book review doi:10.17684/i13A186en DIACRONIA ISSN: 2393-1140 Impavidi progrediamur! www.diacronia.ro Thede Kahl, Peter Mario Kreuter & Christina Vogel (eds), Vergessen, verdrängt, verschwunden. Aufgegebene Kulturen, Beziehungen und Orientierungen in der Balkanromania, Frank & Timme, Berlin, 2018, 360 p. Dinu Moscal‹ “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Str. Th. Codrescu 2, 700481 Iași, Romania This volume of the series “Forum: Rumänien” brings one. Some groups of băieși regard themselves as together the Balkan Romance Studies conference’s belonging to the Roma ethnicity (most probably by works with the same title, held in Münster between the ethnonym țigani “gypsies”, as those who live in 29 and 31 of May 2014 (p. 11). The Balkan Ro- traditional communities identify themselves, unaf- manian identity has been under the constant pressure fected by the “so-called political correctness”), yet of other cultures, a phenomenon reflected by almost they speak româneșće or țigăneșće; however, there are all Romance communities’ precarious identity status, caravlahi, who identify themselves as băieși (p. 23). including the Romanian ones outside the Romanian The topic is further developed by discussing the borders. The contributions included in this volume ethnic awareness in the Republic of Moldova, where depict the Balkan Romance languages and cultures the ethnic identity of “Moldavian”,namely the mem- that run the risk of either disappearing altogether or bership to one of the three Romanian historical being assimilated by other cultures and the efforts provinces (the Romanians in the Republic of Mol- to revive their identities within the dynamics of the dova, including the Moldavian Region in Eastern cultural and linguistic influences in the area. The Romania) is assumed as a different ethnic identity studies are organized into three sections, according from “Romanians”, and by analogy, the Romanian to the debated issue: culture, literature, language. language is called “Moldavian”. Using statistical data and considering the factors that can influence › linguistic self-identification, of which a significant Rudolf Windisch, a well-known specialist in Ro- one is the political propaganda, the author provides manian studies and a disciple of Eugenio Coseriu, a brief analysis of the linguistic criterion as a factor of opens the first section, Kulturwissenschaft (p. 15– ethnic identity in the Republic of Moldova. 173). In Aufgegebene Kulturen, Beziehungen und Orientierungen in der Balkanromania (p. 15–34), In the next study, Erforschung und Dokumenta- the author focuses on the self-determination of the tion schwindender Sprachen und Kulturen. Roman- băieși (țiganii aurari “the goldsmith gypsies”, also isches Feldmaterial aus Südosteuropa in den Projekten known as rudari, described by Dimitrie Cantemir in vlach und lazar (p. 35–58), Thede Kahl, an ex- Descriptio Moldaviæ) and the caravlahi (the “North- pert in Romanian minorities (and not only) in the ern Wallachians” in relation to those from Greece) Balkans, uses the direct investigation to provide a in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the very begin- brief presentation of the stages leading to the dis- ning, the author establishes the meaning of “ethnic appearance of a language (the diminishing of the identity”, which he defines through the lens of self- community that speaks the respective language, fol- determination, namely the ethnic group the indi- lowed by the social stigmatization of that language viduals of these communities believe they belong and the subsequent reduction of its vocabulary), to in relation to their origin and appurtenance to completed by an overview over the present situation a group according to a language, culture and so- of the Romance languages and dialects in the area. cial structure. Five types of self-determination are There follows a presentation of the initiatives un- employed in this respect. However, linguistic self- dertaken so far concerning the documenting and determination does not always mirror the ethnic archiving the languages/dialects that run the risk of ‹Email address: [email protected]. © 2021 The Authors. Publishing rights belong to the Journal. Diacronia 13, June 13, 2021, A186 (1–6) The article is freely accessible under the terms and conditions of the CC-BY Open Access licence. 