/1„vtr... —"- APR 1. 01940 "vEllAVERFORD NEWS'. VOLUME 31—NUMBER 21 IIAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 9) 1940 Z r;-27 $2.00 A YEAR [ Dr. Morley Felii Morley, President-Elect, Pledges An Editorial Two years ago when Felix. Mor Positive Achievement, Support of Traditions; ley delivered the Commencemen Address at Haverford, he spoke as a prominent newspaper editor and Leaders Commend Appointment of Editor student of public affairs. Here- after, whether it be from the front sew in Thursday Meeting or from College Officials, Distinguished Writer behind the large enameled desk in Educators Acclaim Roberts Hall, he will be speaking, Was Rhodes Scholar; as an outstanding alumnus who Board's Selection Won Pulitzer Prize has received the highest honor that The following statements were Thebtext of Dr. Morley 's state- the College can bestow on one of received by the NEWS upon its graduates. ment to the NEWS will be the announcement of the ap- found on page 4. The transition from the editorial pointment of Felix Morley. Dr. Felix Morley, newly appoint- offices of The Washington Poet to William Whiter Comfort, Presi- Roberts Hall should not be difficult, ed to succeed Dr. W. W. Comfort as dent: "The College is fortunate in president of Haverford College. for Felix Morley will be resuming finding in its alumni a man.who is will seek to conserve the resources acquaintance with the campus on both so familiar with the tradtion of the College —"spiritual, intel- of the College, and at the Mime lectual, physical and financial"— which he was born forty-six years time experienced in other than edu- ago. Raised in the house opposite cational fields. while striving to make the college Strawbridge Observatory, he is the fulfill more than ever its inherent "In my judgment, Dr. Morley , responsibilities. 'on of the late Frank Morley, for will be able to bring to Haverford twelve years professor of mathe- The appointment of Dr. Morley certain. qualifications as president was announced last week following matics at Haverford and later head which none of his' predecessorshas of the same department at Johns a special meeting of the Board of Hopkins. All three of Dr. Mor- Managers on Tuesday. The dis- ley's sons — Christopher, '11; "He is not going to throw out tinguished alumnus, member of the Felix, '15, and Frank, ex-'19 - anything that is established here, class of 1915, will relinquish his were students at the college and but will bring with him a great duties as editor of The Washington eventually went on to win Rhodes deal that is new and valuable." • Post to assume his new office fol- Scholarships at Oxford. Frank Aydelotte, President of lowing the retirement of President In his statement to the NEWS Swarthmore College: (telegram) Comfort in June, after 23 years of Felix Morley speaks of his entering Delighted to hear of appointnfent service as Haverford's president. the College again as it Freshman. of Felix Morley to succeed Dr. Tradition To Be Continued Sorb a remark is indicative of e Comfort as President of Haverford "One of the great attributes of man who does not take himself or College Stop Have known Morley Haverford, as is well realized by his abilities so seriously that be well for many years Stop He was all who know the place, is that the cannot joke about them), Indeed, a Rhodes scholar and a Guggen- college has its own plan," the presi- he predicts that the yeavewhich heim Fellow Stop He has ex- dent-elect pointed out in a state- lie ahead will have their h orous actly the combination of scholar- ment to the NEWS. "It is a plan as well as serious side. Ye better ship and interest in public affairs which has grown, like a beautiful than anyone else, the President- and harmonious mosiac, from the elect realises that into his bands needed to woke .an ideaL collage. president and 1 predict with con- hiving contributionn of many indi- has been entrusted the future of viduals, over many decades. Those' America's oldest Quaker college fidence that his administration coptributions have taken various and that he will be expected to will be worthy of the splendid tra- terms, some tangible, others intan- make his contribution to its heri- ditions of Haverford and that he gible. And in their impressive but tage as his predecessors have done will lead the College forward to indefinable total is found the heri- in the past. new and greater achievements. tage for whch every Haverfordian To Felix Morley the role of edu- Thomas S. Gates, President of should properly regard himself as cator will not differ greatly from the University of Pennsylvania: a trustee, none more so than the that of journalist. An intellectual, A change in the Presidency of Hay- man who is honored with the presi- as opposed to an emotional, ap- erford College is of great interest dency." proach, he stated in an interview to