1 l Subscribe to the Ree- | ord. It pays.to get the ,3 best. I SIXTY-SECOND YEAR BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929 NO- 14. L MEN TO 0 BUCHANAN BEAUTIES TO PARADE STAGE TONIGHTPROMISE TO Now Here’s Chicken and Dog Rev. Harry Stayer HAVE1DRILL the SELECTION Owners Warned to POOR JOINTS EGBERT,HEAD Elected Moderator MAD CANINE Confine Property Kalamazoo District “ HERE MAY 1 Proposition From; this time on all residents Rev. Harry Staver attended the owning chickens or dogs must con­ ARE CAUSE OF CO. SCHOOLS TO BE MADE Piesbytery' of I-Talamazoo which RUNS AMUCK fine the same or incur the penalty met at Allegan Monday and Tues­ Now Leasing Block of 4,- Xliere's Pups and then imposed by the town ordinance, day. At- the Monday night section 000 Acres Near There's Pups according to a warning issued by he was elected moderator of the Buchanan. AT PRINCESS Police Chief Ed. Mitchell. M l LEAKS ; PASSES AWAY Presbytery, replacing Joseph I, NEAR OALIEN Bi Haws Lindsey of Gassopolis. the retir­ ROYALTY OF EIGHTH ing moderator. Tile Pumped Bare of Water 01to"haveI‘a" pupa llUle bffy * 1,36(11 Committee Names Sixteen “Principal and Superintendent Cattle ana Dors on Six Carl Birkett of St. lose oil. First Time That was very- much, devoted to Girls to Enter of Buchanan Schools for Farms Are Represents the state bones Contest. Tuesday. i I S j i O L D Fourteen Years. Eitten. Company. Full forty limes he’d plant those,} ,--------- bones and go and dig them up,< TO ST A R T A T 8:45 P. 31. INSPECTION HELD WAS WIDELY POPULAR B i l i i i BULLET ENDS LIFE Eve they acquired the proper scent } _____ Galien is scheduled for the first : active exploration for oil hr this and, tone, j ifestivul Committee To .Send HEADS F.T.A. Engineers Present Decide the Local Friends go to Funeral Vet, Treats Stock; Sends j section, according to late devel- Whenever he could find a bone Out of Town Worlc is H. C. Stark is Pall Head of Dos. (o ! opments there. An oil film repre- he’d go and digr a hole, Judges, Faulty. COMPETE FOR } sen ted by Carl W. Birkett, of St. Bearer. State. And plant his bone and snugly fill 1 Joseph, and J. V- Dalton, experi­ it o’er Now at last it can he told. enced oil -man from tlie Southwest, The Buchanan candidate for FOR 1929-30 Buchanan was called on during I Then whenever he would think of queen of the Berrien County Blos­ The Portage street sewer leaks — --------- — ..... —. — | being in that section today leas- it a pleasant smile he smole because there are holes between the present week to mourn the loss .northwest of Galien were bitten o n .jng farms for immediate drilling. som festival will be selected to­ of Benjamin F. Eggert, former TRACKHONOR And dug his bone and smelt of it night at the Princess theater, the Association Sponsores Pro­ tlie joints large enough to throw Tuesday afternoon by a small bull j Ealtoll an(J Birkett were in tbe once more. ...e proverbial dog through, due to high school principal and superin­ dog oelieved to have been affected t Qaj5er_ section yesterday, and stat- 1 judging to begin at S:45 p. m. and gram o f Health; Work tendent of schools for periods ag­ occupy an interval between the faulty installation. THIRTEEN EVENTS oy rames. 1 ed laat they bad. an oil rig en- These town trustees who spend first and second show, in Past Year. This much was arrived at Tues­ gregating 14 years, and the leading The dog was finally killed by I route from Kentucky which would their time in planting: sewer pipe figure in education in Berrien A total, of sixteen candidates for day morning' in the first actual ex­ Fast Field Runners. To Don William Harfert, after it had bit- • be in the field early in May. They Remind me often of that self-same G A IN S IN 31E 31B E R S amination made since its installa­ county, ten the dog and several of the ! had leased a total of 15 farms last the honor have been scheduled by Spikes ‘and herd of sixteen cows. Harfert had night. While they did not state the pup the committee in; charge to appear tion last summer. After a dye While Eggert has spent the past been informed of the coming of They let it stay a month or two The annual, meeting and election test had; failed to locate the leaks, six years in St. Joseph since his Shorts. definite boundaries of the terri­ before the judges, three new names the dog by neighbors. It was first tory they wished to acquire, they until it should be ripe, having been added