v Monday, April 7, 2003 HGS£enera] Westchase Hilton. 9999 Westheimer Dinner Meeting Social 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m. Cost: $25 Preregistered members; $30 Nonmembers & Walk-ups by David L. LePain, Alaska Division of Make your reservations now by calling 713-463-9476 or bye-mail to Geologicaland Geophysical Surveys, [email protected] (include your name, meeting you are attending, phone Fairbanks, Alaska; Mark Myers, Gil Mull, number, and membership ID#). Alaska Division of Oil and Gas,Anchorage, Alaska; and David Rite, Hite Consulting, Anchorage, Alaska Petroleum Geology of the Central North Slope, Alaska: Opportunities for Independents our oithe top ten producing oil fields in the United States are Alaska's predictable area-wide leasing program provide real Plocated on Alaska's North Slope, where total production cur- opportunities for independents. rently accounts for at least 15% of domestic production in the United States. The bulk of that oil comes from the super giant The petroleum geology of Arctic Alaska is controlled by a com- Prudhoe Bay field and the giant Kuparuk River field (Figure 1). plex post-middle Devonian geologic history that includes three Large integrated oil companies have . tectono-stratigraphic megasequences . Recent avancesd 3-D SeiSmiC . " dommated the North Slope smce the deposlted m response to treeh dIstmct wave of exploration began in the early and drilling technologyhave plate tectonic settings involving the 1960s that ultimately lead to the Arctic Alaska terrane (Figure 2) Prudhoe Bay discovery in 1967. As the to a ten-fold increasein (Hubbard and others, 1987). From Late North Slope province matures, the Devonian to Late Triassic time Arctic largest integrated major oil companies exploration successin the region. Alaska was part of a south-facing (pres- increasingly focus their exploration ent-day coordinates) passive continental resources on opportunities overseas. Recent advances in 3-D seis- margin that was connected to a northern source terrane. The mic and drilling technology have led to a ten-fold increase in sedimentary record of this tectonic regime is assigned to the exploration success in the region. These facts coupled with Ellesmerian sequence, a 6,000-foot-thick (1,800 meters) succes- sion of ramp and basinal carbonates, including porous dolomitic tidal and 170"/ 1600 150" 140° I peritidal facies, quartzose sandstones I derived from northern sources, and I 72" Canada Basin I organic-rich shales. Ellesmerian strata I (oceanic ) I are time-transgressive toward the Chukchi I II;, I Platform north, where they progressively "~1'4 f ..ze,,>, I onlapped the northern source terrane. ",~ Beaufort Sea 70" II '''",.:(~."'v)' I '. ,.~", Basin polarity gradually changed over I ,..",.. I a 100-Ma period from Early Jurassic .!ill to Late Neocomian time. During this ~ 91 ~J period Arctic Alaska experienced I activecrustal extension that culminated 68~f I in Valanginian-Hauterivian time in I I uplift of a rift shoulder, the Barrow I f arch, opening of the oceanic Canada I f Basin, and formation of the present 66° day coastline of Arctic Alaska. The sedimentary record of this period is Figure 1 - Location map showing major tectonic elements recognized on the North Slope. Modified assignedto the Beaufortian sequence> from Bird and Molenaar (1992). continued on page 14 April 2003 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 13 '... .. G> HGS General Dinner continued from page 13 C c is 4 UTHOTECTONIC In Late Jurassic time, coeval with c:j STRATIGRAPHY PLAYS ~ SEQUENCE Beaufortian rift-related tectonism to the <1J South North Stratigraphic I Structural north, Arctic Alaska collided with an ~ 0 - (myrs) > <1J R Sagavanirktok Fm. Ct.-.: island arc south of the present-day Ct.~ 5 Canning Fm. U w Brooks Range.This arc-continent colli- f- C/') sion resulted in obduction of oceanic R Schrader Blf. Fm. OJ) :> crust and the collapse of the outboard U 0 5 Seabee Fm. w " R5 Torok Fm. margin of the Arctic Alaska plate and :t ~f 113 - w the associated imbrication of its Ct." RS Kuparuk River Fm. R Devonian to Triassic sedimentary cover. ...." OJ) RS OJ) The sedimentary record of Mesozoic- -.: Kingak Sh. Ct. R :> Cenozoic compressional tectonism is ..., 5 R vir 215 ~~ recorded in the Brookian sequence, an -.: R Shublik Fm. DSagR. 5 Upper Jurassic to Eocene succession +- g R Sadle- -.; :IE Sadlerochit Grp. co characterized by lithic sandstones Ct. Z ,oohit +- W « D '" 0.. H -275- " ct. derivedfrom the ancestralBrooksRange UJ t: ~ Rs Lisburne Grp. (Figure 2). Brookianstrata filleda large ai <J) Ct. UJ ...J -.: ...J s east-west-trending peripheral foreland " UJ 0,- Endicott Grp. 1'1 E,dkottl basin with nearly 25,000 feet (7,700 355- :> meters) of siliciclastic detritus; the w Economic Basement £:> North thickness of Brookian strata decreases (myrs) Modified from toward the north, up the south flank of Modified from Hubbard and others (1987) Houseknecht (2001) the Barrow arch. Regional seismic data Figure 2 - Simplified stratigraphic column of the North Slope showing major lithotectonic show pronounced clinoform geometries sequences and petroleum play groups. Lithotectonic sequences modified from Hubbard and others that record the eastward migration (1987) and play groups modified from u.s. