Sen Ate. April 26, Senate

Sen Ate. April 26, Senate

5642 CON GRESSION .._2\._L R.EOfiP~-SEN ATE. APRIL 26, SENATE. A bill (S. 4.448) grantin,. an incretl:Se of }Jension to Fr:ancis A. Sh·out (with accompanying papers) ; FRIDAY, Apri~ 926, 1918. A bill (S. 4449) granting an increase of pension to Hosea Dtrt­ terfield (with accompanying papers) ; nnd (Lcgislati'Ve clay of Wedneulay, .Apn1 !24, 1918.) A bill (S. 4450) granting ::rn increa c of pension to Sewall W . Tlle Senate met at 11. .o'clock a. rn. Hewett (with accompanying papers) ; to the Committee on Pen- The YICE PRESIDEXT re umed the chair. sions. MESS.lGE FRO:ll THE HOUSE. UNITED STATES BOY SCOUTS. A me. sage from the House of Representatiyes. by J. C. South, .l\lr. Sl\IOOT. Mr. Preside-nt, 11J.nvc receivetl a number of let­ its Chief Clerk, nnnounce<l thnt the Speaker of the H ouse had ters from different ])arts of the United States in relation to the signed the enrolle<l bill (H. H.. 9832) to authorize tbe incor­ Boy Scouts of America. I have a letter from Hug'he , Round~, porated town of Se,Yard, Alaska, to issue !Jonds in nny sum Schurman & Dwight, -of New York, dated Aprn 1&, 1D18, upon not exceeding 25,000 for the purpose of constructin~ dike"', this subject. I have L>een requeHtecl to have it printed in tlle flume~. and other works to confine th~ waters of Lowell Creek HECORD, so that it may be a notice to tile people of the United for the protection of sai<l town, and it was thereupon igned States as to whut is taking place in reference to .an o-rganiza­ by tile Vice President. tion kno\Y'D in the United .States as the Unite<l tates Boy rETmONS AND ME:M:ORIALS. Scout., giving an account <>f the ·small group of men who head the organization whicb many people in the United States have a As 1\Ir. !\~SON presented petition of the Traf1es embly' of mis taken to be the Boy Scouts of America. I will not take Minneapolis, ]).linn., praying for the submission of a Feileral th--e time of the Senn.te to ·read it, but ask tllltt it be printetl in su1Irnge amendment to the legislatur€s of the several States, the RECORD. whkb was ordered to lie on tlle table. _ There being no objection, the letter was <Ordered to be printed He al o presented a memorial of the 13uil<lings Exchange of in the TIECOTID, as follows-: 1\liuneapolis, 1\linn., remonstrating against the auoption of a N.EW YORK, April 18, 191.8. proposed amendment to the naval appropriation bill penalizing llon. ltEED SMOOT, tl1e granting of bonu es and premiums for efficiency of em­ WasJti1zgton, D. 0. ployees, which was ordered to lie on the table. BOY SCOU-TS Oil' AMERICA V. UXITED STATES DOY "SCOUTS. of DEAR Sm : FOJ' some tim(> a small .;;roup of men, beaded by n jeweler ·He also presented :a petition Henry MoTton Post. Grand and repairman known .as L. W. AmPrnJau, of 7 Maid{'t} Lnnl', New Army of the Republic, Tiepnrtment of Minne otn., of St. Charles, York City, and John D . Gluck, a professional charity -solicitor, of 28 :Minn., praying for an increase in the penr::ion of veterans of East Twenty-eighth Stre('t, New York City, ba been endl'avoring to trade upon the good nam and staudiflg 'of the Hoy Scouts of America. tlle Civil w·m·, which was ordere<l to lie on the table. They obtained control of a paper organization known us tbe Unit{l.d 1\Ir. 1.'0\VlTSEND pre ·ented resolutions adopted by sundry States Boy 'eouts .or as the &>T{lnth Regiment Unlted Staws Boy citizens of the iifth congre · onal <listrict of 1\lichigau, and reso­ Scouts, and have be('u l('lnrting p eople to think that the.y were inter­ l"Rted in the Boy eouts of Aml'ric.a., the ·well-known Roy :....eout organiza~ lutions arlopted by sundry citizens of Grand Rapids, 1\Iich., tion.. They have uo connection whatever with the Boy 'Rcouts of favoring un investigation by Congress into the arrest of suf­ A.mer'ica, and ts no uc.b organization known as the S€'Venth llegi­ ftagists who -picketeu at the White House and also of treat­ ment United States Bo~ Scouts in the true Boy Scout org-a.nizatlon. A attorneys for the Tioy Scouts of America, as wP.