Hey Dad, Happy Father’s Day Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 17, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 24-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Council Adjusts Meeting Schedule, Renews Licenses By LAUREN S. BARR four graduating seniors garnered 121 money that it might save in order to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader wins and six losses over their four use it as surplus in the next budget. WESTFIELD – On Tuesday night, years. Additionally, the council approved the Westfield Town Council approved The council passed a resolution to the liquor licenses of 16 establish- liquor licenses, revised its summer amend its summer meeting schedule. ments. There are four types of li- meeting schedule, approved a home The Tuesday, June 22, meeting will censes – Plenary Retail Distribution, demolition, established a CAP bank be a double session of both a confer- Plenary Retail Consumption, Res- for 2010 and discussed pending liti- ence and public meeting. The council taurant Conditional and Club; and gation in closed session. also canceled its Tuesday, July 6, and only a certain available number in The Westfield High School Blue 27 meetings, and instead will hold a each category. Devils Boys Tennis team and coach conference and public session on Plenary Retail Licenses were re- George Kapner were also honored at Tuesday, July 20. newed for Trader Joe’s, ShopRite Tuesday’s council meeting. The council also passed a resolu- Wines and Spirits, Peterson’s, Acting Mayor Mark Ciarrocca is- tion to approve the demolition of a Westfield Wine and Liquor and Cool sued a proclamation to the team, com- single-family home at 814 Summit Vines. memorating it becoming the top- Avenue. Plenary Retail Consumption Li- ranked boys tennis team in the state. An ordinance was passed on sec- censes, also known as bar licenses, He said Coach Kapner is “emblem- ond and final reading to establish a were renewed for 16 Prospect, atic of the quality of the coaches” at CAP Bank for 2010. This ordinance Jeffrey’s of Westfield, The Office and Westfield High School. The team’s allows the town to put aside any Echo Lake Country Club. Acting Mayor Ciarrocca, Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan and Vicki Kimmins recused themselves from the vote on the license for Echo Lake Country Club due to their memberships. Restaurant licenses were renewed Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader for Ferraro’s, Sweet Waters, MAN ABOUT TOWN...Bill Palatucci, center, of Westfield was honored by fellow Republicans Monday night for his civic Acquaviva Delle Fonti and Fujiyama contributions to the town and for his state political prowess, particularly for his work helping his friend, Governor Chris Mama. Club licenses were renewed Christie, get elected. Senator Joe Kyrillos, right, traveled from Monmouth County to share in the presentation with for Centennial Lodge 400, the Ital- Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, left, of Westfield at Echo Lake Country Club. ian-American Club and The Ameri- can Legion. A renewal was also approved for a Ted Romankow Opposes Moving restaurant license not currently in use but owned by JGR Investment Group, LLC. County Prosecutors to AG Budget The council went into closed ses- sion at the end of the meeting to By PAUL J. PEYTON “Where is the state going to get the would not be any money saved in discuss litigation regarding the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader money? What are they going to do – taxes by shifting the prosecutor of- Rennie Wolters for The Westfield Leader KEEP OUR TEACHER…Parents filled the Westfield Board of Education Sunnyside development project, ELIZABETH – Some county ex- print it?” Mr. Romankow questioned. fices to the state budget, and he fears meeting room Tuesday night to voice their displeasure over the board’s and Westfield Senior Citizens Housing ecutives in New Jersey are pushing a “It’s (switching prosecutor offices to the attorney general’s office would Superintendent Margaret Dolan’s decision not to rehire Tamaques School third- Corp. and litigation regarding Ball plan to move the 21 county prosecu- state budget) not realistic.” likely have a different set of priorities grade teacher Matthew Kravetsky. The board will hold a public hearing at the versus the Town of Westfield and the tor offices from county budgets to Mr. Romankow said he fears his than the local prosecutor offices. request of Mr. Kravetsky in July. Westfield Board of Adjustment. that of the state Attorney General’s initiatives, such as those addressing “As far as an economic standpoint, budget, a proposal they said would gang activity and drug-related crimes, it’s not going to save the taxpayers save counties $400 million annually. would be eliminated under state con- any money,” Chief Mason