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 045-02. of Brookian depocenters. Clinoform reflectors repr~sent mud-prone strata (Figure 2). Beaufortian strata thicken away from the crest of the that downlap distal condensed marine shales of the Hue Barrow arch, toward the north and south. South of the arch, Shale/Gamma-Ray zone. Base-of-slope and slope-apron sand- Beaufortian strata are up to 3,200 feet thick (1,000meters); north of stone successions are important components of clinoform the arch the thickness exceeds9,500 feet (2,900 meters) in extension- deposits (Figure3). Topsetfaciesincludemarine shelf,sand-rich al fault-bounded basins. Like Ellesmerian strata, Beaufortian delta-front,and delta-plainfacies(Figure4). sandstones are quartzose, reflecting derivation from northern and local sources. The Jurassic part of the mega- sequence is interpreted to record a failed rift episode characterized by down-to-the-south faulting and formation of half grabens, and dep- osition of an extensive south-thickening (basinward) clastic wedge with distinct clino- form geometries visibleon regional seismic data. The Neocomian part of the megasequence records an episode of renewed extension that led to separation of Arctic Alaska from its northern source terrane and opening of the Canada Basin. Uplift during this second period of extension created the rift shoulder-Barrow arch. Widespread erosion along the crest and proxi- mal flanks of the rift shoulder resulted in truncation of older Beaufortian and Ellesmerian Figure 3. Aerial view of middle Albian turbidites along the Chandler River interpreted as a strata below a regional Hauterivian- basin floor fan or slope wedge succession. Residual hydrocarbons present in many sandstone Valanginianbreakup unconformity (LCu). beds at this outcrop suggest that it is part of an exhumed oil field. View toward the east. 14 Houston Geological Society Bulletin April 2003 :a.. CI) C C 0 Each megasequence includes petroleum source rocks, but the combined stratigraphic-structural traps up-section and up-dip ca Ellesmerian and Beaufortian sequences were endowed with the on the Barrow arch. Hydrocarbons generated by Brookian source ~ (J) richest, most prolific source rocks on the North Slope (Figure 2). rocks migrated up-dip toward the southwest to reservoirs in C Triassic limey shales of the Shublik Formation (Ellesmerian), base-of-slope and topset positions. Current mapping in the cen- (J) distal faciesin the Jurassic Kingak Shale (Beaufortian), and trans- tral foothills belt indicates these structures formed in Late C) gressive shales of the Hauterivian Pebble shale unit (Beaufortian) Cretaceous and Tertiary time, which suggests a period of remi- C/J have sourced most oil and gas accumulations in the region (Bird, gration to combined structural and stratigraphic traps along the C) :. 1994). These rocks are widespread in outcrop and the subsurface. flanks and crest of the Barrow arch. Subaerial exposure of ~ Known productive source rocks in the Brookian sequence Ellesmerian and selected Beaufortian sandstones beneath the LCu include the Lower to Upper Cretaceous Hue Shale/Gamma-Ray unconformity was critical to porosity enhancement and reservoir zone, and mudstones and shales within the Torok and Seabee development. Post-rift subsidence of the Barrow arch resulted in Formations. deposition of the transgressive Pebble shale unit in Hauterivian- Barremian time, creating the top seal for most Ellesmerian and Burial history analysis using wellsdrilled in the central North Slope some Beaufortian reservoirs. show rapid subsidence of the foreland basin starting in Barremian time (Cole and others, 1997), resulting from the northward emplacement of a sig- nificant thrust load on the southern margin of the Arctic Alaska terrane. High accommodation in the basin combined with rapid uplift in the orogen led to depo- sition of a thick post-Barremian succession of Brookian siliciclastic rocks, which, in turn, resulted in maximum burial of Ellesmerian, Beaufortian, and older Brookian source rocks by Campanian time 75 Ma (Bird, 1994). The Brookian sediment load and forma- tion of Brookian age structures Figure 4. Aerial view of middle(?) to late Albian (and possible Cenomanian) topsetfacies in the controlled secondary migration and Nanushuk Formation
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