67.761 -11,1 5,0 5,8 60.246 67.761 -11,1 LEXUS 0,2 0,1 2.978 1.322 +125,3 0,2 0,1 2.978 1.322 +125,3 BMW Group 4,7 4,6 56.659 53.435 +6,0 4,7 4,6 56.659 53.435 +6,0 BMW 4,1 3,7 49.202 43.692 +12,6 4,1 3,7 49.202 43.692 +12,6 Mini 0,6 0,8 7.457 9.743 -23,5 0,6 0,8 7.457 9.743 -23,5 NISSAN 2,0 2,3 24.123 26.510 -9,0 2,0 2,3 24.123 26.510 -9,0 HYUNDAI 1,9 1,9 22.775 22.165 +2,8 1,9 1,9 22.775 22.165 +2,8 MAZDA 1,9 1,7 22.533 20.448 +10,2 1,9 1,7 22.533 20.448 +10,2 HONDA 1,7 1,6 19.969 18.604 +7,3 1,7 1,6 19.969 18.604 +7,3 SUZUKI 1,5 1,1 18.252 12.673 +44,0 1,5 1,1 18.252 12.673 +44,0 KIA 1,3 1,2 15.830 14.633 +8,2 1,3 1,2 15.830 14.633 +8,2 MITSUBISHI 0,9 0,8 10.503 9.761 +7,6 0,9 0,8 10.503 9.761 +7,6 MG ROVER Group 0,1 0,7 1.284 8.346 -84,6 0,1 0,7 1.284 8.346 -84,6 OTHERS 2,1 1,1 24.993 12.968 +92,7 2,1 1,1 24.993 12.968 +92,7 VW Group: VW 'others' include Bentley and Lamborghini FORD Group: Ford includes Ford(US) FIAT Group: FIAT 'others' include Ferrari & Maserati (*) ACEA estimates For further information, please call: Mr.
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