Mall re-imagined: Reconsidering a Cape Town Shopping Centre. Design Research Project APG5058S University of CapeSubmitted Town in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Architecture (Professional) by Darin Ryan Taitz October 2012 DIGI"fISED The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgement of the source. The thesis is to be used for private study or non- commercial research purposes only. Published by the University of Cape Town (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. University of Cape Town University of Cape Town 2 Plagairism Declaration U'llJ'lIiVEHStrY OF C i\i' ~ F : TOWN·TOWN. FACUFACULTYLTY OF EEBESE. • SCHOOL OF ARCARCHITECTUREHITECTURE PLANNING + GEOMAGEOMATICSTICS ESSAY WRITING REQUIREMENTS TtlisThis shshCtllout is (In(I n Oav8tV1QWvef\llQW of ththe.o minrninIlmum rrc.:t:quircrncquircrncntsnts for any essay or wnUelten ....'NOC/Ock you ssubmitubmit for all courses in the ScSchool.hool. AsAs 'hIthISs 15IS only a unci:1 s.)uummary.ry, usa the fc.ce.commcnded resources for rurlhthoer ddirectionirection. Essay Structur. Thosis: NoNo moltl3er InIh.e putpl),efmrpl)!8 of thr.p, t:05ssny,8:1/". yYvlJou mil::;!m w~ t have 9a t\hhosisosis. liunnd buikJ you,-your papor 90 ttoo oQ)(xppilcail t: u\lCf! Ihtha.Hi thcslsesis Outllno;Outllno: Your OSSd(J~t1 Yy mUbut.lt h:tv;tvilll (Ia ccllff!a:iHr and organilodorgani7.od structuro. S li:lrtllu1 0,br dellCt'9v~ 'oopingping nn1111 outoutllhnotlc.. BrBronknk Ihth o HeSsayt):s.ay diOltjl)wn Inlo1111 0 Ihthno f1u;;lIlloW'lngO\'I\l1g catoC"Jlnyonuyonttss:: COURSE CODE ..APG5058S..............., ............. ... Introduction:Introduction: AtAl loasl 000ono pamglparngraphapfl which Introduces tho essay toptopic.Ic. It Inccludesludes tho thesIs statemont, usuallyusuaUy ;JSas thetho lalasstl sOnlertCOsontencG Inon Ihtho I,rslfu'Sl parrnngmph. Body: OtOe''' .. <'I('I\oPp I""""I(J thoma'omAS and poipol nnlt's IhIhalat nxpllr:!xpU cataate yoyour theshesiis InIn the bodybody of thothc !)""Hssayy. Conclusion: A tifinD!nat piJ a ragragrnr apph(~)h(~) thatthat rere'~:ilJt-stalos yourour thethesissis and cont(;.<lucont(;.(iu alIIlOizosS oror surnrnarmariiLtJLtJs the bodybody ooff Ihathe COVER SHEET oossayssay NovoNS'iO(r acecd a newfleW totoppiic or !Jopoint of explic:xplicacationtion in youryour conclusionnclusion. Paragraphs:Paragraphs: Itit Isis vorlVOfY immportportanlnlt ththntat youyou develolop well·structured paraparagraphsraphs. The ruIfulO<lf'lhumbO<lf·thumb isis thaithaI each topto picic or Ihp,methp,mEt is dodovoJopedod in a !i~I1nunu!o 0 ppa rugragraphraph. HO'NOIIQro ....,ovor,, thatthai rulorulc maymay be modinedmodined ifjf 8 parp3ragraagraphph bebecomc om ee~~ 100100 lonulonu (which(which (c:a:ann be tiresomoresomo 1100 readread ) or you havovo. too manymany briolf paragraphsparag raphs (whicich areare also tlin'!si r ~soomo).e). IncludeInclude transitionstrnnsilions at tho STUDENT NAME : .. Darin Taitz cendnd ili nlnd boglnoglOnnlllllfl fjJ ofof rp}if)~lr 94'y) mpho;~ph$ so'if') IhatthaI thrthfJyJY lIflow InoInanlheolherr wewellll WritlnijWri\lnQ stylo: Your ossayossay must be clear,clear, coconCI~,nCise, and flow smoothlysmoothly.. AcademICAcademiC essays requirore quir() Ba cortaincertain degree of TTZDAR001 formalityformality,, but do nol ccompomplilicalo ttlcthe writing slylstyle or word choice unnecessarily. Utilize punctuation correctly!correctly! Check STUDENT NUMBER:.NUMBER: . yOllr grammar (pay p:Jrticularp:J rticular ClttentC:Ittention thatth at subject and verbs.verbs, pronouns and antecedent nouns agreeagree)1 )! Read your essay out loud 10to YOllrSl3lfYOllnH31f to check for flufluw w andar,d cclarity~larily~ Proof·read and spell checkl For further reading or assistance, see: SUPERVISORSLJPERVISOR............... Jo Noero/Nic.. .. .. ............. Coetzer..... For further reading or assistance. 50e: JQN.9~rQ/Nic; . C()~t:z:er http'ttp;l!JISs1::Hl3rIllDlpocurttp curtt" eduQdU - n\J~v.Qy~wr(t1ng:.b.!m!.,nv!8 ! ud v--l!ill~ri!tt!JlJl!m!. or b.!Jhtt~p :JMw\'; lib ur.ctt._QGac l3finz3nn foiolit/cPooit/rQoo lI11..lllltm,tm . or The Humanities Library at UCVCTT has ~ I.larye'yo 00coIl110ec0110lion11 01 I"rilWltilng 5, ~III"~IUs roleroferreencence bboo.s.ooks, or vlis flII Th e UeTVCT Writingiling Centre UJ!.!ltt!!1 J uL!.!.w'Mv~llib"'~ chid vet nc ~Ptw!l!:!l7 {" t91~!1! l !2O()ol),, whiwhichch oHoHeers writing assistance to all studentssludsnts. 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