UNIVERSI! Y OF. HAV»Ail LIBRAR'' Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1 9 7 2 voi. 22 Mo.46 7 ' Saipan. ¡V1P 96950 . : r. 1993 Marianas Variety. · Tuesday p Mày 1 8 ; 1 9 9 3 Serving CNMI for 20 Years Guerrero urges repeal of 4-year alien worker ban GOVERNOR Lorenzo I. Guerrero able aliens” who may be denied which was viewed as having anega- asked Senate President Juan S. entry in the Commonwealth. tive impact on vital industries, busi­ Demapan Friday to help repeal the “The provision of law... works nesses and private citizens in the provision of law which limits alien against our best interest,” the gov­ CNMI. workers to four consecutive years ernor said. ‘The confusion and In addition, Guerrero said en­ of stay in the Northern Marianas. uncertainty caused by retaining 3 forcement of the four-year re­ At the same time, Guerrero pro­ CMC 4322(j) on the books adds to striction would also create a sub­ posed the adoption of quotas in the obstacles now faced by existing stantial administrative burden certain categories of non-resident and potential investors in the Com­ and extra expense on the Immi­ workers as a more effective way of monwealth.” gration Service and the Office of reducing the number of alien work­ “Our policy should be to keep the Attorney General at a time ers in the Commonwealth. the number of non-resident work­ when operating budgets were In a letter to Demapan, the gov­ ers in the CNMI to an absolute constrained by the delay in the ernor sought passage of House Bill minimum,” Guerrero said, adding passage of the budget. 8-159 which has been passed by that the four-year restriction de­ “Enforcement of this statute the House of Representatives. feats the purpose. drains àway human and financial The bill, introduced by Rep. ”We may end up with more, not resources needed for the detec­ Pedro R. Guerrero, seeks to repeal fewer, guest workers,” he said. tion, apprehension and deporta­ the provision ofthe Commonwealth The governor said his office re­ tion of illegal aliens who are de­ Code which classifies alien work­ ceived numerous complaints in the liberately avoiding repatriation ers who have been in the CNMI for past few days about the unfairness to their home countries,” four consecutive years as “exclud­ of the excludable alien provision Guerrero said. (NL) Lorenzo I. Guerrero Election official proposes cap Restriction to prevent workers from leaving on donations to candidates NON-RESIDENT workers who vice could not prepare a list of THE EXECUTIVE director of have been in the Northern non-resident workers who have the Board of Elections yester­ Marianas for four consecutive been in the CNMI for four years day proposed a $ 1,000 limit on years may be able to remain here or more because of lack of per­ donations to candidates for and renew their entry permits de­ sonnel. public offices so they would spite the four-year limit of stay The Variety received numer­ not feel indebted to their sup­ provided by law. ous inquiries from its readers af­ porters. When they leave the CNMI ter the publication of the guide­ In a press briefing, John M. even for short trips, however, these lines to implement the four-year Diaz said that under present non-resident workers may be de­ restriction on May 12. law there is no Umit to the nied re-entry. Based on the guidelines and an amount of donations a candi­ This was learned in an inter­ interview with Attorney General date may accept. The only re­ view with Deputy Immigration Robert C. Naraja, the focus of quirement is that all substan­ Chief Frank Villanueva yester­ enforcement of the restriction is tial donations and their sources day. re-entry, which applies to those be reported to the board. During the same interview outside the CNMI, and not depor- Thus, he said, a candidate Villanueva said Immigration Ser- continued on page 2 who receives a big donation may feel that he owes some­ thing to the donor. Woman saves boy He said the ceiling on cam­ paign contribution was among A WOMAN saved a three-year-old boy from drowning at the Marianas the reforms the board had been Resort swimming pool in San Roque over the weekend, police said proposing since the mid-eight­ yesterday. ies. Police Chief Antonio A. Reyes said Jua Sung Hwang was seen Diaz also cited the need to John M. Diaz ' drowning by an unnamed woman described only as Caucasian. impose citizenshiprequirement Constitution be changed to allow has registered 9,383 voters in The woman reportedly rushed to the boy’s rescue and administered to candidates for the municipal for separate election of the gover­ the Commonwealth, broken mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to revived