Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 12 1878 ( 433 ) INDEX. Abbott, Archbishop, 66. Angus, Archibald, earl of, 58. Abchery, Henry, 221. Antrim, earl of (1637), 74. Abel, John, 304; Margeria, 304; Appeltone, 208. Walter, 304. Appledore (Apuldre'), 222. Abelyn, Thomas, 223. Apuldrefeld, Henry de, 210, 235, 236 ; Abercom, James, 2nd earl of, 64. Joan de, 216. Abergavenny, lord, Dorothy Nevill, Archibald (Erchebaud), Martin, 297, daughter of, 144. 298, 299. Abyssinian torques, or armillEe, 319. Argyll, earl of (1626), 56. Acholfc, Thomas de, 206. Armadu, precautions at Canterbury, Acoustic jars in walls of Leeds church, 1581, 43-45. 432. Armorial bearings of Angle, Bray, Acrise, 214, 299. Brooke, Bitton, Boteler, Oaldecot, Acstane, hundred, 233. Cheddar, Clifton, Cavendish, Cara- Adesham, John de, 236. doc, Croyser, Dabernon, Duke, Fur- Adestoke, Bartholomew de, 228. neaux, Fitzosborne, Fitzhugh, Gon- Adiugton, 224, 225. ville, Gray, Greene, Gurney, Hal- Advowsons, sale of (1314), 291, 303. lighwell, Harvey, Harlinge, Ingolds- ^Bdbald, king, 180, 181, 192. thorpe, Jerningham, Kelvedon, Lou- .ffithelburga, 183, 191 ; called Ead- dam, Marmion, Montfort, Mortimer, burg, 191, 193 ; Saint, 195. Norbury, Newton, Perrott, St. Quin- mhelberht, king, 180, 188, 191, 249. tin, Staveley, Sherborne, Sudclcy, .2Ethelred, king, 180,187. Troughton, 128-131 ; Manston and Aghenet, honor of, 212, 222. St. Nicholas, 175 ; Gravesend, 65 j Akemere, 237. Aubigny, Clifton, D'Arcy, Lenox, Alard, Gervase, 211. Stuart, 67. Albemarle, earl of, 227. Arnold, A. A., on Roman coffin at Albrincis, barony de, 214. Chatham, 430. Alcher's son, 222. Arsike, honor of, 216 ; Joanna de, 236. Aldelond, William, 377. Arundel, earl of, 56. Aldelose, 220 ; Symon de, 220. Ash by Sandwich, 291. Aldyntone, 210, 230-1; rector of, 251. Ash by Wrotham, 234. Alegate, prior de, 236. Ashford, 220. Aleghestowe (Halstow), 227. Assize of bread in middle ages, 321- Alexander, William, 235. 328. Alington, 224. Atstede, Rodland de, 228. Alkham, 214, 215. Attebourne hospital, 212. Alkham, Thos.de, 215. Atte Brcgge, John, 301; Godeleva, 30]. All Hallows, Hoo, 227. Atte Denne, William, 294, 301 ; Sara, All Saints, Thanet, 251. 294, 301 ; Walter, 301. Alolvesbrugge, see Alulphsbridge. Atte Douue, Robert, 232. Altar table with movable top, 24. Atte Helle, John, 295 ; Alice, 295. Alulphsbridge, hundred of, 210, 211. Attehethe, Walter and Lucia, 291. Andrews, John (Thanet), 1480, 24. Atte More, John, 290; Stephen, 290. YOL. XII. 2 F 434 INDEX. Atte Pette, Richard, 300; Johanna, Bell inscriptions, at Minster, Thanet, 300. 171, 352. Atte Stighele, William, 295 ; Juliana, Bell-founder, a, at Canterbury, 38. 296. Beltyngg, John de, 302. Atte Stokke, John, 302 ; Alice, 302. Benenden (Bynindenne),221,291, 306. Attewell, John, 289, 296, 301 j Lavina, Beneqwike boro' in Alulphsbridge, 289. 211. Atte Stone, Peter, 377. Benstede, John de, 228. Aubemarlie, see Albemarle. Berbelinge (Banning?), Symon de, Aubervile, heirs of Win. de, 213. 226. Anchor, query, sec Alcher. Berchangre, Willm. de, 210. Augy, honor of, 209, see Bu. Berdefeld. John de, 302; Isabella, Averenches, 214; Win. de, 206. 