NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW IN FIGHTING SCOURGE OF CORRUPTION PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT Pyidaungsu Hluttaw discusses bills, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee discusses loan programme, budget reports National Library Bill, Animal Health, Breeding Development Bill PAGE-2 PAGE-3 Vol. VII, No. 112, 3rd Waning of Second Waso 1382 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Thursday, 6 August 2020 President U Win Myint State Counsellor discusses inaugurates new office of preparations for conducting Anti-Corruption Commission elections during COVID period President U Win Myint attends inauguration ceremony of Anti-Corruption State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi holds a videoconference on preparations for Commission’s new office in Nay Pyi Taw on 5 August. PHOTO: MNA 2020 General Election, on 5 August. PHOTO: MNA resident U Win Myint opened the scented water onto the plaque of com- aw Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairper- U Thein Swe, Union Minister for new office building of Anti-Cor- mission’s new office. son of the National-Level Cen- Labour, Immigration and Population; P ruption Commission in Nay Pyi President U Win Myint made a re- Dtral Committee on Prevention, U Myint Naing, member of the Union Taw yesterday morning. mark on the opening of new ACC office. Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Election Commission; and U Htet Aung, The inauguration ceremony was (Speech of President U Win Myint Disease 2019 (COVID-19) held a video- Deputy Director-General of the General attended by the Union Ministers, the is covered on page 4) conference yesterday at 10 am with sen- Administration Department. Union Attorney-General, the Chairman ACC Chairman U Aung Kyi also ex- ior officials from the conference room of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu of Nay Pyi Taw Council, the Chairman of plained the progress and ongoing activ- the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw Kyi first gave a few introductory remarks. ACC and its members, and departmental ities of his office. regarding preparations being made to She said that, she wanted to discuss two officials. He talked about the reform of conduct elections. fundamental rights which were very After removing the curtain of build- ACC by the government in November The following senior officials partic- important for citizens; the first was ing’s signboard, the President sprinkled SEE PAGE-3 ipated in the videoconference: SEE PAGE-5 Two new cases of COVID-19 in Myanmar reported on 5 August, total figure reaches 357 MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases reached 357 after 2 new cases were reported on 5 August according to Ministry of Health and Sports. Case No 356 re- turned from Sudan and Case No 357 from India. Out of the 357 confirmed cases, six died, 305 have recovered, 289 have been discharged from hospitals and 24 were held under investigation.—MNA SEE PAGE-4 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS LOCAL BUSINESS VP U Myint Swe emphasizes CAD to reserve China high demand enforcement of Science, 42 tonnes of hikes sesame Technology and Innovation palm oil in prices in Mandalay Law Natogyi market PAGE-6 PAGE-12 PAGE-13 6 AUGUST 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR “People are the key” Pyidaungsu Hluttaw discusses bills, loan programme, budget reports PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw held its 8th-day meeting of 17th regular session yesterday, with discus- sions on bills, loan programmes from foreign financial institutions and budget report of Union gov- ernment. Speaker U T Khun Myat announced Pyidaungsu Hlut- taw has approved the Myanmar Health Assistant Council Bill. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee Dr Myat Nyana Soe reported findings and recom- mendations of his committee on National Planning Bill for 2020- 2021 financial year. Dr Myat Nyana Soe and Vice-Chairman of Joint Public Accounts Committee U Aung Min reported Union Budget Bill for 2020-2021 financial year to the Hluttaw. Bills and budget reports were discussed during the 8th-day meeting of 17th regular session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 5 August Speaker U T Khun Myat in- 2020. PHOTO: MNA vited the names of Hluttaw rep- The Hluttaw also approved Summit scheduled in November ID-19. Pyithu Hluttaw representative of resentatives who want to discuss for signing of Myanmar in the this year. He added the ministry is the Tatmadaw Major Soe Naing the bills. ASEAN Framework Agreement The Hluttaw then approved drafting the Credit Guarantee and MP Dr Than Aung Soe from on Mutual Recognition Arrange- this proposal. Corporation with the US$60 Minhla constituency. Unicredit Bank of Austria ments, proposed by the Pres- million loan from Asian Devel- The Joint Public Accounts Pyidaungsu Hluttaw an- ident. Loan from JICA opment Bank. Committee’s findings and recom- nounced approval for getting MP Dr Khin Sithu from Deputy Minister for Plan- The Hluttaw