The Independent Tiii IISI)M Florid j-N b 9 V l. 67 N O. 64) L Puolished by Campus Communcotions inc , Go'nusv'lI. Florida Not ofihciolly OSW otaed ws 0h the Unvr yo F ado A Book price hikes average 8 per cent By RENA EPSTEIN a w,. enlarged edition "a' published Alligator Staff Writer "Ihe publishers increased the price of the icn edit 'on Ironm 12 to St 7 95 so the physical led hook prices hi ve lunmped as much as science dleparinment decided to purchase IS per tent this scar. according to Sani se; eral copies and pui them on reserve instead Uctzen. mianaigcr of the ( ampus Shop and *if making the students buy it." le said. Bookstore lILT HE ADDED ninny of the students I he average increase. G tien s~iid, is about took the initiative to purchase the cheaper. X per cent older edition copies left in the bookstore Irom, "PRICES HAVE been rising all year but he pren ou, quarter is tniiined1 to specific lookss" he sai Florida Bookstore reported more price rprimtings tost more because it miceases than any of the either bookstores. itnca ses im the toy to paper, binder's board lDavid Baiuldree, manager., aid there have inlollh a n Lduc report cd 'elte been more price changes t his quarter than HiiRa rd 'Ainh' A nderson book Iny other quarter manager. jul he receisedl 'ABOUT 30-40 per cent of the testhooks I Schaumx Outlines" Wed- arc inuireasced as much as 10 per tent." he iesdlay and ii red so eral price imecrca ses Sdid. "THREE HAVE gone up SI .pice, three I here have not been any direct compl~amnts, t lour 'I hers rcreasol Mi cents each and hr sat'd, heciuse most students are buying the sonic have i ntrtascl 2S cent'." he said. htsoks for the first time and don't kno& what Atourmting lor these iicreaisrs. he uted they cost before the nereases. libtr's desire for imireasedl wage' and in- l.aplaiming that intreased paper costs are creases im pa per toss which .1re "directly paril rt51ponsible for the price increases. elated to pilluion ciitrtol iicastirs iequired Hauldirce also said the hooks publishers might III iptpt mtiijfiactujrtrs " be hedging against possie future price Ironicall. there have been lewer comn tree/cs inmts about hook ices mi CtfpliuMiOf to MALONE'S Bookstore manager Bill he last two quarter'. accordingg to Arders&,n. /carah said the prices of sonic hocks have "MAYBE STUDENTS are grimnng and gOne up hut he can't name the specific books. livarmig it. but I k ni. eseryorie is unhappy "I can tell sonmc have gone up hut it is no iboil lhe situiitioni. lie said muort than t hey h ave been increasing .tll litIL lS nil dtns of the ecoiii'inii sear" he reported siuiation iwe alii itfecting the number of Alt h ugh iceV hook price' generally are in cteasl rg, it hia'n t aic!ed Litte Professor Andlcrson siud publishers ire not bringing hi itkst ore, w h ih sells general books but not Ou! iS m1.015 iiisiuiis and editions as in texts liiohis inm's "Wui to the econoriiy ACCORDING to Viola Giocring. ow ncr iii "TI! EY ARE. pickrw nit the lbesi ones and the bookstore, the first week of winter quarter iuitliig mhtrc mlues unto printing these was largest' of any quarter since they ciditi.,us." lh sait. opened im (janesville three years ago. ~ photo by ondy newman I'i of libert Volit. ph SIiia science But she said book prices have been slowly The world's biggest bonana? Although it moy look iltpirrment prilessoi who teach' the increasing in the last six months. Ups an appealing - and certainly appears fruity - the Nutuiral Rte eiois course ((PS J35). has strange apparatus these students ore frolicking on is in 'I'ppul rcqtiiriu his students to purchase "Sonic books go up between the cents to 10 tact part of their coursework. For on expionotion and Physiovraiphs oft he I mied States. because cents in, each order. she said. d own s more pictures, see page seven. For Emma and others -- abortion is a way out By JACkIll HARI)ER She it Iidtl list clues a tcew weeks ago. "I WANT a career more than anything itm ceall conmtoriahle dtnimu chairs and touches Alligalor Ccrrenpondent whlen, her huils began telling her something into rip edreer. io school and domng all the A stereo mcned to W(,VI sits on white par was isrong inside. Oni nous symptoms, like thing' I tan do as in md idual sons Cables PaintmIgs Il women hang on the EDulT4)H NOTE: Tno learn ago next tlalseai eC'ry day and all day Ic tg. and "I don't want the rcesponsiilts ol thinking white "alls Thurnday, the U.S. Supreme Court effetIvely selling. tender