UP-TO-DATE FEBRUARY PROGRAM LOCATOR A. E A 8 lady's heart really is of gold. To do it What of Hollywood? Is the HOllywood Cupboard Bare? because 01 one's convictions is some­ All ears are tuned to "The Circle" thing else. Eddie Cantor is one star these Sunday nights. Newest glamour whose sincerity never has been and show to hit the air, launched with a never will be'questioned. For years he great splurge of publicity and a 530,­ has supported a boys' camp lor under­ 000 payroll, it has caused divided com­ privileged tenement kids. Annually he ment. Which brings us to the subject RADI raises huge sums 01 money lor help­ of our editorial cartoon this week. Ev­ less, hungry persons. His career as a eryone is lamiliar with Old Mother practising benelactor came to a climax, Hubbard who went to the cupboard, DOUBLES YOUR RADIO ENJOnlENT we think, when he led the recent found it bare, and' so could not leed "March 01 Dimes" program on the air. her poor dog. 731 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, Ill. With the greatest names in radio offer­ Since "Hollywood Hotel" proved that ing their services. Eddie Cantor acted listeners liked a Hollywood show, spon· as master of ceremonies for a difficult sors have been calling on the film city such a widely circulated magazine as OlO GUIDE, do your parI. 100. When· full hour in order to raise lunds lor the lor more and more assistance. Today. yours, I leel sure that we shall be able ever you hear a studio audience whis· President's drive against infantile par­ almost no star is left who hasn't or isn't to curb this unseemly noise, which is tling, write to the sponsor and tell him alysis. He was never better as a show­ making radio money on the side. But harmful to network program and spon· you don't like it. Whip the whistlers! man and entertainer. He was never one 01 these days. mark our words, the sor as well as extremely unpleasant for enlisted in a beller cause. Hollywood cupboard is going to be the listening audience. Very sincerely Eddie Cantor bare. yours, John W. Swallow, Program Di· Echo Perhaps the time isn't yet. The Kel· rector, Western Division, NBC." To do a charitable act lor publicity logg Circle interests us because of its Congratulations to John Swallow for purposes is such a habit with many ra­ It is a pleasant experience to find earnest effort to entertain without using his part in this campaign to rid the stu­ dio and movie stars that we are often one's judgment seconded and one's the ancient comedian·singer.orchestra dios of whistlers. Now, readers of R...· fooled into belieVing that a gilded proposals imitated. Particularly when formula. The program hasn't found it· the seconder is a big·shot. Remember self as yet. but it may. II it doesn't, we that editorial we ran months ago called think no listener 'will disagree that a "It Can Happen Here." It warned that glamour girl or a Hollywood he-man is any president 01 our country is only a just as dull and annoying as any other hair's-breadth away from dictatorial bore. II it does find itself, it will demo CONTENTS control of broadcasting, according to onstrate only that a new method of pre· the present law of the land. senting stars c<:,-n keep the cupboanj Radio in Prisons Records of the Week 13 The law says: "Upon proclamatlon from going bare for a little while Musical Giant:' Johann Listening to Learn 14 by the President that there exists war longer. S&bastian Bach 2 Friends of Yours 15 or a threat of war or a state of public Eventually radio must find new stars Highlights of This Week 4 Up-tO-date February peril or disaster or other national emer­ lor itself. We think that day is not lal Playbill: "The Shadow" 6 Program Locator 16 gency, or in order to preserve the neu­ ·Coming·Out Party 7 Birthdays 17 away. Sponsors and broadcasters, The March of Music 6 Crossword Puzzle 19 trality 01 the United States, the Presi· where will yol.\ look when the cup· Airialto Lowdown 10 This Week's Programs 20·35 dent may suspend or amend, for sueh board is bare? Hollywood Showdown 11 On Short Waves 36 time as he may see lit, the rules and The Radio Tattler 12 Mr. Fairfax Replies 37 regulations having application to any or all stations. " Banish Whistling M. l. ANNENBERG, Publisher Last week a big.shot newspaper, the Audience-whistling is on the wane. Chicago Tribune. retold our story in One reason: CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor slightly different words. The great "May I congratulate RADIO GUIDE on midwestern newspaper also recom­ its timely editorial and cartoon against Vol. 8. No. 17 February II, 1939 mends that this dangerous grant of the nuisance 01 stamping and whistling. power in our radio law be changed and We at NBC's Hollywood Radio City n.""