9 V." Dlanrlrratn lEvm ing lirraUt TOTSDAT,. AU GU ST 20, 1988L y ATBBAO B B AH .T CSBOIJUkTlOM ter tlM Moitli of July, IMO t h e w e a t h e r Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Demko, of flames. Before the cloth could be Pero were undecided today - about Forecast o l 0. S. Westber Bmuoii. Summer street, have as their guests pulled down approximately four and running again for the office, al­ Bartfor4i for the week their nieces. Misses HLLED TOBACCO a half acres of cloth and tobacco had BOWERS, WELIAMS, though It was expected that Mr. Rose and Margaret Berg, and their been destroyed. Tireless work by Pero would be a candidate. 5 , 4 6 8 Member o< tfco Audit Showers this sftemoon sod to- Mr». Charles Ogren of Cooper Hill nephews, John, Edwin and Albert the firemen prevented other build­ Bowers has served on the board olghC Thursdsy partly cloudy; not Street la spending ten days at Berg from Northampton, Pa. SHED IS BURNED ings on the plantation from falling JENSEN CANDMTES four years, two of which he was Bureau of Orenlations iiattrijw tfr lEuf ntng lipralJi much change in temperature. lu te 's Island, as the guest of Mrs. prey to the flames. secretary. Williams, with Bowers, Harry Linden. Mystic Review, Woman’s Benefit In addition to the tobacco stored was first put into ofifice wrltb the or­ association, will meet tonight at S in the shed, there were also 250,000 ganized backing of the then newly YOL. L IV , NO. 275. (Classilled Advertlalng on Page U .) yiMi Alice Benson of Cooper Hill o’clock In Odd Fellows hall. This High Grade Shade Grown laths, of which 160,000 were saved. Will Again Ron for Selectmen orgimized Taxpayers Association. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1935. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS street has returned from New York, will be the only meeting this month Insurance waa carried on the shed Jensen was first elected selectman where she spent two weeks visiting and a good attendance i.s hoped for. and the laths but not on the to­ last year but had previously served relatives and friends. Variety Lost in Blaze at bacco. Mr. Hackett estimated bis They Announce; Others on the Board of Assessors. Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters loss on the shed would be 54,600; on New Englanders Arrive For Mimic Warfare of St. George, will hold their regu­ the stored tobacco, 53,000 and on With the withdrawal of Cook it lar meeting on Wednesday evening Hackett Plantation. the laths, 51.000. .’The tobacco and Are Undecided. waa expected that Mr. Bowers will $100,000 TO OPPOSE at 8 o’clock In Odd Fellows hall. the cloth In the field that were de­ be the leading candidate for the A Noise Which Was Heard Walter N.LecIerc stroyed added another 53,500 to the position of chairman of the board. AUSTRIA BACKS ITALY Miss Elinor Young of Garden Fire starting at 4:30 o’clock yes­ loss. Sherwood G. Bowers, Frank V. Although no other persons have Funeral Director street and her cousin, Miss Marlon terday afternoon In a tobacco shed The water pressure waa good all signified their Intentions of seeking Distinctly Over Eight M es Williams and John Jensen will be the office of selectman, It was be­ HOLDING CO. BILL Mclnke of Maple street, are spending owned by John Hackett on North during the time that the hose lines candidates ifor reelectlon to the tS8 No. Main St. Msnebestet the week with Miss Melnke’s Main street north of the New Haven were used. No. 3’s pump was In lieved today that there will be a “ Ordinarily an oil well comes in with a terrific roar. The mother, Mrs. Maurice Jobert of railroad tracks, gutted the M by 140 charge of Jamea H. Schaub, the Board of Selectmen, they announc­ large field of candidates In the race. De Llanos gusher in Mexico was heard for over eight Newport, R. I., formerly of Man­ feet structure and destroyed seven driver. Chief Foy directed the ed today. ’Their proposals for the With potential candidates for ON ETHIOPIAN STAND •"••es.” says P. Troleum. Cities Service Official Tells chester. They were accompanied by acres of high grade tobacco at an fight on the south side of the shed office, especially that of tax collec­ another little cousin, Beverly Rus­ nomination arc being prepared by Car Owners Roar, too, and not S6 tame either when they see re­ SIX DEFINITEY estimated loss of J12.000. while Chief Coleman took charge of tor, which la expected to develop a NOTICE! Mr. Jensen and will be filed by him pair bills. sell of 51 Spruce, street. Charcoal Pits Burning the work on the north