Established Oct. 13, 1875 Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Press FORECAST TEMrER._Tt.RBS Fair tocleht; Saturday and Sunday fair, High 70 (***t 24 hours/1 a. m.) Low 51 with temperature above normal: moderate BA. M. _--_A_DING__ IN OTHER ClTUtS r.ui.U te uoi the ait aUl-t-~ Lea Angeles 56| Denver' _...,. .• tt OCEAN TIDES Boston 281st Vaul JS High LOW Pittsburgh . 42!New York W . 12 54 p. Bt. >6:38 fl. HT. 5:20 p. New Orleans 54 j Kan. as City ______ «t SITN RISES srx SETS Tampa 58IChlcMO __-.,,. .,__.*> —ttAS o'clock EVE LOOK Oae Moines —ttl San Francisco _____.48 i 6:09 o'clocs (AP)—The Associated Press (CPA)—Consolidated Press (UP)—The United Preaa (CNS)—City News Service ,VOLUME LVm NUMBER 72 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, 'FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1932 PRICE TWO CENTS SHIPS WATCHED FOR TRACE OF BABY LINDY: VETBRAAhDIVA M" . pi • - ARTHUR K. WHYTE \'Death Valley Scotty' Visits Sunla Memmto 'trttsh |flew JeDSatMS HERE are days when a City Will PutUp SERIOUSLY ILL minister Llaims great many persons are Oil Alkali Dust; berpent Enters His Desert hden T troubled in mind and AT ST. LOUIS spirit. Hard-headed econo­ Money to Clear 'Dude Innkeepers' Force Gives Interview Quotes Statistics About Creep Into State mists are of the opinion that Him to Close Castle Cost of Mansion in Early Retain of we have passed through the to AU Visitors dark hour be­ Wilderness Midst fore the dawn. Way for Harbor Carrying a six-gun In a belt al­ organ cost $84,000 "on the lot." The Receiver Scandal Infant Expected ready weighed down with elaborate | barn, "it'll hold all of Will Rogers' I Julius Klein, silver buckles and trimmings. Wal­ out fit." he said,.cost him mora than assistant sec­ Fund to Be Escrowed to ter Scott—"Death Valley Scotty" .o j $100,000. One of the biggest chan- More Charges of Judicial Asserts Kidnapers Aboard re tary of you—blew into town yesterday, rad­ ' dellert in tbe elaborately paneled i Satisfy Claims of iating atmosphere of the old-time music room cost $4,800 and is made Favor-Buying Embodied Boat Waiting Chance commerce, is Defunct-Concern | West. After propping Ws feet on of bronze. Four of the smaller in Affidavits the bureau ln his hotel room and to Deliver Child one of the _ii* ______________mm._.___. __.__4.i_... I wiping the alkali dust from around chandeliers cost each $1,700. best informed M Electric Chimes LOS ANGELES, March 25 J BALTIMORE, March 25 men on busi­ City commissioners meeting hi/ eyVs, scotty proceeded to "be "Statistics it wonderful," Scotty (CNS) — Prostrated in his j (AP)—Charles D. Gaither, po­ ness condi­ with the breakwater commit-1 interviewed.The "enigm" a of Death Valley," opines, to he said that it would take lice commissioner of Balti- tee of the chamber of com­ so-called because no one apparent­ I a freight train eight and a half ( home with ••illness, Superior tions in tbe merce today promised to put ly knows the source of his reputed mile* long to cany out the 500.000 judge Walter Gates today 11s- ! more, today issued orders that world t o d a y. I into escrow the amount they wealth, said that his castle it nailed | tons of materials and supplies that' tened to new sensational dis­ [all strange craft moving in up; his "castle" being an "archee. I have gone Into the "hut." A set and out of the Baltimore harbor be Recently he are willing to pay for materials used tekral monument" in Death Valley; of electrically played chimes, a closures in the American Mortgage on tne pter | giant outdoor organ. __u_cL other Co. receivership scandal, the ramifi­ watched for signs of the kidnapers made t-h-e t extension. Ifthls will ex- a pile V>f masonry, stee 1 and wood —*_(»" • pedlte a settlement with the SantaIthat hex-admits has cost him $2,- I huge musical instruments are so cations of which already have, re- of the Lindbergh baby. The orders connected that a person sitting in suited in one indictment and have followed reports that the child was statemen t Monlca Harbor Co., Ltd. 741.000.56, since the day it was launched the county grand jury into the music room merely pushes a on a vessel ia Chesapeake bay. Arthur K. whyte that there are To Make Invoice started three years ago. button, and presto, the organ starts, a foreboding investigation. now fewer bank failures than Howard B. Carter, city engineer, 56 Cents for Nails and the chimes chime, and "the var­ While Ralph H. Moore, referee, at any time since 1918. was selected by the committee to The 56 cents. Scotty