him. council. At present, he said nor and lieutenant governor. At down as follows: precinct 1 - On Saturday, a baby girl who is several months old suffered second- anybody who is 21 years or present, these two officials are 2,814, precinct 2 - 994, pre­ degree bums when a cup of coffee was accidentally spilled on her. older and has resided for two elected as a team. cinct 3 - 2,496, precinct 4 - An unidentified brother of the baby just placed coffee on a table in their years in a municipality can run In a sense you’re denied the 1 ,?60, Tinian - 734 and Rota - Tanapag house when the victim, Crisco Seidlei, managed to grab the cup. for a municipal council seat. right to choose your candidate for 985. Another near-drowning incident took place in Tanapag, also over the Thus, even foreigners can be­ governor and lieutenant gover­ Deadline for registration is weekend. come members of the munici­ nor, he said. on Sept. 21, or 45 days before A man from Palau was standing on the flat portion of a cliff at Jeffrey’s pal council, Diaz said. During the same briefing Diaz the election (Nov. 6). US citi- Beach when big waves lashed at the cliff and threw him into the water. Diaz also proposed that the said that as of May 13, the board contlnued on page 2 A relative of the man who was a good swimmer, managed to fight off continued on page 2 Í A c M o o s ÇÙ- 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TUESDAY-MAY 18,1993 Woman... Former immigration officer continued from page 1 the strong sea current and brought the man safely back to shore, po­ lice said. sentenced to 6 months in jail At the Paul’s Poker place in Garapan, Juan S. Reyes and an WILLIAM T. Jones, a former government, the second count in government’s recommendation were accused of producing fake unidentified female had a fight immigration officer, was sen­ the indictment was dismissed. He with respect to sentencing because CNMI entry permits. that reportedly started when the tenced by the District Court yes­ entered the guilty plea on June 15, of Jones’ cooperation and assis­ A jury handed down a guilty latter was unable to give back to terday to six months imprison­ 1992. tance. verdict against the two early this Reyes aRolex watch worth$l ,400 ment and ordered to pay back the During yesterday ’s sentencing, Munson said a message should month. that was entrusted to her. (GLD) $10,000 he received from a Chi­ Assistant US Attorney David T. be sent to the community that Records of the case show that nese businessman in exchange for Wood said Jones had been fully truthfulness, acceptance of re­ between December 1991 and entry permits. cooperative with the government sponsibility and cooperation with January 1992 Jones borrowed Restriction,.. After serving the sentence he and had provided substantial as­ law enforcement would be seri­ $2,000 from Guan Deyuan after tation, which applies only to those wouldbe placed undef supervised sistance in investigating other ously considered by the court in extending the latter’s. business already in the Commonwealjh. release for three years, according matters. its sentencing decisions. entry permit. TheCommonwealthCodeclas- to a statement from the US attor­ District Court Judge Alex R. Under federal guidelines, Jones Later, Jones asked for another sifies non-resident workers who ney. Munson said a prison sentence could have been sentenced to 18 $4,000 loaa Four months later he have been in the CNMI for four Jones, 33, was originally was necessary because a crime of months in jail. gave 10 entry permits to Deyuan in consecutive years as excludable, charged with two counts of extor­ this nature could not go without a Jones was used as federal gov­ exchange for anothet$4,000, bring­ which means they could be der tion under color of official right serious deterrent. ernment witness in a criminal case ing to $10,000 the total amount he nied entry. but in a plea agreement with the He said he would accept the against two Chinese nationals who received from the businessman. Under the guidelines approved by the Naraja and Immigration Chief Jose P. Mafnas, applica­ treats 50 fish p cases tions for renewal of entry permits of non-resident workers who are subject to exclusion will be ac­ cepted and processed for renewal. By Division of Fish and poisoning are the “tagafi” or the The clinical symptoms associ­ cold objects feel hot and hot feels “However, such permits will Wildlife large red snapper (Lutjanus bohar), ated with ciguatoxin poisoning are cold. bear a notation that re-entry will the “tituge” or moray eel variable and people may react dif­ The onset of the first symp­ be denied..
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