Volume 50, No. 5. Philadelphia, October 12, 1907. Price, Five Cents. THE NAPOLEONS PULLIAlVrS PLAN NO DEFINITE PLANS FOR FU FOR THE FUTURE CONDUCT OF TURE ANNOUNCED. FIELD CONTESTS. Reports as to Contemplated Cleve Objected to in Cincinnati on the land Releases, Trades or Other Ground That It Would Cut Out Changes are Not Official, But Minor Stars and Make a Picnic "Made Out of Whole Cloth/© for Major League Men* BY ED. F. BANG. BY CHARLES H. ZUBBB. Cleveland, O., Oct. 7. Editor "Sport- Cincinnati, O., Oct. 7. Fditor "Sporting Ing Life." A Cleveland writer took it upon Life." Nothing will come of President Harry Pulliam©s plan to have the next field, himself a few days ago to announce to the championship contests decided during the readers of his paper just what the personnel season wheji the Eastern teams in one major of the Cleveland team for next season would league^ are" going West," while the Western be. He released several of the tried and teams in the other major league are going true veterans, including Bernhardt, Hess, East, thus making it possible for all big Rhoades, Stovall, Bradley, Bay, and stated league teams to meet at one central point further that pitcher Clarkson, catcher Wake- Pittsburg, Cleveland, Detroit or Buffalo field and outfielder Delehanty would not do, and run off the event. Such an arrangement or words to that effect. In fact, the scribe would prevent the various stars in the minor published it as a foregone conclusion; every leagues from competing, and therefore thing he wrote was sure to transpire before would kill the spring of 1908 rolled around. When the THE MAIN OBJECTS attention of President Kilfoyl was called to of the contests the deciding of the cham the article he stated that it was a malicious pions in all classes among the players in falsehood and made out of the whole cloth. organized base ball. Mr. Pulliam©s plan The Cleveland owners have not decided on would work a hardship on some minor league what course they will pursue the coming teams and players, and would entirely debar season, but as yet they have not arrived at others from, entering. In this connection it any decision regarding any of the old or need only be said that the original plan, new players. Mr. Kilfoy^ said the matter as advocated by President Herrmann, of will not be gone into Until the winter the Reds, of having the contests in con months. nection with the world©s series, will be car THE TEAM©S FUTURE. ried out next season. These games come "Of course we are in the same boat as after the season has closed in all leagues the seven other American League teams," except the Pacific Coast, and so he said. "We are anxious to strengthen © ALL STARS, . our team wherever possible, but we are whether major or minor league, can come not leaping before we take a good long look. on for the big field day. In this way several Youngsters would have to look mighty clever performers, including George Paskert, good to us to replace such veterans as the new Red, who was prevented from enter Bradley, Stovall, Hess, Bay, Bernhardt and ing the Cincinnati contests because of the others. Perring is the selection of the close race in the Southern League, will have Cleveland writer for third base. It is true an opportunity of winning fame, a medal that Perring has been doing good work in and some coin. Mr. Pulliam©s plan was the American Association, but that is not THOMAS W. LEACH, fine for the majors, but a dead handicap the American League. We know what Bill for the minors, and so is not to be consider Bradley can do and he.has been a valuable Third Baseman and Outfielder of the Pittsburg National League Club. ed, especially in the face of the fact that man to us. As for first base, Lister and minor leaguers won three of the five events Daubert will both be given a chance to Thomas W. Leach, the veteran player who is equally at home at third base or in the outfield, decided here on Bowler©s Day. of the Pittsburg Club, is one of the stars of the diamond. He is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and show along with Stovall. If either of them when quite young graduated from the lots of Cleveland to the ranks of the minor leagues. His work have anything on Stovall it is time enough in the Xew York State League in 1888 caused the Louisville Club to secure his release from that COAKLEY©S CHIRP. to think of a change. Were it not for the organization. His brilliant work with the Louisville Club in 1899 caused him to be retained in the con injury > to his wrist Stovall would be play solidation of the Pittsburg and Louisville teams. In 1900 he did substitute duty mostly, but in 1901 the Will Defer Practice of Dentistry for ing first base at the present time. That al desertion of Jimmy Williams to the Baltimore Club gave Leach the opportunity to become the team©s regular third baseman. and he did his work so well that Williams was never missed. Thereafter he was Another Year. tercation between Stovall and Lajoie has the regular third baseman of the Pittsburg Club and a star in the position until this season when he Cincinnati, O., September 5. "I know all been adjusted. It cost the former a pretty was shifted to the outfield where he did stellar work as a fiejder and thrower. Added to fielding penny and he has learned a good lesson. about those gags of a man eating a lot of ability he has the other prime requisites of a star player, being a hard and steady batter, clever base- beef and expecting to hit as strong as a bull, THE BATTERIES. runner and possessed of extraordinary base ball intelligence. and another devouring fish galore in order "As for pitchers we will have so many to be able to swim," remarked pitcher Andy to select from next year that it would be who will be retained among the players we ger, Thielman, Clarkson, Chech, Lattimore, Coakley, of the Reds, today. "Nevertheless, foolhardy on our part to say that we in are as much at seas as are the wiseacres Graney, Wood, Newton; first basemen, Sto I am contemplating a winter in the woods tend to get rid of this or that one. Hess who think they can pick the winner of vall, Daubert, Lister; second basemen, La in order to get as strong as an oak for next appears to have been on the market, ac season. The idea is not a new one with cording to the Cleveland scribe, for some this year©s American League race." joie, Breen, Downie, Harry Hinchman; me, but of late it has been chasing itself time past and I will say for his benefit as ANOTHER LIE NAILED. shortstops, Turner, Hille; third basemen, through the coils of my reasoning apparatus well as for that of all the Cleveland fans Bradley, Nill, Perring, Ingerton; outfield- with more than ordinary speed, and I©ve All talk about the Cleveland Club plan ers, William Hinchman, Birmingham, Flick, that Hess will be retained. We secured ning to take a chef on the spring training just about made up my mind to try the ex two new left-handed pitchers by draft, Bill Bay, Delehanty, Speas, Josh, Clarke, Caffyn, periment of a winter without study or worry trip is nothing more or less than a dream. Bill Lush. Lattimore, of Toledo, and Graney, of Wilkes- The Naps will train in much the same just a lot of wholesome recreation to barre. We do not know what either of manner as last and in all seasons. Their THE STUMBLING BLOCK. build up my constitution for a strenuous them can do . against American League system will not differ materially from that St. Louis has done more to keep Cleveland campaign on the diamond next summer. Do teams. Both are unknown quantities. On of other American and National League out of the lead in the League race than you know, I believe we©re going to be the the other hand Hess has proven to our teams. They will not be housed in a any other team during the last three weeks. original trouble-makers in the National eminent satisfaction that he has everything private residence. Neither will a chef pre The Naps played eleven games with the League next season Fact! And that©s the that a good pitcher should have and he pare their meals. Instead they will be Browns and to the surprise of everybody reason I want to be right to do my share of will be retained next season. We have come quartered at the Lanier Hotel, in Macon, as lost six of them. McAleer©s men played the damage against the^ other teams. I know to the conclusion that Hess has been worked last spring, and should any time be spent great ball against the Naps, especially in I©ll not be able_ to get the best results if too early in the season and we intend to I pore over boq^s and learn how to mani in New Orleans as is the plan now, they the last five games in Cleveland, downing cure the inside of faces. So, in order to try a new method on him. He will not be will also locate in a hotel there.
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