![Special Libraries, November 1930 Special Libraries Association](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1930 Special Libraries, 1930s 11-1-1930 Special Libraries, November 1930 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, November 1930" (1930). Special Libraries, 1930. Book 9. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1930 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 21 November, 1930 No. 9 MODU FINANCIAL LIBRARY EXHIBIT AT CLEVELAND Problems of a Metropolitan Area Municipal Library Utilizes Radio Entad u mnd 6.1 matter at tba Pat Omm, Pmvldmnoe. R. I., under tho Act of Mareh ". 187" Acaaptrmos for mdnc at modd nta 01 pmtua pmrided lor In mctloo 1109, Act d-Octobq J._IpIL* mutkdd Octobm 28,lBPI. Contents ARTICLES Governmental Problems of a Metropolitan Area. By Rolland A. Vandegrift ................................329 Preservation of Trade Journals. By Jessie A. Smith. .............................................................337 Questions and More Questions. By Rebecca B. Rankin. ........................................................334 DEPARTMENTS Associations ............ 346 Events.- and Publica- 343 t~ons........................ 35 1 Digest of Business.. ..... Personal Notes .......... 353 Editorials ......................338 President's Message .... 339 NOTES A. L. A. Publications.. 341 Model Financial Li- American Standards brary ........................34 1 Association.............. 341 Union Catalogues in Australian Union Various Countries .... 340 Catalogue ........... 340 United States Daily 342 Legislative Director Dies ........................ 352 Institutional Members 326 Library Colony at Supplementary Mem- Lake Placid .............. 342 bership List ..............324 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April, bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 11 Niabet Street, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association, 11 Nisbat Street, Providence, R. I. SPECIAL LIBRARIES November, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Supplementary Membership List May 1-September 30, 1930 This list is in conformity with the List of Members issued shortly after the San Francisco con- ference. Names of associate members are marked with an asterisk (*). Names of subscr~bersare marked with a dagger (t). Names of institutional members are set in capitals. Names of acttve members and representatives of mstitutional members are unmarked. Names of active members onntted by error from the origmal list are marked with a circle ("). The abbrev~ationsused in th~slist are obvious, and are in accord with the abbreviations used in the orig~nallist. Thts list also corrects errors and omissions in the previous issue and all errors and omissions in this list should be reported to the Secretary at I I Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. Many persons who represent an institutional membership have also joined as active members which accounts for many familiar names on the supplementary roster. Abbott, Etheldred, Lib'n , Ryerson Library, Desmond, Robert W., School of Journalism, Art Institute, Chicago, Ill. Univ. of M~nnesota,Minncapol~s, Minn. Alexander, Mary Louise, Batten, Barton, Dur- Dodge, Vera Louise, Lib'n., Museum of Peace- stine & Osborn, 383 Madison Ave , New York ful Arts, 220 East 42nd St., New York City. City. Doetsch, Louisa, 14 Merrymount Road, 'Andrews, Doris M., Gulf Oil Conlpany, Iie- Roland Park, Balt~more,Md. search Laboratory, 327 Craft Ave.. Pitts- tDom Utchen~k.Krasnoarmeiskava -. 28. Krae- burgh, Pa. ' nodai, U. S S. R Amoss, Alice M., L~b'n., Technical Ltbrary, Donohoe, Frank, Evening Bulletin Library, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. City Hall Square, Philadelphia, Pa. *Ashby, Eleanor, Bancroft Library, University Dudley, Alan, British Library of Information, of Calif., Berkeley, Cal~f. 5 East 45th St., New York City. Ashman, Katharine C., New ersey Zinc tElektrozawod, Tekhnich. Biblioteka, Elek- Co. 160 Front St., New York Jity. trozawodskaya UI, Moscow, U. S. S. R. 'Binkley, Margaret, Reference Library, Fed- 'Emerv. Maxine. First Wisconsin Bank Li- eral Reserve Bank, 33 Liberty St., New brary; ~ilwaukee,Wis York City. Fagin, Mar Univers~tyof Baltimore Library, 'Bernero. Anna D.. 236 East 178th St. New 847 ~ortK'~owardSt., Baltimore, Md. York Ctty. *Fallev. Eleanor W.. Goucher Collece- Ltbrarv, Bonnell, Margaret R., Metropolitan L~feIn- Balkore, Md. ' surance Co.. 1 Madison Ave.. New York tFisk University, Library, Nashville, Tenn. City. Fletcher. Annus. Director. British Librarv of 'Brown, Mrs. Marjorie D., San Francisco Infor~ation,5'~ast 45th'St., New York City. Chronicle Library, Fifth and M~ssionSts., Flieth, Cornelia O., Lib'n., Hardware Dealers San Francisco, Cal~f. