FHIJ THURSDAY,APRIL 5, 2012 T HE B OSTON G LOBE A13 BOSTONGLOBE.COM/OPINION Opinion JOSHUA GREEN Deficit hawks JOAN VENNOCHI pull in talons The AG’s easy target for military F TIM CAHILL took bribes in return for indicted Cahill on charges that could send terday told the State House News Service she pushing state contracts, like Salvatore him to jail. intends to run for reelection. DiMasi, Martha Coakley might not have The case against the ex-treasurer is a test The loss to Brown clearly fired her up. AST WEEK, while the Supreme Imuch to say. for a vaguely worded law that turns what Coakley sued banks to get relief for Mas- Court’s hearings on the health care law But to Coakley, Cahill did something more used to be civil infractions into criminal sachusetts homeowners who lost their homes were eclipsing all else in Washington, offensive. As state treasurer, he allocated activities. Tom Dwyer, a criminal defense to foreclosure, and she’s still pressuring Fan- LHouse Republicans passed a budget public money for lottery ads that did not lawyer and ex-prosecutor who specializes in nie Mae and Freddie Mac to reduce loan devised by Representative Paul Ryan of Wis- mention his name, but burnished his image white collar cases, argues that two sections of principal payments for distressed homeown- consin, the voluble deficit hawk who chairs while he ran a losing, third party campaign the ethics law used against ers and stop additional the Budget Committee and serves as his par- for governor. He also explained what he was Cahill were ‘‘never meant to foreclosures. She also seems ty’s point man on cutting taxes and spending. doing in e-mails that were exposed after he apply to the conduct alleged to be focusing more on FHIJ Martha Coakley is On Tuesday, in a speech before a group of THURSDAY,MARCHsued22, his2012own campaign manager. Bingo.T HE inB thisOSTONcase ...I predicG LOt BE public corruption.A15A new newspaper editors, President Obama attacked Under the state’s revised ethics law, Coakley these charges will be dis- bringing criminal Public Integrity Unit in her that budget as ‘‘thinly veiled social Darwin- missed without a trial.’’ office brought indictments ism’’ for cutting so deeply into social programs It’s also a test for Coakley charges against against John O’Brien, the for the poor and middle class. The speech FHIJ and what kind of crimes she former commissioner of THURSDBOSTONGLAY,MOBE.ARCHCOM/OPINION22, 2012 OpinionT HE B OSTONTim CahillGforLOwhaBEt A15 previewed his reelection message: Republican brings to trial. probation, and four Medic- cuts are far too severe and threaten the well- The case against a con- aid fraud schemes. JOAN VENNOCHI used to be a civil being of ordinary Americans in order to fi- sortium of Big Dig contrac- Previously, the US at- nance tax cuts for the rich. tors for shoddy work- infraction. torney — not the AG — was That was the overwhelming thrust of the manship that resulted associated with recent ma- next day’s media coverage: Ryan the deficit-BOSTONGLOld-scOBE.hoolCOM/OPINIONDems have theirin a womanOpinion’s deaguth y: Scott Brownjor political corruption slayer versus Obama the protector of govern- didn’t qualify. cases, including those that resulted in convic- ment benefits. But Ryan’s budget, while in- HE OLD-SCHOOL Democrats can governor of Massachusetts; and that finding her way from CambridgCoakleeyandchose tocratses appearedttle thatot casebe signaling theirtions of DiMbirthasi,controla formerwas a testHoforuseboth speakcandi- er; behind Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Frank, who is leaving Congress after betting a bottle of Dom Perignon that support for a Republican who is trying dates, and each played to their respec- deed proposing steep cuts, also seeks to undoJOAN VENNOCHIbreakfast always send a mes- three decades, is gay. But to this crowd of she isn’t an elitist. Brownfor $458’s base, inmillion,turn, hardeventothoughavoid the GOPherlabel in MaDiannes- Wilktive base.erson,Warrena formerdecried thestaassaultte senaon tor; other cuts already signed into law, and therebyTsage to insiders. This year, it was old-time Boston pols, jibes like that are gave the senator’s liberpredecessoral challenger the, TomsachuseReillytt,s.said the and Chuckwomen,Turnerand,Browna formerstoodBostonup for reli-city coun- serves to illustrate why, for all its endless talk,all about Senator Scott Brown. He’s their all innocent fun and games. Whether same treatment thattunnelMichael Dukakiscollapse thatBrownkilledis campaigningMilena as ancilorinde-. In thegiousWilkfreedom.erson and Turner cases, guy. voters in Linehan’s district — which now and Scott Harshbarger received: the cold pendent, or better yet, as a Red Sox fan, Voter surveys show an up-and-down Congress has such a hard time actually cutting Brown, the only Republican in the