Disease Detection and Losses Identification of Maize Viruses and Mollicutes and Their Potential Insect Vectors in Peru L. R. Nault, D. T. Gordon, R. E. Gingery, 0. E. Bradfute, and J. Castillo Loayza Professor, Department of Entomology; professor, Department of Plant Pathology; research chemist, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture; associate professor, Department of Plant Pathology, all at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), Wooster, 44691; and associate professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Lima, Perff. This research was supported in part by a travel grant to the senior author from the National Science Foundation, Latin American Cooperative Science Program and by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Cooperative Agreement 12-14-3001-581. We thank William Styer, Marian Coffey, Lakshman Negi, and Julie Yee for assistance in identifying pathogens; D. M. Joshi for purifying the -y-globulins for the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; Dwight M. DeLong, Charles Triplehorn, and Lois O'Brien for insect identi- fication; E. J. Guthrie for supplying antiserum to maize stripe virus; C. L. Niblett for antiserum to maize chlorotic mottle virus; and R. E. Whitmoyer, Elke Kretzschmar, and Fran Butts of the Service Electron Microscope Laboratory of the OARDC for assistance in identify- ing the morphology of particles from centrifuged sucrose gradients. We especially thank Ricardo Sevilla P., Director, Programma Cooperativo de Investigaciones en Maize, Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Lima, Per6, for arranging travel to survey sites and to Carlos De Leon, Plant Pathologist, CIMMYT, Mexico City, Mexico, for assisting in the selection of diseased maize samples from the Callejon de Huaylas and for valtaable discussion. Published with the approval of the Associate Director, OARDC, as Journal Series Article 185-78. Accepted for publication 26 February 1979. ABSTRACT NAULT, L. R., D. T. GORDON, R. E. GINGERY, 0. E. BRADFUTE, and J. CASTILLO LOAYZA. 1979. Identification of maize viruses and mollicutes and their potential insect vectors in Pertl. Phytopathology 69: 824-828. Maize viruses and mollicutes and their potential vectors were surveyed in electron microscopy of negatively stained sap; maize stripe virus (MStpV) Peru. Locations and departments were the coastal valleys between by immunofluorescence (IF) and immune agar-gel double diffusion assay; Lima and Barranca (Lima), the Andean valleys of Urubamba and Calca maize dwarf mosaic virus strain A (MDMV-A) by EIA; and maize chlorotic (Cuzco), a high tropical valley near Tarapoto (San Martin), and the mottle virus (MCMV) by IF and MPA. Maize rayado fino virus, MMV, Callejon de Huaylas, a mountain valley between Malpaso and Caraz and MCMV were detected in maize samples and MDMV-A from Johnson (Ancash). Leaf samples from 27 diseased plants were assayed. The grass from Lima; MBSM, MRFV, MMV, and MCMV from Ancash; and following pathogens were detected by the methods indicated: corn stunt CSS, MRFV, MMV, MStpV, and MDMV-A from San Martin. No maize spiroplasma (CSS) by dark-field light microscopy; maize bushy stunt with virus symptoms was observed in Cuzco. Prior to this survey, only mycoplasma (MBSM) by Dalbulus maidis transmission and diagnostic MCMV and MRFV had been identified from Peru. Dalbulus maidis symptoms in sweetcorn; maize rayado fino virus (MRFV) by enzyme- (vector of CSS, MBSM, and MRFV) and Peregrinus maidis (vector of linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) and immunomicroprecipitin assay MMV and MStpV) were collected from Lima, Ancash, and San Martin; (MPA); a rhabdovirus, presumed to be maize mosaic virus (MMV), by these are the first reports of these species from Peru. RESUMEN NAULT, L. R., D. T. GORDON, R. E. GINGERY, 0. E. BRADFUTE, and J. CASTILLO LOAYZA. 1979. Phytopathology 69: Se realiz6 una encuesta con el objeto de identificar los virus y mollicutes presume sea el virus del mosaico del maii (MMV). El virus mosaico del que causan enfermedades al maiz en el Peru. Los Departamentos y bandeado del maiz (maize stripe virus) por immunofluorescencia y doble localidades visitados fueron los valles costeros entre Lima y Barranca difusi6n en agar-gel. El mosaico del enanismo del maiz, raza A (maize dwarf (Departamento de Lima), los valles andinos de Urubamba y Calca mosaic-A) por ELISA. El virus del moteado clor6tico (maize chlorotic (Departamento de Cuzco), el valle tropical de selva alta de Tarapoto mottle virus) por immunofluorescencia y microprecipitaci§n. En Lima, el (Departamento de San Martin), y la parte del Callej6n de Huaylas MRFV, MMV, y MCMV se detectaron en muestras de maiz, mientras que comprendida entre Malpaso y Caraz (Departamento de Ancash). Se el MDMV-A fue detectado en Johnson grass. En Ancash el MBSM, obtuvieron y analizaron 27 muestras de hojas de plantas enfermas. Se MRFV, MMV, y MCMV se detectaron en muestrasde maize igualmenteel detectaron los siguientes pat6genos por los metodos que se indican para