United Nations A/75/ PV.14 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-fifth session 14th plenary meeting Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 9 a.m. New York President: Mr. Bozkir ........................................... (Turkey) In the absence of the President, Ms. Picco (Monaco), Mr. Beleffi (San Marino): I have the honour Vice-President, took the Chair. to introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency Mr. Luca Beccari, Minister for Foreign The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Telecommunications of the Republic of San Marino. Agenda item 8 (continued) The Acting President (spoke in French): The General debate Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Economic Cooperation The Acting President (spoke in French): I give and Telecommunications of the Republic of San Marino. the floor to the representative of Iceland to introduce a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and A pre-recorded video statement was shown in International Development Cooperation of the Republic the General Assembly Hall (annex II and see of Iceland. A/75/592/Add.10). Mr. Valtýsson (Iceland): I have the honour to The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the floor to the representative of the United Arab Emirates introduce a pre-recorded statement of His Excellency to introduce a statement by the Minister for Foreign Mr. Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Arab Emirates. the Republic of Iceland. Mrs. Nusseibeh (United Arab Emirates) (spoke (spoke in French): The The Acting President in Arabic): It is my honour to introduce a pre-recorded Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister statement by His Excellency His Highness Sheikh for Foreign Affairs and International Development Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister for Foreign Cooperation of the Republic of Iceland. Affairs and International Cooperation of the United A pre-recorded video statement was shown in Arab Emirates. the General Assembly Hall (annex I and see The Acting President (spoke in French): The A/75/592/Add.10). Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for The Acting President (spoke in French): I Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the give the floor to the representative of San Marino to United Arab Emirates. introduce a statement by the Minister for Foreign A pre-recorded video statement was shown in Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and the General Assembly Hall (annex III and see Telecommunications of the Republic of San Marino. A/75/592/Add.10). In accordance with decision 74/562, and without setting a precedent for mandated high-level meetings planned for future high-level weeks, the official records of the General Assembly will be supplemented by annexes containing pre-recorded statements submitted by Heads of State or other dignitaries, submitted to the President no later than the day on which such statements are delivered in the Assembly Hall. Submissions in this regard should be made to [email protected]. 20-25023 (E) *2025023* A /75/PV.14 29/09/2020 The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the A pre-recorded video statement was shown in floor to the representative of Germany to introduce a the General Assembly Hall (annex VI and see statement by the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs A/75/592/Add.10). of the Federal Republic of Germany. Mr. Konfourou (Mali), Vice-President, took Mr. Heusgen (Germany): It is my honour to the Chair. introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency Mr. Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs The Acting President (spoke in French): I give of the Federal Republic of Germany. Foreign Minister the floor to the representative of Eritrea to introduce Maas is in a coronavirus-disease-induced quarantine a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the and has recorded the statement himself. State of Eritrea. The Acting President (spoke in French): The Ms. Tesfamariam (Eritrea): It is my distinct Assembly will now hear a statement by the Federal honour to introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic Excellency Mr. Osman Saleh Mohammed, Minister for of Germany. Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea. A pre-recorded video statement was shown in The Acting President (spoke in French): The the General Assembly Hall (annex IV and see Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for A/75/592/Add.10). Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea. The Acting President (spoke in French): I give A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the floor to the representative of Belize to introduce a the General Assembly Hall (annex VII and see statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Foreign A/75/592/Add.10). Trade and Immigration of Belize. Mrs. Coye-Felson (Belize): I have the honour to The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency floor to the representative of Myanmar to introduce a Mr. Wilfred Peter Elrington, Minister for Foreign statement by the Union Minister of the Office of the Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration of Belize, on State Counsellor of the Union of Myanmar. the occasion of the general debate at the seventy-fifth Mr. Tun (Myanmar): I have the honour to introduce session of the General Assembly. a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency Mr. U The Acting President (spoke in French): The Kyaw Tint Swe, Union Minister of the Office of the Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister State Counsellor of the Union of Myanmar. for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration of Belize The Acting President (spoke in French): The Assembly will now hear a statement by the Union A pre-recorded video statement was shown in Minister of the Office of the State Counsellor of the the General Assembly Hall (annex V and see Union of Myanmar. A/75/592/Add.10). A pre-recorded video statement was shown in The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the General Assembly Hall (annex VIII and see the floor to the representative of Romania to introduce A/75/592/Add.10). a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Romania. The Acting President (spoke in French): I give Mr. Jinga (Romania): I have the honour to the floor to the representative of Maldives to introduce introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Mr. Bogdan Lucian Aurescu, Minister for Foreign Republic of Maldives. Affairs of Romania. Mrs. Hussain (Maldives): It is my honour and The Acting President (spoke in French): The privilege to introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for Excellency Mr. Abdulla Shahid, Minister for Foreign Foreign Affairs of Romania. Affairs of the Republic of Maldives. 2/79 20-25023 29/09/2020 A /75/PV.14 The Acting President (spoke in French): The Mr. Al Hassan (Oman) (spoke in Arabic): It is my Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for honour to introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives. Excellency Mr. Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Albusaidi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate A pre-recorded video statement was shown in of Oman, on the occasion of the general debate at the the General Assembly Hall (annex IX and see seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly. A/75/592/Add.10). The Acting President (spoke in French): The The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for floor to the representative of Montenegro to introduce Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman. a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro. A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the General Assembly Hall (annex XII and see Mrs. Pejanović Đurišić (Montenegro): I have the A/75/592/Add.10). honour to introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency Mr. Srđan Darmanović, Minister for Foreign The Acting President (spoke in French):: I give Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro. the floor to the representative of Benin to introduce a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and The Acting President (spoke in French): The Cooperation of the Republic of Benin. Assembly will now hear a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration Mr. Do Rego (Benin) (spoke in French): We have of Montenegro. now been meeting in this Hall for a week as part of the general debate at the seventy-fifth session of the A pre-recorded video statement was shown in General Assembly, as is customary, but unfortunately the General Assembly Hall (annex X and see in unusual conditions. The coronavirus disease A/75/592/Add.10). pandemic, far from driving us apart and despite the The Acting President (spoke in French): I give the social distancing in which we must engage, brings us floor to the representative of Mauritania to introduce back together around the subject of multilateralism. a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, My delegation remains convinced that together Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic we will find the best solution. We will work towards Republic of Mauritania. obtaining a vaccine and adequate treatments. While we Mr. Mohamed Laghdaf (Mauritania) (spoke in do that, we wish to call the attention of the General Arabic): It is my pleasure to introduce a pre-recorded Assembly to the scourge of fake medicine. We need statement by His Excellency Mr.
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