during the of officers of the Buchanan Par­ Contractor Reed sank a shaft pro­ election as county commissioner of And back they run again and dig seen at the Mike Strefling farm, stated that they planned to lease week. The girls to be judged are ent-Teachers. ,, T. association was_ held tected by pilings to” the level of schools in 1923, Buchanan has Tbe annual inter-class Buchan­ it UO; claimed him as'a citizen, since he where it bit several bead of cattle. a block of 3,000 or 4,000 acres ly­ Mary Thompson, Dorothy Charles, I11 the Ju? 10r assembly Tues- the pipe 14 feet under ground, and an High School track meet will: Thence it went to the Mike Schim- ing immediately around Galien. Irene Imhoff. Anita Boyle, Berna- , riaJ" evening,, with a Targe attend- installed two pumps. The flow of was elected to tlie post from this be held at Athletic Park Friday ming farm and bit tlie dog. Thence They hold a pow wow round it and dine DeWitt, Ruth Riley, Mayme ance of the memberslnp.present. water in the hole was checked by place, and had served here longer afternoon, April 26, at 1 o'clock. They are offering a standard it roved across lots to the Mando Oklahoma lease providing for a tiiey chew- on it awhile. Proceus. Ruby Boltz, Zelda Schu- The report of the nomination sandbags and the hole pumped dry, than any place else. Eggert was Each of the four classes well be Those very pup-like village coun- Potter and John Donald farms, royalty of 12 1-2 per cent of all maker. Karol Kool, Elizabeth committee was read by Mrs. S, C. So; that the tile was exposed for elected as principal of the local permitted to enter twro men each where it bit the farm dogs. eilmeii Kiehn, Leota Brewer, Betty Kol- Pascoe, retiring chairman, an­ the first time. high school in 1907, acting in that of thirteen events, making eight oil found. Dalton is reporte'd to At the Del Shank farm it bit have drilled in Kentucky, Oklaho­ And if they think the smell it has lenberg, Mary Lucille Karling, nouncing the following recommen­ In this manner only two tiles capacity for three years, when he contestants in each event. Each is insufficient vile, went to Three Oaks as superin­ the dog and several cattle. Its ma ana California. He has inspect­ Mabel Mann and, Dorothy Portz. dations: president, Mrs. C, D. were uncovered, but in each case it man may be entered in only three travels were terminated at the ed the Galien section, and states Why, they go and plant that sewer was found that the joints were not tendent. After three years there, events besides being a member of pipe again. The local committee state that Arnold; 1st vice president, Mrs. farm of Harfert, who shot it after that in his opinion its geology in­ Leon Campbell; 2d vice president, well connected. In one the Pres- he returned to Buchanan as su­ the four-man SSO-yard relay team ■ -—------ O'.*"1 tliej' will he supplied by the Twin perintendent of schools, remaining it hit several head of -stock and dicates the presence of oil, which City management, and will un­ Harold Bradfield; secretary, Miss tite cement had not been well fo r his class. All entries must he the dog. The dog did not bite opinion concurs with the reports of County Woodmen Lena Ekstrom; treasurer, Mrs. pressed in, and in the other there here 11 years, until his election to made by Tuesday, April 23. doubtedly consist of two judges the post of county school commis­ any people, not even • threatening the state geologist from Chicago and one from the Glenn Haslett, was a quarter inch interval on the The thirteen events to be pulled; several who were near it before it sides between the two half sheaths sioner in 1923. He was widely Dalton, states that he hap, ex- In Session Here .Twin Cities. It was moved by the meeting ■pcpuiar’ 'here, and effected many eft .arc: . • .•.*•. ; ■was. killed, ' ■■ ’ V-- | perience-in oil exploration jn Ken- Thrf -.veek of May 5-11 has been that the secretary be instructed to placed on top and bottom to make Pole vault, 220-yard low- hurdles, Harfert drove immediately to St. Thursday Night i the junction. 'improvements, including the erec­ ; tucky, Oklahoma and California. announced as the tentative . date cast a; unanimous ballot for this tion of the present senior; .and lS-potind shot put, mile run, 100- Joseph and reported the case to Parties present stated that with Sheriff Bryant, w’ho dispatched Dr.
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