-ll as from a desire ment accordeu the several su:ffragi ts who were detained at to protect nu organization of Which we havP the .highest rop!niou, and Occoquan, Va., which were ordered to lie on the table. which we kuow is conducting war work second to nonP.., we desire to Be also presented a }letition of the Association of Commerce of warn you against sending any communication or bnvin.g anything to do with Gluck and Amerman until you hu ve satisfied yourself thor­ Grand Rapids, 1\lich., praying foT the submission of a Fede-ral oughly as to tlle facts n.nd as to what u. e will be made of a lPtter from sutrrnge amendment to the legislatui·es of the several State~, you by them. Our inve ti..gations bow it to be a fact that in tb<> past wllich was ordered to lie on the table. Gluck and Am<>.rmnn hav<> madf' o. e of the namf' of promllleut m('n to obtain c.unh·ibutions for fh('m <>lves by misleading these men to believe He nl o pre enteu a memorial of the Woman's Rome Mission­ they Pre supporting the Boy Scout13 of Amt>riea. ary Society of the Fir t Methodist Episcopal 'Church of Olio, lt is not only unfortunate but it Is unpatriotic for lbe group of men Mich., remonstrating aguiru:t the enactment of legislation provid­ beaded by Gluck and Amerman to makt> tlK> efforts they have been making in the last two weeks to bring tbemsPlves tn the public e-y . ino- for the running of railroaq tracks directly oppo ite the Lucy Their efforts at any other time would bf' of little or no import, nee and Webb Hayes National Training School and the Sibley Memorial would not affpct the noy Scouts of America, but just at thi. time tbe Hospital, 'Vashington, D. C., wbich was ordered to lie on the "Boy SC()uts of America are ready to b<'g!n u. natio-n-wide campaign in behalf of the third liberty loan. In th~ seoonfl c-ampaign th-e Boy table. Scouts of America obtained over 533,000 subscriptions, amounting to Mr. HALE pre~uted a petition of sundry citizens of Augusta, over $102,000.000, and even greater success is anticipated In view of Me., praying for tl1e -repenl of the present zone system of postage the car{lfu} plans that have been made for the thi.rd campaign in con­ junction with the Treasury Deparbuent. t·ntes on second-class mail matter, -which was ordered to lie on The practical r('sults of the efforts of Gluck and Amerman can be ..n o thetnble. other -than to int.Pr.f{'J'e with the sucet> s of the -third liberty loan and He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Waldoboro, to cause confusion and misunderstanding. Me., 'Praying for the submL·sion of n Federa'l. ::unend­ Very truly, yours, HuGHEs, RouNDs, ·scnunnAN & DWlGHT. ment to 'the legislatures of the several States, which was ordered :REORC'..AJ\"'LZATION OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. to lie on the table. The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the c.on­ 1IENJRTS o:F CO:ln.HTTZES. aiaeration of the bill (S. 3771) authorizing the President to Mr. WADSWORTH, from the Committee on Military Affairs, coordinate or con oliuate the executive bureaus. agencies, and to ''"hich were referre<l the following bills, reported ailversely offiees, and for other purposes, in the interest of econgruy and thereon, and the bills were postponed indefinitely : the more efficient -concentration of the Government. A bill ( S. 1G8) to grunt an honorable discharge tQ John W. l\Ir. REED. 1\It. President, l suggest the ab ence of a quornm. Jester; una . -The 'VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary \Till call tlle rolL A bill (S. 171) for the relief of Thomas W. Miller. The Secretary called the roll, and the folloWing S en..'ltors an- He also. from the arne committee, to which was ref€t:red the swered to tlleir names : bill ( S. 3124) for th-e relief of Francis M. .Atherton, reported it Ashurst Hardwick Norris Smoot witl10ut amendment and submitted a report (No. 409) thereon. Baira Hf>ndcrson Nngf'nt Sutherland Bankhead Hollis ·Overman Thomas 1\lr. FREI~GHUYSEN.. fTom the Oom.rnittee on Military M­ Beckham John .. on. Cal. Page Thompson fu.irs, submitted a report (No. 410) accompanied by n bill (S. Chamberlain Jones, N.Mex. Phelan THlman 44ti:i) to provide for allowances for :and minimum pay of Army Colt Jones. Wasll. Poindeder Townsend field clerks, to pro·dde for increased pay to Army fi-eld clerks for Culberson Kt>Jiogg Pomert'ne Trammell Cummins Kirby Ransdell Undel'Wood senice beyond the continental limits of the United States, and Dillingham Knox Ref'd Vardaman to proYide quarters or commutation thereof to Army :field clerks Fall Lenroot 'Saulsbury Wa(lswortb - Feruald Longe Sbafroth Walsb in cC!'tain cases. Fletcher lcKelln.r Sheppard Wur-reu .BILLS INTRODUCED.

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