then approved mendations on the Union Budget 0.861-million-euro grant and 4.876 Loikaw constituency and MP U ning, Finance and Industry U for the JICA loan. Bill was discussed by MP Daw million-euro loan with zero in- Naing Htoo Aung from Natogyi Maung Maung Win asked for the Cho Cho from Ottwin constitu- terest rate from the Unicredit constituency discussed signing of approval of Hluttaw to get 15 bil- JPAC reports ency, Pyithu Hluttaw represent- Bank of Austria. The proposal Myanmar in cooperation agree- lion yen from the Japan Inter- The Joint Public Accounts ative of the Tatmadaw Lt-Col Tun was sent by the President for ment on multi-economic sector national Cooperation Agency to Committee’s findings and recom- Lin Oo and MP U Khin Cho from implementing infrastructural in the region, and the proposal implement the phase 3 of Small mendations on the National Plan- Hlaingbwe constituency. system of electronic mailing and was sent by the President. and Medium Scaled Business ning Bill for the first six-month of The 9th-day meeting of 17th digital registration. Deputy Minister for Invest- Development Project, which was 2019-2020FY, sent by the Presi- regular session of Pyidaungsu ment and Foreign Economic Re- the proposal sent by the Presi- dent, was also discussed by MP Hluttaw will convene on 7 Au- ASEAN Framework Agree- lations U Bharat Singh asked for dent. The loan will be spent for Daw Cho Cho from Ottwin con- gust.—Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye ment on Mutual Recognition approval of this proposal to sign giving out loans to focus on the stituency, MP U Kyaw Tote from Thant Arrangements the agreement at 37th ASEAN businesses affected by the COV- Mandalay Region constituency 7, (Translated by Aung Khin) Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee discusses National Library Bill, Animal Health, Breeding Development Bill PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee held meetings over National Library Bill and Animal Health and Breeding Development Bill sent back by the President with recommendation in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Chairman of Joint Bill Committee U Tun Aung (a) U Tun Tun Hein, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and members of the Joint Bill Committee, officials of Pyithu Hluttaw Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Rural Development Committee, Amyotha Hluttaw Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Develop- ment Committee, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Office of the Attor- ney-General of the Union, and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office.—MNA Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee discusses National Library Bill and Animal Health and Breeding Development Bill on 5 August 2020. PHOTO: MNA (Translated by Khine Thazin Han ) 6 AUGUST 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Advance voting process for local voters outside their constituencies in 2020 General Election n Heads of trainings, schools, hospitals and jails are to contact the sub-election commissions to get documents of Form 15. n They must return these documents to sub-commission of respective townships by 26 August 2020 after the documents are filled by the voters. n Sub-election commission of respective townships must send ballot papers and envelopes for advance voting to the trainings, schools, hospitals and jails by 7 October 2020. n Advance voting must be organized at trainings, schools, hospitals and jails on their appropriate day from 8 October 2020 to 21 October 2020. n The envelopes containing ballot papers must be sent back to sub-election commission of respective townships by 4 pm on 8 94 November 2020. President U Win Myint inaugurates new office of Anti-Corruption Commission FROM PAGE-1 2017, the implementation of an- nual plans under the Anti-Cor- ruption Strategy Plan (2018- 2021), and the completion of 80 per cent works from the plan at the end of June 2020. The commission chairman also emphasized sustainable progress in fighting against corruption through two strat- egies of enforcing the legal framework and the harmoni- ous promotion between public integrity and business integ- rity. He added the commission will implement the remaining President U Win Myint formally opening new office building of the Anti-Corruption Commission on 5 August 2020. PHOTO: MNA 20 per cent of tasks under the four-year plan, while the gov- structed the private business country to Union Minister for ernment has supported the firms to adopt and follow codes Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi plan of commission to draw of conduct for eliminating cor- before concluding the cere- ‘the National-Level Anti-Cor- ruptions. mony.—MNA ruption Strategy’. ACC Chair U Aung Kyi The commission has continued the emergence of (Translated by Aung Khin) formed the Corruption Preven- ‘the National-Level Anti-Cor- tion Units (CPU) to promote ruption Strategy’ could enforce integrity at the public depart- the CPU and the CoC.
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