(~)tiluff~'f ~".- ;'~, D YF 0 ~~ A 1 f'" ! S - :.; Gr~nular Ins·:c.:lcjCJ'c ACTIVE INGREDIfNr: ---O-[th~S~-pflC'nyl ethylpho5~ho~odl t~ioate* ••• IS.0;:' INERT ItlGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • • . • .• 85.0% -(Co n t aTns'-P)p-o;J n d sac t i ve i n g res i e ,,;, f' ': rIO 0 po un d s ) 100.0% * 0 Yf' 0 NA IE ....-_______-, SOIL INSECTICIDE FOR prOTECTION ACCEPTED AGAINST CORN R()OTIJORrl AND OTHlR MAJOR l'lSTS AUG 2 4 1984 Und'il 1.~e r.deral If\~acuclde, Fungicid •. and Rodenticide ;;'ct. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN as amended, for IhI! pestiCIde reqi.lered uDde.r., r7i ... ") ) EPA R.g. /'10. "Y/U ~~.sc. WARNING ~RECAUCION AL USUARIO: A'.' I SO SI USTED NO LEE INGLES, NO USE ESTC PRODUCTO HAST QUE LA ETIQUETA LE HAYA SIDO EXPLICADA AMPLIAME~T STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATME:;T FOR PESTICIDE EMERGENCY CALL A PHYSICIAN IM~EDIATELY: If a ~nown ex~osure occurs, or if polsoning is suspected, do not wait for sy~ptoms to develop. I~mediately start the procedures gi;~~ ~elow and simultaneously cont~ct a Poison Center, d physicia~. o~ the nearest ~o·pital or call collect, day or night, Stauff"r ChEe'nical Company (203) 226-6602 or Chemtrec (800) 424-9300. iiote: Be sure to advise the persof' contacted that the compouOld lS il cholinesterase ir,l,ibitor. Descri~e ~he typ~ of expo~ure, the victim'~ symptolns, and follow the a~vice given. ( POISON SYMPTOMS - DYFONATE is a hignly toxic cholinesterase inhibitor. Synlptom~ of poisoning include headache, blurred vision, weakn~ss, nausea, discomfort in the chest, abdominal cramps, vom­ iting, diarrhea, salivation, sweating and pinpoint pupils. ALWAYS CALL A PHYSICIAN 1,; ~ASE OF SUSPECTED POISONING. AT R0 F' I NEB Y JrlJ E CT 1011 I SAN TID 0 TAL This prodllct is sold 'lnly for us('< q~~,,~ on its label. No (>xpr(,ss ur irlpl ied licen~(~ 1 S ~rdnt(~G to ~S2 or ~e11 this product un(1~r a~y patent in any country excf>[lt as >pecified: Country: United States of America. Lb. I,d tit. K<j. EPA Reg. No. 476-2030 A-5 EPA Est. 47b- Made in U.S.A. by STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Westport, CT 05881-08~D I~ [) YI 0 NA HI:' - (; 2. If swallowed, imlnpdiJtely give several glds~es of water and induce vomiting by placin~1 d finger on the :,ack of the victim's tongue. Gi ve f1 u ids un til v Ofil i t us i 5 C led r. 00 not i n due e v Or:1 it in 'J 0 r OJ i v (> anything by Inouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. For skin contact, tlush with large a,~ounts of running water for IS miriLites. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before re-use. For eye contact, immedi ately flush eyes wi th I arge amounts of runni ng water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to insure rinSing of the entire surf Ice of the eye and I ids with water. Get medical attention immediately. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clear victim's airway and start mouth-to-r:1outh arti ficial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen, preferably with a physician's advIce. Get medical attenticn imnedjat~ly. INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL PERSO~NEL Initial measures i.,elude rt'fi1oval of secretions, maintenance of a patent airway, and if necessary, artificial respiration. When cyanosis is relieved, atropine by injection is antidotal and-maJ~ be administered inTarye therapeutic doses, repeated as necessary to the pOint of tolerance. If symptoms warrant further treatment, 2-PAM (Protopam Chloride) has shOwn util ity as adjunctive therapy. Never use morphine. ContinJed absorption of the poison may occur, res u i tin gin fat a Ire I J P 5 e aft e r i nit; a I i 1:1 pro v e fOl en t; v e r y c los e supervision of the patient is indic~ted for at least 4B to 72 hours. 00 not trdnsport or store Dyfonate 15-G with food or feed intended for human or animal consumption. IN CASE OF SPILL ISOLATE the spil I. HOLD this package, other cargo and vechicles involved. li4MEDIATELY TELErHONE (24-hour service) for emergency c isistance 800-4<4-9300. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS H~ZAROS TO IIUMANS AND DOMESTIC Ar:l~~IS WI,RNING, M~Y BE FATAL IF ~WALLOWED, I111ALED O~ ABSORBED THROUGH THE SKIN. RAP I DL Y AB S 0 RII EDT HR 0 UGH T" E S I( P' • DorIO T GET I NTH E EYES, 0 N SKIN, OR ON CLOTHING. AVOID BREATHI,'iG OF OUST. - -------------- DYfUNrdl l~-G 3. Wear rubber gloves, protc'ctiv(' clotning and goyylcs. Wash hands, arlns, and face thorouyhly with soap and water after handling and before eating or 5f~okin9. Routinely shower or bathe after wurk and wash all clothing with soap and hot water before reusing. In case of contact, immediately remove contaminated clothing and wash thorollghly with soap and water. Do not transport or store DYFONATE 15-G with any food or feed intended for human or anifnal consumption. Not for use or storage in or around the home. REENTRY