Argentina Kathy Miriam advance Sheridan Lord Messiopens Varadkaris Monsignora scoringtosetup entitledto Madiganandthe matchwithFrance somerespect AngryArchbishop Sport Page12 Page6 irishtimes.com Wednesday,June27,2018 THEIRISH TIMES ¤2.00(incl.VAT) £1.50NorthernIreland. State to New Garda give refuge chief free to to stranded migrants recruit his PATLEAHY and PATRICK SMYTH The Government has said it intended to “offer refuge” to own team of 20-25 migrants stranded on aboat in the Mediterranean thathasbeen refusedpermis- siontodock in anumber of countries. top officers The MV Lifeline,which is operated by aGerman NGO and has 234 migrants on board, has beenrefused per- mission to dock in Italy, Mal- Harris beat strong internal competition ta and Spain and is 30km off the Maltese coast, afterit from deputy and assistant commissioners picked up stranded migrants off the Libyan coast. Taoiseach welcomes appointment of Government Buildings saidthat following discus- outsider as ‘good’ for Irish policing sions among Ministersin Dublin, Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney had ProudmomentULawardshonorarydoctoratetoVickyPhelan been in touch with the Mal- SARAH BARDON and loyal to the State”and tese authorities and agree- and CONOR LALLY wouldsteer policing in the ■ Vicky Phelan and husband Jim prior to her being conferred with an honorary doctorate by the University of Limerick in recognitionofher exceptional ment had been reached that right direction. commitment to improving women’s healthcare in Ireland. Phelan plans to fund acancer care worker: page 3. PHOTOGRAPH: SEANCURTIN/TRUEMEDIA Ireland will be one of anum- TheGovernmentexpectsnew- “It is agood moment for ber of EU countries to take ly appointed Garda Commis- Irish policing, it is an opportu- themigrants once the Life- sioner Drew Harris to recruit nity fornew leadership and for line docksatMalta. The boat his own leadership team when policing for the community,” is expected to dockinMalta he takesuphis positionlater Mr Varadkar added. in the next 48 hours. this year. AGovernment spokes- In asignificant departure Dualcitizenship Convicted Lowry claims he is vindicated man was unable to say if the for An Garda Síochána, an ex- Ontaking up the post, Mr Har- migrantswould beallowedto ternal candidate was chosen ris willberequired to makea applyfor refugeestatusinIre- for the role of commissioner solemn declaration under sec- COLM KEENA During the trial amore seri- Northern Ireland land scout, been found guilty of two offenc- good public representative. land, or whether they would for the first time, with Mr Har- tion 16 of the Garda Síochána LegalAffairsCorrespondent oustax chargeagainstthe politi- Kevin Phelan. es,MrLowryfailed to respond. “The proof of the puddingis begrantedautomaticpermis- ris beating strong internal Act 2005 including to uphold cian was dropped and the jury Mr Phelan and the Glebe Hereferred the reporters to the in the eating. He has been sion to stay. competition from Deputy the Constitution and the laws The Independent Tipperary failed to reachadecision in re- Trust featured in the long-run- remarks made during sentenc- re-elected,” the judge said. Thousands of migrants Commissioner John Twomey of the State. TD, Michael Lowry,has been gard to other charges, which ning Moriartytribunal investi- ing by the judge. Following the verdict, a continue to attempt to make and Assistant Commissioner Mr Harris is entitled to dual fined and banned from acting the State will not now pursue. gation intolinksbetween Mr spokesman for TaoiseachLeo their way to Europe across Pat Leahy. IrishandBritish citizenshipbe- as acompanydirector for three All the charges related to the Lowryand businessman Denis ‘Conscientioustaxpayer’ Varadkar said the Government the Mediterranean, often in Itis aseachangefortheGar- cause he was born in Northern years after being found guilty treatment of a2002 commis- O’Brien.However, thiswas not The judge had described Mr had“nounderstanding withMi- small crafts withlittle hope dato havealeader fromanoth- Ireland,and aGovernment by ajury of two offencesrelat- sionpaymentofabout afactor in the trial just finished. Lowry as a“conscientious tax chael Lowry ...there’s no spe- of makingthe crossing in- er jurisdiction and it is the first spokesman confirmed he had ing to his refrigeration After sentence was delivered payer” having accepted evi- cialarrangement there”.Re- tact. The development time in its history, but political applied for an Irish passport. company, Garuda. by Judge MartinNolan,Mr dence thathepreviously “put cently, Mr Varadkar told the comes as EU leaders prepare sources saidMrHarris’s pro- MrHarris was one of five in- Speaking afterwards, he said ■ Michael Lowry toldreportersoutside his hand in his pocket”tosettle Dáil that there was “no written to