Nokia N8-00 Schematics

Nokia N8-00 Schematics

Service schematics RM-596 IMPORTANT Version information Contents This document is intended for use by authorized Nokia service centers only. Please use the document together While every effort has been made to ensure that the Front page 1 with other documents such as the Service Manual and document is accurate, some errors may exist. Please Service Bulletins. always check for the latest published version for this Imaging processor, Camera 2 document. RAPS, Imaging processor, Display IF, Touch IF, HDMI 3 If you find any errors in the document please Measurements send email to: [email protected] RAPS, Mass memory, Combo memory, Sensors, LEDs, UI keys 4 All measurements were made using the following equipment: GAZOO, Battery, HS USB, SIM, Power key 5 Nokia repair SW : Phoenix 2009.34.014.40684 1.0 First approved version. 6 Oscilloscope : PicoScope 3206 GAZOO, Audio, AV connector, MMC 2.0 Second approved version. Spectrum Analyzer : Advantest R3162 7 Multimeter : Fluke 175 BTH FM, WLAN, GPS The measurement points in the schematics are linked to the oscillo- RF part 8 grams on the signal overview page. The links cycle between the meas- urement point in the schematics, the oscillogram and the measurement Signal overview top 9 point in the component finder. Component finder top 10 This material,including documentation and any related computer programs is protected 11 by copyright, controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, Component finder bottom modifying, storing, adapting or translating any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains company confidential information, which may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia. Confidential Copyright © 2010 Nokia Only for training and service purposes Page 1 (11) | Front page | N8-00 RM-596 | Board: 3CE_14 | v1.0 | 15.07.2010 Imaging processor LED flash driver D1400 N1504 L18 P12 J1506 B3 EN2 XIN GPIO50 L19 P14 A1 XOUT GPIO51 EN1 J19 CAP_RUN1 19.2 MHz clock F20 CAP_RUN2 R1508 F17 CAP_RUN3 B1400 56k 1 G16 CAP_RUN4 H19 1 3 CAP_RUN5 A3 ISET Xenon flash connector H20 CAP_RUN6 M2 J1443 2 4 A20 CAP_RUN7 GPIO40 X1505 M1 J1445 R1509 GPIO43 C3 LED_CATHODE 1 56k ILED B2 LED_ANODE 2 C1448 C1449 C1436 C1435 VCP C1 VBAT 3 15p 15p 2u2 220n VBAT B4 VDD_OUT GND READY 4 GND GND GND GND GND B5 L1400 VDD_OUT A2,D3=GND 5 B3 L1 J1430 VDD_OUT GPIO35 6 FLASH J1503 2u2H