side. When free-for-all fight, bolding off to see Lobby Probers Large Le­ Official GoTernment News* Why not hav«i your hair cut The tobacco, which was stored In the pump finally was shut down, aft­ this week. who else will run, political activity Cars Also Roar (knock, knock) their disapproval when poor fuel at a' cheerful shop — with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Goalee of the shed last Saturday, was of the er four hours of operation, there waa Chairman Aaron Cook, complet­ has been slow in warming up this and lubricants are used. Frequent changes of Veedol Oil, Tydol IN THE RACE FOR gal Fees Were Also Spent Caves in Ethiopia plenty of parking space. Huntington street, have returned shade grown variety and, according no hope of saving any of the to­ ing his fourth year on the board will year. Gas and thorough greasing here are preventatlvea of repairs and paper Praises Actions of L.\RR.4BER:’S from a two weeks vacation spent to Mr. Hackett, was of an unusually bacco. The charred framework of not seek reelectlon this year. The All candidates must be filed with needless expense. May we help you ? Come in today. among the lake.s and mountains of fine grade. Charcoal pits had been B.VRBER SHOP the shed that waa left standing will other three members, David Cham­ the town clerk on or before next Against the Measure. TAX CmECTOR New Hamp.shlre and Vermont; also dug and the doors of the shed closed have to be torn down. Hold Stores of Gold II Duce; Britain Calls Cabi­ bers, James H. Johnston and Joseph Monday. 15 Pitkin Street the Bcrkshlres of Connecticut. In readiness for the "firing" pro­ U. S. Tires — Prest-O-Lite Bat­ cess. Workmen had closed the west door and were about to leave their Washington. Aug. 21.— (A P )— With five Days Left for Fil­ Addis Ababa, Aug. 21.— (A P )— ,! for hostilities with Italy, with the net for Emergency Ses­ Jobs for the day when the fire was teries — Electric Refrigerators C> Expenses of Cities Service Com­ Reliable sources said today that i soldiers substituting tenifying war discovered and reported to Mr. pany in opposing the Wheeler-Ray- Emperor Haile Selassie has a large i cries in place of bullets, ing of Proposals Political ■ __ A . vis __ _ sA sion Tomorrow and Keeps Hackett. bum bill were listed at 5100,000 be­ secret fun- of gold and silver to The Emperor himself, arrayed in pour out in fighting Italy in the PINEHURST - DIAL 4151 Chief Edward Coleman and men Only Two More Wednesdays And The fore the Sehate lobby committee to­ a smart military uniform and a from the Manchester fire depart­ Pot Starts to Boil; Two event of hostilities. lion’s mane head-dress, directed the U. S. m Close Touch \Htith PINEHURST CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY. day, and large additional ltem.s The money, amounting to several ment responded to a telephone call were quickly disclosed. mock clash, which made up in vocal sent In by Mr. Hackett. The hose million dollars, had been left by the ferocity for its lack of gunshots—a A Fresh Shipment of PftnTLY W. B. S. Winans, comptroller ot OIL cn Incumbents Withdraw. late Emperor Menelik in his loat Situation; Premier La?al Summer Half Holidays Will Be Over necessity imposed by a cartridge Freshlv Ground and chemical apparatus proved Inef­ I I GASOLine.nOTOR A fU C L OILS I I the company, gave the total. Under fective. so Chief Albert Foy of the _____________lHNeS7 T BANTLy . OWNEH, I I testament for the defense of coun­ famine. LAMB PATTIES MIXED COOKIES questioning, he agreed this did no! try,. and is deposited in secret caves South Manchester department was That likewise marks the conclusion of our 9 to 12 specials O n 5 &193 Include large legal fees to John W General Vchlb Pasha, who com­ of France Holds Se<nret notified. He dispatched No. 3's I I S (ENTER XT.’PHONE MANCHESTER COMM. Davis and others. FoIIowing'a period of unusual dor­ known only to the Emperor. manded the fourth Turkish army in 4 for 29c 15c lb. The fund includes 10,000,000 gold pump to the scene of the fire and, I The committee called him to the Caucasus during the World Crisp, Plain Cookies. Wednesday mornings. While we’re on the subj'ect let us express mancy, the municipal political situa­ Troops of the 26th Division, New England, are pictured as they arrived under full equipment at Philadelphia lire which Italy paid Ethiopia as in­ upon Its arrival, the hose line w as! warn that flies of the holding com­ War, left for Harrar to lead the Talks With Mussolini.
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