., ,-"",g ,T,.d, )Io,k "«"",,.d ij, S. I''', "III,..). I'~h,,'" 1'111. .~",,",," I •. lI"«k ,n,II". that right quickly. Congress is in ses­ ~'",,,,,.,., 11. 19~9. l'u',II,I.." 'I,<l<ly "y Th' '·.....11. ,''"""."., ;~I "I\",M"II, ",m'. ("hl,",~, 1111001 •. have been faced only recently with I':","',""" .",,",.',"'" InO"" Of ,I .. I'"., ,,","', '·"Ie••". '"1",,1<, ,',"moo\" tl. )~::J, ""der ,ct 01 sion. Congress, as representative of )l.",,~. )S;~. ,1"lI",..i,,'d ",. 1'"., ')~)'" P""..·""."I. "Il"''", <';"""'. " ......."'·d.,' ",01l<T, '·.-.po­ this unpleasantness. How it was started "I~I'I, I ~~~. '''' 'II.. "..-.'Ii. ".""lOn,·. .111 ,I.. h', ,.".",,1. .U. I•. ".,,,',,I,,,,~. I'.."hl",,'; .lr••I~ K,,,,o, the people, should take back unto itsell s"·,',,,.,·,'; \"",..•• <1"1',.",.. ,;",,,,,.1 J'",.",; >:<1 '-Ott. ,'1""1,,1,,, Jlon••", ""'ollclfed "'''HI-nip" the rights it so recklessly and care­ or by whom, we don't know, but we do """hi'" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,, '''' "".""" ,df· ..k"""""",·.h",. for ,<-t",.". T,n <,."" ,.., "'''',. I" til< I",,!l,d H."•. ~o","h,'''", "'''' I" "" U. S, .",1,,,,,,••,1..,, ..,,) """,,,I.. or 11" l'on-.\In""'''O" l'o,t.ll'"I",,: know that we shall do everything in ,I, ".""'''. $:.:,.: OI'. ,"". $1.00.._"h..,ol",I"" rOle< In 10..lon " ..""1.,, ,1< """""'. 1'.:;0; OlIO lessly entrusted to a Single individual. )'ear, H.U. ",,"tt h" "'",., lllOll"" 0,,1... "D" .... ".."".•rokr. '" dl«:k dro~'" '" onl<' Of HA"'O) Personal control 01 broadcasting is our power to eliminate it. The adver­ G""'~. CO"",,,,,' I<nt 0' ,owerll",,', l'hk. tising agencies who produce our pro· much too great a temptation and re­ grams have promised us their full co· sponsibility for anyone man no mailer operation, and with the added help of whether he be Republican or Democrat! '/17 " GREAT AMERICANS THINK ABOUT RADIO RAUIO IN PRISONS by Lewis E. Lawes famous Warden of Sing Sing Prison TJ:IE other evening, r made one of my accustomed tours as the types 01 programs, and therefore the tastes of all musl .I ~hrough the cell-blocks. As I strolled along I could hear be taken into consideration. There are many educated men laughter issuing from practically every celL and could to whom good music constitutes the essence of recreational see, of course, that the radio was creating this atmosphere enjoyment. Then there are prisoners for whom the drama of joviality. holds the mosl desirable form of relaxation. But with prac­ "Hello, Warden," the men greeted as I passed by. "They tically few exceptions, every inmate eagerly listens 10 the got a swell program on tonight." news broadcasts so that he may participate as best he can in I knew the program they were referring to. It was one the constant movement that takes place in the world of which of the prominent half·hour variety shows, and a favorite he was once a part. among the prisoners. But whether it was really as humorous The prisoners receive only broadcasts selected by our as the mirth of the men seemed to indicate was a question; civilian program-director, and these presentations are trans­ because prison, after a period of time, exerts an unfortunate, mitted hom our central receiving-station 10 earphones in though to be expected, influence over the inmates incarcer­ theil cells. This means, of course, that the inmates do not ated there. have the privilege of choosing individual programs, but we Confined as they are, and with anything of tremendous so vary the types of shows that the desires of all are reason­ importance rarely occurring to liven up their existence, they ably well satisfied. seize upon the slightest and most insignificant happening as Taking into account the practises of years ago, in which material upon which to build something of moment to them. inmates, when not working, were confined completely to As a result, one can hear them laughing in the prison yard themselves, not even being allowed normal communication over the most trivial incident, or gravely arguing about the with one another, it is obvious to anyone what a tremendous smallest matter imaginable. blessing the radio is in the lives of men otherwise restrained Thus it is not difficult to understand why the remarks from any direct contact with the world outside. of a radio comedian, of a man who is expected to be comical, And in this connection, the radio medium contains fea­ will move the men to hysterics, regardless of actual humor­ tures not possessed by the most complete library. It estab­ ous quality.
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