N10 ID 7 A6 VDD_FB GPIO1 N3 J1504 CHARGE 8 A10 VDD_CORE GPIO48 L1507 A12 VDD_CORE GND C1447 C1427 C1426 C1425 C1424 C1423 C1422 A13 VDD_CORE 120R/100MHz 10u 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n B6 VDD_CORE B8 VDD_CORE GND GND GND GND GND GND GND C1504 C1504 B15 VDD_CORE 2/2 1u5 1/2 1u5 GND B16 VDD_CORE 3.7V B18 VDD_CORE VBAT D10 VDD_CORE VCAM_1V8 regulator GND GND F4 VDD_CORE N1515 3.7V F5 VDD_CORE U8 V3 J1515 B2 L1516 VDD_CORE GPIO18 EN VBAT V8 A2 VDD_CORE VCAM_1V8 L1515 VIN B1 120R/100MHz U15 VDD_CORE SW U17 0u47H VDD_CORE C1 U19 FB L1403 VDD_CORE V6 C1515 C1519 VDD_CORE 120R/100MHz C1517 C1516 4u7 2u2 VCAM_2V8 regulator 18p 4u7 A1,C2=GND D2 N1517 VDDBAT2 GND GND VIN VOUT L1401 GND GND B1 VDD_BAT R12 J1516 STBY C1 GPIO19 1.8V 120R/100MHz VDD_BAT B2 C1520 VIO VDD_BAT C1443 C1466 C1444 C2 VDD_BAT GND 2u2 0u47 10u 0u47 D3 * Camera ON CAP_SMPS1 Secondary camera GND GND GND L1402 VCAM_1V8 1.8V * H1487 120R/100MHz 1 C10 EMCSHIELD VDD_1V8 K22 J1459 2 J20 CCP_DN DATA- VDD_1V8 K23 J1458 3 CCP_DP DATA+ * Camera ON A11 VDD_1V8 4 GND B13 VDD_1V8 J23 J1456 5 VCAM_2V8 2.8V * C1408 C1410 C1412 C1415 C1416 C1404 C1403 C1402 C1401 C1400 C1405 B17 CCP_CLKP CLK+ VDD_1V8 6 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 220n 2u2 2u2 N1 SCL V11 VDD_1V8 GPIO46 7 V14 VDD_1V8 R1429 VCAP GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND M10 J1487 8 V19 VDD_1V8 GPIO32 EXTCLK N19 CDP_1V8 J22 33R J1457 9 R18 CCP_CLKN CLK- CCPTX_1V8 N6 10 H4 VDD_IO0 GPIO47 SDA H5 L3 J1488 11 VDD_IO0 XSHUTDOWN P8 GPIO36 VDD_IO2 12 R8 VDIG VDD_IO2 13 K7 GND VDD_IO3 14 L7 GND VDD_IO3 15 R1487 R1488 L1487 C1488 C1487 C1493 VANA 4k7 4k7 120R/100MHz 100n 27p 100n 16 D6 CAP_SDRAM1 EMCSHIELD B7 CAP_SDRAM2 GND GND GND A9 CAP_SDRAM3 GND A15 C1442 C1441 C1440 C1439 C1438 CAP_SDRAM4 220n 220n 220n 220n 2u2 A17 CAP_SDRAM5 A19 R1477 R1478 L1477 Primary camera L1488 CAP_SDRAM6 VCAM_2V8 V7 CAP_SDRAM7 4k7 4k7 120R/100MHz X1476 GND GND GND GND GND V10 120R/100MHz CAP_SDRAM8 1 V13 CAP_SDRAM9 G23 J1452 CSI_D1+ 2 2.5V 2.78V V16 CAP_SDRAM10 CSI_DP0 C1491 C1490 G22 J1453 CSI_D1- 3 V18 CSI_DN0 100n 27p CAP_SDRAM11 4 VOUT VAUX1 M17 CAP_SDRAM12 H23 J1450 CSI_CLK+ 5 CSI_CLKP GND GND H22 J1451 CSI_CLK- 6 CSI_CLKN F7 VDD_IO4 7 H21 J1454 CSI_D2+ 8 U10 CSI_DP1 VPP J21 CSI_D2- 9 CSI_DN1 J1455 10 L1476 11 VBAT L1406 C1417 C1414 12 220n 220n 120R/100MHz 120R/100MHz K9 SCL 13 GPIO29 C1478 C1476 SDA 14 GND GND GPIO28 K1 