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 200 Strongs Ave., Burnett, Marguerite, Lib'n., Federal Reserve Stevens Point, Wis. Bank, 33 Liberty St., New York C~ty Flynn, Elsie M.. Lib'n., 234 Stetson St., Cin- 'Butler. Grace. Christ~an Science Monitor. cinnati, Ohio. ~ostdn,Mass 'Foster, Mrs. Sue M., National Industrial *Buzzell, Helen Gertrude, Business Branch, Conference Bd.. 247 Park Ave.. New York Newark Public Library, 34 Commerce St., City. Ncwark, N. J. Gittings, Maud J., Carnegie Museum LI- tCarnmdy, Mary O., Lib'n., Mechanics In- brary, Pittsburgh, Pa. stitute, 57 Post St., San Frar~cisco,Calif Greenwood, Josephine I., Consolidated Gas Cavanaugh, Eleanor S , Standard Statistics Co., 130 East 15th St., New York City. Co., Inc., 200 Varick St., New York City. Clapp, Mildred C., Ref. Ass't., Business 'Hackett, Irene A., 8 Platt St., Huntmgton, ...N.Y. Branch, Newark Public Library, 34 Com- -. merce St., Newark, N. J. Hasse, Adelaide R., Brookmgs Institution, Clousen, Teannette, 801 West Nevada St., Washington, D. C. Urbana;lll. 'Hende~son, Mar8 Jane, Sun Life Assurance 'Coonan, Margaret E., Legislative Reference Company of anada, Domlnion Square, Dept., City Hall, Balt~more,Md Montreal. Ouebec. 'Dashiell, Emily, Law Ltbrary, Fidelity & tHill, James-Jerome, Reference L~brary,St. Deposit Co., Baltmore, Md. Paul. Mtnn. Davidson, Della P., Furlaud Reuter & Co., '~offses, Elizabeth, Christian Science Moni- 52 Wall St., New York C~ty. tor, Boston, Mass. November, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 325 Hood. Luc~lle,V~ctoria Hotel, Bush and Stock- 'Qualntance, Ethel, Advertising Dept., Ncla ton Sts , San Francisco, Calif Park, Cleveland, Ohio. Hunt, Mary E., Ref. Ass't., Business Branch, R. C. A., RADIOTRON, CO., INC., 415 So. Newark Publ~cLibrarv. .. 34 Commerce St.. Fifth St., Harr~son,N. J. Newark, N. J. Rankin, Rebecca B., Act., Municipal Reference Hutch~nson, Gmce, Life Insurance Sales L~brary,Munic~pal Bldg., Ncw York City. Research Bureau, Hartford, Conn. Re nolds, Margaret, First Wisconsin National INDIA, GOVERNMENT OF, (Angus Flet- iank, Milwaukee, Wis. cher), c/o Br~tish Library of Information, *Reinero, Mrs. A~~ies,Lrbri~rian, Pacific Gas 5 East 45th St, New York City. & Electric Co., San Francisco. Calif. INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE & TELE- 'Rhodcs, 1sabell.a K., School of Library Ser- GRAPH CO.. (Gertrude Gracb). 67 Broad vice, Columbia Unrversity, New York C~ty. St., New ~orkcity. Roberts, Mrs. Katlierinc hl., Chesapeake & Josselyn, hlrs. Clara II., Buffalo Museum of Potomac Tel Co , 108 B. Lex~ngton St., Sclencc, 13uRal0, N. Y. Baltimore, Md *Kee. Ellen, L~l~rarv.Northeastern Un~versity... tRoessler Rr Hasslirclier Chemical Co., Perth ~u'ntin~tonAve ;Boston, Mass. Amboy, N. J. Knox, Vera, L~brary,Standard Sta~lsticsCo., 200 *R an, Annabelle I<, L~brary,U. S. Rubber Varick St., New York, N. Y. ZO., Broadway and 57th St., New York "I,ane, Mrs. Ruth, Lake Placid Club, N. Y. City. *Lavipc, Mrs Florence, Pacific Coast Gas Ass n., 447 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal~f. Sawyer, Frances M , A 0 Smith Corp., Md- tLondon School of Ecor~omics,Iioughton St., waukee, Wis. N' C. 2, 1.011dor1,England. Scardeficld, Lillian A,, Alexander Hamilton McCaskw, Gladys, Busmess Drancli, Newark Inst., 13 Astor Pla~e,New York C~ty. Public Llbra~y,34 Commerce St., Ne~ark, *Sextoll, Veronica, Calif. Academy of Science, .,I\. J. Golden Garc Park, San Francisco, Cahf. *R?cConnell. Marv E., Memorial Art Gallery Shearer, Ed~tliL., \\'cstern Union Telegraph Co , 60 Hurlson St., Nea York City. Southall, Elsie h1 , Sli~~~-\\~alkerCO , 405 chomc, hl~nami-ku,Osaka, Japan. Lexington Ave., New York C~ty. Manley, Marlan C., Branch L~brarian,Busi- arrow, Ruth A, Research Library, Duffalo ness Branch Newark Public Library, 34 *SK luseum of Science, Humboldt Park, BufTalo, Commerce St., Newark, N. J. -N. Y.- I\IIL)DLE \\'EST UTILITIES CO., (Soplira Speer, Melissa, U. S. Bureau of hlincs, Cus- ma lick^), 20 N. M'ackcr Drive, Chicago, Ill. toml~oure,San Francisco, Calif. Miller, Caryl, Standard Stat~st~csCo., 200 Varick St., New York City. Stephenson, ElizabcLh E., Geological Dcpt . Mitchill. Alma C.. Public Serv~ceCorv. of New Library, Gulf Oil Co., Frick Al~r~ex,Pitts- ~ersey,~ewark, N. J. hurgh, Pa. MONTCLAIR FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SUN LIFE ASSUIIANCII CO. OF CANADA, (Margery Quigley), Business Branch, Mont- (Mary Jane I-Ie~idcrso~r),Uon~~~rion Square, clair,
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