Theme: 3. Development of the English Colonies ———————-—————1200-1775 Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE South Carolina COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Pickens INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER (Type all entries — applicable sections) St. Julien-Bavenel House AND/ OR HISTORIC: Hanover House STREET AND NUMBER: Clemson University J&ampus CITY OR TOWN: Clemson South Carolina 29631 Pickens 39 CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC G District J] Building SI Public Public Acquisition: G Occupied Yes: ^ Restricted n Site Q Structure G Privote || In Process ffl Unoccupied Q Both S Unrestricted D Object | | Being Considered p reservation work in progress ' 1 "° PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) ''*" ~~"*S'^x^/^~ I I Agricultural | | Government G Pork Transportations/^ v [ Comments ^^ [ | Commercial | | Industrial I I Private Residence tl Educational G Military I I Religious I I Entertainment Pit Museum I I Scientific OWNER'S NAME: State of South Carolina STREET AND NUMBER: CITY OR TOWN: STATE: Columbia South Carolina COURTHOUSE,Pickens REGISTRY County OF DEEDS,Court ETC:House STREET AND NUMBER: CITY OR TOWN: Pickens South Carolina IH TITLE OF SURVEY: South Carolina Survey of Historic Places (Preliminary) DATE OF SURVEY: G Federal State County Loca DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: South Carolina Department of Archives and History STREET AND NUMBER: 1430 Senate Street, Bex 11,188 Capitol Station CITY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE Columbia South Carolina 5,6 tr (C/Jecfc One,) £] Excel ent D Good n F°' r I | Deteriorated a Ruins [71 Unexposed CONDITION (Check One) (C/Jecfc OneJ n Altered H Unaltered ft Moved | | Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAU (if known) PHYSIC AU APPEARANCE A li-story French Huguenot house with distinctive gambrel roof having an almost flat top section, pedimented dormers, and external end chimneys, unusual in the state. Chimneys are pilastered to accomodate upstairs fireplaces. Basement walls are two feet thick. Gun-slots in north foundation indicate house was prepared to serve as a small fortress. Interior walnut paneling and furnishings of great discrimination. PERIOD (Check One or More aa Appropriate) | | Pre-Columbion | I I 16th Century (3 18th Century 20th Century Q V-Sth Century Q 17trl Century Q 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable and Known) •• 1716 AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Abor iginol [3j Education Q Political I| Urban Planning | | Prehistoric I | Engineering D Religion/Phi, Q Other (Specify) O Historic [ | Industry losophy | | Agriculture I | Invention || Science 23 Architecture || Landscape I I Sculpture £J Art Architecture I | Social/Human­ [ | Commerce ( | Literature itarian | | Communications n Military d Theater | | Conservation Music [ | Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Built in 1714-1716 by Paul de St. Julien on one of three 1,000 acre tracts of land granted in 1688 by the lords Proprietors to his grandfather. Paul named his plantation "Hanover" for the then ruling house of England, to show his appreciation for that country which had "befriended so many Huguenot refugees after the Revocation of Edict of Nantes. Hanover House was moved to Clemson University in the 1940s due to the "building of a hydroelectric plant which would have inundated the house. An understanding of life in Hanover House in the early 18th century was the goal of the Spartanburg Committee of the national Society of Colonial Dames of South Carolina, which directed the restoration. Hanover House was opened on Clemson University Campus June 7f 1962. Anonymous, Hanover House, Clemson Dhlversity. Williams, Henry Lionel and Ottalie K. , A Guide To Old American Houses 1700-1900. A.S. Barnes & Co., Hew York, IpSTT Stoney, Sammuel Gaillard, Plantations of. the Carolina Low Country. Carolina Art Association, Charlestonf 1?64. •••----••-•- •:-:- ••- - -• - ;••-••- •- - • -•-.•. ---•;-••:-:-.•:•:• ••-•-••••••:•:•.-;••••-:•:•:-:•:•• : :-.•••' :-.-. .•.-• .-:-.• "-: :-:• •:•:-.-.•:-"• .-:-: •- •.-•-•-: ; . • :-"-: :-:- . ••:-:-:-: : " : " '-x-:-. •:•;••-:•:••-:•••:•:•:•:•: •-:•'•:-- •;S!$ g^^^^^^i::ISilP?:m:;;m < . : . ^ -i^M^^P:1 ::::::; --.:..-. :-;•: -:-'-. .'-:•: ' '.•••'.-'.•''--•:•'.•'- •:-: ' -: • •-.•:-.•: '.-'.'•-.-. • : '•:•'•:-:•:•:•:-: ".-:-: " ••:•:•:-:-:-.-.•:••-:-:•:-:•. 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APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: LCSS thafi-* O^^aiCj'l'C^' /"N. v» |LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING S T A T E^O^COUNJ^^BOUN C^^E^ m STATE: CODE COUNTY 4-iV* C^'"^^ ^^-\ CODE "^/ o^V r^>' ^fr ''j^\ m STATE: CODE COUNTY: ^_J "x^^ ^) - ' — 1 CODE ^ ^ ^i^ '^] STATE: CODE COUNTY: \ ^*)v ^Jt' '^^^^ < / CODE ,*^/V ^ \c*/ ts* STATE: CODE COUNTY: "•- ^/ 'S~~T~T r^\\ \ ^ CODE H "*— 1=— -' XI c NAME AND TITLE: Korman McCorkle, Historic Resources Assistant o ORGANIZATION DATE H South Carolina Department of Archives and Historv Au^st 21, 1970 STREET AND NUMBER: 1430 Senate Street, Box 11,188 Capitol Station CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODF i/» Columbia South Carolina ~y* |||f;:$l|||i|||||f^ As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register. in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set (MLiil//// If i r(/~ LOfll/lltl U-i{ L(11 £ { in it f-w^// forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation level of significance of this nomination is: Nationa/ /~| State [7^ /Local [ | jui: r-. m Date ATTEST: Tiue Director, South CaTolina Department Archives & History KlyLjfJf' Keeper of The/National Register t>ate September 2,* IQ?O ***X&trn./fatf*'/ ' NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number ——— Page ——— Hanover House Pickens County, South Carolina PROPOSED MOVE APPROVAL Jr-r^-f K . '/-<^^———' & ncftL'rnm/E ^PARTNERS m WM( North WMI Ormvl* 8C 20601 r-W»2S6-040B—i M7I 1* Uf> MAtW BMC KWBkBIPOM ND B2067E ETNO A-001 557) SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN.
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