BECOMING SCROOGE AT HALE THEATRE UTES ESCAPE TO WIN 8TH 1 MAN’S 48-YEAR STRAIGHT AGAINST BYU JOURNEY TO STAR COUGARS JUMP OUT TO 20-POINT AS THE MISER IN ‘A LEAD BUT CAN’T HOLD OFF UTAH’S CHRISTMAS CAROL’ 2ND-HALF SURGE ARTS C1 SPORTS D1 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2018 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH DESERETNEWS.COM When sex Unlocking science offenders in Idaho leave prison MOST AREN’TINCARCERATED FOR LIFE;WHAT UTAHIS DOING TO KEEPYOU SAFE BY PAT REAVY · DESERET NEWS UTAH STATE PRISON — The sex offender population at the Utah State Prison continues to grow at a staggering pace. In 1996, there were 248 sex offenders incarcerated by the Utah Department of Corrections. To - day, there are 10 times that num- ber, in the neighborhood of 2,500 at both the Point of the Mountain and the prison in Gunnison, mak- ing it by far the fastest-growing population at the prison. An additional 2,200 sex offend- ers are under the watch of Adult Probation and Parole. A Pew study in 2014 found that 31 percent of all inmates in Utah were serving time for a sex offense — far more than in 2004. KORT DUCE, IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY According to a Utah Sentencing Rows of concentrated solar arrays dot the landscape at Tooele Army Depot in the military’s quest to become more Commission report, the percent- self-sustaining from the traditional power grid. The Idaho National Laboratory works with the military in this endeavor. age of inmates in prison for sex offenses grew to nearly 34 percent in 2016 to over 35 percent in WHY UTAHNS SHOULD CARE ABOUT MYSTERIES Idaho National Laboratory WILLNUCLEAR POWERPOWER 2017. To Salmon To Dubois While the general public sees UNLOCKED AT IDAHO NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY 28 UTAHCITIESIN THEFUTURE? the seemingly daily headlines of people being arrested or charged BY AMY JOI O'DONOGHUE To BY AMY JOI O’DONOGHUE with child pornography, rape or DESERET NEWS 1 DESERET NEWS sexually abusing minors, what · 22 Rexburg · 33 many don’t realize is that the 33 IDAHO FALLS — DETAIL SALT LAKE CITY — An Oregon- majority of those people who are based company is in a global race to convicted of a sex offense will be t occupies a sprawling 890 square be the first to commercially deploy released from prison one day. To 2 miles in eastern Idaho, giving rise to Arco a small modular nuclear power reac- Actually, 95 percent of all people 6 3 tor, and if the company is successful, who are sent to prison will even- the world’s first production of electrici- 26 4 Utah residents served by municipal tually be released, according to 5 20 7 To power systems would be among its Victor Kersey, the director of insti- ty from nuclear energy. 8 Idaho Falls first energy consumers. tutional programming at the Utah I NuScale’s Carbon Free Power Proj- Department of Corrections. To Blackfoot The idea in 1949 by the Laboratory is the nation's 1. Test Area North ect is scheduled to go online in 2026 “It’s actually a very small military was to establish top nuclear research facility 2. Naval Reactors Facility at the Idaho National Laboratory a population that will never see the a premier nuclear energy for the U.S. Department of 3. Advanced Test Reactor Complex little over 200 miles north of Salt outside,” he said. research facility, build 10 Energy, employing thou- Lake City. Prison officials remind the 4. Idaho Nuclear Technology reactors and run them for sands of people immersed and Engineering Center The 12-module reactor with the ca- public that they are part of the 15 years to uncover all the in research that touches all pacity to generate 720 megawatts of Department of Corrections. The knowledge of splitting urani- corners of our lives. 5. Critical Infrastructure Test Range Complex power will occupy a 34-acre site at goal is to help individuals correct um atoms. The mysteries of science 6. Materials and Fuels Complex the sprawling 890-square-mile U.S. their wrong behavior so they can Then, pack up and walk continue to reveal themselves 7. Central Facilities Area Department of Energy facility. re-enter society as a productive away. in a vast research complex 8. Radioactive Waste Management Complex Members of the Utah Associated member. Prison is not just a time- More than 50 nuclear reac- out box. tors later, the Idaho National ENERGY A8 SOURCE: Idaho National Laboratory DESERET NEWS GRAPHIC PLANT A9 The question then becomes: OFFENDERS A4 ARTS...................................C1/9 COMMENT.........................G1/6 TELEVISION............................C8 MOSTLY SUNNY TODAY INDEX CLASSIFIED......................W2, 3 DEATHS.......................B8,9,11 WEATHER............................B12 VOL. 169 / NO. 165 CROSSWORD.........................C2 LEGAL