8umb. 54. 2273 -----.. SUPPL~,~~ IENT NEW ZEALAND' GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. Tenders for Inland Mail-service C01ItrarJa-North Island, 4. Auckland, junction Orakei Road and St. Heliers, thrice 1931-33. daily from, twice daily to, St. Heliers, daily for parcels. 5_ Auckland, Panmure, Pakuranga, and Howick, twice General Post Office, daily_ Wellington, 16th July, 1930. 6. Auckland and Parakai, twice daily except Thursday EALED tenders will be received at the several Chief when one trip only. (Alternative to No. 34.) S Post-offioes in the North Island until noon on Wednes­ 7. Auckland, Tryphena, Okupu, Whangapara, and Port day, the 3rd September, 1930, for the conveyance of mails I Fitzroy, weekly. between the undermentioned places, for a period of THREE 8. Awanui, junction Waiharara Road, Pukenui, and Hou­ YEARS, from the 1st January, 1931 :- hora, fortnightly. (Alternative to Nos. II, 12, and 1. Auckland: Collection at Chief Post-office, sortation I 13.) and delivery of parcels and packets twice daily in 9. (a) Awanui and Kaingaroa, thrice weekly. city (including Karangahape Road), daily in suburbs, (6) Kaingaroa and Lake Ohia, twice weekly. within the following boundaries (including both sides (e) Lake Ohia and Matthew's Homestead, weekly. of streets forming the boundaries): Bounded by 10. Awanui Landing, Awanui Post-office and Kaitaia. waterfront from Orakei to Oakley Creek, Oakley weekly. Creek to Ridge Road, to Boundary Road, to Swan 11. Awanui, Waiharara, Pukenui, HOl1hora, Waihopo, Nga­ Road, to Ridge Road, including those roads and taki, and Te Kao, twice weekly. (Alternative to short distances off those roads on the sout.h-eastern Nos. 8, 12, 13, and 49.) side; Hillsborough Road and by-streets on eastern 12. Awanui, Waiharara, Pukenni, Houhoro., Waihopo, Nga­ side to Mount Albert Road; Mount Albert Road to taki, and Te Kao, weekly_ (AlternatiYe to Nos. 8, Manukau Road at Royal Oak; Campbell Road to 11, l:~, and 49.) Kowhai Road; to Paihi Road; thence to Waiohoa 13. Awanui, Waiharara, Pukenui, Houhora, Waihopo, Nga­ Street to Great South Road, Great South }toad, taki, and Te Kao, fortnightly. (Alternative to Nos. 8, including all streets between Great South Road and II, 12, and 49.) the railway-line to Green Lane, Oreen I.ane to Peaclt 14. Awhitu Wharf, Awhitu, and Awhitu Central, three or Parade, Ladies' Mile to junction of Marua Road, four times weekly, according to running of launch. Abbots Way, Koraha Street, Hemuera Road to 15. Bayswater Wharf, Rayswater, and Takapuna, daily to Meadowbank Road, Upland Road and Shore Road to I and from Bayswatcr; thrice daily from, twice daily waterfront at Orakei. to, 'fakapuna. Also, collection daily of parcels from suburban 16. Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Albany (part rural delivery post-offices within the area (with exception of Auck­ along main road), daily. land East, Auckland "Vest, Newmarket, Newton, 17. Broadwood, Rnnaruna, Pawarenga, and Whangape, Parnell, Upper Symonds Street, and Wellesley Street), with deviation 3 miles down Panguru Road, twice and delivery to Chief Post-office (Parcels Branch). weekly. 2_ Auckland, junction of Coatesville Road, Dairy Flat, 18. Clevedon, Ness VaHey, and Moumoukai (rural delivery Silverdale, Orewa, Waiwera, and Puhoi, thrice weekly. along Moumoukai Road to Phillips'), thrice weekly. (Alternative to No.3.) 