said, not- Hearing for Tamaques Teacher But not all county prosecutors are on trol. ing that the money would just be board with the plan, including Union The prosecutor proposed that the shifted from county budgets to the County Prosecutor Ted Romankow. state transfer funds currently going state budget. “It’s just a pass through. He told The Westfield Leader that to Trenton’s coffers from fees col- The price tag is going to be the same. Matthew Kravetsky Set for July his department’s budget of $20 mil- lected from indictable criminal cases Four hundred million dollars is $400 By RENNIE WOLTERS Kravetsky receives universal support he responded with a request for a public lion accounts for only 4 percent of the to the counties, which could then million. It’s either in your property Specially Written for The Westfield Leader from the Tamaques community of staff, hearing. county’s $472-million budget. The redirect the funds to the prosecutor taxes or your [income taxes].” WESTFIELD — Members of the students and parents, and that there is Philip Stern, the board’s attorney, said prosecutor said he believes by put- offices. Chief Mason, noting the impor- Westfield Board of Education appeared nothing in his record that would lead to Mr. Kravetsky is a non-tenured teacher, ting the offices under the direction of Pointing to a Leader story report- tance of letting county prosecutors to be under gag order Tuesday as they his non-renewal. She described the which gives him the same rights as any the state attorney general, funds would ing an $11-million increase in county have control in directing crime-fight- declined comment from questions posed board’s decision as a “catastrophic “at-will” employee. Mr. Stern said non- be redirected out of Union County to health premiums, the county pros- ing initiatives in their respective coun- by outraged and confused parents re- wrong.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 other areas of the state. ecutor commented, “That’s over half ties, said every county faces its own garding the termination of Tamaques “We believe too strongly that losing of my budget.” set of crime-related issues. School third-grade teacher Matthew him as a teacher would be too great of a “If they want to do something (to “Each county has its own specific Kravetsky. For two months, parents, loss to the kids,” she said. “We can use all Freeholders Increase Fees save money)…get rid of county po- issues. The county prosecutor needs teachers and residents have overflowed the support we can get.” lice,” Mr. Romankow said. While to have the ability to respond to an the seating accommodations at the BOE Resident Doug Haar told board mem- saying that the Union County Police issue,” Chief Mason said, noting Mr. meetings for the opportunity to publicly bers that they would be demonstrating At Stable, Settle Lawsuit “do a good job,” he stated that they Romankow did that when he formed support Mr. Kravetsky, who received a “glaring lack of judgment” if they By PAUL J. PEYTON come in 2009, compared to $1.2 mil- patrol roadways that “are the same a county homicide task force. He said his pink slip the week before his annual imply Mr. Kravetsky is not a good Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times lion in costs, $700,000 of which was roads that municipal police ride ev- the prosecutor also has initiated simi- evaluation. teacher. Mr. Haar said he approaches the ELIZABETH – In an effort to gen- for staff salaries and benefits. ery day.” He said there would have to lar task forces to address gang en- In a letter to Mr. Kravetsky on June 3 board not holding a torch and pitchfork, erate more revenue and close some of “The individuals there (at the Feb- be more of an adjustment to get mu- forcement and high-tech crimes. and obtained by The Westfield Leader, but as a friend and neighbor to inform the $700,000 operating deficit at the ruary meeting) felt these (rates) nicipal police to assume patrols of “These issues and many others may Superintendent of Schools Margaret them that their decision is wrong. Union County-operated Watchung should be raised. We are much, much county parklands. not be a priority in the attorney Dolan said Mr. Kravetsky had “failed to Under the Sunshine Law, the public Stable in Mountainside, the free- lower than other counties, and with The prosecutor said his office could general’s office. They may be at the provide consistently effective instruc- discussion of personnel matters by a holder board last Thursday approved these increases, we still will be lower assume the investigations that county bottom of the list,” Chief Mason said. tion for [his] students” based on a May public body, such as a school district, is increases in various horse-riding pro- than other counties,” said Al Faella, police currently handle.
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