2018/19 - 27 A meeting of Ulceby Parish Council was held on Monday 19th November 2018 at 7.00pm in The Village Hall. PRESENT : Cllr Mrs Macefield – Chairman, Cllr Mrs Hulatt, Cllr B Jeffery,Cllr Mrs Smith, Cllr M Birtle, Cllr C Rowland, Cllr M Berney, Cllr A Ogden, Cllr A Reeve, IN ATTENDANCE : Mrs K Pickering – Clerk. Cllr P Clark, 2 members of the public. PUBLIC FORUM • A member of the public advised that The Front Street planning application has been passed with a Section 106 agreement which has been allocated to Baysgarth leisure centre. The member of the public felt that as Ulceby was having the development surely the S106 benefit should come to Ulceby. Cllr Clark advised the meeting that the plocy regarding S106 allocations has been changed and it can now to allocated to where there is a large recreational facility. Ward councillors have raised this policy change with The Leader of the Council. The member of the public also noted that a levy has been placed on the developers of a considerable amount which has to be paid to N.L.C. It was suggested that Ulceby should benefit in some way when development is taking place in the village. • It was noted that the planning permission has expired on the Church lane development land and that when this is reapplied for the S106 allocation should be kept for the benefit of the village. 1 .APOLOGIES : Cllr Mrs Caygill-Ogden, Cllr R Hannigan Cllr D Wells. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON THE AGENDA ITEMS: Cllr D Macefield – Item 6(a). 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 15th OCTOBER 2018. IT WAS RESOLVED that the minutes of the parish council meetings held on 15th November 2018 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 15TH OCTOBER 2018 . a) Footpath – Church to West End Road and Vale Farm – both these public footpaths are the responsibility of N.L.C who have indicated that the required repairs and mowing will take place in due course. b) Road repairs – all reported and N.L.C have confirmed that job tickets have been issued for this work. 5. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AS AGENDA ITEMS AT NEXT MONTHS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, RAISED WITHIN THE PUBLIC FORUM SECTION OF THE MEETING. Planning – Section 106 matters 2018/19 - 28 6. PLANNING Opportunity for one person from each side (members of the public) to state within three minutes objections/support of contested application. a) Application PA/2018/1926 – Application to prune various trees all subject to TPO 1984 – St Nicholas Church, Church lane, Ulceby. IT WAS RESOLVED to report NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS b) Application PA/2018/1964 – Planning permission to erect a single storey rear extension including demolition of existing conservatory – Kirklands, West End Road, Ulceby. IT WAS RESOLVED to report NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS c) Application PA/2018/2021 – Planning permission to vay conditions 2, 4 and 7 in relation to PA/2015/0535 – Land rear of The Laurels, Coronation Road, Ulceby. IT WAS RESOLVED to report NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS d) Applications PA/2018/2168 and 2018/2154 – Listed building consent and planningpermission to replace windows – Ashtree House, Front Street, Ulceby. IT WAS RESOLVED to report NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS 7. FINANCE i) PAYEE CHEQUE NO AMOUNT 1 K E Pickering 1537 261.78 Salary - November 2 K E Pickering – Admin 1538 17.96 3. 1539 VOID 4. J Nettleton – Winter planting 1540 1,063.73 5. Ulceby Village Assoc. - Rent 1541 81.00 6. Barton Mowing Services 1542 363.00 7. Newsletter printing 1543 251.00 8. N.L.C – Salt Bin 1544 240.00 9. Royal British legion 1545 100.00 10. Senior Citizens Xmas party 1546 250.00 INCOME RECEIVED: Link advertising: 0 PCC – Donation 800.00 IT WAS RESOLVED unanimously to authorise payment of the above accounts. ii) To receive the income and expenditure to date and note any variances to budget – new financial year – circulated with minutes. 8. POLICE MATTERS: • NATS meeting – The next meeting will be held in Ulceby on 29/11/18 – Ulceby Village hall – 6.30pm • To note the meeting with The Police and Crime Commissioner – Monday 10th December 2018 – North Killingholme Village Hall – 7.00pm. • New Police matters – Cars within the village are being vandalised – Martins Road and Priory Crescent. 2018/19 - 29 9. NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL MATTERS i. Reports from N.L.C representatives – Cllr Clark advised that a meeting will take place this week regarding the implementation of speed limits in Ferry ward. Cllr Hannigan sent a message to say that the proposed weight limit through Ulceby was going to consultation with various agencies and the consultation period is likely to end April 2019. ii. A180 Road closure/diversion route for A180 closure/village weight limit. The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow members of the public participate in the discussion regarding HGV traffic through the village. It was noted that the promised sign at the exit to the Truck Stop – instructing HGV traffic to turn right back onto the motorway network and not travel through Ulceby village – is still not in place. N.L.C have promised to put this sign in place immediately – Cllr Clark will follow this up with Cllr Hannigan and Wells. A member of the public presented a petition with 150 signatures to Cllr Clark which demanded a weight limit through the village of Ulceby. The member of the public was advised to email Tanya Davies at Democratic Services at North Lincolnshire council to formalise the petition request and set the procedure in motion. It was suggested that the clerk writes to N.L.C advising that Ulceby Parish Council is supportive of the petition request for a weight limit through Ulceby. Cllr Clark will ensure the petition reaches the appropriate department at N.L.C. Cllr Birtle asked for confirmation of who has the final say in implementing the emergency diversion route – N.L.C or the Highways Agency. Clerk to ask Ian Jickells to confirm. Cllr Birtle provided statistics – taken from the flashing speed awareness sign – showing the number of vehicles and their speed traveling into the village. A discussion took place as to when and why the B1211 through the village changed to the A1077. It was agreed that the diversion route – planned and emergency – need to be in place – avoiding Ulceby – BEFORE we are likely to be successful in securing a weight limit through the village. Once the revised diversion route is formalised weight limit through the village could be more achievable. An email had been received from Inspector Anthony Tinsley of Humberside Police who has advised that he does not feel the level of HGV traffic through the village warrants a weight restriction and as there is currently no weight restriction through the village Humberside Police will not be involved further in this matter. The Chairman reintroduced standing orders at this point in the meeting. iii. 20 mph school safety zone – this is an initiative from Cllr D Wells and the meeting agreed to write to N.L.C (Ian Jickells) advising that the parish council would like school safety zones introduced into the village and would like N.L.C to progress this matter. iv. New N.L.C matters: No new matters to report. 2018/19 - 30 10. CORRESPONDENCE • VANL – training course diary • Rural Services Network – information • North Lincolnshire Council – Forthcoming meetings • Email – Police and Crime Commissioner – meeting set for 10/12/18 at North Killingholme • Introduction to home based child care – course – N.L.C • VPI Immingham – consultation information • N.L.C Xmas Lights Switch on – 24/11/18 – 3.30 – 5pm • Letter of resignation from Drew Llewellyn. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL AND VILLAGE ISSUES a) To give consideration to providing further top soil in the millennium flower bed on West End Road and consider the quoation provided. Quoptation to be provided for January meeting in time for the precept consideration. b) To give consideration to moving the two flower troughs at West End Road (near the village sign) and replace at Halmshaws corner – subject to highways approval – and consider the quotation provided. Quoptation to be provided for January meeting in time for the precept consideration. c) New matters to report: Green salt bins – clerk to ask N.L.C when these will be filled up. The BT hatch covers – between the village hall and Advent Court on the pavement – (double and single) – are eroded, tarmac broken and a trip hazard – clerk to report. 12.AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MONTHS MEETING Setting of the precept for 2019/20. 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING : Monday 21st January 2019 at 7.00pm .
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