NOTICES.................... D5 WORLD/NATION ..............A2/15 HIGH: 39 LOW: 23 TISSOT chrono xl. A45MM CASE. OFFICIAL WATCH AVAILABLE AT US.TISSOTSHOP.COM ANDSELECTWATCH ANDJEWELRY STORES NATIONWIDE A8 DESERET NEWS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2018 Unlocking science in Idaho AMY JOI O’DONOGHUE, DESERET NEWS A remote highway skirts the boundary of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, west of Idaho Falls and 215 miles north of Salt Lake City. the flight line and the drone ENERGY runway. FROM A1 The base lost power and that is the birthplace of the suffered billions in damages. U.S. Navy’s nuclear submarine For years, the Idaho National program and home to the Laboratory has been working world’s foremost nuclear mate- with military installations in rials test reactor. Utah and across the globe to If you use a cellphone, assist them in their mission to operate a computer or rely on become more resilient. an energy grid (hint, we all Tooele Army Depot makes do), the U.S. Department of about half the energy it Energy-sponsored research consumes from renewable unfolding just 215 miles north resources like wind and solar. of Salt Lake City is quietly It also worked with a contrac- designed to make your life tor on a $1.7 million microgrid better. project after seeking technical The Idaho National Lab- assistance from the Idaho oratory is intertwined with laboratory. multiple Utah projects, from “The Army is really focusing helping keep cellphones on resiliency and site genera- functional for first responders tion resources,” said the lab- in a catastrophic emergency oratory’s Kurt Myers, project to testing the functionality of manager and staff engineer in batteries in electric vehicles. the power and energy systems It is North America’s only department. producer of radioactive, med- The system includes new ical grade cobalt-60 used in generation 1-megawatt battery Gamma Knife radiosurgery, a storage that will allow the type of radiation treatment for AMY JOI O’DONOGHUE, DESERET NEWS facility to shape its energy brain tumors used at facilities Don Miley gestures to a swath of land that may someday be home to the nation’s first modular nuclear reactors. demands. like the Intermountain Medi- Myers said the Army’s goal cal Center in Murray. varying conditions affect the in the driveway. is to sustain itself off the main “I am a little biased, but I length of a charge. “As we get faster and faster grid for two weeks. think we do some pretty cool The laboratory’s Shawn chargers, we are going to have The laboratory lends it tech- science here,” said Don Miley, Salisbury is analyzing data to manage it a different way,” nical assistance and research a communications specialist gathered from Utah charging Campbell said. in the arena of microgrids to at INL for the Advanced Test stations, some of which are Hear me now? military installations and other Reactor. along the I-15 electric vehicle potential users such as govern- In a recent tour, Miley corridor. The Idaho laboratory is ment and universities. stepped out of his vehicle into Salisbury, a vehicle testing working with the University A report by Grand View the desert at the junction of engineer, said the analysis of Utah on the critical issue Research predicts the global U.S. 26 and U.S. 20. includes 103 Utah chargers, of cellphone service for first market for microgrids will In a 50-acre section south- 23 of which are the DC fast responders in a cataclysmic reach $17.51 billion by 2025. west of this remote intersec- chargers. event like an earthquake strik- These portable or stationary tion, the laboratory’s land The 103 chargers provid- ing the Wasatch Front. microgrids can either work may someday be home to the ed drivers with over 81.7 Hurricane Maria, for with the utility grid or serve as nation’s first small modular megawatt-hours of energy example, took out 90 per- islands in emergencies, Myers nuclear reactor serving 46 cit- through 9,703 charges in cent of Puerto Rico’s cellular said. ies and districts in six states, April through June of this networks, and it was 10 days In a civilian application, the including Utah. year, Salisbury said. before first responders were microgrids can continue to The project is still in the “The goal is to increase the able to make contact with the power localized, critical ser- licensing phase of the U.S. Nu- adoption of plug-in vehicles island’s 68 municipalities. vices such as dispatch centers clear Regulatory Commission, throughout Utah, Wyoming Firefighters and others relied or hospitals should the main the first of its kind under such and Idaho,” he said. “The way on low-tech options like ham grid go down. regulatory scrutiny. Propo- they are doing that is through radio or AM radio.
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