the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Morley went on to pledge last year, had been the most valu- Haverford College and the Uni- himself to "an intelligent and sym- able contribution of his college edu- pathetic conservation of the re- cation to a journalistic career. The versity of Pennsylvania have al- ways been friends. During the last sources of Haverford," which is President-elect has further said Many Colleges Base Cut System "clearly the that responsibility of that an objective journalistic atti- decade, by cooperation in various your new president." tude might well be applied to edu- ways, each has contributed to the On Honor Work, Survey Shows other, for which the University of Progress Needed cation. That he is bringing such Although college and university for a Dean's List are, with the ex- an attitude with him to Haverford Pennsylvania Is grateful. cut regulations vary in length and ception of Yale and Smith, requir- But conservatism and conserva- would seem to be not the least Haverford College is to be con- tion, Dr. Morley continued, are not important reason why Felix Morley complexity, the general tendency ed to score grades higher than enough. In the exceedingly con- gratulated on its choice of Dr. Fe- in most is to make the subject of those demanded of upperclassmen has been selected by the Board of lix Morley as its President. Son fused and confusing world in which Managers. A keen interest in edu- unexcused class absences increas- and at Lehigh and Bowdoin are we live, Haverford must obviously of a former Professor of the Col- ingly a discretionary matter be- even ineligible for any privileged cation as the key to democracy and lege, born on its campus, an alum- keep fit for positive achievement. a wide acquaintance with public tween students and officials of the cut allowances whatsoever. Le- ... There is always a danger that men and world events make the nus, a Rhodes scholar, a Doctor of institution and In some cases the high, which one year ago abolished contentment with the established distinguished editor a worthy suc- Philosophy, a newspaper reporter professor, answers to the ques- special cut privileges for all sen- order will imperceptibly tend to cessor indeed to President Comfort. and then editor, Dr. Morley should tionnaire sent out by Dean H. Tat- iors, limits its Honor Roll to the slide over into a form of smugness No one, including the new Presi- know the traditions of Haverford nail Brown reveal. two upper classes. and sterility." dent, can foretell what the future College, the traditions of academic Reports received by the Dean's Swarthmore, Amherst, Earlham, Concluding his remarks, Dr. holds for. Haverford. Formulation life, the value of scholarship; and office show that the academic stand- Mount Holyoke, Harvard, Welles- Morley expressed a hope for in- of any program IS, at best, a slow, yet he should know the world into ing of the individual student large- ley, and Vassar, without Dean's creased undergraduate enjoyment evolutionary process, but, as Felix which students are to graduate. ly determines the degree to which Lista or Honor Rolls, have no defin- of the privileges of life at Haver- Morley himself points out, the Col- The University of Pennsylvania he will be entrusted with keeping ite rules regarding cut allowances ford. And training to meet re- lege already has a plan on which to extends to Dr. Morley and Haver- his class appointments as he sees and merely state that the student sponsibilities, it goes without say- build. ford College, through the Haver- fit. In this respect, half of the is expected to fulfill all college ap- ing, does not preclude a really The problem of effecting changes ford News, its best wishes for a sixteen institutions answering the pointments unless excused for some grand good time for all who are without destroying the heritage of questionnaire—Bowdoin, Wesleyan, lucky enough to be Haverfordians. the past, of making respect for future that looks so promising and valid reason. Under such a system, so fruitful. Yale, Williams, Princeton, Lafay- the question of unexcused or avoid- Confirmed On Page 1, Co!. tradition the basis for faith in ette, Lehigh, and Smith—grant Progress must have likewise faced Edward V. Stanford, President of able cuts taken by the undergradu- President Comfort, yet the Haver- Villanova College: It was a mat- special privileges regarding class- ate because he would rather study Hibbard Sets May 1 . ford which he soon will turn over ter of sincere regret to me when I room absences to undergraduates or engage in some extra-curricu- to his successor in an infinitely heard of the resignation of Doctor on a so-called Dean's List or Honor lar activity becomes a matter to As Deadline For Credit; stronger and more solid institution William Wistar Comfort, after his Roll.
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