Quarterly Report GNOME Foundation Providing a Free Desktop for the World July, August, September 200 !i "#$%E Foundation members "#$%E (+0 )ill be in %arch or Our marketing team has been hard and fans, September of 20100 at )ork+ Friends of "#$%E .an no) make monthly .ontributions in any '( is always a big quarter for the 1here )ere a few stru.tural .hanges amount they:d like and )e've raised "#$%E Foundation and this one in ho) things )ork in the "#$%& $23,455 so far this year! 1heir good )as bigger and better than usual. proje.t+ For example, )e .reated a )ork )ill .ontinue and get an e6tra During '3 )e had our annual ne) press team, a subproject under boost )ith a marketing hackfest in ",AD&-, "#$%E ,sers and the marketing team fo.used on #ovember sponsored by #ovell and Developers -onferen.e, )hich )e press relationships and press Google+ held /ointly )ith Akademy in the first releases, as )ell as things like ever Gran -anaria Desktop Summit0 monthly meetings by the 7ugsquad Speaking of ha.kfests, next quarter 1he .o2located event )as a huge team+ )ill be a busy one )ith lots of good su..ess )ith lots of good sessions )ork being done in preparation for in both the Akademy tracks as )ell 1he "#$%& A..essibility team has "#$%E (+0. We are planning as the ",AD&- tracks and lots of been hard at )ork preparing for ha.kfests around the Boston good .ross desktop talks and "#$%E (+0 by )orking on Summit, one for marketing, =eitgeist .onversations that )ill lead to more ac.essibility in projects like "#$%& and WebKit"1>? plus more in the .ollaboration throughout the year. Shell, -lutter and Banshee as )ell beginning of next year in areas like We hope to .o2lo.ate again in the as )orking on ne) tools like an ac.essiblity and video+ future! ons.reen keyboard+ @ead on to hear )hat "#$%& "#$%E 2+28 )as released in "#$%E %obile had an awesome teams have ac.omplished in Q3 and September. Quite a fe) products quarter )ith great attendan.e at )hat they are planning for '40 had significant updates in preparation OSiM %obile by "#$%E %obile for "#$%E (+0 - including a release member .ompanies and the release Best )ishes and happy ha.king! of "#$%& Shell! - and a .ouple of of products that use "#$%& %obile En/oy your "#$%E desktop! .hanges )ere made to improve technologies like %oblin 2.0 and the usability such as a different default #okia #900. 8n addition, LiMo Stormy Peters toolbar and turning off menu and announced that they )ill soon Executive Director, button i.ons by default+ During '4 release phones that use "#$%& GNOME Foundation the release team )ill decide if technologies0 Release Team Aincent ,ntB For the release team, the third ne) external dependencies that )ill Looking ahead, the release team quarter started )ith the last 2.26 allow developers to provide even already has a good amount of )ork release, )hich )ent out on July 1st+ more great features (seed, )ebkit, planned for the next *uarter: there 1he fo.us then *uickly became the DeviceKit-disks, lib.hamplain, )ill of .ourse be a first update to 2.27 development .y.le that )ould libgdata). "#$%E 2.23+0 )ent out "#$%E 2+28, )ith 2+23+1 )hi.h )ill lead to "#$%E 2.28+ as s.heduled on September 23rd. be released at the end of $.tober, and also the first versions of the Five "#$%E 2.27 releases )ere 8n parallel of all those releases, )e 2.29 releases+ A good number of published during those three months, monitored the progress of "#$%& ne) modules )ere proposed for and the usual freezes (APIFABI, on a fe) goals like, for e6ample, the inclusion during the 2+29 feature, user interface, stringG )ere .leanup of modules to stop using development .y.le, and dis.ussion applied to help the .ommunity focus deprecated libraries and AP8s+ around those proposals )ill help the on getting a high *uality release. 8n release team decide )hat )ill be We also modified the release July, a meeting )as held )here one going in during a meeting at the s.hedule to move the module of the main topi.s )as the ne) beginning of #ovember. Another proposal period and the de.ision on modules that )ould be in.luded in meeting in #ovember )ill be module proposals earlier in the .y.le, "#$%E 2+28. dedicated to "#$%E (+0: )e )ill in response to feedback from some evaluate if (+0 .an be ready for 1his release .ontains a good balan.e maintainers and also to help evaluate %arch 2010 or if )aiting six more bet)een integration of pre-existing earlier )hat "#$%& (+0 )ould months is needed to ensure that (+0 applications Egnome-bluetooth), great .onsist of+ is of high *uality, as e6pected by our ne) tools (gnome-disk-utility), and .ommunity and our users+ Bugsquad Team Andre >lapper 8n August "#$%& 7ugzilla )as (251G+ 1op bug reporters )ere Pedro verify the fi6 once it has landed in updated to version (+4 by %a6-Kanat Villavicencio E536 reportsG, $)en their distribution and if they have Alexander )ith huge help of Olav 1aylor E516), 7astien #ocera (99), some time+ Vitters and $)en 1aylor. 