discuss migration in Brus- fileassomeone fromoutside dividuals in the final round of theoutcomewasa“fantasticre- Lowry: found the court building that he had a¤1.4 million tax bill in 2007, agreement with Mr Lowry”. sels this week. but with closeknowledge of interviews for the role. Assis- sult”. His trial, he said,should guilty by come in afreeman, and was thatrelated to mattersdating the force made him ideal for tant Commissioner Leahy and have been held “locally” and at criminal leavingafree man. He made it back to 1997. He said Mr Lowry Payment at heart of trial Asylum seekers will the role. Deputy Commissioner Twom- District Court level. “What court jury of clear that he strongly resented had no previous convictions, would have interested be able to seek work Government figures said ey werethe onlytwo internal business had they bringingme two offences the fact that he had been was agood employer and avery tribunal: page 4 under plan: page 3 they were “hopeful” Mr Har- candidatesto make throughto here to the special, criminal brought to the Circuit Criminal ris would recruit his own team the last stage of the competi- court in Dublin? None. None. Court in Dublin to face charges. to assistwith his new position. tion. The otherswerebasedin And that has been proven.” ¤372,000 fromaFinnish “Now this is aspecial, crimi- All resources would be made ScotlandandEngland.Howev- After a12-day trial in the company, Norpe OY, that was nal court, and all of you know available to ensurethat hap- er it is understood one of those Dublin CircuitCriminal Court, owed to Garuda arising from the type of cases that are heard pened, one stressed.Howev- withdrew in recent weeks. the juryfound Mr Lowry guilty sales to Dunnes Stores. and dealt with in this court. My er,this is likely to be conten- MrHarrishasservedprinci- of charges of failing to keep The trial heard that the case should never have been tious for many in the force. pally in Northern Ireland, in- proper books of account and of money went to the Isle of Man, heard in Dublin.” cluding 12 years in senior lead- delivering an incorrect to an entity called the Glebe Twice asked by reporters to Selectionprocess ershiproles.Hehas served as corporation tax return. Trust which is associated with address the fact that he had The selection process was in- DeputyChief Constable since dependent of Government, 2014, where he is believed to but Ministers enthusiastically have worked closely with the welcomedthe move yesterday British security services. with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar His father, also an RUC of- hailingthe appointment from ficer, waskilled in an IRA car Archbishop says Minister caused thestepsofGovernmentBuild- bomb in 1989. His mother sur- ings. vived the attack. The Cabinet yesterday rati- Garda sources said Mr Har- ‘considerable distress’ to Mass-goers fied the appointment of Mr ris would be atarget for dissi- Harris, who is currently the dentRepublicans, whose stat- ÁINE McMAHON lowed in the clergy,calling Church changing core teach- Deputy Chief Constable of the ed aim has been to attack the the comments “bizarre” and ings is bizarre,” he said. Police Service of Northern Ire- securityservices of Northern Arowbetween MinisterforCul- claimingthe Minister had an MsMadigansaidshewas sur- land, ninemonthsafter thede- Ireland. ture, Heritageand the Gael- agenda. prisedatthe personal natureof partureofformercommission- tacht JosephaMadigan and the attack. er Nóirín O’Sullivan fromthe Archbishop of Dublin Diar- ‘Disrespectful’ “The only agenda Iampush- role. Inside muidMartin has escalated fol- Healsosaid shewas“deeplydis- ing is equality in the church just Mr Harriswillreplace Act- lowing astatement from the respectful” and her comments as Ibelieve there should be ing CommissionerDónall Ó Page2 Archbishopcriticising the Min- had caused parishioners in equalityinall facets of society. Cualáin,whowill be retiringin Newsandanalysis ister. Mount Merrionand elsewhere Although women play arole in September. Mr Harris willbe Ms Madigan stepped in to “considerable distress”. theoperationsofthechurch,in- paid asalary of ¤250,000. Page12 lead prayers at her local church “It is regrettable that Minis- cluding my own parish, Ibe- Mr Varadkar defended the Troubleswillfollowthenew in Mount Merrion, Dublin at ter Madigan used this occasion lieve the churchhas to change decision to appoint an outsid- GardaCommissioner the weekendwhennopriest to push aparticularagenda. to reflect society as it is today,” er to the roleand to oversee had arrived to say Mass. Her expressed view that a she said. the State’s national security. ArchbishopMartin criticised mix-up in aDublin parish on He insisted Mr Harris Page13 her after she later commented one particular Saturday
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