19. Dargaville and Aratapu (rural delivery along main road), 3. Auokland, junction of Coatesville Road, Dairy Flat, thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 24 and 25.) SilverdaJe, Orewa, Waiwera, Puhoi, and Warkworth, 20_ Dargaville and Bradley's Landing (rural delivery along, daily, (Alternative to, Nos. 2, 69, and 70.) I main road to near Bradl .. y's Lanrling)_ thrice weekly. A . / 2274 THE NE'V ZEAI-,AND GAZETTE. [No. 54 21. VargaviJlc aud Hoang" (meal delivery along main"ro",d 54 ..Junction Otil'i>1-K>1it"ia and Takahuo R0>1<18, Diggers' to lfoanga North wharf), Ihr;,'" w(,pkly. Va.lIey. and 'J'akal!nc, tlll'ice weekly. (Alternative to :!:!. (a) J)al'gaville, l\1mlgawharl', "\mlapll, a.nd '1'" Kl'jJUfll, ~(". 5;) anel 72.) ,Ia.ily. Gr.. l\a,,\\'a. ",,,I \\'oodl('igh, twioc weddy. (Alte1'llativ(. to (l)) T{' K.o-puru, TikillUi, and Ta,llga.iili, twice \\'eekly. :.;". :ll and ~os. :\1, :15, 1i7, awl 14:1, Hamilton dis­ (Alternative to Nos. 2:1, 24, 25, and 150.) trict.. ) 23. Dargaville, Mangawhare, ArataplI, and To Kop"rn, 56. Kaeo, Kahoc Bridge, Oruaiti, and Mangonui, thrice daily. (Alternative to Nos. 22, M, and 25.) weekly. (Alternative to No. 124.) 24. Dargaville, Mangawhare, ArataplI, and Te Kopllrll 57. Kaeo and Omaunu (rmal delivery along Oika Road), (part rural delivery along main road). daily; rural twice weeklv. portion thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 19, 22, 58. Kaeo and Whangaroa, five times weekly. (Alternative 2:1, and 25.) to Nos. 104 and 105.) 25. (a.) Dargaville, Mangawharc, Aratapu, and To KOpUfll 59_ Kaikohe Railway-station and Post-officc, thrice daily. (part rllral delivery along main road). daily: (Alternative to Nos. 60, 61, ami 62.) rural delivery thrice weekly. 60. Kaikohe Railway-station an,l Post-office, twice (Iaily. (iI) Ta Kopl1rll, Tikinui, and Tangaihi (part I'llral delivery (Alternative to ~OH. 5\1, 61, anel 62.) along Tikinu; Road). twice weekly. (Alternative 61. Kaikohe Railway-station and Post-office, nine times - ~ ,Nos. 19, 22, 23, 24, 155, a.nd 156.) weekly. (AltC'mative to ~os. fi9, 60, and 62.) 26. Da.rga.ville'~,:!-station and Post-office, as required. 62. Kaikohe Railway-station, Kaikohe, junction Punakitere 27. Da.rga.ville, Mitita.i, -'J'0kA'ttk..... Na.umai, Raupo, and Road, Taheke, ,,"aima, Omanaia, and Rawene, thrice Rua.wa.i, daily. .., weekly (with additional mails Kaikohe-Rawene on 28. Donnelly's Crossing, 'futamoe, and W&lmatenllI, tW"ce alternate days). (Alternative to Nos. 45, 59, 60, 61, weekly. and 63.) 29. Drury R ..ilwa.y-sta.tion, Runciina.n, Ramarama, anf 63. Kaikohe, 'l'aheke, and Punakiterc, thrice weekly. (Alter­ Rom..... .,,; .t.... ir,p daily. native to No. 62.) 30. Glen Murray and Ka.a.wa, tWR"" ""<l'eJqv. (Alt_crnawe 64. ((1) Kaikohe and Tautoro, twieo weekly. to No. 31.) , (h) Tautoro and Awarua (rural delivery along Manga­ 31. Glen Murray, Kaawa, and Woodleigh, twice weekly. kahia ]toad to Palmer's and Otaienga Road to (Alternative to Nos. 30 and 55, a.nd Nos. 34,35, 57, Henley's), weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 50, 65. and 143, Hamilton district.) 66, and 184.) 32. Helena Bay and Whanga.ruru South, twice weekly 1st 65. Kaikohe, '['autoro, and Awarua (rural delivery along r:leptember to 31st May, weekly 1st June to 31st Mangakahia Road to Palmer's), twice weekly. (Alter­ August. (Alternative to Nos. 33, :18, and 39.) native to Nos. 64, 66, and 184.) 