302. Aylesford, lathe of, 223, 233; town Berekere, 203. of, 224, 302 ; manor of, 224. Berfreystone, 210. Bergestede (Searsted), 231. Berghstede, Richd. de, 232. Babb's Hill, 41, 43. Berham, see Barham. Badekeleghe hundred, 221. Berling, see Birling. Baden, margrave of, Christopher, 148. Bermondeseye, heirs of Hugh de, 228. Badlesmere, 217, 218, 227. Bernard, John, 231, 291 ; Ralph, 234. Badlesmeia, Barth. de, 207, 208, 216, Bemays, E. A., 309. 218, 227, 303. Bernefelde half hundred, 223. Bakechilde, see Bapchild. Bernefeude, John de, 206. Bakere, Eichard le, 300 ; Thomas, 300; Berstede, Walter de, 225. Alice, 300. Bertha, queen, 191. Balance Sheet for 1877, sxxiii. Berton, John, 377. Baldwyn, archbishop, 271-3, 395-6. Beste, Henry the, 296 : Mabilla, 296. Bailer, Edmund, 144. Bethersden (Beatricliesdenmi), 219, BapchiW, 294, 305. 301. Bardulf, Wm., 237. Betlesangre, Peter de, 207. Barfreston, 210. Betles Hangre, 209. Barham, 203 ; Down, 42, 43. Betlinghope boro' in Alulphsbridge Barham, Gilbert de, 203; Henry de, hundred, 211. 203. Bettenhamme, Margeria, 301 ; Walter Banning (6h-emftramlinge\ 230; de, 301. Great, 230; Little, 230. Bewtie, John, 422. Barming (Eormlwge), Eobert de, 230; Besley (Byale), 304. Stephen de, 230. Beysaunts, Ramsgate, 379. Barnes, Geo., Lord Mayor 1562,136. Bicknor (SyTeenore), 230, 231. Barry, John, 220. Biddenden, 301. Bartelmeu, Simon, 307 ; Cecilia, 307 Bikenore, John de, 208, 231, 231. Battely quoted, 1,12, 13, 417. Bilsington, 212. Baventh, Roger de, 226. Birchington, xxxix., 278,279, 280,335, Bayli, Adam, 295 ; Isabella, 295. 402-418. Bealdeag, 188. Bircholt, 214, 220. Beamondestone, 216. Birling, 224, 225, 290, 305. Beaufeld, 208. Biset, Robert, 224. Beauveise, Wm. de, 206. Bishopsbourne, 203, 303. Beawesberghe hundred, 207, 208. Bishopsdenne, 291. Beckenham, see Beghenham. Bishopesgate, John de, 306; Con- Begeham, 220, 227, 236. stance, 306. Begham (Bayham), abbot of, 230. Blackfriars, residence of lord Cob- Beghenham, 296, 297. ham, 147 ; Queen Elizabeth -visits Beke, Richard del, 204. him there, 157. Bekel, 226. Blaokheath hundred, 235. Bekesbonrne, see Livingsbourne. Blakebourne hundred, 222. Bekeshurst, 213. Blakemannesbyrie, 203. Bekewelle, Willm. de, 216. Blakemanstone, 211, 212. Bele Crugge, boro' de la, 222. Blakewose, 213. Belewe, John de, 229. Blean, ville of, 204, 290 ; of honor of Belke, Michael, 424; William, 424. Gloster, 205. INDEX. 435 Bleangate hundred, 203, 206. Broke boro' in Alulphsbridge hundred, Blund, Walter le, 212. 211; ville in Wye hundred, 216. Blyburgh, Nicholas de, 296. Broke, Reginald de la, 237. Bocheborgh, 212. Brome, Oapt. George (1471), 32; Bocton, 215, 216 ; see Boughton. Symon, 41 ; Captain (1688), 43 ; Bocton, Bic. (harper), 1442, 31; Bartholomew, 44. Thomas de, 299. Bromfeld, Eichard de, 307; Amicia, Boctone, Steph. de, 209, 216. 307; Willm., 424. Bokyngesfelde (Bast), 229. Bromheye, 304. Bolenger, Peter le, 292. Bromley, 236, 296, 297 ; hundred, 236. Bomylond, John de, 301. Bromstone, Thomas, 422. Bonekake, John, 226. Brooke, farm in Eeculver, xxxix, 253 ; Bonington, 212; Johanna de, 213 ; Alicia de, 252. Roger de, 213. Brooke, P. 0., of Ufford, 162, 166; Bononia, honor of, 216, 217. Ealphe (York Herald), 253. Borwarmersse, see Burmarsh. Brooke, Anne, lady Cobham, 125-8; Bosincompe, John de, 296 ; Margaret, Anne, 142 ; Elizabeth, 154. 