27p 2u2 R1430 A21 J1476 EXTCLK 15 DAC_2V5 GPIO38 L4 B21 16 X_STROBE GND GND DAC_2V5 33R F19 VDIG 17 HDMI_2V5 L2 J1477 X_SHUTDOWN 18 C1465 C1419 GPIO31 L1478 27p 220n 19 VANA 20 120R/100MHz GND GND F21 GND HDMI_EXT12K C1479 C1481 C1484 C1482 2u2 27p 27p 2u2 D4 CAP_SMPS2 D5 CAP_SMPS3 GND GND GND GND L21 CAP_SIO1 T16 CAP_SIO2 U18 CAP_SIO3 L23 CAP_SIO4 J18 CAP_MINI1 N16 R1413 CAP_MINI2 12k N18 C1445 C1446 C1432 C1431 C1433 CAP_MINI3 R19 0u47 0u47 2u2 220n 220n CAP_MINI4 GND GND GND GND GND GND A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A7,A8,A14,A16,A18,A22,A23,B9,B10,B11,B12,B14,B19,B23,D14,E12,E14,E16,F10, F12,F14,F16,G12,G14,H7,H11,H12,H13,H14,H15,J11,J13,J15,J16,K5,K10,K11,K13,K15,K16,L11,L12, L13,L14,L15,L20,L22,M12,M14,R16,T15,U1,U14,U16,U23,V1,V2,V9,V12,V15,V17,V22,V23=GND GND Confidential Copyright © 2010 Nokia Only for training and service purposes Page 2 (11) | Imaging processor, Camera | N8-00 RM-596 | Board: 3CE_14 | v1.0 | 15.07.2010 1.8V 1.8V VIO VIO RAPUYAMA RAPUYAMA > LED driver D2800 BTFM, WLAN, GPS > GPS module 1.8V R2850 R2851 VIO 3k3 3k3 GPS(15:0) G13 I2C1SDA 3 L1600 GenIO29 D12 C13 I2C1SCL 4 VDDA18V2 GenIO30 120R/100MHz C7 GPSResetX 1 TXA G11 GPS_TimeStamp 2 genio51 C1 GPS_Blanking 5 TXP C1600 C1601 C2812 C2812 C2811 C2811 C2810 C2810 C2809 C2809 C2808 C2808 C2816 C2816 C2815 C2815 C2814 C2814 C2806 W21 AGPS_Clk_Req 6 RF part 100n 56p 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 27p genio46 2 RFCLK(1:0) G3 J2800 RFCLKP 0 RFClkP GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND G2 J2801 RFCLKM 1 RFClkN GAZOO 2 ACI(7:0) T17 ACIRX 0 genio31 1.8V D13 ACITX 1 genio32 GAZOO VRFC Display connector F1 R23 VDDA_ACS EMInt1 EMINT(3:0) J1 X1600 Imaging processor VDDATX H7 H12 J2850 VDDARX GenIO42 1 D1400 R8 RF part 2 VDDSTACK G12 TxCClk Z1600 TxCClk TXC(2:0) 3 DSI1_CLKP V21 DSI1_CLKP 4 DSI1_CLKN U21 DSI1_CLKN C2800 C2801 C2802 C2830 5 100n 100n 100n 2u2 DSI1_DP0 Z1601 V20 RF part 6 DSI1_DP0 7 DSI1_DN0 U20 DSI1_DN0 RFCTRL(11:0) 8 GND GND GND GND P4 J2805 6 9 RFBusClk N4 7 10 RFBusDa N3 8 11 R2863 RFBusEn1X GAZOO G2 DISPCDataLCD0 Y9 VSEL 12 HD0 DISPC_DATA_LCD0 R1601 CBUS(3:0) RES L6 13 GPIO37 100R 3.7V Y15 0 VDDI 14 R2862 CBusClk 100R F9 DISPCDataLCD1 AB3 DISPC_DATA_LCD1 VBAT VPNL 15 HD1 CBusDa AA16 1 100R VPNL 16 C1605 AB17 2 R2864 CBusEn1X VPNL 17 56p F1 DISPCDataLCD2 AA9 GAZOO > USB controller L1602 L1601 HD2 DISPC_DATA_LCD2 VPNL 18 GAZOO > Charger DC/DC controllers GND R1600 19 L5 100R 120R/100MHz 120R/100MHz TE GPIO33 R2865 20 G10 DISPCDataLCD3 AB7 USB(20:0) 100R HD3 DISPC_DATA_LCD3 C1606 C1607 C1602 C1603 100R K20 J2813 8 G1 DISPCDataLCD4 U7 ULPIClock 56p 22u 2u2 56p HD4 DISPC_DATA_LCD4 K21 9 C1604 H3 DISPCDataLCD5 U3 HD5 DISPC_DATA_LCD5 ULPIDir H21 10 56p H2 DISPCDataLCD6 AB4 ULPINxt HD6 DISPC_DATA_LCD6 G20 11 GND GND GND GND H8 DISPCDataLCD7 Y7 ULPIStp HD7 DISPC_DATA_LCD7 J21 0 GND H1 DISPCDataLCD8 AA6 ULPIData0 HD8 DISPC_DATA_LCD8 J20 1 H10 DISPCDataLCD9 AB6 ULPIData1 HD9 DISPC_DATA_LCD9 M22 2 GND J2 DISPCDataLCD10 U8 HD10 DISPC_DATA_LCD10 ULPIData2 J1 DISPCDataLCD11 V4 H20 3 D18 HD11 DISPC_DATA_LCD11 ULPIData3 DAC_B J10 DISPCDataLCD12 AA3 L21 4 HD12 DISPC_DATA_LCD12 ULPIData4 K8 DISPCDataLCD13 W3 F21 5 HD13 DISPC_DATA_LCD13 ULPIData5 K3 DISPCDataLCD14 Y8 F20 6 R1419 HD14 DISPC_DATA_LCD14 ULPIData6 K6 J1416 U9 E20 7 ASIP 15R HD15 DISPC_DATA_LCD15 ULPIData7 GAZOO > AV-connector E1 J1417 Y4 G23 ULPICS 12 HA0 DISPC_VSYNC genio52 N1653 D19 F3 J1418 AA5 B13 16 DAC_TERM_B HRD_N DISPC_HSYNC genio4 COMP_VIDEO RF part A3 A2 H6 R2861 AA7 HWR_N DISPC_PCLK B3 A1 RFCONV(20:0) E10 IVE3_HAT_INT 100R J1424 B14 HAT genio63 H3 2 B2 TXQP_LINKOTXIQDA0 CCPTX_DN R22 AA13 J3 3 CCPDaN0 TXQN_LINKOTXIQDA1 HDMI connector GND CCPTX_DP R23 AA12 H4 8 C3 B1 CCPDaP0 IREF_LINKOTXIQDA2 CCPTX_CLKN T22 U13 F4 0 X1650 C2 C1 CCPStrbN0 TXIP_LINKOTXICLK CCPTX_CLKP T23 U14 K4 6 1 CCPStrbP0 RXQP_LINKORXIQDA0 Z1650 J4 7 2 TDMS_DATA2+ C23 D12 J1425 AB14 RXQN_LINKORXIQDA1 HDMI_TX2_P RUN CCPDaP1 J2 5 3 TDMS_DATA2- C22 RXIN_LINKORXIQDA2 HDMI_TX2_N K3 4 4 RXIP_LINKORXIQDA3 RAPUYAMA > Audio clock Z1651 L4 14 5 TDMS_DATA1+ D23 VREFN_LINKORXICLK BTFM, WLAN, GPS > BOB HDMI_TX1_P 6 TDMS_DATA1- D22 HDMI_TX1_N 7 Z1652 BT(23:0) 8 TDMS_DATA0+ E23 HDMI_TX0_P 1.1V 9 TDMS_DATA0- E22 D20 J6351 BTResetX 0 HDMI_TX0_N genio54 10 VCORE D19 J6352 BTWakeUp 1 Z1653 genio53 11 TDMS_CLOCK+ F23 R20 J6353 BTCTS 3 HDMI_CLK_P genio47 12 TDMS_CLOCK- F22 H13 D11 R2860 33R BTUARTIn 4 HDMI_CLK_N VDDRAM genio49 13 N9 J6355 BTUARTOut 5 genio50 14 CEC J1652 R22 J6366 BTRTS 6 15 SCL R1650 18R E2 genio48 SCL C2819 C2819 C2818 C2818 C2817 C2817 P7 R2856 33R BTPCMClk 7 16 SDA R1651 18R D1 genio82 SDA 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n 2/100n 1/100n M4 J6368 BTPCMout 8 17 genio84 M7 J6369 BTPCMIn 9 18 5V_POWER genio85

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