CSS, MRFV, MMV, MStpV, y MDMV-A en muestras procedentes de San cada caso. El espiroplasma del achaparramiento (CSS) por microscopia de Martin. No se observaron sintomas de enfermedades vir6sicas en campos luz en campo oscuro. El micoplasma del achaparramiento (maize bushy de maiz del Cuzco. Antes de realizarse esta encuesta s6lo se habian stunt mycoplasma-MBSM) por transmisi6n por Dalbulus maidis y identificado el MCMV y MRFV en el Perfi. Se colectaron especimenes de sintomas en maiz dulce. El virus del rayado fino (MRFV) por pruebas Dalbulus maidis (vector del CSS, MBSM, y MRFV) y Peregrinusmaidis serol6gicas del m6todo ELISA y microprecipitaci6n. Por microscopia (vector del MMV y MStpV) de los lugares visitados en Lima, Ancash, y San electr6nica de savia tehiida negativamente se observ6 un rhabdo-virus que se Martin. Although generally it is agreed that ancestral maize, Zea mays L., middle altitudes of the Sierras in Peru. It seems likely that during evolved in Mexico (8,9,19), it has been suggested that Peru also this period many insect pests and pathogens, including insect-borne may have been an independent center for its domestication (14). viruses and mollicutes, would have become established. However, Maize has been cultivated for at least 3,000 yr on the coast and at only maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) (5) and maize rayado This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely fino virus (MRFV) (11) have been identified. The presence of reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American Phytopath- sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), maize dwarf mosaic virus ological Society, 1979. (MDMV), and corn stunt spiroplasma (CSS) is suspected in Peru 824 PHYTOPATHOLOGY (5) but this has not been confirmed. This paper reports the results of four major production regions of Peru (Fig. 1, Table 1). At each a survey for insect-borne maize pathogens and their potential locality, preliminary diagnoses were based on symptoms (Table 2) vectors in Peru. and two or more plants with each symptom type were selected for sampling. Three or four upper leaves (1-2 linear meters on the MATERIALS AND METHODS longitudinal axis) of a diseased plant were collected and placed in a plastic bag which was stored in a styrofoam insulated box. Survey sites and collection of maize samples and insects. The After the maize samples were collected, a standard 30-cm- survey for diseased maize samples was made from 21 February diameter insect net was used to sweep maize foliage and through 6 March 1978, to coincide with maize maturation in the surrounding weeds. Leafhoppers, planthoppers and chrysomelid beetles were aspirated from the nets, killed with HCN, and placed in labeled pill boxes. In some cases insects were directly aspirated from corn foliage. Detection of pathogens. Corn stunt spiroplasma. Sap expressed from leaf samples was processed according to techniques described by Davis (7) and examined by dark-field light microscopy for detection of CSS. Leaves from healthy and Rio Grande corn stunt-infected corn plants maintained in greenhouse culture were used for controls. At least 20 fields of each of two preparations were scanned before a leaf sample was recorded as negative for the presence of spiroplasma. Maize bushy stunt mycoplasma. One hundred Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott) were placed in a petri dish with 7.5-10.0 linear centimeters of diseased leaf tissue for a 48-hr acquisition access period. After a 19-day incubation period, leafhoppers were placed, five per two sweet corn seedlings (cultivar Aristogold Bantam 21 Evergreen), for a 3- or 4-day inoculation access period. Leafhoppers were transferred serially to four sets of test plants. MTest plants were placed in an environmental chamber set for a 16-hr day and an 8-hr night at 30 and 25 C, respectively. Plants were observed for 6 wk for symptom development. An isolate of maize bushy stunt mycoplasma (MBSM) from Texas was used as the Acontrol for symptom expression. Dalbulus maidis from stock 5 . colonies were placed on test plants to check for the presence of 76 )pathogens. None transmitted MBSM. Maize rayadofino virus. Samples were prepared for assays by L "3 '3 grinding I g of leaf tissue in 4 ml of PBS-Tween (0.15 M NaCl, 0.02 Cuco.. M sodium phosphate, and 0.02% sodium azide, pH 7.4, plus 0.05% 101 " polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate [Tween-20]) in a mortar with a pestle. The extract was filtered through two layers of fine- PERU t mesh cheesecloth, and the filtrate was centrifuged at 12,000g for 10 min. The supernatant fraction (clarified extract) was recovered and tested in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent (EIA) and microprecipitin (MPA) assays. Antiserum to MRFV was produced by injecting a rabbit twice intravenously (1.0 ml per injection) and three times intramuscularly (2.0 ml per injection) with purified virus suspended in PBS (0.15M NaCl and 0.01 M potassium phosphate, pH 7.0).
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