1he -olin Walters (92) and %atthias previous version )as several years -lasen E3DG+ As there are many modules in old and did not receive any upstream "#$%E 7ugBilla that have not seen se.urity fixes anymore+ 8t also had 1he "#$%& 7ugsquad has started any .ode .hanges for years (ex.ept several "#$%E-only enhancements to have monthly meetings to dis.uss for translation updates) the that partially have been ported to (+4 poli.ies and issues+ 1he new poli.y Bugs*uad has started trying to though some regressions remained. to handle old forgotten reports is in identify those obsoleteFunmaintained 1he server hardware )as also pla.e and has been revised after modules and .onta.t the improved so timeout issues )hen feedba.k from developers+ maintainers+ Without a response the running .omplex queries do not ,#-$#F8@%ED bug reports (but remaining reports )ill probably be happen anymore+ not enhancement requests) )ith one .losed as W$#1F8L )hile explaining year )ithout any a.tivity )ill be set to the reporter that the module is not From July to September, 22D to #EED8#FO state and reporters maintained anymore and )ill not reports (bugs ? feature requestsG )ill be asked to update the reportJs receive any updates+ )ere opened and 3D<5 )ere .losed+ status by testing again on a recent 1op bug .losers )ere Akhil 9addha "#$%E version. 8n order to improve )orkflo) the E434 reports), Fabio Durán Aerdugo Bugs*uad no) also has its own E4<<G, Andre Klapper E269), Bastien When reports are .losed as KF8XEDK module in "#$%& 7ugzilla to keep #o.era (261) and %atthew 7arnes reporters )ill now kindly be asked to tra.k of assigned tasks+ Marketing Team Paul -utler 1he %arketing 1eam )as a.tive in the ability for subs.ribers to .hoose Lastly, Paul -utler gave a the third quarter )ith a fo.us on the their monthly donation amount and presentation at Ohio 9inu6 Fest in "#$%E 2+28 release, in.luding launched the "#$%& Amazon store September on "#$%& (+0 and helping )rite the release notes and available at http:FF)))+gnome.org made the slides and presentation the press release announ.ing FfriendsFamaBon/+ 1he "#$%& materials available under a -reative "#$%E 2+28. Foundation receives a referral fee -ommons license and available for anytime anyone buys something do)nload on the "#$%E %arketing A ne) sub2team, the "#$%& Press from the "#$%E AmaBon Store. Wiki. 1eam, )as .reated )ith a fo.us on engaging the press )orld)ide and "#$%E Journal had t)o releases in Looking forward to '4, the %arketing helping )rite press releases about the third quarter in July and August team is planning a hackfest in "#$%E in the news+ 1he %arketing )ith articles interviews )ith $)en -hi.ago in #ovember and plans on 1eam also .hose -ivi.-@% as a 1aylor, 9ucas @ocha and 9asBlo )orking on .onference and -@% system to help track press PeterM a re.ap of the Writing Open presentation materials, .ase studies, .ontacts+ Source -onferen.e; a review of a "#$%E (+0 .ampaign, the "#$%&2DO and Pro/e.t !amster "#$%E )ebsite and more. Jaap !aitsma updated the Friends of and more. "#$%E )eb page, in.luding adding Usability Team -alum 7enson Several usability-fo.used sessions already been the sub/e.t of an initial team bet)een now and the release took place at the Gran -anaria usability study+ of "#$%& (+0+ Desktop Summit in JulyH "#$%E 2+28 )as released )ith %atthe) Paul 1homas from some notable .hanges -anonical gave t)o talksH one on recommended by the usability teamH &xpected '4H the regular ,buntuF"#$%& turning off button and menu icons by usability studies that -anoni.al default, and s)it.hing to a different A se.ond usability study on the have started doing, and a lightning toolbar style by default+ 1hese potential .ontrol .enter redesign talk on :10 -ommon ",8 .hanges improve visual .onsistency, )ill happen at Sun's usability labs Bloopers:+ redu.e .lutter, and reduce the need in %enlo Park+ to .ontinually invent new icons for Jon %.-ann and %arina every ne) function that becomes Design revie) of "#$%&:s =hurakhinskaya from @ed !at led available in "#$%&+ 1his should Keyboard Preferen.es dialog (Allan a "#$%E Shell Design BOF+ also prove beneficial for the Day and Sergey ,daltsovG+ ac.essibility themes, allowing them Allan Day ran a BOF session on to provide better i.on .overage than A number of usability topics )ill be tabbed application issues+ has been possible up to now+ dis.ussed at the 7oston hackfest, includingH revamping the !uman Kristin 1ravis and Jenya "estrin A preview of "#$%E Shell )as 8nterfa.e Guidelines, finding ne) from Sun %icrosystems released alongside "#$%E 2+23+ )ays to .ollect usability data for demonstrated the )ork they:ve been "#$%E Shell )ill underpin the the "#$%E project, and the doing on a potential .ontrol .enter "#$%E (+0 desktop, and )ill be an possibility of establishing a mobile redesign for "#$%& (+0.
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