3:1. Helena Bay and Whangaruru South, twice weekly. I 66. Kaikohe, '['autoro, and Awarua (part rural delivery (Alternative to Nos. 32, 38, and 39.) I along Mangakahia Road to Otaienga Road and along 34. Helensvillo and Parakai, twice daily except Thursday Otai('nga Road to Henley's), twice weekly. (Alter­ when ono trip only. (Alternative to No.6.) native to Nos. 50, 64, and 65.) 35. Henderson-Massey, rural delivery along Great North 67. Kaipara Flats, Hoteo, Tauhoa, and Hoteo Bridge (part Road, Birdwood Road, along Red Hills Road to rural delivery), thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. Orrocks, retrace to Birdwood -Road, along Birdwood 47 and 48.) and Great North Roads to Royal Road, along Royal (i8. Kaipara Flats and Streamlands (rural delivery along Road half a mile, retrace to Great North Road, thence main road to cross roads), thrke weekly. (Alter­ along Great North Hoad to Sandford's, thrice weekly. native to NOR. 69 and 70.) 36. Hikurangi and Helena Bay, twice weekly 1st September 6\1. Kaipara Flats, Warkworth, and Matakana (part rural to 31st May, weekly 1st June to 31st August. delivery along main road), daily with additional mail (Alternative to Nos. 37, 38, and 39.) outward from Warkworth (rural delivery thrice weekly 37. Hikurangi and Helena Bay, twice weekly. (Alternative only). (AlteTlJative to Nos. 3, 68, 70, and 168.) to Nos. 36, 38, and 39.) 70. (a) Kaipara Flats, Warkworth, and Matakana (part rural 38. Hikurangi, Helena Bay, and 'Vhangaruru South, twice delivery), daily (rural delivery thrice weekly). weekly 1st September to 31st May, weekly 1st June (b) Matakana, Big Omaha, Leigh, and Pakiri (part rural to 31&t August. (Alternative to Nos. 32, 33, 36, 37, delivery along main road), thrice weekly. (Alter­ and 39.) native to Nos. 3, 68,69, !l5, 96, 168, and 170.) 39. Hikurangi, Helena Bay, and Whangaruru South, twice 71. Kaitaia and Awanui, thrice weekly. (Alternative to weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 32, 33, 36, 37, and 38.) Nos. 106, 107, llH, 114, 122, 123, and 124.) 40. Hikurangi and Marua, thrice weekly. (Alternative to 72. Kaitaia, Peria, Orum, and Mangonui (part rural delivery Nos. 41 and 42.) along main road via Fairburn's and returning via 41. Hikurangi, Marna, and Whananaki, thrice weekly. Victoria Valley !toad to Takahue, thence retnrning (Alternative to Nos. 40, 42, and 44.) to Kaitaia), daily. (Alternative to Nos_ 53, 54, 42. Hikurangi, Marua, and Whananaki, twice weekly. 93, 113, 114, 123, and 124.) (Alternative to Nos. 40, 41, and 44.) 73. Kaitaia, Pukepoto, Ahipara, ami Herekino (part rural 43. Hikllrangi, Otonga, and Opuawhanga, twice weekly. delivery along main road with extension along Ahipara (Alternative to No. 44.) Road to Beach, thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 44. Hikurangi, Otonga, Opuawbanga, and Whananaki, thrice 74,7;', and 88.) weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 41, 42, and 43.) 74. Kaitaia, Pukepoto, Ahipara, and Rerekino, thrice 45. Horeke, Kohukohu, Motukaraka, Hawene, Koutu, Rangi weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 73,75, and 88.) Point, Opononi, and Omapere, thrice weekly.
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