explained,' mints in the valley kick up their presented to the sick jurist affida­ MME. SCHtTMANN-IIEINK INFORMANTS INSIST make an invoice of all material in was the coat of the nails he used ln heels and run to the tune of a Mo­ vits embodying fresh charges of "free TOT'S RETIRN IMMINENT And yet until the picture place on the extension constructed | "nailin' ber shut. Yep, she's I zart selection." rentals" in Mortgage Company prop­ ST. LOUIS. Mo., March 25 (U.R)— NORFOLK, Va., March 25 '._**— brightens further there will be I by the franchise holders and to pre. boarded up," Scotty said with final­ erties supervised by two ousted state Tba world-famous contralto, Mme. Despite official announcement from Scotty said he it building the Ernestine Schumann-Helnk. was »_,_..__> _.-_.-__.__. ... _______ ._ i _. pare a cost estimate by next Tues- ity. "It seems that tht dude inn­ ! castle for the benefit of the "poor receivers, rumors cropped up of ad­ the Lindbergh home in Hopewell, keepers In Death Valley have been ditional affidavits said to contain treated here today for an attack of N. J., that Col. Charles A. Lindbergh those among us who are beset | |,ay mornlng, when the commi.toe Photo bit Jerry Tabnac, OuUook "tail American saps who have to go to with problems. Next Sunday deliberations are to be resumed tryin' to capitalize on my shack." Walter 8cott. "Death Valley allegations of contributions by cor­ grippe and laryngitis that her phy-]di(j not consider information about Scotty, his face sun-squinted in a Yurrup to see castles. When I get the Christian world will ob­ Moe Pogel, appearing as attorney Scotty" to millions, paid a my hut done, they can come here poration lawyers to the campaigns siclan said "may develop into pneur hls kidnaped baby furnished by, for Santa Monica civic leaders work­ perpetual frown, added that "I show of fupcrior court Judges. monla. She was confined to bed in three Virginians important, one ef serve Easter. Nineteen cen­ em the joint free, and the innkeep- fleeting visit to Santa Monica instead of tpending all that money per room at the Coronado hotel; a ing to get the $690,000 harbor proj­ today and yesterday, during in Yurup," he explained. Charge Favor Buying those informants said today early ect started without further delay, ers are trying to nick the tourists block away from the theater where return of the baby was expected. turies ago, when the Savior who drive in to see my castle. So! which be discoursed on some of Entertains Teachers The latter affidavits, reported n I she had been scheduled to open a reported he had conferred with ep- the troubles which have de­ the hands of the large staff of in­ The three men who went from atoned for the sins of man , resentatives of the harbor franchise I nailed "er upH* Last week he entertained 40 school week's engagement "this afternoon. Scotty*S "jest a might peeved" at scended upon his desert para­ vestigators following obscure tra.is here to tell Colonel Lindbergh Of then and for ages to come, the holderro osas anfod found them receptive to dise. Here he lt shown loading mantis. That ls he let them into in the receivership maze, were ru­ Indications the baby was on a yacht •, the guverment, too, he said. It the grounds, gave them the keys to J Roman empire was in eco-lP P M- *• *te immediate tattle seems tbat Uncle Sam's surveyors | his six-shooter for hit return mored to embody charges that cam­ in Chesapeake bay and would be I ment of their claims. Thetr sugges­ trip. the larders and told them to make nomic and political turmoil, tion was that a complete settlement ran a line right smack through the paign contributions were exchanged returned through them are the Rev. center of his castle. The line was themselves at home. for judicial favors. H. Dobson-Peacock. Rear Adm. Guy people were burdened in mind might be effected by means of an He had fun with a wealthy Fairbanks Yacht H. Burrage, retired, and John escrow. I supposed to represent the boun ] Scottv says "it's a perty good loo k- Additional similar documents, it and spirit. Down through the | daries of a proposed national park ing place today." While Scotty has San Francisco banker who drove was reported ,are to be presented -to Hughes Curtis. ages the words of Jesus Christ To Clear Way in Death Valley. "The idea, why the costs right on tht end of hit into the valley and wanted to see the grand Jury when its probe of the "We not only hope, but expect, It was reported by Chester L.
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