STATEMENT Do not apply this product in such a manner as to directly or through d,'ift expose workers or other persons. The area being treated ~ust b vacated by unprotectea persons Do not enter treated areas without protective clothing until dusts have settled. Do not apply or al low to drift to areas occupied by beneficial animal or onto adjoining food, fiber or pasture crops. Do not contaminate food or feed. Because certain states may requlre more restrictive reentry intervals for various crops treated with this product, consult your State Department of Agricul:ure for further information. Written or oral warnings must be give~ to workers who are expected to be in a treated area or in an area about tc be treated with this product. Oral warnings must be Jiven if there is reason to believe that written warnings canr.ot be understood by workers. When oral warnings are given, warnings shall be given in a language customarily understood by workers and must indicate the specific " I' period of time that treated areas may not be entered without I protective clothing. Oral warnings must also include appropriate first aid instructions in case of accidental exposure. These instructions are given in the STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT at the beginning of this label. Written warnings must include the following information, "WARNING. Area treated with DYFONATE® Agricultural Insecticide on (date of ,1 p P 1 i c d t ion). [1 () n () t [' n t e r t r "d ~ ,',; ,) r '_' ":. ',; i tho uta p pro i-' rid t ,~ protective clothing until dusts have settled (or other reentry interval if your state has a more restrictive interval for this product). If a~cidental exposure occurs, follow the in­ structions below." (Written warnings must inclUde the STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT given at the beginning of this label.) o YI 0 rU,l L 1 ':> • (, 4. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZ~RDS This product is toxic to fish, bIrds and other wi ldl i fe. 00 not apply directly to water ur wptlands. Do not contaminate water by cleanins of equipl:lent or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specified on this label. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Read all directions before using. 00 not apply on any crop, or in any ~anner not specified on this label. Do not rotate with carrots. INSECTS CONTROLLED Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon)* Cabbage Magyot (Hylem~ brassicae) Corn Leaf Aphid (Rho alosiphurTI maidis) European Corn Borer Ostrin1a nUDiialis) Garden Sy~phylan (:cutlgerella i~~aculata) Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) Lesser Cornstalk Borer (Elasmopalpu5 lignosellus) Maize Billbug (Sphenophorus maidis) - Seed Corn Beetle (Agonoderus lecontei) Seed Corn Maggot (Hylenya cilicrura) Southwester0 Corn Borpr (Dlatraen grandiosplla) Sugarbeet Root Maggot (Jetanops myQ~aeformis) White Grub (Phyllophaga crinata) *(Control of light and moderate infestation) Flea Beetles: Elongate Flea Beetle (Systena elongata) Palestriped Flea Beetle (Systena blanda) Sweetpotato Flea Beetle (Chaetocnema confinis) Threespotted Flea Beetle (Disonycha triangularis) Rootworms: Northern Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica longicornis) Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) Southern Corn Rootworm (DTdbrotica undecimpunctata howardi) h j r fe W 0 r :': " : Corn IIi reworm (Melanotus cO~::1unis) Pacific COdst Wireworm (Llmonius canus) Southern Potato Wi reworm- (ConClderus fall i) Sugarbeet Wireworm (Limonius californicus) Tobacco Wi rewarm (Conoderus yespertinus) Western Field Wireworm (Limonius infuscatus) Wheat Wireworm (Agriotes mancus) Cten ice r a 1 0 bat a ---- ~()J) ius ~ lid u s IlYfUNATl I~.r; ~ . I tis a v i 0 Td t i () n u f f (' d l' r d 1 1 ,1 '.-I t () ~J S i: t h 1 5 pro due tin a "I ann e r inconsistent \,itil its ldbelillcl. NOTE : Preplant broadcast applications should be mixed (incorpo­ rated) into the soi 1 to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. COLE CROPS (BRUCCOLI, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, CAdBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER): For control of cabbage maggot prior to and at time of seeding or transplanting, apply 27 pounds DYFO:jATE 15.G per acre, broad­ cast and incorporate into the soil by discing. Not recommended in the Northwestern U.S. CORN (Field, Sweet and Popcorn): NOTE: May be used in corn grown for grain or silage. A. Band application for control of northern, southern, and western corn rootworms, black cutworm, lesser cornstalk borer, seed corn beetle and seed corn ~aggot and for suppressi on of wi rewornls (reco-:m;>nded for seed corn beetle in the central and Inidwes~ern corn growing areas only) : Apply thp I"ates recomnended in the following table in a 6 to 8 inch band over corn rows 33 to 40 inches apart.
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