Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences Centre for Neuroscience University of Amsterdam Mail address: P.O.Box 94084, 1090 GB Amsterdam Visiting address: Science Park 904 1098 XH Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone (+31) 20-525 7638 (secretariat) +31 20-525 7631 (P.J. Lucassen) / - 7722 (lab) Fax: 525 7934 email: [email protected] http://www.science.uva.nl/sils/sfpns To the ECNP secretariat. Re: ECNP Media Award 2013 Amsterdam, January 12th 2013 Dear Madam, Sir, Herewith, we would like to nominate Professor Dick F. Swaab from the Netherlands Institute for Neurosciences in Amsterdam for the ECNP Media Award 2013. Prof. Swaab has been the director of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience for several years and founder of the Netherlands Brain Bank. During this period, he has been working on the hypothalamus and published over 500 papers on a wide range of aspect of the brain and brain disorders including development, sexual differentiation, circadian rhythms and brain disorders like depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Prader-Willi, Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, e.g.. Over the years, Prof. Swaab has been in frequent contact with the media talking and explaining his research to the general public. In numerous interviews, debates, weekly columns and newspaper articles (a selection is attached), many in major national Dutch newspapers like the Telegraaf, Volkskrant or NRC, Swaab has been informing and educating a large layman audience on the personal and social impact of disorders of the brain and of the latest developments in brain research in general. A few years ago, Swaab published his book "Wij zijn ons brein" ("We are our brain") that contained columns, short summaries and personal perspectives on many aspect and disorders of the brain; from early brain development in the womb up to aging and dementia. His book became very popular and turned into a major bestseller that has by now sold over 400.000 copies and was nominated for the 'NS publieksprijs' (prize of the general audience). Soon after this, his book was translated in German and Italian, and an English one is on its way. It was also published in China, where Swaab holds a chair at a prestigious Chinese university. His book subsequently triggered the publication of numerous other books on the brain and brain disorders by other authors. Swaab is further working on a junior version of his book intended for children, entitled "You are you brain", that will appear this summer. With his many contributions, and following the success of his book, Swaab has frequently stimulated national debate, a.o. by his appearances in many Dutch television and radio programs, in which he discussed topics like brain disorders, free will, early life consequences, placebo effects, religion, (homo)sexuality, dementia and end-of-life issues. Swaab e.g. appeared in the popular Dutch news show "Pauw en Witteman" and was quest in the 3 h long television program called "Zomergasten" (Summer guests) in which he explained several aspects of how our brain, and its disorders, can influence our daily lives, as well as society. Swaab has further initiated an "uitburgeringscursus" ('exit-course'), which relates to issues of euthanasia. His work has led to changes in European legislation and Swaab was further portrayed in biopics in well-known Dutch TV programs "Profiel" and "De kist" (The Coffin) and on numerous YouTube recordings of his public appearances, some of which are listed below. Few neuroscientists are so clear and gifted when it comes to explaining our most complex organ to colleagues, students and lay audiences. Swaab has stimulated many discussions and thoughts on brain disorders, which has made a major contribution to increasing the understanding of the complexity and impact of brain disorders. As such, he has challenged numerous stereotypes and destigmatised brain disorders by increasing national and international awareness of how our brain impacts our behavior and society. Given his prominent visibility in several media over the past years, the large audience he reached and the influence achieved with all the publicity surrounding the publication of his book in Holland, Europe and China, Dick Swaab is in our view an outstanding candidate for the ECNP media award. Kind regards, Paul J. Lucassen, PhD Eric Fliers, MD PhD Professor of Brain Plasticity Professor of Endocrinology University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam Eus van Someren, PhD Erik J.A. Scherder, MD PhD Professor of Sleep&Cognition Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology Free University, Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam We have send a copy of the German translation of "We are our brain" already to the ECNP secretariat last year, that should still be in their possession. I will send new translations as they become available, and attach several links to relevant websites in this respect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6EDXRDdxMc http://www.eo.nl/programma/dekist/2009- 2010/page/Dick_Swaab___De_zin_van_het_leven_is_dat_je_er_z_lf__iets_zinvols_mee _moet_doen_/episode.esp?episode=12836312 Dick Swaab in Haarlem 24 maart 2009 - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udOqYOL0ql4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSf7Y2QQyks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH4kSWoydkg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nrLBqrz2iU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWfoFwDrJ6I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUmkN1-LZx0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqqvtzI3zfQ http://www.uitburgeren.nu/ http://www.uitburgeren.nu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=387%3Adi ck-swaab-introduceert-uitburgeringscursus&catid=47%3Ahersenen-en- dood&Itemid=57&forcecatid=47 http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/afleveringen/1109482 http://www.uitburgeren.nu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=451&Itemi d=27 http://www.nu.nl/boek/2586432/dick-swaab-kop-bestsellerlijst.html http://pauwenwitteman.vara.nl/Fragment- detail.1548.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=18243&cHash=83cb14eaf4eb7837c77 bd7b8aa083c55 http://programma.vpro.nl/zomergasten/archief/2011/Dick-Swaab.html http://www.helanwenxue.org/speakers/en/dick-swaab.php http://book.sohu.com/20110902/n318175273.shtml .
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