296. Brooke, Elizabeth, marchioness of Bosworth, Eobert de, 306 ; Emma de, Northampton, 125, 129, 141; Ed- 306. mund, 131; Edward, 131. Botiler, heirs of Walter le, 206. Brooke, G-eo., lord Cobham, 113-135 ; Botiler, heir of William le, 225. his will, 121; his tomb, 126-134 ; Bone, Simon le, 215. Henry, Lord Cobham, 156-161. Boughton Alulph, 216, 300; Stephen Brooke, George, 125, 130, 136, 159; de, 216. Duke, 161; Henry, 131, 139, 140. Boughton Blean, hundred of, 215, 219. Brooke, John, 125, 131, 139 , tomb at Boughton Malherbe, 230. Nevrington, 140; Maximilian, 148, Boughton, West, 231. 156. Boulogne, honor of, 216. Brooke, Katherine, 125, 142; Mary, Bourne, 203; Henry de, 203 ; 142. Thomas de, 203 ; Nicholas de, 204. Brooke, Thos., 122-3, 126, 131, 136- Bowes, Sir Martyn, 125. 139. 149. Boxley, 230. Brooke, Wm., 122, 126, 130; lord Boxley, abbot of, 224, 227. Cobham, 142-156. Boxley in Thanet, 339. Brooke, Sir William (ob. 1643), 162-3. Boyntone, John, son of Eobert de, Broomhill, see Prumhelle. 208, 214. Brun, Jordan le, 226. Boys, Mr., (1783), 5-10, 254, 258,;262. Bryanstone, 89. Brabourne, 220, 290. Bubb, Mr. E., xl, 169-171, 331, 353, Bramptone, Wm. de, 224. 354, 369, 380, 398. Brasinges, Wm. de, 232. Buckingham, duke of, Geo. Villiers, Brasses, monumental, 164-6. 72 ; duchess, 74. Brasted (SradesteS,), 233. Bughurst, Walter de, 305. Branddrede (nest Acrise), 299. Burdefelde, 217. Bray, John, lord, 118, 126; Edmond, Burg', John de, 226. lord, 126. Burghman, Thomas, 292 ; Alice, 292. Bredgar (Bradegare), 299. Burmarsh (Sormarmense), 211. Brencheley, 229 ; hundred of, 223,229. Burstowe, Wm. de, 305. Breybroke, Thomas de, 236. Burwardesile, 222. Bridge (Bregge), 293. Butailes, William, 233. Bridge (Bregge) boro' in Oxney hun- Bynindenne, 221; Eoger de, 221. dred, 211. Byrich, Adam, 293 ; Thos. le, 293; Bridge (Bregge), hundred of, 203. Dionisia, 293. Bridges' chapel, St. Nicholas at Wade, Bywynd, Peter, 303 ; Willelma, 303. 21. Bridges, John (1667), 23. Cade's, Jack, insurrection, 377-9. Briset, Arnald, 231. Cales Harbour, Thanet, 392. Broadstairs, 256, 257, 330, 385-7; Calehill (CaMmllti), 215, 219. Pier, 386; Milton Place, 386; chapel Caleson, Eobert, 392; Adam, 392. of St. Mary, 256, 386. Caleys, Wm., 392. Broc, Laurence de, 233. Callis, or Calais Grange, Thanet, 392 ; Brockmans in Birchington, 406. Eent of, 1702-1835, 393. 436 INDEX. Oallis, Thomas, 392. Chedestane, Oliver de, 293. Camera, "Wm. de, 205 ; Peter de, 226. Cheleshulle, 229. Campania, Robert de, 217; John de, Chelesfelde, 237; Robert de, 294; 298; Margeria, 298. Isabella, 294 ; see Chelsfleld. Camville, Robert de, 233. Cheleys, John, 301; Isabella, 301. Canterbury, 290, 291, 292, 294, 303, Chelsfield, Symon de, 219, 226, 237. 306, 307. Cheney, Sir Thomas, 117,411; Frances, Canterbury, Marching Watch, and 411; Henry, 411. Pageant of St. Thomas, 2746 ; West Cherche in Byhorne hundred, 231. Gate, 27, 37; cannon there, A.D. Cheriton (Ceryntone'), 214, 215. 1404, 30; mayor of, 33, 34, 42; Cherletone, James de, 233. guildhall, 34; St. Sepulchre's priory Chetwode,
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