breasts that hurt when she for a little person, It would he the most tin- ANDI THE door keeps opening Icr girls lust Inmslidated state. lnseagaInst abortlon,.gp1,ng slept on her side. Aind no period. feast hie situ at on poussi ble " like [nmma esern American '.oman the right te ha. a But it "as still a shock. There is no such Words like adult tess, had little iihore "I was a little embarrassed and 'cared at legal abortion. Tod.y The AllIgator it- thing is being halfway pregnant. She didn't didn't hurt. But murderer' first. It's not oneohosee thmnys you advertise. csaminen the abortion comntro,.ru, by Cr' until later. "PERSONALLY, I didn't see anyihmng I went up to the desk and whispered, "I'm reporting the statu. of abotlon-amd anti. Her boy friend Pete "as upset. It was hiis wrong with it. I don't think of an embryo as a here to have an abortion. abortlon-egslatioit, ataibable methods of iirst' too. Ironic wo discover his physical person. I dion'? consider it murder at all. rhe gangly. red-hatred woman behind the termInatIng pregneney, and the upsurge of powencs and his titter helplessness at the same "Abortion was really mi' only alternative desk wasn't embarrassed. And better. there the sntl-aboullon mtotenent. We begin with ime. There was nothing he could do for I-or all partie% Concerned, it t'as the best wa. no accusation in her eyes. Matter ol the ston id E~mma the result @1f IntensIve lEmtmi except stand b,' her and leave her to alternative. For Pfle. it "as a problem arnd it faetly, she asked if pregnancy had been ludnlns .Ith fosr women about their take this incredible trip alone. had to he taken care of It "as like a disease conuirmued and when her last menstrual nnhmn prndkcant of being peqsaut. SHE'S IA. rinimrried and want, to stay that had to be cured. period "as- Although oh. lndIvIdusl cIrcumstances that w.a' for iwhbile. In the old days girls got Eight weeks pregnant and faced with an SATiSIEI THE pregnancy was early diffmrd In ime and plane. Emma -s a pre.nanr and had to get married. Not nuo,. undeniable responsibilit' for her own life and enough to be handled by the vacuum compelite of (line four wonun, aceuratelb And not Enmmt. tor that growmg. di' idinM blob ol cells inside aspirator procedure at the clinik, she made deedhies the enpeience of undergoiti a legal "n'.inn of mfl friends had to get married. her. Emmna an appoininuent for iihe ncnt Wed- abeoqibn. outside of hating kids. they'll ne'er amuount "I DECIDED abortion was the only nesday at II am. In five minutes. Emma was to thing. Ihey'e so limited. I can't accept alternative"' 'but the door with a blue pamphlet filled with lrht imatn diflerenec lbctwcen Etna and getting married so s'uing. It just ruins so Recalling an article in the Gainessiile Sun pre-procedure instructions. most of the .nther girl' on caimptas " as that m11 ns things. about the abortion clinic at the Gainesville Eat nothing after 8 pam. the tuisht before Emimi "is prcgnaint. Sib or eight 'secks. the "Besides. I don': think I could be in a Wonmens Health Center. 'he and Pete went to the procedure.The next morning. eat a light doctor .it i le iinrinar told her. miaritul. moioganmou' relationship and hate the to" green biding opposite Alachus nurishing breakfast. Sa lrucnd so stiecmtihl rut it. "What a theL person thro' mn ni face. 'Gtddammnit. I General Hospital. bummer. What an mercd ibit' I'mmier." had to muarr' smi. I don 'I "ant to' rut mii'self The clinic is like no ordinar' doctor's A BLIhtMER, but nt't tot ill utsearetsed mithat sit uat ion. ottiec. The blue shag carpet matches the Ion,. (See 'Emma.' pae l2t Pag. 2. 1Th. indenden* florD. Ailigalor, Thursdoy Jonuory 16. 197$ niliinig lmnnunim hlnsni nnrgigiilililllngnuu lIIIlllln'nNI ' - - /ALLAN J GENGLER Ford: state of union not good 'I Capsule U.S. ECoNM ( WVngress Sl-IM(, \Wednesday 10N4II lir motie- President tRs emt f-uidtO cmaisked 'A ittessmnnlor friau;hei rawe take tc! osth' - esenl t r~ I , I 'is, of miakmw ilation wore Ii, *~' the *' F)l I - multst 'a' to o(u that the state ii the Llmilc i riot * '" ':g, (*~ ~ ~ood -ord told a joint session of the I-ouse and the Senate. speaking dloomil in the chamberi hereI he ser' ed * for a quarter ol centuip * K HE SET aside his ant i-ilin op rogranl to conccentritC -4 cw, ending the co,'nlri N dependence on I reight oil bK 1485 and to coe unib the 'orgt economic downturn since the V.
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