2 Dinu Moscal extinction. The two projects announced in the title of the great powers in the vicinity of the area, the are recent initiatives that include the Balkan region, socialist ideas that followed the First World War, the which is of great importance in conserving Balkan communist plans that followed the Second World Romania’s data. The lazar project (Langzeitar- Warare presented in chronological order to render a hivierung regionalwissenschaftlicher Forschungsdaten; synoptic perspective over the Balkan area in the past lazar.gbv.de), due to its approaches, namely the pro- two centuries and a better understanding of a Balkan cessing and archiving of ethnologic and linguistic union through the European Union. However, we data collected by researchers from various regions, cannot fail to note that this “room for manoeuvre” also gathers data on the regional languages/ dia- between the three great powers (the Ottoman, the lects on the verge of extinction. The other project, Russian and the German) has not yet gained total vlach (Vanishing languages and cultural heritage; independence from two of the current representa- oeaw.ac.at/vlach), uses a part of the data resulting tions of the three powers in order to enter without from the first project to investigate the language’s certain sacrifices under the authority of the third. disappearance with the help of a commission of The independence of this area and the establishment renowned specialists. Thede Kahl, who has a signific- of a proper Balkan union indeed remain utopian. ant contribution in both projects, presents the out- There follow two articles signed by Horst Fassel, comes and steps to be taken concerning the Balkan this volume being dedicated to his memory. In the Romance communities within the vlach project. first article (p. 75–125), the author emphasizes the Such initiatives targeted at conserving en- cultural contribution of “Regele Carol” Publishing dangered languages and cultures require a great House in Bucharest in a period in which the histor- effort and can only be admired. However, what is ical provinces Wallachia and Transylvania were under to become of this treasure? Another such treasure German occupation (1917–1918). The reader dis- of incontestable greater value, namely the Latin covers this publishing house’s history, the editorial language, seems to be far from enjoying a favourable context of that period, the fields of study targeted treatment in a prestigious university from the same by the publications and the translations into German area, as the University of Salzburg leaders intend to from folk and classic literature, with a repertoire of withdraw the only position reserved for Latin in this these works at the end of the article. The annexe prestigious institution which will soon celebrate its includes translations of four poems written by Mihai 400th anniversary (1622). Eminescu. The second article, Vasile Alecsandri – Edda Binder-Iijima resumes in its study, Present ein Vergessener? Kann man Kleintheater von anno in absentia: Die Idee der Balkanunion (p. 59–73), the 1843-1870 wieder auf die Bühne bringen? (p. 127– much-discussed and contested topic of establishing a 149), attempts to rehabilitate the theatrical works Balkan union. In the context of a possible political- of Vasile Alecsandri. Horst Fassel emphasizes the administrative cohesion of the Balkan area by the significance of Alecsandri’s comedies in depicting accession of all the states to the European Union, the image of Moldavia and its capital in a period the author discusses the ideas on this topic that have dominated by a certain mentality, by the attempt to circulated from the end of the eighteenth century emancipate certain social classes, by the intercultural until today. The ad quem moment is represented dialogue marked by Alecsandri, a fine connoisseur by the political writings of Rigas Velestinlis, who of the language, with foreign linguistic insertions points out that the lack of unity in the Balkan area from Greek, French, Turkish, Russian, Armenian is caused not only by ethnic and religious diversity and Romani. The author of the article perceives but, above all, by the instability of authority, the lack Alecsandri’s theatrical creation as a model of peace- of equal rights, violence and the lack of legislation ful coexistence and tolerance in a multiethnic soci- during the Ottoman rule, which left a deep imprint ety (without excluding specific means for comedy, on the common consciousness. Rigas’ scepticism, the among which the caricature), a model that should division of authority on this area by the surround- inspire our contemporary society. A repertoire of ing powers, as the Polish Prince Adam Czartoryski Alecsandri’s theatrical works is played in Romanian imagined, the national impulse of 1848, completed regularly. However, a significant part of his dramatic by the idea of a transnational unity in the detriment work unfairly slips into oblivion, an aspect which T. Kahl, P.M. Kreuter & C. Vogel (eds), Vergessen, verdrängt, verschwunden 3 Horst Fassel emphasizes in his article, pointing out this new name, by imposing the new architecture of that it applies to the entire creation of
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