includes the South End — were also shoulder. Warren wasDelnot Vagivenllea wasseat atcriminal.as demonstrCoatakleed byyhis radio-adinformantstributes battwentle aheadtoforthebothFBI.candidaWhtes.y didnThe ’t those spending. Bay State’s congressional delegation, told an interviewerto TimthereWakewasfield andsufJafi-son Vainformantsritek. But mostgorecentto stasurteveyauthorities?by Public PolicyMaybe Last summer, with Republicans threat- was given a starring role at the annual cient evidence tohechargruns thee therisk ofcon-sending anotherthey fearedPollinga deadhad Waend.rren up by 5 points. Oldfete. He spoke early,-scand the camera hoolElizabeth WarrenDemsgot the same cold shoulderhathatvemessage whentheirhe basks in the approval Prguevious polls showedy:Brown aheadScof ott Brown ening to force the United States to default on lingered on him often — especially be- sortium with manslaughterof these breakfast-g, butoers. CoakleWay couldrren, includinghave pursuedone that hadDiMhim asi under its debt unless spending was brought down, cause he was seated next to state Senator Dukakis and Harshbarger received. not enough evidenceLieutenantto indicGotvernor Tim Mustarrteay briberaheady labyws,10 points.but she left it to federal Jack HartHEof SouthOLDBoston,-SCHOOLthe breakfastDemocrats can governor of Massachusetts; and that finding herwas awahit wheny fromhe madeCambridga grand en-e and ThecrPPPatpolls appearedfound Browntowouldbe signalingwin their birth control was a test for both candi- the two parties struck a last-minute deal to individuals. Her decision led de- prosecutors. Once the feds initiated their host. behind Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Frank, who is leaving Congress after betting atrancebottlesporoftingDoma NASCARPerignonhelmet andthat 89 percentsupporof Republicant for avoters,Republican17 who is trying dates, and each played to their respec- avoid catastrophe. The Budget Control Act, Brown also served as inspiration for a amused is a question for another election the main table, a placementfense thalawyert kept HarvraeycingSilverglajacket. Buttehowtomany votersprosecution,percentthereof Democrwasatnoic voters,role forbut onlythe state. breakfast always send a mes- FHIJthree decades, is gay. But to this crowd of she isn’t an elitist. Brown’s base, in turn, hard to avoid the GOP label in Mas- tive base. Warren decried the assault on supported by Republicans and DemocrTHURSDats, AYlittle,MdittyARCHwarbled by 22,Boston 2012City Coun- day. her mostlyToutHEof camermuse,a raBng‘‘Sincee.OSTONThe corporbeyondationsthe headcommitGtableLOfound hisBECojokaklees y’s48ofpercentfice contendsof independents.federThalatlaiswfaris A15 cilor BillsagLinehan,e toalsoinsiders.of South ThBoston.is year, itFowasr better orold-timeworse, the calcifiedBoston pols,breakfastjibes likstaretedthaatt10area.m.; she spokgavee attheaboutsenaspeedingtor’s liberand cralashingchallenga state carer theless thansachusethe 64 percenttts. of independent women, and Brown stood up for reli- and signed by Obama, cut $900 billion overTa To the tune of ‘‘Oh Danny Boy,’’ Linehan crowd at the Boston Convention and 11:47, right after Browncrimes’s daughteronly, by theallacthationst hilarious?of theirMurray’s relastrongtionshiper; votershowethavert Brown, somewonlainwyershis Januarcontendy all about Senator Scott Brown. He’s their all innocent fun and games. Whether same treatment that Michael Dukakis Brown is campaigning as an inde- gious freedom. decade, and guaranteed that an additional sang that ‘‘Lizzie’’ — Elizabeth Warren, Exhibition Center is Brown’s crowd. Ayla, sang ‘‘God BlesshumanAmerica.of’’ Toficialsbe andwithemployees,Michael McLaughlin,how the staoustedte law is2010morespecialexelecplicittion.race. guy. voters in Linehan’s district — which now and Scott Harshbarger received: the cold pendent, or better yet, as a Red Sox fan, Voter surveys show an up-and-down $1.2 trillion in savings would be achieved in Brown’s likely Democratic challenger — From that perspective, the morning’s fair, the state’s constitutionalcan youofhaficersve had sufheadficientof the ChevelseaidenceHousing AuthoritLey,aving DiMThoseasiindependentalone, Coor unenrolledakley instead wouldBrown,be campaigningthe onlywithRepublican‘‘Deval and infestivitiesthe offeredincludesup a timelythesnapshotSouthof Endand Jo—ewereKennedyalsoIII, who is runningshoulderfor is.alsoWaunderrrenseriouswas notscrutingiveny. Doesa seat atvoters areasthedemonstrprize. To someatedof them,by his radio-ad tributes battle ahead for both candidates. The one of two ways. The preferable way was for aBarney close at hand.’’ If Brown’s in luck, the bigger political picture that frames Frank’s seat, followedto indicWarren.t the corporBrownation,reallybutwantnotto be seen smirkingindicted
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