UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER ADB148370 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO Approved for public release, distribution unlimited FROM Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't. agencies only; Proprietary Info.; 1 Jun 90. Other requests shall be referred to HQS, CAC and Ft. Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-GOP-SE, Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027-5070. AUTHORITY USACGSC ltr, 2 Dec 2004 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED ill ;.LL ~~ _ oK THE JEDBURGHS: 00 Combat Operations Conducted in the Finistere Region of 00 Brittany, France from July - September 1944 am I A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE by Elliot J. Rosner, MAJ, USA B.A., United States Military Academy, 1976 DTIC ,&lELECTEf Fort Leavenworth, Kansas _ T1 9 1990 Distribution to U.S. Government agencies only; (Pro- prietary Information);(1 June 1990). Other requests for this document must be referred to: HQS, CAC and Ft. Leavanworth, ATTN: ATZL-GOP-SE, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-5070 9004622 REORCUINTTIN D A'_-j Fr Approved REPOCU T M E D TA T ON P .(I 0MR No. 0704 0188 Public reporting burden for tirK(.1 r of mrrforraj on,%estomate to0 S rage %hu ocDrreso~e .r'udrsg tre time 101 ffClremq Instructionri. Wtchling eii,1ting data source%. p~ltsrrg arId moafitarnulngthre doaa needed. and coeoletng arnd revoti-wng threcoilftion of ,rrfrrralron Send comrretts adn litbre etmt r nete aso . i 1tO wil.i ~,t1 .0fmato.r.nct.d.ng Su.ggest,014orsi "touting thoslbu'der. to WVashrgnqt "eadquarners ierv- . Directorate fr Information Operations and Ppmrii. 121S ;efftfnon Carts Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington. VA 12202-4302. and to the Office of kMoagerrrt arid Bu~dget. Parervork Re-ductior PrOjet (0104-0Ot&S). Wahinrqtom DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED I JurM990tr~r Is ThesisI Aug 1989 to Jun 1099) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS The, ,T-fhbir-)ir- - g 0 5 1-int Ore ntiorps~c~ in thle Tp ' Dei~ of' -i itrr I Fr'nnc- f'--!-Ji.' 6. AUTHOR(S) 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRSSES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION TT.'. A'Tm.r rorint-1 eriAqnl Go-l 5tnff 00o1 ns REPORT NUMBER AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESBetA albeC p 12a. DISTRIUTION /AVALABILTATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE NDtrinllior 19soWl o 1* S Gove-r,,r~t agrencies only; (T t"- T-fo-it0n)(1 T,ra 109)0). Ot'hefr reouest_________ for thi~z dicitr wii"'mut 'he refe-d to QCG. Vt. T-nvrworth, ~~p,rU IT - '7T.GOPS, Ft. LrpAvomworth, .3. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200wods) An h1itot-icnl "arrltive of Jndhurr-h Team~s Giles, Gilbert, 'Ronald, Horace, Hilar -rl Francis. T~i- T-r1)t1--hnt consisted of three man PIllied t,,Rms trained to con- A!ir'1 rre-i!', w-rfarn~ ir co"-ii1'ction wit'h th _ 7"orch Pesistance in surstort of allij!_j-i-jhj nf T7Vrvre^. Tlipse teims consisting of French, Pritish, and Am"-i cn mnl romri-rI of two offi cers, one Always being French, And an enlistal wiren te~n Trn-' o-(%"-tor, worp iniforsed soldiers who volitnteered in 1943 fdr th s ha-~osWork br"'hinri ;-cerny linens. J *dl-iir!gh or "Jed" teams wcre but one weapon rivaiihhle to tlip :unreme Horadnuart-rs Allied Exnediti onary Force (SHAEF) and it; Commnnnder, General Tlwir-ht T). ',;ise-nhower for this covert mission. This study P7!l*mir-s thep orirri-s, nurnosP, -nd trainin? of the special operations personnel i~n nrld. Additionnlly, the actual onerations conducted by these six teams in thr- westprn most corner of the B.rittany reninsula Are discusqed. As a fore- s,-nnr -'0 S-necinl. Forces, thin. ran~er qlso examines the validity of the Jedburgh noncernt and its Ictuaql ar-)lication and utility in the summer of 1944, as well a, the lessons learned from those camrairns which are still &aollic~ble to warfare todany. 14. SUBJECT TERMS IS. NUMBER OF PAGES Jed'hurimh, 035, French iResistarce, Spcial Orerntions Executiie 129 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1B. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT TjnClAlsi f ied Unclassified Unclassified UL NSN 7540-010?80-5500 ~ .)~ Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) * ~Je ~ '. Jevnbee &j ANSI Sad IWIGt t GINLRAL ,,6SIRUCIIOt6 FOR COMPLLTING 298 that this information be consistent with the rest of the report. parti(ularly the cover and title page Instructions for filling in each block of the form follow It is inportant to stay within the lines to meet optical s anning requi~ements. Block 1. Agency Use Onl Leave blank). Block 12a. Distribution/Availability Statement. Denotes public availability or limitations. Cite any Block 2. • Report Date. Full publication date availability to the public. Enter additional including day, month, and year, ifavailable (e g. 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If blank, the abstract or supplements the older report. isassurned to te unlimited, Standard Form 298 Back (Rev 2-89) THE JEDBURGHS: Combat Operations Conducted in the Finistere Region of Brittany, France from July - September 1944 A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE by Elliot J. Rosner, RAJ, USA B.A., United States Military Academy, 1976 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 1990 Dist ribut ion&A tfv U.S. Government agencies only; (Pro- prietary Infarination);(1 June 1990). Other requests for this document must be referred to: HQS, CAC and Ft. Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-GOP-SE, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-5070 9004622 MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE THESIS APPROVAL PAGE Name of candidLte: Major Elliot J. Rosner Title of Thesis: THE JEDBURGHS: Combat Operation Conducted in the Finistere Region of Brittany, France from July - September 1944 Approved By: (,0AfZThesis Comittee Chairman gamu 41 J. Lewi/a Ph.Db. __________________ Mmha. Graduate Facultv KAJ Roert C. Leicht, M.A. Accepted this 13t day of June 1990 by: 1' U4 Director, Graduate Degree Philip 1. Brookes, Ph.D. Program * The opinions and conclusionA expressed herein are those of the student author and not necessarily represent the views of the U. S. Army Comand und General Staff College or any other governmental agency. (References to this study should Include the foregoing statement.) ABSTRACT THE JEDBURGHS - COMBAT OPERATIONS CONDUCTED IN THE FINISTERE REGION OF BRITTANY, FRANCE FROM JULY - SEPTEMBER 1944: An historical narrative of Jedburgh Teams Giles, Gilbert, Ronald, Horace, Hilary, and Francis, by Major Elliot J. Rosner, USA, 122 pages. -The Jedbursha consisted of three man allied team trained to conduct guerilla warfare In conjunction with the Frenc.h Resistance in support of the allied Invasion of France. These team consisting of French, British, and American men comprised of two officers, one always being French, and an enlisted wireless telegraph radio operator, were uniformed soldiers who volunteered In 1943 for this hazardous work behind enemy lines.
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