May 14, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 6685 of different areas. He is credited with John Paul also used his time in Con- NOMINATION OF GEORGE LEVI securing improvements for roads and gress to help northwest Arkansas ex- RUSSELL III, TO BE UNITED infrastructure projects, including pand its infrastructure to keep up with STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR Interstate 540 and the Northwest Ar- the region’s fast growth. It is one of THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND kansas Regional Airport, protecting the fastest growing sections of the the Buffalo River under the designa- country. As a member of the Public tion as a national river, and setting the Works Committee, John Paul was cred- NOMINATION OF JOHN J. THARP, example of exemplary constituent serv- JR., TO BE UNITED STATES DIS- ice that we strive to continue today. ited with securing bipartisan support on key infrastructure legislation. We TRICT JUDGE FOR THE NORTH- He is showing no signs of letting his ERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS age slow him down by any means. He could use a little of his magic today. continues his service on numerous You can’t go far in northwest Arkansas The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under boards and for organizations with the without seeing his impact. We have the the previous order, the Senate will pro- same vigor he demonstrated through- John Paul Hammerschmidt Highway, ceed to executive session to consider the following nominations, which the out his career. John Paul played an im- an access road to Carter Field near portant role in our State’s history, and clerk will report. Rogers, an industrial park at Diamond The legislative clerk read the nomi- he is still continuing to play an impor- City, JPH Plaza, the John Paul Ham- tant role in our State’s history. He also nations of George Levi Russell, III, of merschmidt Business and Conference was an important influence on me, as Maryland, to be United States District he was to so many others in Arkansas. Center at North Arkansas College in Judge for the District of Maryland, and I consider him a friend and a mentor. Harrison, John Paul Hammerschmidt John J. Tharp, Jr., of Illinois, to be I recall the first time that I was in Lake at Fort Smith and the JPH Fed- United States District Judge for the Washington being sworn in, in 2001. He eral Building in Fayetteville. Northern District of Illinois. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under took my brother and me to the Mem- Upon John Paul’s retirement, former the previous order, there will be 60 bers’ dining room. It was a very special Congressman, Commerce and Transpor- time, and just his hospitality to all of minutes of debate equally divided in tation Secretary Norman Mineta spoke us throughout the years was so gra- the usual form. on the floor of the House of Represent- cious. I appreciate very much his ad- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask vice and friendship. atives, saying: unanimous consent that the time run John Paul is able to leave his finger- There is no individual in the House who is until 5:30 p.m. on the nominees, which prints on projects important to Arkan- more loved and respected than John Paul would be approximately 50 minutes, sas through his hard work, dedication, Hammerschmidt. His honesty, gentleness, but that time be divided in the usual and commitment. He never forgot decency, and integrity are second to none. form. about the people he was sent to Wash- Don’t be swayed by his quiet manner, be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ington to represent, and we are truly cause underneath is a man with strong con- objection, it is so ordered. grateful for his tireless efforts to rep- victions, a sense of purpose, and a keen de- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, last resent the people of Arkansas. sire to get things done. week, 5 months into the year, the Sen- Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, John ate finally was allowed to finish clear- Paul Hammerschmidt is 90. There are It is fair to say that John Paul never ing the backlog of 19 judicial nominees many colleagues here in this Chamber, actually retired. He remains involved who were needlessly stalled since last who serve in this body today, who in many civic organizations, including year by Senate Republicans. Today the worked alongside him either during the Northwest Arkansas Council and Senate is being allowed to consider two their service in the House or when they March of Dimes. Higher education con- of the 19 judicial nominees now await- were in the Senate. He is one of the Ar- tinues to be a priority. John Paul ing final Senate action. George Levi kansas greats. He served northwest Ar- serves on not one but two boards of Russell is nominated to fill a judicial kansas, which is the Third Congres- trustees—the Board of Trustees at the emergency vacancy in the U.S. District sional District, 26 years in the Con- University of the Ozarks and he is a Court for the District of Maryland and John Tharp to fill a judicial emergency gress. Looking back at his career, John Trustee of Arkansas State University. Paul once said, ‘‘The only reason peo- vacancy in the Northern District of Il- ple should be in public office is to pure- John Paul Hammerschmidt has spent linois. These nominees have the sup- ly serve other people.’’ Indeed, he set decades serving others and giving back port of their home State Senators and the bar for constituent service—from to his community. I am pleased to have were reported 3 months ago with the delivering a Social Security check to a this opportunity to pay tribute to all bipartisan majority of the Judiciary senior bogged down in bureaucracy or he has achieved so far and to wish him Committee. fighting for disability benefits for a a happy 90th birthday and many more I hope the fact that the majority veteran. Today, each of us in Arkansas years of health and happiness. leader was able to obtain consent to congressional delegation tries to emu- move these nominations signals that late his legendary casework manage- Mr. President, I yield the floor. I sug- the Senate is being allowed to return ment. gest the absence of a quorum. to regular order, and that the majority One of John Paul’s most significant The PRESIDING OFFICER. The leader will be able to schedule a vote contributions was preserving the Buf- clerk will call the roll. without further delay on the nomina- falo River as a free-flowing stream. Ac- tion of Paul Watford of California to cording to the Pryor Center for Arkan- The bill clerk proceeded to call the fill a judicial emergency vacancy on sas Oral and Visual History, John Paul roll. the Ninth Circuit. His nomination was first floated the Buffalo at age 12 after The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- reported before those being considered taking wood from his father’s lumber- ator from Vermont. today and has been skipped in the yard to build himself a boat. Nearly 40 order. He is a fine nominee with out- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask years later, he established the Buffalo standing qualifications and bipartisan as the first National River. This was unanimous consent that the order for support. not an easy achievement, but one that the quorum call be rescinded. Last week, we were finally able to was built with persistence and through The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without confirm Judge Jacqueline Nguyen of relationships within the community. objection, it is so ordered. California to fill a judicial emergency Today, tens of thousands of Arkansas vacancy on the Ninth Circuit after a families, including mine, enjoy floating needless 5-month delay. Her nomina- the Buffalo National River. tion had been reported unanimously by VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:02 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S14MY2.000 S14MY2 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD 6686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 May 14, 2012 the Judiciary Committee and was con- general in the Bush administration; American Bar Association, had never firmed by a vote of 91 3. It took the fil- professors Eugene Volokh and Orin tried a jury case, nor had he served as ing of 17 cloture petitions in March to Kerr; and Jeremy Rosen, the former counsel in any criminal litigation. get Senate Republicans to agree to president of the Los Angeles chapter of The fact is, even after the Senate was consider her nomination. the Federalist Society. forced to invoke cloture to overcome The Ninth Circuit is still in dire need Justice Hurwitz is a respected and Republican filibusters of President of judges. With nearly three times the experienced jurist on the Arizona Su- Clinton’s nominations of Richard Paez number of cases pending as the next preme Court. His nomination has the and Marsha Berzon to the Ninth Cir- busiest circuit, we cannot afford to fur- strong support of both his Republican cuit, the Senate proceeded to confirm ther delay Senate votes on the other home state Senators, Senator JOHN seven of the nine Ninth Circuit nomi- two nominations to the Ninth Circuit. MCCAIN and Senator JON KYL, who in- nees of President Bush. We reduced va- Paul Watford of California passed the troduced him to the Judiciary Com- cancies on the Ninth Circuit during Committee more than 3 months ago. mittee at his hearing in January. Sen- President Bush’s two terms to only a Andrew Hurwitz of Arizona passed the ator KYL said of Justice Hurwitz: single vacancy.
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