University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-14-1937 Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 25, April 14, 1937 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 25, April 14, 1937" (1937). The Rollins Sandspur. 490. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/490 ROLUNS COlirUt Li3RAKl WINTER PARK, FLORIDA DiclatorHhip" Hoiiins andspur Setv Dormitorle. (Weekly student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) 128 NEW STUDENTS ENTER ROLLINS FOR 52nd YEAR INSPECTION GROUP L New Dormitories at Rollins College COLLEGE COMMENCES GIVES PRAISE TO AFTER SUCCESSFUL NEW DORMITORIES ORIENTATION WEEK Committee Finds Construc­ New Students Must End Incoming Class is Smaller tion and Material Fall Convocation to Be All Registration Today Than the One of Last Satisfactory Held Monday, Oct. 5 Year The Aidministration wished The fall convoation will be LAUDS CONTRACTOR to remind all new students that held Monday, October 5, in the all registration and other re­ FIRST FACULTY MEETING Knowles Memorial Chapel. Fur­ Residences Designed in In­ quirements must be completed ther announcements will be formal Spanish Style by five o'clock on Wednesday, made by the administration. Freshmen Greeting on Friday September 30. at Theatre High praise for the quality of work carried on by trustees of Rol­ With an incoming class of 128 lins College with PWA funds was students registered, Rollins settles voiced by P. A. Buck, state negi- down into routine for tbe 1936-37 neer inspector for the state of Flor­ year, the 52nd of its existence. ida for the Federal Public Works MISS IREfll A successful Orientation Week Administration after inspecting the began on Friday with the first construction program here. meeting of the faculty in the after­ The construction program con­ noon and a meeting of the enter­ stituted five residences for stu­ REGULATIONS ISPROMQTEI ing students in the Annie Russell dents made possible by a PWA loan Theatre in the evening. of $276,000, payable in 30 years. This year's incoming class is Accompanying the state official slightly smaller than last year's. during the inspection were F. 10 AS REGISIIIAII The list of new students follows: Avant Black, traveling engineer Adamek, Eduard, Prostejov, inspector for PWA, W. W. Bets- Has Been Assistant Registrar Plumlovska 46, Czechoslovakia. worth, resident engineer inspector "Every Studenl-Owned Car At Rollins Since Chase. for PWA, H. H. Riggins, supervis­ on Campus Shall Be 1929 Arnold, Eloise Frances, Grove­ ing architect for Kiehnel and El­ Tested" land, Fla. Fox.^ liott, Miami, and H. C. Cone, gen­ Averett, Muriel Janet, 2106 MRS. CASS RESIGNS eral contractor of Winter Park. TO PROMOTE SAFETY Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rollins College officials in the Cloverleaf. OIIIENTIHEK She Has Filled Position For inspecting group were President Babb, Barbara, Box 149, Bever­ Plan Was Initiated Two Years 15 Years Hamilton Holt, William R. O'Neal, Ago Old students n ley Farms, Mass. Cloverleaf. copies of the New 1936-37 "R" (Continued on page 10, col. 1) Continued on page 2, col. 3) The promotion of Miss Anna B Books from Mrs. Cass at the Rollins College wilill continue ASSEiLY IS HELD Treat as Registrar of Rollins Col­ Information Desk in Carnegie this year the automobile regula lege and the retirement of Mrs, tions regarding student-owned and New Students Welcomed By Hall. Spaces Provided for Faculty President Holt Friday Emilie B. Cass as Registrar Emeri­ student-driven cars. The pi on Holt Avenue tus are effective this year. Miss ^gulations was initiated two years STAFF IS INTRODUCED Treat has been Assistant Regis­ go to promote safety and STAFF PLACES RESERVED trar since 1929. een outstandingly successful. The first assembly during Orien- OR, HOLT BiVES The retirement of the popular HHEND ROLLINS' V/ithin a week aii.*.! the o ladon week for the entering stu­ Now parking regulations have Mrs. Cass does not mean, however, TALKS OH SUNDAY ing of college, according to the dents was held at the Annie Rus­ been issued by the Administration that her active services will be lost Italy, Austria and France Are sgulations which will be in force sell Theatre on Friday, September of Rollins College this year. to the College, according to theHi s Subject Was "Democracy Represented again this year; "every student- twenty-fifth. President Hamilton GHAPEL SERMON Several changes have been made announcement. Mrs. Cass will still and Dictatorship" owned car on the campus shall be Holt opened the assembly with a due to the new buildings and be associated with the general of­ tested as to the condition of its speech of welcome which was fol­ Talks on His Work as Maga­ switches in classrooms. fices of the College and will be in FIVE NATIONS ENROLLED ^ brakes, lights, horn, muffler, and IS ENGLISH EDUCATOR lowed by a welcome from Bryant zine Editor New rules are: charge of the information desk in Rollins College expects to haveJ; t tires by an accredited agency." Prentice, president of the Student 1. For the convenience of facul­ Carnegie Hall. On Sunday evening, September a foreign contingent of at least j It is further decreed that "every Association, representing the greet­ B. DOUGHERTY SOLOS ty members who have classrooms A native of Ohio, Mrs. Cass at­ 27th, Principal John M. Murray of five students this year, represent- I approved car shall be licensed and ings of the student body. in Knowles and Speech Studio, a tended Wellesley College for a the University of the South West ing five different countries. ] the owner required to purchase a The Rollins Creed written by The regular Sunday Morning section has been reserved on the year and then transferred to the at Exeter, England, spoke at the Included in the foreign group: number plate, issued by the Stu- Professor Edwin Osgood Grover, Meditation was held in the Knowles south side of Holt Avenue, west College of Wooster where she was residence of Dr. Hamilton Holt on will be Eduard Adamek of Proste- i dent-Faculty Traffic Committee, was read by Grace Terry. Presi­ Memorial Chapel on September 27. of Carnegie Hall. •aduated in 1886 with the Bache- "Democracy and Dictatorship". jov, Plumlovska 4G, Czechoslovakia. | which shall be carried in a con- dent Holt then introduced Dean The Invocation was given by 2. Conservatory instructors may r of Music degree. She taught Dr. Holt greeted the small audi­ He was previously enrolled at the ' spicuous place on the front of the Winslow S. Anderson, Dean Arthur Ralph Gibbs and the Respon park on Interlachen near Sparrell. public school music for more than ence at the fireside meeting. Dr. Commercial Academy, Proste jov, Enyart, Dean Helen Sprague, Miss Reading by Helen Brown. 3. Faculty members who teach twelve years and then attended Evelyn Newman, professor of Eng­ Czechoslovakia. "All students Anna B. Treat, Registrar, and Mr. The solo, "How Beautiful Upon in Lyman, Recreation Hall, and Kings School of Oratory from lish at Rollins, introduced the France will be represented by (Continued on page 4, col. 5) E. T. Brown, treasurer. the Mountains" by Harker was Pinehurst will find places in a spe­ which she was graduated in 1913. .peaker. It is rather fitting that Andre Belly of "Mon Idee" Sedan, j Rollins songs and cheers were sung by Bruce Dougherty, tenor. cial section on the north side of For five years she was associated she performed this duty, because Ardennes, France. He formerly Collcg-C Band NccdS lead by Grace Terry, Ralph Gibbs The Old Testament Lesson was Holt Avenue, opposite the Horse­ (Continued on page 2, col. 7) he has just returned from a year and Tommy Costello. ead by R. Siley Vario and thshoee . of teaching at the University of the Frate'"'^''" '^"''"''' ''""'j Studeiit Support ill On Monday morning, September s'ew Testament Lesson was read . Individual spaces are reserv- Dr. Denney to Be South West. Brazil will be represented by J EffOft tO Organize twenty-eighth, Dean Anderson ex­ by Grace Terry. as usual for President Holt, Principal John M. Murray took Sylvia de Q plained the Rollins Plan to the en­ r. Holt told how he came to Dean Anderson, Mr. Brown and Speaker in College as his topic "Democracy and Dic­ de Mello No. 10, Ipanema, Rio de I This yea: Ha Cle: tering students laying special em­ think of the Rollins Plan from his n Enyart in front of Carnegie, First Convocation tatorship". He contrasted the Janeiro, Brazil. She is a graduate ' director of the Roll phasis on the conference plan, the periences as a magazine editor e Dean Campbell, Mr. Averill forms of government in England, of the Collegio Pedro II. j tory of Music, will make a con- lower division requirements and ter he left college. He found (the college postmaster), Mr. Clark Next Sunday morning, October France, Russia, Germany, Italy, lUIy will be represented by De-; centrated effort to organize a col- the Rollins curriculum. A com­ that he had learned more from the and Mr. Hanna have spaces on Holt 3, the college convocation will be and the United States. He used talmo C. A. Pirzio-Birolli of 52, Via '' lege band. plete explanation of- the instruc­ personal contacts which he made nue near Pinehurst.
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